#i have a hard time expressing/writing my emotions in a foreign language so that'll help me get better at it (i hope so)
lenteur · 1 year
random thoughts about run on, episode one
(please do note that this post contains spoilers so read at your own risk)
the first thing i noticed was the cinematography. it’s so good and pretty. the quality of the images, the parallels and the colours make me want to continue watching the drama even more
i liked how run on started with a parallel between the two main characters. i know it’s nothing new but it’s a detail i enjoy seeing in dramas (when the plot can allow it that is)
when yook ji woo starts talking about her next movie and it shows the four main characters (seon gyeom, mi joo, dan ah & yonghwa), i thought it was a cool moment. kind of like how a fairytale starts
another thing i noticed is how this drama tackles very sensitive subjects (like bullying and sexism) but can still add in funny moments in between
something i really enjoyed is how the viewer can understand things without the drama having to spell it out
a great example of the previous point i made is the viewer is in seon gyeom’s shoes when he understood that park gyu beok & kim ki beom bullied and physically harassed kim woo sik. it’s like they want to let the viewer figure things out first and then talk about it
but the thing i liked the most is the main female character. my dear mi joo is such a strong and ambitious woman. she doesn't let her professor talk back to her. she's not afraid of him. she takes opportunities where she can and that's very admirable. when i learnt that she was a translator, i was pleasantly surprised because that was my first job/passion. so, when watching her talk about her job, i related to her a lot. can’t wait to see how being a translator will be shown on screen in the future episodes.
all in all, i can't wait to watch the next episodes. this drama is off to a good start!
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