#i have a lot of dreams and it's unrealistic to achieve many of them but i really do want to. i'll try my best. for myself.
astrologydayz · 11 months
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SUN CONJUNCT/TRINE MOON = Sun being Moon's gatekeeper🗡🦁. Moon feels safe&secure with Sun, because Sun can take one look at Moon persons face &know exactly what they feel at any given moment. Like embarrassment, anger, sadness, happiness etc. People could also question why they don't date - if they're into whatever gender the other one is, ofc. And if you're not family ofc. This is a soulmate aspect!! So they can definitely see each other as platonic soulmates. &they're usually also best friends/or VERY close at least. People they date, can get VERY jealous of their relationship, &VERY insecure about the closeness they share, without it even being anything romantic!! Moon always feels like they can share ANYTHING they want2 with Sun!! They won't "hide" from Sun, ever. They’ll go through fire 4Sun🥺. Sun will guide Moon! & Sun will ALWAYS lead here, not saying they won't let Moon decide anything, But Sun will always be the one 2 take the "final decision". &Moon doesn't have a problem with that - at least not the trine. The conjunction can sometimes go both ways😘. Look at sign/s/house/s 2 c how & where Sun guides Moon🌙/where - how Moon always shows up 4 Sun☀️.
SUN SQUARE/QUINCUNX MOON = Moon doesn't always feel comfortable sharing what they feel, cuz if they do, Sun can react in a way they don't like, so they would rather keep it in at times. Sun can be too dominating, too decided on "leading"/deciding things. Moon will end up with all these feelings of frustrations, bc they keep it in. So at some point = they'll end up starting fights, getting so frustrated that they just CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANYMORE. Sun can be too focused on their own needs/wants, that they can tend 2 not take Moon's feelings into consideration. Sun can think of Moon as 2 emotional, 2 sensitive, that they should grow up. Sun can also be "2much in Moons business", 2probing. They can still be close tho, but there will always be some of the issues, I mentioned above. I call friendships with this aspect FRENEMIES!! Moon can't be 100% open emotionally, & Sun can't be 100% who their ego wants them 2 be. Look at signs/houses 2 c where Sun can get ego trips & why/where Moon feels unheard/misunderstood.
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MERCURY CONJUNCT/TRINE NEPTUNE = this aspect can show a telepathic connection between 2 people/"where u meet each other on another plane"/or in dreams. U can listen 2 a lot of music together/make music together/watch a lot movies/be creative af/create art together! Mercury can inspire Neptune 2 go for their dreams, instead of just dreaming of them💫. Mercury is like Neptune's hype man! Neptune knows what the Mercury person thinks about, a lot of the time. They can have MANY conversations about things our mind ain't sure about. Like life after death/if there's a god/karma/aliens etc. Neptune will have the Mercury person thinking about why they're here, 4sure. Spirituality can also be a big thing! Look at house/s/signs 2 c how/why Mercury will inspire Neptune2create, & where/how Neptune will make Mercury rethink their life. The conjunction can go both ways💜.
MERCURY SQUARE/QUINCUNX NEPTUNE = IF u create art together, or something like that = 100% different visions about whatever u create/arguments about it. Mercury can lie 2 Neptune person a lot, even about dumb shit. Like about what they had for dinner😵‍💫 . Neptune can't really communicate with Mercury person about their dreams/hopes. Mercury can't understand/c Neptune's "vision". Mercury can criticize Neptune. Like Mercury telling Neptune person that their dreams are unrealistic/or Neptune ain't good enough 4 what they want 2 achieve. Mercury can feel small/ambitionless, bc Neptune dreams are so big/dreamlike. What Neptune wants2 achieve is something Mercury could feel jealous of. Neptune can have rose coloured glasses on a lot. Like a person with 100% full vision, walking with their own eyes closed. But they do know if Mercury is lying tho, or they just have a feeling about it. They just choose "2 skip it". Look at houses & signs 2c where/how Mercury is deceiving/tearing down Neptune, & how/where Neptune can make Mercury person feel anxious.
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VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE SATURN = Venus can depend on Saturn person financially, or on Saturn creating stability for Venus! like Venus living at Saturns house/at Saturns property, or Saturn always being the one “who picks up” Venus/is the one who’s there 4 them etc. Venus always know that they can depend on Saturn. Venus can feel very loved, &cared for by Saturn. Saturn brings a "fatherly" kind of love. They can also be the one who picks Venus up after parties/when Venus goes out & needs 2be picked up. They can be in each others life for a very long time. Venus can feel like there's a lot 2 live up 2/Venus can be afraid of disappointing Saturn. Saturn just wants Venus 2 do the best they can! But the way they go about it can be a little hard sometimes🤔. Venus quickly sees that it'll end up helping them in the end tho! Saturn will always be there to 2 remind Venus that there's another day&another try, if they don't succeed the 1st time. Karma from a past life/or created in this one! Look at house/s & sign/s 2c where your karma is/where Saturn "saves" Venus & where Venus loves&support Saturn, always.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX SATURN = Venus can get treated like a little kid by the Saturn person. Saturn telling them what they should, or shouldn't do/what they should like, or shouldn't like. Saturn mocking/putting Venus down because of their own insecurities. Saturn can be jealous of Venus, &can try 2 one up them a lot. Saturn feels like Venus ain't dependable, so they're not either. Saturn here teaches Venus how to love themself, &find out what they need/don't need in friendships/family relationships, whatever platonic connection it is. Saturn can't be there 4 Venus, as Venus needs them2. Venus can have internal conflicts with themself about letting Saturn go/Cutting them off. Bad Karma between them from a past life, that they need 2 get done with in this life. Or bad karma being created in this one. One of them owes something to the other one/or will owe something 2 the other. look at houses&signs 2 c where/how karma is being created/where it's getting dealt, &done with. Where/how Saturn treats Venus person like an imbecile, &where/how Venus makes the Saturn person insecure.
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MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE MOON = Mars can help Moon with standing up for themselves/teaching them how to fight back/or teaching them how to defend themselves. Mars can be hardcore protective sometimes, bc they feel a need 2 help Moon in any kind of "danger" situation. Moon can feel like Mars is a bit 2 much sometimes, but won't have a problem with it, cuz they're kinda used2 it, &can find it comforting. Moon can help calm Mars down, when mars need someone to vent 2. They can have fights sometimes, & not talk for a little while but they almost always come back together, and agrees to disagree. Mars can think Moon is 2 sweet for their own good, and think they're a little bit naive sometimes. Look at house/s & sign/s 2 c how & where Mars helps/protects Moon, & where&how Moon can guide Mars when it comes 2 their temper/aggressions. The conjunction can go both ways, so also read what I've written down under here.
MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX MOON = Mars can gaslight Moon a whole fucking lot. Making moon feel cornered, unsure, & uncomfortable. Mars is too aggressive for Moon's liking. Moon can even be kind of scared, not ever knowing what Mars persons next actions will be. Mars can think that Moon needs too much attention/2demanding of Mars, or that they're way 2 emotional/sensitive - a crybaby in their eyes. Moon can become quiet a whole lot, when Mars starts2 become mean/aggressive. They want to yell, &scream but won't. Moon will hold all of it in for a long time. They'll start2 feel some kind of resentment towards Mars at some point, And when they're feeling enough resentment = they'll end up erupting on Mars, &even Mars will be surprised by this. Look at houses & signs 2 c where/how Mars gaslights/is 2 aggressive towards Moon, & how/where Moon is 2 emotional/2needy for Mars.
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POF CONJUNCT/TRINE NORTH NODE = North Node person is the one receiving/benefitting from the POF person. Let it be material, or spiritual success/growth. Even higher knowledge. North Node person NEEDS this from POF person! They need it 2 grow and evolve in this life/them getting a step closer towards what they need 2 do here. And it's something that's constant with North Node, like North Node person will always be the one benefitting from POF person, unless they have a double whammy ofc.
BML conjunct DSC = can show that the Lilith person, will ruin house persons relationships with other people. Lilith can also decide, or at least try 2 decide who the DSC person is "supposed" 2 talk 2🐈🐈.
⚡️ Uranus conjunct DSC = causes the DSC person 2 find the Uranus person "unreliable", "not understanding of their needs", "Uranus being eccentric, and not always available 4 house person"❄️. Uranus could come & go a lot. U could like that energy, if u have Uranus aspecting your DSC in your natal chart.
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I appreciate u❤️
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jymwahuwu · 20 days
Today I'm thinking about reader inserts and the history of personal growth, love, desire… (Thinking in the prison of capitalism. When I'm bored, I think about a lot of things, and mutter a little long. Skip it if don't like it)
When I was a kid, I wrote Mary Sue fics and got laughed at. I learned to store those fantasies away and view them as shameful. The past history is not always visible. Then as I grew older, I started watching anime and manga, and followed the trend of watching BL. At that time, I got some loving experiences from Shipping. I cheer for other people's love and feel fulfilled. But vaguely, I thought of myself. What am I feeling? Do I want to be loved? My experience will be through other partners.
So, I searched for self-insert content on the Internet, and there was almost nothing. And I don’t know the term x reader. Occasionally speaking, people would be ashamed of it and laugh at people for wanting to see yourself in fandom, that it was a kind of Mary Sue. An unrealistic fantasy. I started to feel bored and irritable. Why is love about Shipping real, but Reader must be in a position of shame? That's also me, I need to be loved and seen. The illusion of equality, unfair treatment.
Then I started writing, quietly, without any platform to publish on. I wrote it in my docs and felt more satisfied than ever. I have no other readers, so I don’t need to modify my words, I just need to satisfy myself and make myself happy.
Haha, until I discovered tumblr >_< I realized there are so many people loving x reader content here.
(Speaking of which, is this why I love non-con content? Society is used to shaming people for their desires.)
To this day, people still complain that Y/N (reader inserted)’s personality is not like theirs, that they would never do that, and so on. I'm not denying the immersion issues, but what does complaining about "Y/N" sound like? Shame on a virtual "you". Even in dreams, people still cannot imagine that they could do anything else, that they could achieve more, that they could have any profession, that they could have moral imperfections, that they could have desires. What kind of "I" is reflected in fics?
Be more tolerant of yourself, love yourself, be proud of your desires, and be comfortable with them.
Born to love yourself.
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
No, but can we talk about how, despite allegedly being a "feminist" movie, Barbie 2023 actually mocks the idea of a female fantasy and Barbie being an inspirational role model for young girls?
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It's so upsetting that not enough people bring this up, even the other haters of Barbie, but it needs to be addressed. Barbie was meant to provide an empowering fantasy for young girls. A lot of people have differing opinions on whether Barbie is feminist or not and what she represents. But at the end of the day, Barbie was designed to give girls a role model to see themselves in, to show them that they could pursue any career, that they can be the heroines of their own story, and reach their fullest potential. She was meant to tell girls that anything is possible. And the movie not only shits all over that, it makes that feminist message out to be something unrealistic and bad, and even worse, portrays it as something that oppresses men and makes THEM victims, because everything needs to be about men. And it's fucking disgusting. Allow me to explain how.
(spoilers for the Barbie movie below...I mean, if you even care, lol.)
We start out at the beginning of the movie with an introduction to the magical world of Barbieland that our well-known and universally familiar dolls live in. Barbieland is a feminist utopia, one that many women would be eager to live in. Women have all the power, are well-respected, can and do pursue any career, and support and uplift each other rather than tear each other down over their differences(aside from Weird Barbie, who they do apologize to in the end). They are happy and free in their female-empowering land, they don't fear the leers and catcalls from men as they walk down the streets, they dance together happily late at night, and they are confident in their bodies. There is diversity in the Barbieland. There is a plus-sized Barbie, a transfem Barbie, a wheelchair Barbie, and plenty of Barbies of color. The President of Barbieland is a Black woman. And none of these differences hold the Barbies back from being able to have power and they are not treated any differently from the other Barbies.
Femininity isn't seen as a weakness. Neither is expressing emotion, and in fact the fat Barbie even has a miniature speech about how she can balance her emotion with her logic and this makes her a smarter person, which the other Barbies support. It's a world where women are empowered and have unlimited potential to achieve their dreams and live freely without fear of their oppressors. Stereotypical Barbie isn't even afraid to reject Beach Ken's advances, she doesn't fear being stalked, raped, or killed by him for saying no. She just turns him down, and not only that, but she turns him down in favor of having girls' night, showing that in this world, girls support each other and value their female friendships over heterosexual relationships with guys(I'll touch on this point again later). I don't know about you, but that sure as hell does sound like a world that I dream of living in. Minus the fact that all the food and drinks are fake.
But the story doesn't frame this matriarchy as empowering, like they should. It portrays it instead as something ridiculous and far-fetched, something that the audience is meant to laugh at rather than support, which becomes more blatant as the movie progresses.
And then we get to the "real" world. Where men instead rule over women in a patriarchy, and we see Barbie experience misogyny for the first time. And this was the moment I started fully hating the movie, and realized it for the sloppy, anti-feminist mess that it is. The first part of the movie set in Barbieland was campy and fun and happy and feel-good, providing the exact type of feel that Barbie brings. But the moment she steps into the real world, everything becomes sad and hopeless and cynical.
And I get that the patriarchy does exist and women are oppressed by it every day, but the way the movie executed this was really overexaggerated and cringeworthy. They made it seem as if women are constantly and completely powerless in every aspect of life, like seriously they didn't even show ANY women in positions of power and the only women we did see with jobs besides a female doctor, were Gloria who works an office job at Mattel and Ruth who is already dead and is for all extents and purposes relegated to the fucking kitchen. They made the world out to be a complete and total dystopia where women aren't capable of achieving anything and the only two women of importance who are from the real world are Sasha and her mother Gloria, the former is portrayed as bitter, cynical, and constantly angry, the latter is portrayed as stressed-out, depressed, and somewhat suicidal with her thoughts about death. Is this all that the Barbie movie thinks that women can achieve in our world? Being miserable and frustrated with no hope of achieving our dreams and desires? With no power or satisfaction in our day to day lives? Is this all that this shithole movie thinks that women can amount to?
And the worst part is how Barbie is derided and mocked for thinking that she has provided a female role model for women and girls. The start of the movie mocks Barbie for thinking that it solved all women's problems and completely advanced women's rights/feminism, even though Barbie/Mattel has never claimed that. Yes, she was meant to be a role model. But she was never portrayed as the be-all, end-all of feminism. Even people who look up to Barbie and were encouraged by her aren't naive enough to think that a twelve-inch tall plastic doll is enough to smash the patriarchy. The movie makes this up solely so they can tear down Barbie for something that it never claimed to do in the first place. When our main Barbie leaves to go to the real world, the other Barbies encourage her(as Barbies tend to do) by saying that they bet all the women in the real world will thank her for giving them rights. Which is obviously meant to be an overexaggerated and satirical jab at Barbie once again, for thinking that it has created feminism or whatever, and that sexism is over solely thanks to the Barbie franchise. Cute. Too bad no version of the Barbie brand has ever claimed that in the first place. Again, it's a ridiculous and false claim that only exists to further unnecessarily jab at Barbie and propel this backwards-thinking message.
And then when she gets to the human world she is mocked even more. Sasha and her friends laugh at her when she claims to be Barbie and asks them to thank you for inspiring them, and then when she says she loves and wants to help women, Sasha aggressively informs her that EVERYONE hates women. This movie actually has a pretty nihilistic view of womanhood, when you think about it. The Barbie world is portrayed as an empowering world where women can achieve anything that they set their minds to, and aren't held back by sexism, causing them to have full power, reflecting the female fantasy that Barbie was always supposed to represent. But that's just a fantasy land, and is portrayed as cheesy and superficial. When Barbie gets to the real world, she is confronted with the supposed "reality" of being a woman, and comes to realize that it's not actually about empowerment and being smart and capable after all, but about suffering and never having your voice respected, and never having any power and freedom but instead losing your idealism and optimism as you age, causing her to break down in tears upon realizing how stressful it is to be a woman and that she never actually empowered them like she hoped. Seriously, whose idea was it to make Barbie constantly crying and miserable and incapable of doing anything on her own? Is this the Barbie I know? No, it's a pathetic, nonsensical knockoff. I'm telling you, they were TRYING to tear Barbie down.
This is especially true when Gloria gives her entire speech to Barbie about how contradictory and painful being a woman is, ending it with "not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault!" Come on! What is this? It's such a painful and harsh message to try to send through BARBIE of all things, that the essence of being a woman is just pain, pain, pain and guess what else? More pain! How being a woman sucks because all you do is get hated by everyone and treated as an object worthy of scorn and ridicule. It's just so unnecessarily cruel, how they violently ripped away any feminist empowerment Barbie was meant to possess in favor of forcing her into a depressive world where women have no rights or value, and had the nerve to portray this as "realistic", because obviously more negative automatically means more realistic, right?
Rather than provide a middle ground where women face hardships and adversity but are still capable of rising above their struggles and finding the strength within them to make their voices heard and get what they want in society, they opt instead for a stupid false dichotomy: the world is either a stupid frivolous Amazon utopia wrapped in pink and glitter with girl power up the wazoo or a bleak, heartless, and grey dystopia where nothing good ever happens to a woman and only men can do anything important. And it portrays the second one as clearly more realistic and the "better" option. Which, in doing so, sends the message that a world where women rule and are respected and have power and are encouraged to have ambition and pursue any goal they want in life...is unrealistic and impossible, if not outright deserving of scorn. It's so miserable and aggravating. When Barbie said "the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy" I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. THAT'S how badly the movie annoyed me with its nihilistic and negative preaching. I watched the movie in two days and when I stopped watching it on the first day I felt such a frustrated, hollow feeling in my stomach. I felt so unsatisfied. Like, is this it? Is this all I can dream of having as a woman? All that praise this shitty capitalist crapfest received for being so feminist and eye-opening, ultimately led up to this? For real? So disappointing.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is when the movie introduces the KENdom, aka, when Ken brings about the patriarchy...and if the movie hadn't already been hot stinkin' ASS, this is when it would've REALLY started to drag, and where it REALLY reinforces the idea that women can never have any actual power and authority and must instead constantly suffer under the patriarchal status quo.
Ken comes back to Barbieland and introduces the other Kens and Barbies to the patriarchy and horses(ig no one told him that horses are a matriarchal animal, but whatevs), and within hours, revamps the world into a patriarchal hell, just like the real world(except it's portrayed as very childish and simplistic because the witers don't actually take the patriarchy seriously and think it's just "boys think girls have cooties".). And the other dolls instantly buy into it? First of all, am I really expected to believe that the Barbies, who have been established as champions of strength, power and dominance, and who have always ruled the Barbie world, would instantly and easily give in to Ken's brainwashing and allow all of their power to be ripped out of their hands, becoming the happy devoted sexy slaves of the Kens? You think they would casually be like "I for one, welcome our new male overlords!" and let the Kens have all the power? Am I really supposed to accept that shit? And am I also supposed to accept that the other Kens in Kenland, including the Asian one who competes with the white Ken over Barbie, would easily leap at the chance to oppress their female counterparts, rather than laugh at Ken for being silly and tell him to sit his ass down somewhere? Really? Don't piss me off.
The only way you could accept this series of unfortunate events as plausible is if you accept the fact that we're supposed to laugh at Barbieland for being a girl power feminist matriarchy in the first place. If we're meant to laugh at the women for being in power and at this imagined society for being so gynocentric and girl-positive, then of COURSE we're meant to laugh at them for getting their power ripped away that easily, as women could never hold power for so long realistically! Eventually the men would realize their true potential and make society work in favor of them! It's natural and inevitable! The Barbie movie said so!!! And so we watch as the intended "humorous" scenes go on and on, of the men happily running around, flaunting their muscles, and chugging down beers like it's going out of style, while the women happily submit to this newfound male authority, massaging men's feet and serving them drinks. Because obviously a matriarchy could never last long, women are so weak and fragile that any sense of power that they think they possess could easily be ripped away from them within a moment's notice. Peak feminism, everybody.
But it's cool, because eventually the Barbies prove me wrong. They DO get their power back, and establish their rights again. But how do they do it? Do they stage a coup and violently and angrily fight the Kens? Do they march for their rights, as real life feminists have done? Do they balance logic and emotion, as fat Barbie praised herself for doing in the beginning of the movie, and reason with the Kens that oppressing the Barbies is not the right thing to do? No, no, they...put on sexy skimpy outfits and pretend to be dumb bimbos so as to lull the Kens into a false sense of security and think that THEY are in control. And later on they let the Kens sing to them a song about how they want to control women, before turning them against each other by pretending to be in love with different Kens than the ones they were originally listening to. Are you kidding me? This is supposed to be a feminist revolution! But instead of actually using their genuine power to put the men back in their place, they instead use their feminine wiles and dumb themselves down so that the men can feel strong. It is literally leaning into the sexist trope that the only weapon women have, especially against men, is their sexuality, and that this is the only way that women can get their way. Despite this going against EVERYTHING that Barbie stands for! She is supposed to be a strong, smart, and capable woman who can do it all and look glamorous while doing it! She is NOT supposed to be a fucking femme fatale, vamp, or sex object!
So not only do they have their matriarchy easily ripped away from them, but they also are forced to abandon their actual female empowerment and instead conform to the patriarchal status quo to get ahead. By using their bodies, stroking men's egos, and allowing men to mansplain to them. Because the only weapons women are capable of using are the ones men gave us. Because women are just bodies. And this is portrayed as a GOOD thing. Seriously, two of the Barbies even high five each other as they trade Kens at the fireplace, as if to say, "go girl, you are doing it!" Like, seriously, are we supposed to see this as a girlboss moment? Because I sure don't. It's giving "weaponized femininity". It's giving "eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man". It's giving "men are visual creatures." It's giving "kill me with a chainsaw right fucking now because I'm done with this shit." Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on how the Kens have a violent manly war, while the women only get to flutter their eyelashes and use their sex appeal. Because men are strong, women are pretty. Of course.
And then the worst part in the entire movie, the part that really infuriated me and let me know that this movie was the antithesis of feminism, arrives...the Barbies get their matriarchy back and are in power again, and everybody cheers and is happy, except for Beach Ken, who runs away to go sulk. And then...Barbie...fucking apologizes to him. She apologizes to him for casting him aside and making him feel unwanted and unvalued, and even says outright, "not every night has to be a girl's night." Why the fuck, movie? Do you remember earlier in this post when I mentioned how Barbie blows off Ken to hang out with her female friends, because it's girls' night, and female friends matter more than a guy? Sisters before misters, and all that jazz? Well, fuck that. Near the end of the movie, Barbie ends up apologizing to Ken for having a girl's night all the time, as if she was a bad person for not seeing how much she owed him and not hanging out with him all the time when she simply didn't want to. Here we have a woman apologizing for putting her girl friends over a man. The man doesn't apologize for making women his and his brethren's personal slaves. The woman apologizes for making him feel the need to go there by not catering to him, by being too focused on herself to the point where she ignores him, by being so empowered and strong that she makes him feel overshadowed, dare I say, emasculated, and thus need to reassert his fragile, threatened masculinity.
Because this isn't a feminist movie, not really. This is an MRA movie. This is a movie that, rather than focus specifically on the women and their problems, brushes their problems under the rug so as to remind the audience that "men matter too" "men have issues too" "men also suffer under the patriarchy!" And other such claptrap. I don't understand why the fuck cishet Reddit incels/conservatives/right-wingers/other such reactionary groups hate this movie and think that it's anti-men when actually it is pro-men and aligns fucking PERFECTLY with their bullshit line of thinking. That feminism oppresses and victimizes men, that men are the REAL victims of sexism/oppression, that women being granted rights is ultimately more harmful to MEN, that women need to be nicer to and pacify men and apologize for having too much power, that we all need to be quiet and listen to MEN and their experiences more. And I FUCKING HATE that. MEN have been listened to ENOUGH. And I am SICK of being forced to include them and their viewpoints more. How about instead of centering the Kens, we focus more on the Barbies and exploring THEIR issues, and using THEM as templates to convey issues about misogyny? Instead of focusing on Ken and his issues and his unrequited love for Barbie??? Instead, it was made all about the Kens and how oppressed they feel because the women are at the top of the hierarchy, to the point where THEY got the fun little dance number near the climax, RATHER than the actual fucking BARBIES that this movie was NAMED after. Because last time I checked, this WAS the BARBIE movie. NOT THE KEN MOVIE!!!
Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on that shitty ass parallel the movie tries to pull between the Barbieland matriarchy and the real world patriarchy. The movie tries to make the claim that the Barbies being dominant and the most powerful in the Barbie world is just the same as men being dominant and the most powerful in the real world, because the Barbies oppressed Kens just like men oppress women in our world. It also tries to raise the point that the Kens felt insecure and overshadowed by the Barbies and were treated as second-class citizens, thus they installed the Kendom. AND I FUCKING HATE THAT comparison for two reasons. The first is that the Barbies never oppressed the Kens or treated them as inferior in any way. They were simply more important because...it's the BARBIE company. Not the KEN company. Barbies are toys meant to be sold to little girls to inspire THEM. So of course the women are going to be the ones in charge! Why is that such a bad thing?
And the second reason is because I haaaaate the dumb fucking trope of "matriarchy bad because woman oppressing man is just as bad as man oppressing woman!" that this movie and countless, endless other pieces of media also try to push. Like, do you know why female-dominated societies(particularly utopias/positively portrayed ones) are so often represented in media??? Because the world we live in is so heavily male-dominated in almost every society and culture, and has been this way for centuries!!! Sure, there are and have been a few matriarchal cultures in society, but they are few and far between. The overwhelming majority of the world is run by men! Sad but true! And this allegedly feminist movie is for real gonna sit down and tell me "okay, but we can't allow ourselves to dream of a world where women are the ones with positions of power and men are not the privileged ones"? Hell no, fuck that. This movie is giving multiple people, both men and women alike, the opportunity to argue that sexism against men is "just as bad".
But women should be allowed to dream of our matriarchy. We should be allowed to fantasize about a world where we are in charge. We should be allowed to dream about a world where we are protected, respected, and catered to, and can live freely and without fear and oppression, without being told to "think of the men." It doesn't mean that men should be abused, mistreated, or oppressed just like women are and have been. But then again, the Barbies didn't even do that either, like I said. This movie, in its shallow attempts to "critique" the matriarchy(lol) ends up reinforcing exactly why the two aren't comparable in the first place. When the Barbies were in charge, they didn't oppress the Kens or treat them as second-class citizens. They simply lived their lives, going about their day and having fun while pursuing awesome careers.
The Kens, on the other hand, actively oppressed Barbies when they were in charge. The second they were given power, they leaped at the chance to treat Barbies like garbage, the same way that they somehow believed that they had always been treated. They treated the Barbies worse than the Barbies ever actually treated them, to be quite honest. They were the real oppressors, not Barbies. It ironically enough sends the accidental message that the world actually IS better off with women in charge. Can you really blame the Barbies for taking their matriarchy back again(I certainly was happy when they did!)? But no. Instead, the movie expects us to sympathize with the Kens, after everything they've done, and tries to portray the idea of a matriarchy as "just as bad" as a patriarchy. And if that's not an EXCELLENT example of a false equivalence, then man, I don't know what is. Don't even get me started on the audacious slap in the face that was "the Kens will one day have as much power as women do in the real world." As if women got rights and seats in high office because they asked the men kindly? Barf.
And then at the end of the movie, Barbie of course leaves the false, silly matriarchal utopia to live as a boring ass regular human in the "real" world. She no longer gets to live in a world where she is fully liberated and empowered and not relegated to a lesser human being with lower status. She now must live in the "real" world, the hopeless, bleak, and oppressing real world where she will be faced with relentless misogyny and looked down upon by men and society. The movie could have had her form a bridge between the Barbie world and the human world, trying to mend the problems in both worlds while still staying true to who she is at her core. But instead, she is forced to say goodbye to her past life, abandon all her female friends and her old home, in favor of living in a world where she is denigrated to a second-class status in society. Because the female empowerment Barbieland trumped? Is a lie. Nothing short of a sweet, comforting lie designed to shield girls from the bleak and cynical realities that womanhood actually entails. Real womanhood is adorned with thorns at every corner.
But it's all right, because at least she gets to see the gynecologist! That's her ultimate ending. Not actually improving life for others and herself and making the world a more equitable place for women with the help of the other Barbies, as well as Gloria and Sasha. It's going to the gynecologist. Because having a vagina makes you a woman. Yay! Some people have tried to reclaim this as a trans metaphor, but I highly doubt a movie as shallow and lacking in intersectionality as this was aiming for anything near close to that. And it's a crying shame that this is what the movie thinks is an empowering and satisfying ending to Barbie's arc. How pitiful, sad, and pathetic.
It's such a shame, as well, because the Barbie movie could have actually had genuine critiques of the patriarchy and how it affects women without making everything out to be pessimistic and dreary, and without trying to center the Kens and coddle their male fragility. It could have discussed beauty standards and the expectations to always be conventionally attractive and perfectly presentable to a tee for women(something that Barbie has oft been criticized for, and with good reason, and has also been brought up in the movie too, but of course got dropped and barely mentioned again). It could have tackled gender norms and compulsory femininity, and showed Barbies who subvert or have complex/unique relationships with femininity(esp women of color and queer Barbies, who have different relationships to femininity than white and/or cishet women), even include some masculine/tomboyish/butch Barbies who aren't portrayed by the narrative as the butt of the joke. It could have used Weird Barbie to portray both of these messages and given her a more complex arc and concrete role in the narrative besides being just a comic relief character who gets called ugly all the time(by both other Barbies and herself, which is just sad, self-deprecation much?) and then at the end of the movie gets an apology thrown at her by President Barbie(and also, who was she before she became Weird Barbie? The movie doesn't say, and that is such a let-down, that we never get to know who she was before.).
They could have showed lesbian and sapphic and aroace Barbies, whose characters could be used to challenge amato/heteronormativity and compulsory heterosexuality. They could have explored what Barbie meant for women of color, trans women, fat women, disabled women, and mayyybe not? Cast a conventionally attractive white cis thin blonde woman as the main/regular Barbie? Especially if they were going to make that joke about how a woman who looks like that shouldn't be casted for a character who cries that she's ugly(which raises unfortunate implications as to what type of woman would be correct to cast in that role...but like every other genuine aspect of feminism in this movie, it gets forgotten about and erased as soon as it's brought up.) But they didn't do any of that. Because this is a white "feminist" movie written by a white woman and created in partnership with a capitalist company for one specific purpose: To sell toys.
Which wouldn't be as much of a problem if they didn't try to slap a feminist message on top of that, and then fail at delivering their message, hard, so hard in fact that they sideways-shuffle all the way into (trans)misogyny. For all the hype this movie gained(from the same people who will then turn around and silence genuine critique of the movie's shallow portrayal of feminism with "it's not that deep, it's just comedy, you shouldn't have expected Barbie to ACTUALLY be introspective and profound despite everyone claiming that it was!"), the actual contents therein gave us NOTHING to chew on. Just an empty parody of feminism that was more about the Kens than the actual Barbies, and portrayed suffering in silence and manipulating men with your looks as the ultimate pinnacle of womanhood.
I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just disappointed.
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Bestie, now you got me invested in the exes to lovers fic haha, saw some of your responses to another anon so I thought I'd tack on a few more thoughts:
Wow 9 years since they broke up, damn - the angst is really gonna ANGST huh, but also the TENSION after so many years apart oof.
Oh man, I wonder how P felt when she first heard about Azzi having a kid. Like I'm sure she would have been happy for her but also them having a family by that point in their lives is something she must have always dreamed about and aw, my heart already hurts a lil bit for P.
Also, imagine Azzi's daughter knowing who P is immediately when she first sees her and P is completely stumped by it. I feel like either Azzi or more likely Azzi's fam would still have so many pics around where P's in it so I feel like Azzi's kid would already have an inherent familiarity with her. Would be even cuter if P was kinda her favourite player (outside of her mum obvs) - I could also totally see Tim being the instigator of that, like he'd definitely be keeping track of all of P's basketball achievements and watching her games and his granddaughter's just his lil sidekick 😌
Agree with other anon that having them on the Valks would be nice haha, yk life imitating art and whatnot 😉. But also, Mystics would make a lot of sense if Azzi's a single parent, so she's close to her support system BUT Tim and Katie would also definitely be the type to move to wherever Azzi is if that's what she needed so I think GSV still works!
Also, them ending back up on the same team in the W - I'm guessing it's cause one of them gets traded or is a free agent, but then the question is did they choose the team knowing the other is there or was it out of their hands? Hmmm.
Anyway, just some food for thought, hope it helps somewhat (and apologies if it doesn't!)
In other news, what's your assessment of the W season so far? I still haven't fully immersed myself but am trying to keep up! I fear this is just how I am with basketball, even with the NBA, I don't usually pay as much attention until after the All-Star break or the playoffs 😅 I'm glad Indy's staying out of the lottery picks though (and hopefully it stays that way) 🙏
And you work with kids?? Naw love that lil piece of Nivi lore!
YAYYY I'm glad you're invested 😌
Then tension's gonna be interesting because even though they've been broken up for nearly a decade, they've still had to see each other a fair amount because of the W and there's just a lot of pent up tension that's going to blow up when they're on the same team
Paige definitely did not take the news the best. I haven't quite decided how this child came to be but there are definitely ways to really torture Paige with it if I choose to be sadistic about it...
Azzi's daughter definitely knows Paige, not just of her but she's met her at games before I think and she's basically awe-struck by Paige. I have so many ideas about this relationship like I think I'mma enjoy it the most to write.
I do kinda want them of the Valks cause it would just be so fun and I lowkey want to name Azzi's daughter Stephanie (after Steph) so it would just work out really lovely and then Paige would be the one who moves teams and I think that'll probably have to be a trade because Paige isn't willingly going to torture herself ya know? Which tbf I guess is kinda unrealistic because who the fuck would trade Paige but ya lose some ya win some with logistics 😭
I love my kids on most days but the bad days....oh the less said the better but it's definitely a good curveball for my baby fever lol.
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k-rising · 1 year
TXT's group dynamic (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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group dynamic
7 of pentacles + justice + the empress + ace of wands + 6 of cups (rx) + 3 of wands + the lovers + 5 of swords + 9 of pentacles + queen of cups
there's a good group dynamic here! they're persevering and work very hard to obtain the results they want. they're always ready for whatever activity they need to perform. even in their trainee days there was always a great desire to progress and debut; these guys love their job!
there's a lot of balance and stability in this group. although there's a lot of respect here, arguments do occasionally arise, but they try to resolve it asap. I feel like there can be a lot of ego battles from time to time and also a lot of stubbornness. the cards are telling me that some of the members may have some unrealistic expectations and others, the stubborn ones, may not feel like giving in and changing some plans, so they should work on that.
union, harmony and trust are some of the words that define the dynamic of txt. the members are not only co-workers, but also friends. there's a deep emotional bond here, as well as a lot of compassion, empathy and comfort; the members feel very comfortable with each other.
their biggest dream is to stay together for many years and be rewarded for their hard work through awards or simply with a large sum of money that enables them to live a life of luxury and comfort. they want to become a successful group and their biggest fear is running out of activities.
how does each of the boys feel about the group?
8 of pentacles (rx) + temperance (rx) + 10 of swords
yeonjun ⇢ there was a time where yeonjun had lost motivation and ambition when he was a trainee. when he had to work hard, he was not feeling motivated and focused. when he joined txt, the oldest member wasn't so sure if the group was going to be successful or not.
yeonjun thinks that there's an imbalance in txt, especially when working together. he feels that the battle of egos causes them to lose focus in their activities.
in this reading it's also mentioned that it seems that yeonjun felt betrayed many times by a specific person and that hurt him a lot, because it was someone he appreciated very much. this event caused the relationship to deteriorate. I heard "I don't trust him anymore".
8 of swords (rx) + 3 of cups + queen of swords
soobin ⇢ I really like this spread! being part of txt helped soobin to grow and get a new perspective. I feel that in his trainee days he underestimated his own abilities and questioned himself a lot if he would ever make his debut. now, thanks to the members, soobin has more self-confidence.
the leader considers his coworkers as friends. he feels very comfortable and happy with them. he really likes their positivity and I feel that being together brings out his extroverted side.
soobin's always analyzing and organizing all their activities. he feels that he has a great responsibility and is willing to do his best for the group to progress.
4 of cups (rx) + 2 of wands + ace of cups (rx)
beomgyu ⇢ despite the fact that beomgyu feels that he can work well with the members, it seems that there are many personal issues that prevent him from enjoying everything they are achieving as a group and that often causes him to focus on the negative things that happen to him.
it's hard to explain what's wrong with beomgyu, but there's a feeling of emptiness, boredom, and distance here. the relationship with the members is not bad, but as I said earlier, there are unresolved personal issues that prevents him from enjoying the company of his members.
king of cups + the devil (rx) + 3 of swords (rx)
taehyun ⇢ he feels that the group dynamic is good. he feels that there's compassion, good control, balance, generosity and diplomacy here. taehyun thinks that the group is more sentimental than analytical and acknowledges that they use their emotional intelligence to work better. even though they're a group and have to work together, he thinks that there's a lot of creative freedom.
taehyun feels guilty somehow with the group. he may feel that he has to work harder or maybe it's just internal group issues. whatever the case may be, he's always focused on moving forward and is also looking for forgiveness from his members.
9 of wands + 4 of wands + 10 of wands (rx)
kai ⇢ kai's training period was tough, but he never gave up. he was giving his last efforts to be able to be chosen to debut.
regarding his relationship with the group, kai thinks that there's good communication, comfort and harmony. I heard "I feel at home"; he feels very comfortable with his members!
however, he considers that when it comes to work, it's impossible to delegate and often the focus of the matter is lost. kai also recognizes that he needs to be more responsible and confident in sharing his opinions and ideas.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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outisgivingpac · 1 year
How you see yourself 🦋 How others see you 💌
This PAC is rather straight-forwards ☺️ If you enjoyed it or find it helpful in any way, feel free to let me know and like/reblog this post. Be mindful that I only read the current energy, and as this is a collective readings, not everthing showed up is applied for everyone. For personal reading, please check out my pinned post. You can also support me through Ko-fi!
My Masterlist
✨Pick a pile/picture you feel most drawn to ✨
Pile 1. Pile 2.
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Pile 3. Pile 4.
Pile 1: 6 of Wands reversed, The Empress, King of Cups reversed
For those who picked this pile, it seems like you have a quite unfair perception of yourself. You see yourself as what you are not (yet), and define your value based on your flaws. As it goes, you could have a low self-esteem, and think your mere existence could drag other down like a burden or liability. Or, you could also be an over-achiever, who set the bar unrealistically high and won't give yourself the satisfaction unless other people give it to you first. You could also identify as the wallflower or the blacksheep in your community, who could disappear and no one would notice. On the contrary, others seem to see you as someone they could rely on. They can trust you to give them emotional comfort, as well as to give them helping hand in practical matter like, taking care of them when they're blackout drunk haha. Anyhow, they see you as someone with a big heart and has a lot to give without calculation. Hater would say you're too kind, but it's their problem for not being able to handle honest affection. What I can see clearly, there is a gap between the public you and the private you. You tend to try to give to other people all the while your own cup is empty, and that couldn't be healthy in the long run. For the record, this could be due to you associate the quality of being helpful as your worth. Know that your loved one would love to be your confidant to you as you are to them. Also you could use some more of "sorry, I'm not available" and focus your energy to replenish and work on your own projects.
Pile 2: Temperance, 10 of Cups, 3 of Cups
This pile really radiates such a joyful energy 😄 To others, you embodies the bigger than life spirit, or someone who is living their dream. They would look at you and scratch their head for how you're able to pick yourself up after a bad day, seeing the positive side of every situations, and having fun even during the most uneventful period. Your good vibe is really infectious. Meanwhile, you simply see yourself who have a good inner balance. You have your own worries, fear and sadness. But you have your own support system and a strong emotional foundation to work around negativity. The most prominent mindset you possess is the idea of "having enough". You know what enough looks like to you and won't let other's definition affect your view of it. Truth is, you're someone who are just simply pleasant and fun to hang out with. You could be extrovert, saving others from the pain of breaking the ice. By nature, you're curious, open-minded and non-judgemental, you get a lot of your drive from meeting new people and having stimulating conversations. I really have nothing negative to say about this pile, so just an advice: seek out people with whom can have fun and tell silly jokes, but also can talk about serious and heartfelt matters.
Pile 3: Knights of Wands, The Chariot, Five of Swords reversed
As it seems, you see yourself as someone who is passionate, creative and goal-oriented. You know you have many great ideas as well as the courage and motivation to bring it to reality. At the same time, you're aware of your weaknesses, the most prominent one would be sticking to a long term project that you initiated. You tend to burn yourself up fast in the beginning stage, and take a lot of time and effort to regain the drive to continue later on. The people in your life can see your ambition shining through. To them, you're really resilient, focused on your work and could be really stubborn or single-minded on having your way. They feel like you're always working on something big, or heading somewhere they can't follow. I feel a quite sad energy from them, like they want to be there and help you, but they don't know how (as you don't tell them) and just fear they will just disturb you. In reality, you could have experience certain failure or betrayal in the past that changed the way you work completely. Someone could wronged you, or criticized you so harshly. On the other hand, you could be the one who cause the communication break-down among your group of people. Anyhow, this painful experience led you want to never end up in that place again, and every decisions you made, you made it avoid that mess and protect yourself and those you care for. I heard some of you could have developed the lone-wolf/stoic mentality because of it. An advice I could offer is to sometimes get out of your head and see things for the bigger picture a little bit. And that the survival mode will only serve you until a certain point, typically till you get out of the dark tunnel. Beyond that, you gotta let go of it in order to live.
Pile 4: 9 of Swords, 10 of Wands reversed, King of Wands
For people of pile 4, it seems you've been carrying a lot of stress and responsibilities on your shoulders. You're really self-aware of your negative side: you know you overthink a lot, and often be pessimistic/dramatic. On the other hand, you're afraid your appearance would reflect the inner stress and gloominess and would drag the mood of the whole room down. But guess what? You're over-complicating it again. Yes, people can tell that you're in a stressful/sensitive period, but it doesn't affect them as much as you might assume. They just know you have a lot on your plate at the moment and won't bother you with other stuff. So before you classify yourself as a burden, let me tell you no one thinks of you that way, but simply wish you would come out to the other side unharmed so you all can have fun and enjoy life again. Now, let me hype you up. You possess all the best quality to be a good leader: you have a great vision, you're committed, humble, inspirational and courageous. Before you roll your eyes and think you've never been in the leader position, know that you're at the least the master of your own life. You have been working the hardest to become best version of yourself. Whatever the dream or goal you have in mind, know that you have what it take to get yourself there. Don't lose your heart, look at your journey for how far you have come, instead how far you still have to go yet.
Source for the art I use:
1.Sheila Norgate, "Raven with Issues", 2006
2. Aubii, "Daisies in Love", @autumnalwood
3. SiIIIda-Japan
4. Oska . "Cosmic Geometry"
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dsaf-confessions · 5 months
the rogersport anon says that we should assign our favorite character a song by our favorite artist, so I WILL COMPLY. henry goes perfectly with abbey by mitski. i could do a WORD BY WORD, BAR BY BAR analysis of why. but i won't. ACTUALLY. "i am hungry, i have been hungry, i was born hungry" - henry, inherently, is a character full of longing, or 'hunger'. he longs to be taken seriously by his colleges, he longs for his creations to be successful and thrive, he longs for perfection, he longs to he correct, and more than anything, he longs to be free from his universe which he knows is not real. he has this sense of longing/hunger festering inside of him, one that leads him to do drastic things constantly. "what do i need?" - as with most people who have mental or emotional troubles, henry isn't exactly sure what he needs to make the sense of longing go away. he's a perfectionist, he wants everything to go perfectly for him, but what does that look like, how does he reach that? he's constantly working towards a goal of perfection that he will never reach, not fully grasping whatever it is he needs to be content with himself and those around him because it's unrealistic. "i am something, i have been something, i was born something. what could i be?" - constantly longing towards a sense of perfection, henry puts his work in the place of himself constantly. he doesn't provide himself with any sense of care, instead placing all of his efforts towards his creations. severe perfectionism, as he clearly has, usually stems from a sense of emptiness. henry has been through a lot of loss in his life, and instead of trying to cope with it, he tries to fill the void by working, which will only make the void inevitably bigger. his mental state is clearly in disarray by the way he behaves. and, hell, he knows he isn't really real. all in all, henry definitely derealizes and disassociates, which is what this line screams to me. "there is a light that i can see, but only, it seems, when there's darkness in me" - henry can see his potential, he knows how smart he is and knows that he is capable of amazing things. but, the issue is, he only seems to be able to reach that potential by hurting himself and those around him. he is able to do great things, but he doesn't know how to do them without harming somebody in the process. he uses other people to reach his goals. "there is a dream that i can see, that only appears in the dark of sleep" - this ties back to the sense of longing. henry longs so much to reach his virtually impossible goals. he can see them, he knows they are there and he wants desperately to achieve them, but they always seem so far away. no matter how many milestones he reaches, something new always sets him back. he can never properly complete what he wants to. "i am waiting, i have been waiting, i was born waiting" - henry is waiting, desperately, for some kind of breakthrough, something to show that he isn't insane. he is waiting for his life's work and experiments to finally pay off for him. and, he dies waiting for that to happen, only to have his ideas snatched out from under him. at this point in the song, you can hear the intensity vastly increase, as if the singer is having some sort of meltdown (i'd place it on a panic attack or manic episode). the rest of the lines are basically repeats, except for the last one. "there is a dream, and it sleeps in me, to awake in the night crying 'set me free.' and i awake every night crying 'set me free.'" - now, this could relate to a lot of things with henry. it could be talking about how his work and goals absolutely consume him to the point of utter madness, causing him to desperately claw towards them by any means necessary. it could be talking about how he literally wants to be set free from his reality and enter ours. it could be talking about his undeniable ptsd, which often causes nightmares/night terrors. any way you push the interpretation of the song though, it's SO henry. thank you for reading<33 - henry's #2 fan anon
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 month
Hello! I would love to participate in the FS game!
Here’s your reading!
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I think your Fs is someone who is very protective of you and more in there masculine energy in appearance and essence. I think they are very stable and growth oriented. They could be described as someone who is adaptable, hardworking, thoughtful, giving, and intelligent. I think they are very thoughtful and aware of your needs. They are someone you can rely on when things are troubling you and will be able to intuitively understand you. I think yall are very much intuitively connected. I think he is very romantic and try’s to show off to impress you often. He seems like a very brave person and is super protective of you. He treats you like his queen. He would provide anything and everything you want if he is able to provide it. He loves to show his capability to go above and beyond (he gets a huge ego boost knowing he makes you proud). He is a strong and capable person and will make the effort to give you the world. He try’s to display himself as someone strong and on equal footing as his queen. He works hard in his own life to achieve his own ambitions while remaining grounded and diligent. Your Fs has a very strong, intimidating, warrior-like?, and sharp look to them. I think there eyes and build are rather striking and darker features. He feels like a very fiery person to me as well. I think your Fs observes before action making sure that there choices are good ones. They will take a step back from there work to contemplate there decisions. They will treat you kindly and everyone around them. I think they understand that everyone has their own trials and tries to be respectful to those different than him. Overall just an amazing guy. For clothes I saw a picture of a dark haired guy with a sporty black tight top and black wavy hair, tanner skin, sharp eye shape (I think they have a natural rbf but is a sweet dude compared to how he looks). I don’t really think he’s very soft in his energy at all (very traditional masc energy) but he is soft showing his care to others especially you. He knows how to comfort others and make them feel safe and thought of with him. Also last thing is he is an extremely good listener and will love to hear all of your thoughts.
I really really hope this resonates with you 💗💗 please let me know your thoughts!! It was pretty late when doing this so I hope this resonates if not I can totally redo it for you!
Thank you so much for the reading!!! I thought it was well written and accurate to many other ones. I love him already!! Here's yours 😁
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5 of Cups, Ace of Cups, 5 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles.
Firstly, it's interesting how many 5s I see here. Perhaps it could be relevant to your relationship? Anywho, your future spouse is someone that is a fighter. They don't like having people walk over them. They don't like being defined by certain things. They're someone that comes across as very ambitious to do their own thing. "I want to write my own destiny". I feel like they've had a dream that they wanted to make reality for a long time but might have gotten shut down a bunch of times? I see people criticize them a lot and call it "unrealistic". They've experienced issues too growing up. This led to them always wanting to defend themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if your future spouse knows some sort of martial arts. They come across as someone that is strong and can easily defend themselves. It's like when kids get bullied so they learn how to box to defend themselves, stuff like that. They're very resourceful and business savvy. I see them being very financially intelligent. They invest in wise things and they know value in things, etc. It's because they grew up having to save a lot of money and being smart with their choices, so now they've mastered it. They have a lot of discipline. A very admirable trait they have is that they can balance daily life and schedule. Masters of time management!! I see your future spouse planning a lot about spending time with you as they take it VERY seriously. They're such a caring person. Their love for you is just flowing and never ending. They're someone who shows their feelings and stuff through their actions. Their love language is definitely acts of service and quality time. They're not the most talkative but you'll see it in other ways! The sweetest way will be in their eyes!! Their eyes carry so much love it's going to be so precious for you to see and will create lots of amazing memories between the two of you ☺️. Lastly, I have a feeling they're a very good chef! They'll be cooking cute snacks and desserts and have you try them! It's a cute hobby for them but also one that shows you that they care for you a lot!!
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somewitchymusings · 9 months
End-of-year witchcraft in the Southern Hemisphere
I've been thinking a lot about how we do end-of-year witchy stuff during the summer. Many of the witchy creators I follow talk so much about winter being this great time to reflect on the year, with the Winter Solstice being this cosy, meditative time for reflection. They then speak to the welcoming of the sun during the solstice, allowing you to dream big for 2024 and set those goals and intentions which get brighter with the sun, etc, etc. Naturally, these kind of descriptions and energies aren't super helpful for me in the Southern Hemisphere. As such, I have been trying to cultivate my reflections and new-year dreamings to move with the unique weather.
I just celebrated the Summer Solstice/Litha. It was sunny, I said prayers to Helios, bought some sun flowers for my home, and did a big spring clean. I feel a big clean before harvest season/Lammas or the "height" of the hot summer makes most sense for my practice. It clears out space for the upcoming year and helps me ground before the busyness of Christmas.
Although that day happened to be sunny, as I write this post a great thunderstorm is rolling in. Living in Naarm/Melbourne (Australia), our weather is pretty inconsistent (yeah the: "melbourne has 6 seasons in 1 day!" comment is pretty true). The Wurrundjeri people and other Kulin nation peoples call this season Garrawang, Kangaroo-Apple Season. It is characterised by changing, thundering weather and long days with short nights. I honestly feel that this chaotic weather suits the "silly season," especially as a queer person when holidays are always that bit trickier. I'm no chaos magician, but I think it would make a lot of sense to harness that in a way that feels good to you. I think this energy is overlooked by trying to fit our experience of weather to the (Celtic, and frequently Americanised) Wheel of the Year - just because it is "summer" really doesn't mean it's all about sunshine magick. Especially in Australia where summers can be a brutal time for many crops.
For me, this shifting weather has been an opportunity to reflect on the previous year of 2023. Not just reminding myself of things I achieved, but things I didn't. Some goals can move into the new year, but many I came to realise were just unrealistic or didn't actually resonate with me and the things that make me happy. I have a tendensy to over-interlectualise my problems - trying to find reasons for not achieving or under-achieving. All of this is, of course, a whole bunch of capitalist brain-rot, but nevertheless the perfectionist in me struggles with the New Year. Instead, I try to reframe and witness that there is a lot that is entirely outside my control. I'll be writing out some of these things on paper, burning them, and blowing them out to the wind for the chaotic weather to take away - a symbolic reminder to go-with-the-flow and that the wheel keeps turning. I don't know about others, but The World and Temperance have been showing up in my readings pretty consistently.
I see this time as very 9 of Wands vibes, like a message of push through: there's more goodness to come! (i.e. the wands court cards, and the harvest season/Lammas/the height of summer). But also, there will there be much change, and change is good (i.e. New Years, this thundering weather, how Autumn proceeds summer). Feels appropriate that the 10 of wands - a card of carrying too many burdens - proceeds this. We then get that lovely playful page of wands, keen to explore and create. End-of-year reflection, to me in the Southern Hemisphere, is not so much a cosy, introspective time; but instead a fiery, chaotic, energetic time. I have to actively cultivate calm moments, because everything else is shifting. And as everything shifts, I'm finding ways to go-with-the-flow and shift with it - honoring what I can't control.
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f0point5 · 10 months
My (long) and hot take (maybe especially with some of the anons you’ve had so far 😬): people tend to forget that Max, due to his current position, has it a lot easier than most drivers when it comes to saying what he wants/thinks and not playing the pr game
He has already achieved the dream of winning a championship (3 times even) so the stakes are not as high as that goal is already checked off.
These wins also means he isn’t nearly as reliant on selling/marketing himself pr and sponsor wise as 1) it’s extremely unlikely for him to get fired or switch team anytime soon [where sponsors is a big deal on the negotiation table] and 2) that first place bring in a big paycheck and a lot of traction (securing the sponsors he already has)
The wins also gives him ethos, meaning whatever he says has credibility, rather than people seeing for instance critique as pettiness or bitterness due to lack of wins, talent etc.
And most importantly he’s the star driver of Red Bull. Like, he’s the driver they’ve played their cards on since hiring him at such a young age. He brings in insane amount of wins and records, which we know is the most important thing for Red Bull (more so than image). Helmut himself said that if max want’s to do less pr, they will simply make it happen because they don’t wanna lose him. In other words, they are not going to fire/harshly-reprimand/limit him or whatever for speaking his mind, even if they don’t necessarily approved what he’s saying or if he’s telling GP the car is shit on live tv.
And a lot of drivers don’t have that freedom. They have to seek out those extra sponsors. They have to dress up for that extra pr. They are in not allowed to publicly criticise their own team. They don’t have near as much political power/security to criticise the organisers/track/FIA and so on and so forth.
I can not stress enough that this is in no way max’s fault and I’m not trying to criticise him or say he doesn’t do any pr at all. I for one am glad that he’s in a position where he can and will speak his mind.
I simply think it’s unfair and a bit narrow minded for fans to not consider how unrealistic that is for many other drivers, and looking down on them for it, saying they are all pr, robots, boring, doesn’t have the courage to speak up whatever, when they are literal athletes who have dedicated their lives and sacrificed their childhood for this sport, and of course will do whatever it takes to not compromise that. (Another hot take: but maybe these pr robots is also just what you see because you don’t follow that/those drivers beyond what pops up namely because it is pr, unlike the more personal content you will see of your fav)
Like hate that the sport has come down to so much pr, but don’t blame the drivers for trying to survive in it.
Tbh I think Max has built his brand around wanting to do as little media as possible, so the sponsors he gets are sponsors that want wins, not a show pony. Also, he has the kudos to build a brand on his on track reputation alone, unlike other drivers who are more reliant on off track appeal. Also, Max doesn’t seem to be very motivated by money so he probably says no to anything that requires too much from him.
And yeah Helmut did say they cut down PR at Max’s requests to keep him happy, as they should tbf there’s no point upsetting your golden goose in case it stops laying eggs 😂
But yeah I agree with you, most drivers are beholden to different obligations that Max either doesn’t have or doesn’t care about. And neither position is wrong.
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fortifice · 4 months
neptune and mercury
neptune (   𝗌𝗒𝗆𝖻𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝗌   :   dreams,   intuition,   mysticism,   imagination,   delusions.  )
what   are   your   muses   goals   ?   what’s   their   dreams   ?   are   they   intuitive   ?   do   they   believe   in   spirituality   and   acknowledge   that   in   every   day   life   ?   where   in   life   are   they   most   creative   ?   or   are   they   perhaps,   like   the   planet   saturn,   bound   to   reality   and   don’t   believe   or   acknowledge   such   things   ?   those   ruled   by   neptune   tend   to   run   away   with   their   goals   and   ideas   and   often   enough   run   too   fast   that   they   trip,   so   failure   is   familar   to   those   who   are   ruled   by   neptune.   does   your   muse   get   too   caught   up   in   unrealisitc   ideas   ?   if   so,   how   do   they   handle   the   disappointment   ?   those   ruled   by   neptune   are   also   full   of   child-like   innocence,   which   can   make   them   come   off   as   naive.   does   your   muse   care   what   others   think   of   them  ?
His goals are mostly encompassed within his duty, as someone who has had much of his life’s trajectory predetermined, these goals were almost like a given, that is not to say he does not feel accomplishment for that he does achieve it’s more so that they’re intrinsic to each other. His dream is furtive, he wants to be satisfied with what his life allows him but part of him has yearned to see what is outside of belobog, because he has determined this to be unrealistic he has decided to settle for what is. While i don’t believe him to be inherently spiritualistic his outlook is impacted rather intensely by both the supreme guardian’s will and the gaze of qliphoth, his oath and thus sworn dedication to the preservation could be considered spiritualistic and if that is the case the influence of it in his daily life is profound and runs deep. That being said he is still a rather realistic person, being grounded within a position that does not accommodate a lot of time to dedicate to concepts like spirituality, he might if given the chance but, there’s no real place for questions about it in his packed schedule. Plus, I feel like it’s important to emphasize the fact that he has actively been dissuaded by the supreme guardian from questioning things so ? Gepard deals with disappointment by directing it inward, he’s practiced this for much of his life, his short-comings are things that he privately copes with and does his utmost to amend. He can be quite tough on himself but it’s not something he does in ways that allow others to glean how much it does affect him, he has an image to maintain. There are parts of him that are a little naïve, as much as he is a battle hardened soldier he is also someone with a rather narrow understanding of life, the things he has experienced have shaped him and as numerous as those things are the ones that he hasn’t as also innumerable. There are many things he feels he lacks due to upbringing and sation, communication being one of them, he’s able to command authority but his capacity to have casual conversation is a lacking ( not egregious but he doesn’t have the same easy charisma as someone like serval does ). As much as it would be great to say he does not care what others think of him he does, he’s been raised in a position that requires him to be seen more often than that, he has to regard his position as captain and his standing with the nobility when making decisions that impact the whole of his life, this isn’t really because he wants to it’s more like an unconscious thing he does out of preservation. 
mercury (   𝗌𝗒𝗆𝖻𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝗌   :   mind,  communication,   intellect,   reason,   language,   intelligence.   )
would   you   say   that   your   muse   is   strong   minded   ?   are   they   easily   persuaded   or   drawn   off   of   their   own   path   or   hard   to   reason   with   ?   are   they   good   at   communicating   their   feelings,   wishes,   and   goals   or   do   they  struggle   with   the   general   form   of   communication   ?   are   they   easily   understanding   of   both   other   people   and   matters   out   with   their   own   control   ?   would   you   consider   them   intelligent,   book   smart,   street   smart,   and   morally   smart   ?
Oh very much so, Gepard is known for being set in his ways if not outright stubborn, changing his point of view on something requires evidence and rationale. Reasoning with him takes effort, he’s not an intransigent person but he also doesn’t change his position on something often. And no, he really isn’t good at communicating his feelings, he can communicate strategy and work without hassle but when it comes to being honest, if it conflicts with his duty or sense of self, it arises into an internal conflict. When it comes to people and understanding their perspective he is not oblivious, while he can separate individual people from matters encompassed in his duty he is also very much inclined to lean towards rationalizing what is important based on his views. He’s book smart, much of his youth was spent studying prior to being accepted into the guard’s ranks but he’s also morally “smart” depending on how you look at it, his morals are sound but in reality they also are full of faults because they rely so heavily on the supreme guardian and the preservation to justify their actions.
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girlvinland · 1 year
Every year since I was like. Idek early or mid twenties, I’ve kept wishing so much that people were allowed to take life one day at a time instead of feeling immense pressure to plan out each life stage with this absolute assuredness that it’s going to go exactly how they think it will.
For instance,
I don’t think 18 year olds and younger should have the pressure to go to college and know what they want to do for the rest of their life placed on their shoulders so early.
I don’t think there should be a “relationship escalator” that’s like “need to be married by x, need to have kids by x” or life is ruined.
I don’t think the narrative that there is one true “dream job” just waiting out there for you is a healthy one.
I don’t think anyone should read these things and go “oh yeah that’s fine for other people, but it’s never going to happen to me/I couldn’t deal with it if I didn’t have those things”. (I add this last one because I used to think this way. It was fine if other people didn’t achieve these things, but I needed to for some arbitrary reason I didn’t even understand).
It just makes me so frustrated and sad sometimes to watch friends and family (and myself with aspects of it) fall victim to this mindset that you need to do these things, and do them in a “timely manner” in order to have found success. I include my older relatives in this too who never questioned the status quo because they didn’t want to or because they didn’t know how/didn’t know they could, and who still pressure younger relatives to follow suit.
There are so many various priorities you can allow yourself to have, there are so many ways of looking at life and living in general. The more toxic ideas were pushed on me when I was so young and for so long, and frankly, I was too naive and inexperienced to understand that there were any other options.
I just think of my own experience with things and how I often see it reflected. When I went to college at 18, I was supposed to know exactly what I wanted with no prior experience, down to the specific classes I’d want to take four years later. There wasn’t even a question of if I even wanted to go to college (and if so, where) or if I was really prepared for it, so it was just like. This is what you’re doing, this is where you’re going. Have fun paying for it later despite not fully understanding how loans work yet. And I was too controlled and sheltered to have any knowledge that it didn’t actually have to be that way or to go against what my family expected.
When I met the first person I started dating in college, people were asking me if he was “The One” within months. Even my own mother asked something like that after the very first date I had with him. Why….are we doing that to people? This kind of thing sets people up for unrealistic expectations and can potentially lead them to put themselves in situations where they might endure unhappiness or even abuse because they think it’s normal or that the first choice of anything (college, job, person) is the correct one, or the only one they should ever have.
I think to imply that anyone has to do any or all of these things is honestly part of what sets a lot of people up for failure or becoming depressed when something doesn’t go “right”. Life is so unpredictable in so many ways. That isn’t to say that happiness and good fits don’t exist, because they very much do, but I wish there was more of a push on giving people the freedom to explore their options rather than conform. It’s also unfortunate to me that families seem to do so much of the perpetuating the whole mindset around this stuff because they put so much emphasis on their children being a reflection of themselves rather than seeing them as individuals. I look at my younger family members and couldn’t really give a rat’s ass if they do or don’t fulfill certain societal standards as long as they are happy and healthy. Like, their emotional and physical wellbeing come before anything else.
Anyway. You should be able to say something isn’t right for you and grow from the experience without judgement, whether it means dropping out of school to pursue something else or leaving a job because you’re not getting what you want or need from it or ending a relationship because you just aren’t being fulfilled. What is right for one person isn’t always going to work for another person and all of that. I hope that as future generations come along, these expectations will shift and allow more room for trial and error and exploration.
Edit: I want to add a disclaimer that there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting any/all of these things. The problem comes from how prominent the expectations are and how little wiggle room there tends to be or how much judgement people tend to face when they don’t conform to those expectations.
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maya-matlin · 9 months
Hi! I'm your OTH/Haley loving anon again (still haven't set up an OTH blog but am so excited that you're going to follow---you might be the only one!) Anyway, I saw someone say that Haley was too perfect to be an interesting character, but I actually think she has some consistent character flaws. The primary one imo is that she has fairly rigid, unrealistic standards and expectations and reacts too strongly when she or anyone else invariably falls short of them. And sometimes she reacts just THINKING someone did the wrong thing even when it turns out they didn't lol. She can be kind of tense and neurotic (Nathan making her not just more relaxed but BRAVE and more willing to take risks is a recurring thing!), and she can be totally judgmental :) I think her strengths far outweigh her flaws and love how deeply she cares and how hard she tries, but I think she does have realistic flaws and layers. Sorry to be such a Haley stan, but I know you love her too! I was curious what you love about Nathan---I adore him and think he's very underrated but I know some people think he became a lot less interesting as the series went on?
Hey! Oh, and I'm sure that won't be true. 💗💗
As for what you're saying about Haley's imperfections, I completely agree. While I realize her character doesn't receive the same focus as Brooke and Peyton, she's still far from perfect and is shown making mistakes fairly often. Her judgmental side comes out a lot. I mean, watching season 1, it's very obvious why Lucas and Haley stayed best friends from childhood to adulthood. Beyond their affection for each other and strong bond, they're easily the most judgmental characters out of the core five. When Nathan starts to influence Haley and bring out her more open minded, braver side, Lucas becomes defensive, critical of Haley acting differently, fearing she's losing herself. Not to make this about Lucas. It's just interesting to think about the original dynamic between Lucas/Haley/Nathan and how both guys brought out different aspects of Haley's personality. Plus, I always think about how Nathan's influence on Haley and him urging her to be brave enough to go after her dreams is what led to her biggest "mistake" of the series, aka the tour and the Chris Keller of it all. But anyways, Haley is an extremely rich, though sadly overlooked character, and no one is going to tell me differently.
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR BEING A HALEY STAN. I feel like there aren't nearly enough of us LOL
I don't know? Nathan's just.. amazing. I adore everything about his character development. I loved watching him evolve from a selfish, cocky, teenage boy who was molded by his abusive father into following in his footsteps so that he could achieve the success Dan wasn't brave enough to pursue to a compassionate, brave, selfless, devoted husband and father who would do anything to make his family happy. Nathan is so flawed and made many mistakes over the course of the series (though I still personally think that he gets cut too much slack compared to Haley in most circles), yet he basically owned all of them and is the first to acknowledge any wrongdoing. As for Nathan becoming less interesting.. to be honest, I agreed with that for a long time. It's probably due to the show lasting for nearly a decade and my personal interest fading around seasons 7 and 8. I was still in high school when the show ended. So personally, I missed the snarkier, passionate, slightly bad boy Nathan. It was only later that I fell in love with dorky, sweetheart Nathan who willingly gave up his basketball dreams for the sake of his health and was courageous enough to begin a completely new career. While season 8 will forever be my least favorite, Nathan's arc where he goes back to college and puts in the work to become a sports agent is underrated. School never came naturally to Nathan, and yet he had to rely on his brains and ability to learn rather than falling back on his talent for basketball. Plus, it was sweet watching Haley and Jamie helping him study.
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umseb · 2 years
the always lovely @lennies-blog was kind enough to translate this video from 2009. translation under the cut. 💚 📷 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xh6p49
“He showed it to everyone – lived up to his reputation and the high expectations. The German wunderkind, the gifted king of the rain; 2009 is his year. At just 22 years of age, Sebastian Vettel is the shooting star. The world of Formula 1 lies at his feet. He is already the youngest pole sitter and grand prix winner of all time. Now, he is dreaming of becoming world champion - no easy feat, as the Renault motor continuously causes problems, yet he is confident. Seb: ‘This car is working fantastically, strong enough to be at the very front and get a big number of points, to be on the podium and even win races. So, it’s working fantastically at the moment.’ The switch from Toro Rosso to Red Bull Racing, a good decision. Vettel is taking off full speed, fighting fiercely for every point in the championship, getting race wins – an incredible motivational boost for the whole team. Seb: ‘You’re looking into the boys’ eyes and see them beam. They then have absolutely no problem with working a little longer next time, but still just as concentrated. Success in that regard, a lot of points and trophies are the best that you can give back and naturally helps the motivation, the whole atmosphere, so I don’t think it could go any better right now.’ Vettel’s picture-perfect career starts at the young age of 3 years. That is when he was sitting in the kart for the first time; didn’t want to let go of the steering wheel at all. His gifted strength in the rain shows early – he is driving unleashed. Vettel follows his motorsport career with meticulous professionalism and a great amount of ambition. Karting, Formula BMW and Formula 3 Euro Series. Finally, Formula 1 is calling – a lottery win for the youngster. Seb: ‘It has always been my dream, I always had my goal in mind. But, of course, you don’t anticipate making it at any time, it was so far away. And when you have seen it on TV, and the cars and the drivers have been your heroes, but you never thought that you would be allowed to drive such a car.’ Now Vettel is a part of it, has been taking into the Formula 1 circle. He is moving around the often unrealistic world of Formula 1 in a calm, relaxed and carefree way, oftentimes with a cheeky grin that even lets the grid girls melt away. His confidence and ambition make him a winner type very much to the delight of his predecessor at Red Bull Racing. David Coulthard: ‘He is the right driver at the right time for Red Bull and I’m really impressed how he is handling the situation. The matureness that he shows with the engineers, it’s incredible that this is just his third season in Formula 1. So the future is definitely very bright for him.’ Vettel is already a star. Journalists, camera teams and photographers are crazy about him. Everyone wants interviews and pictures with the golden boy. The likable Hessian, an audience magnet. The fans are going crazy when he shows up, screams like at the arrival of a pop star. No problem for Vettel, he is relaxed about it. Seb: ‘It’s still quite calm at home when I’m on the sofa watching TV, no one’s screaming there! But, of course, it’s great to see how many people get excited about it and I think it’s also helping the whole team. A few more fans at the race tracks, more people in Red Bull caps, Red Bull T-shirts that cheer us on. It helps all of us, especially us drivers, and it’s definitely something special.’ The German wunderkind will make an impact in Formula 1. He showed his whole worth in Spa and drove onto the podium. Now it’s about realising his dream of becoming world champion. Vettel is on his best way to achieve it and a whole nation shares the thrill.”
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vohtaro · 2 years
Hello mate! Just discovered your blog. I really liked your answers to the headcanon ask :).
Can I request 19, 31, 34, 36 and 48?
Thank you <3
(added 'For Madara' in a separate ask) hello, ty for the ask !!!! <3
link to hc prompt
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
I swear Madara's mind would never shut up SDHKGJH.
When he's younger, he thinks about the people he holds dear: his brother, his fellow clan members, Hashirama. I think he'd wonder a lot about Hashirama, especially in moments where he felt himself losing faith in their entire idea. He tells Hashirama that it was a pipe dream, but it was a dream nonetheless, and one he doesn't forget. I imagine Madara probably wouldn't think he'd forget their dream of even lose faith in the idea, given Hashirama's enthusiasm, his ideas, etc. Though as years pass, I think he'd wonder if Hashirama was struggling to maintain his resolve in the same way he was. In the face of this much death and loss, and generally a lack of trust in the other's clan, how could he still believe in it? Madara would be half-convinced the idea was unrealistic, wonder if Hashirama saw that too -- but Hashirama still sends him those ceasefires over the years, and Madara half-heartedly thinks him delusional. (Random aside, but I don't know how much thought Madara put into the village as a kid; I imagine some amount, surely had some input and built off of Hashirama's ideas when they were together. However, he tends to defer to more practical and actionable ideas. It demonstrates to me that Madara is more concerned with a concrete, long term goal that serves a larger purpose as opposed to focusing on the true and maybe-lofty end-goal. Hashirama was thinking about the village and how it would operate; Madara was thinking about how to become clan head, which would more realistically lead to establishing peace between their clans. Madara also demonstrates this in the attack on Konoha w the nine-tails which was done to later achieve the rinnegan, and later still when he recruited Obito and connected him with Nagato in order to achieve rebirth. They aren't the direct implementations to the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, but they are the pillars needed to give him higher odds of accomplishing that goal.)
When he's older, when he loses Izuna, and in many ways loses Hashirama, his thoughts start to wonder about what a better future looks like. For me, it's easy to imagine that the times where he's alone with his thoughts are where he is the most succeptible to walking himself down the spiraling idea of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan. Kind of tying back to the aside, he probably spent the time attempting to figure out every possible path to take to achieve his goal, which paths had the highest odds/best backup plans, and just what he needed to do to prepare for that.
31. Most prized possession?
Anything of Izuna's. While he wields his weapons (kama/gunbai/maybe sword) proudly and surely cherishes them, nothing holds higher value to him than something of Izuna's. Old artwork, private notes, maybe a small wood carving, something made by his own two hands, something that proved he was alive. Even as children, I imagine Madara being very sentimental about these things, especially when he'd lost his first brother. Maybe he has items of theirs too, but in terms of quantity, he has the most of Izuna's makings. All simply because he lived the longest. Izuna is such a driving force in his life that looking at his creations would steel his resolve in the face of any doubt.
I have not read this fic in a long while but I really appreciated its ideas about Madara and Izuna's sibling relationship: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11999403/chapters/27149580
34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
Madara seems to transition from fairly open to somewhat private. Over time, Madara has continued to lose the people precious to him over and over, allowing a wall to progressively be built up. We don't get to see him interact with many people at a time in his life where he's more open: namely as a kid and meeting Hashirama. After all, despite presumbly being socialized within his clan, he does rather easily welcome Hashirama into his life. He welcomes this new friend and is rather willing to be an emotional support for him. That says something about Madara's upbringing as some form of mediator, someone who is used to the idea of allowing people to lean on him when they need someone to listen to him. Even as an adult in that scene in the anime where he's the one to move first and help the kid who fell (and don't get me started, I have a LOT of feelings on that scene from the implications about Madara's percieved personality in the village vs. Hashirama's, to the fact that Hashirama /doesn't/ jump at the same time, etc), it still demonstrates that willingness to help others. I don't think he'd necessarily be a shut-in or unapproachable, but I do think by the time he's considering leaving the village, he's simply less available due to the sheer amount of time spent on his own plans.
36. What makes them feel guilty?
what /doesn't/ make him feel guilty /hj
I think the constant idea of "you should have done more"/"you should have done things differently" will plague him until the day he dies. Losing Izuna was the nail in the coffin labeled "Madara's last shred of happiness", and the fact he set out to ensure that it didn't happen, only to let him slip through his fingers, is surely something he may never be able to forgive himself for.
48. How do they express love?
Madara is absolutely a person with a physical love-language. I know I mentioned recently that Madara is easily aroace in my brain and thinking about these concepts is nice for me, because Madara may not necessarily feel a draw towards romance in the traditional sense, he does feel deep love and affection for someone he cares about. Physical touch is one demonstration of that caring for him. A hand between shoulder blades, on a wrist, idle touches that are brief but deeply meaningful. Almost like he's checking in and watching out for signs he ought to be aware of. Madara I think finds reassurance in knowing that someone is /there/. He isn't constantly lingering or at someone's side 24/7, but when he sees the person, he's sooooo welcoming. He's such a hugger, too. He likes to hold people close, really hold on tight, and as an adult this definitely carries through. Madara is king at hugs.
He expresses love by the sheer things he remembers about someone too. I think he'd be so attuned to the details about someone that he remembers the most off-hand things that seem insignificant, but really would mean the world to acknowledge. A favorite tea, a favorite place, some memory from long ago, an inside joke. He'd find a way to give the best gifts because of this imo. He's attentive and caring, he wants the best for people. It's true that he's fundamentally kind. He just wants the people he cares for to be safe. ;;;;;;; Idk I feel like I have more thoughts on this but they're a bit elusive rn skdjghskdj
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astroismypassion · 2 years
What talents that i have with in me should be beneficial for me to put my energy in?
What paths and Careers would bring fulfilment and success to my inner and outer world? Joy in the soul
Basically what I am destined to be in this lifetime ? 🦀( the incessant question)
I going to be in junior high this year, and i have so many insterests in different things, and dilema and overwhelmed. As a classical high schooler. :)
Ik my guides and intuition will put me in right path.
Anyways, thank u for ur time precious soul.
(ik it's to much, so if u do readings of persona mc, let me know)
Love 🫶🫶🫶
Mc persona 1#photo
Natal chart 2#phto
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I do full MC Persona chart interpretation yes, you can book one.
I'm gonna try to answer these all questions in one. I like you, because you are very genuine with your message and forward.
Let's talk all about your Sun sign first... you really are more of a Cancer Leo cusp than a Gemini Sun you know to be completely honest with you. Your identity, personality, traits, ego, character is that more of a Cancer Leo cusp. You have the potential to transform a hobby into a full-time career. Research what you liked and could still enjoy doing in your free time. What did you do in your childhood, which hobbies, interests? Follow that! Also what you like to do in your time at home, bake desserts, make up, hair-styling? Talk to your family members too, they are aware of what your talents, interests, deep passions are. Aries IC and Venus, Taurus in the 4th house all point to the fact that those closest to you, your family members, close friends KNOW what your values, deepest passions, likes, dislikes and interests are, so talk to them, get advice, a new perspective of it. Since your Sun sign is at 10, Capricorn, degree beware that you will feel more stable and consistent about your career and in your career path after your first Saturn Return (ages 28, 29 and further), so don't really expect too quick results.
Now, another pointer to career discussion in the natal chart first, is believe it or not THE MOON. People often choose a major/higher education based on their Moon sign. You have Leo Moon in the 7th house at 8 (Scorpio) degree. Go into a creative field, definitely not science field since you could end up detesting it. You have three the most creative, artistic signs on your Moon. Moon is what fulfills you the most, your basic self, what you feel emotionally satisfied with. So here I would suggest leaning toward Leo, Libra, Scorpio fields: performance, politics, international relations, law, psychology, anthropology, sociology, culinary arts, tourism and hospitality, even design, hair styling, make up, history and geography, even languages, performing arts, any artistic field really.
Now we look at your Ascendant, which is Capricorn at Sagittarius degree (21), but also you have Aquarius over the 1st house. So don't set goals so hard you will find it unrealistic to achieve them. Step by step and stay grounded about it, there could be limitations, restrictions, but you will need to stay resilient. Also, don't get discouraged and try to not have too idealistic goals, hopes. When a dream is too big, you could get discouraged of ever even trying to a start it and work towards it. You get intimidated. You could do well by starting your own business (Capricorn Ascendant), something where you have full control over it. You also want to passionate about it an in charge. You also like balance between work and play. Did you travel a lot when younger, to foreign countries? You like exchange students? I think your calling is also connecting with foreigners and people who live in distant lands. Due to your Ascendant at Sagittarius and Chiron in the 1st house being at 9 (Sagittarius). You literally get healed when you travel and connect with foreign cultures. You also have Jupiter in the 10th house, so you could be intersted in travelling, tourism, work in a hotel, speaking foreign languages, learning on a daily basis. You have Libra MC with 8, Scorpio degree, you are very interested in other people and their culture, habits, lifestyle.
You could start a jewellery business or do something that you see you don't get in stores, but you always wanted that, so invent it! You are forward-thinking due to Aquarius over the 1st. You get to understand and grasp trends.
Another indicator Leo Saturn at 7 (Libra) degree in the 7th house, you will need to heal your creativity and creative self-expression during this life time. And it will be a reoccuring lesson until you learn it. If you don't learn it by 1st Saturn Return, you will need to at 2nd (so after 45). Also, don't be hard on yourself that you need to have it all figured out as much as your peers. You are a late bloomer, but the lessons you will get with time and life experiences will stick forever with you. You will grow to understand yourself better than your average peer.
Mars in Cancer in the 7th house at 28 (Cancer degree): this also talks about your career, the job that you might end up doing. You could work with children, families, in urgent situations (health field), with women, young adults. You will love to learn from younger people. You could also enjoy working from home.
And lastly, life purpose: Aries North Node at 1 (Aries degree) in the 9th house. Travel, langauges, lifestyle, leadership, foreign lands, philosophy, athletics, health field, business, sports these will all be your points of interest at some period in life.
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