#i have a piece stockpiled and a couple more im working on and will finish soon i think
orionis13 · 8 months
Sorry for the lack of art lately im I said it was gonna happen but I still feel a lil bad I miss posting art but FEAR NOT more will come at some point :)
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robertoarts · 2 years
Semper Fi P2
Again, I'm not really a writer, and I have no idea where this is going so I'm just making shit up as I go. If you have any ideas feel free to tell me, I'll see if I like them.
I hope you enjoy! I have no idea what im doing!!!
Na'vi Quaritch x Fem Na'vi Reader (former RDA)
(1,886 words)
[still slow burn, memory loss trope? (hardly), i can fix him trope]
taglist: @gremlinfuck
It has been a couple of hours since you dragged him into your little cave. While he has been recovering, you went to get some fish for your people, you still had a job to do after all, and you weren't going to let some RDA soldier get in the way of that. 
You caught more than enough, thanking Eywa for the food she provides and appreciating the sacrifice the fish make to sustain the body of the people. You make a note, once finished, to pick some herbs and flowers for Euatx -the Clan's healer- to make more medicine for your stockpile. Hopefully, she won't ask where it all went. 
You haven't thought much about what to do with the injured avatar you unceremoniously rescued. Even with Eywa's interference, you know the Clan will have difficulty accepting a dream walker. Outside the true-born Na'vi in your Clan, you think the 'ongokx -born again- Na'vi members would be less than happy to have 'another' trigger-happy moron running around.
You walked back into your cove. The man, Miles, is still unconscious. You began to strip some fish in preparation to make niktsyey - food wraps -you imagine it had been some time since he had eaten anything, and he needed strength to aid in his recovery. You have looked at him intently while he has been out. You have pieced together that he is the by-product of the Recom programme that permanently integrated you into your avatar. You saw a patch attached to his ripped-up cargo pants, a callsign from the project, you have an earlier design tattooed on the inside of your wrist alongside an RDA property sign. It brought you great shame, and you have thought about covering it up.
The faster he recovers, the faster he leaves, and the quicker you can move past this momentary indiscretion. You place a niktsyey in front of Miles and inspect him while eating the wrap you prepared for yourself. His mouth hung agape, only slightly, and you could see his teeth, he only had one set of canines, which came as a surprise to you. You absent-mindedly run your tongue over your own teeth feeling your own double canines. He must be fresh off the tank, you think to yourself. Although avatars have human and na'vi physiology, sometimes the avatar body changes over the time spent in Pandora, primarily when utilised in the way the Na'vi did. You probably felt the changes in your teeth six months into your tour.
You look from his teeth to his hair, inspecting his buzzed head. He really needed to rebraid his hair around his kuru, leaving it vulnerable like that was such a foolish thing. He has no idea of the importance of this, your ears slant back, walking around in a body he does not respect. Breath comes heavy from your nose, biting back the urge to hiss at the man and his stupidity. You had taken off his shirt while applying the medicine to his chest, you can see it has hardened and scabbed together with his blood, it needs cleaning before wrapping to prevent infection. Your eyes shift to the Eagle tattooed onto his arm, and your eyes roll hard, this man is a marine through and through, whether he knows it or not. As you run your hand over your face, your tail swinging anxiously behind you, you know your work is cut out for you. Eywa, what am I doing?
Sighing, you stand, finish your wrap, and kick him on his boot with your shoeless foot. He moves restlessly but does not wake. You do it again, harder, and his eyes shoot open. You hadn't noticed before, but they were green? Most Na'vi you had seen had eye colours ranging from yellow to orange, green was definitely new. 
His ears bent back, anger and fear fought for dominance on his face, he opens his mouth and hisses at you, clearly unsure of how he got here or what he should do. 
A laugh booms from your chest, deep and slow, "Now now, Miles", his name draws from your mouth slow and deliberate, "Is this anyway to treat your rescuer?" you lazily gesture towards the food you prepared him, "Eat, you are weak." you spoke with a commanding tone. 
He looks down at the niktsyey and apprehensively grabs the food. He looks between you and the food suspiciously. You smirk again, throwing your hands up in a calming signal and kneeling to his level, "Listen, pal, I found you, face down, ass up. I brought you here into my safe space, you've been passed out for hours with your shirt off and your kuru unprotected." You jab towards your own Tsaheylu to drive the point home. One of the things you enjoyed about the Na'vi people is how easy it was to read them; their emotions are plastered all over their body language, ear and tail movement being the easiest to read. He is taking in the information. You watch him as you speak. He is looking around, probably assessing the threat level right now. His face is steely, but his tail swings in a disorderly manner. 
"If I wanted you dead, trust me, you would be dead. Now please, Miles, eat," you finished your sentence off softer in tone. You worried speaking to him as though he was less than you would grate on him, male marines often had some major ego issues, regardless if he is genuine in his laps in memory, people don't forget your nature. 
Miles takes a beat before slowly moving the wrap to his mouth. You watch as he slowly places the leaf in his mouth and tenderly takes a bite, ripping through the leaf and exposing the flesh of the fish you caught. His eyes shut, and he lets out a little moan. The tips of your ears perk and flush slightly, and a smile tugs at your mouth. He devours the wrap quickly after that.
"Do..." he finally speaks, "Do you have any more?" you grin, genuine and wide. "It will take me a moment but I can make you another.".
You two share silence as you grab more fish from a woven basket. He watches you intently as you work, filleting the meat from the bone and, with care wrapping it in a sizeable edible leaf and holding it together with a vine. You steal looks at him as you're working, wondering what he is thinking. You imagine he is confused and untrusting of you, so you give him the time he needs with only the ambient sounds of the waterfall. 
By the time he speaks, you have made two extra food wraps, "How d'you know my name?" You nod and gesture towards his tags, and he looks down, examining them, "Do you remember anything? Like at all?" he is still looking down at his tags, you choose not to push further and pass him the niktsyey you made up for him. Time passes as he looks at his tags, thumbing them slowly, flipping them over, clearly mulling something over in his head. You watch intently as he tries to put the pieces together, his face doesn't change much in his expression, and you can see his ears move occasionally, they don't give too much away, but you try to note any changes to the rest of his body when it happens. 
"I can remember bits and pieces," Miles says slowly, "I just don't understand them. Some things seem to...conflict with each other." He reaches for the food wrap letting go of the chain.
"I remember water, and...and fire? It feels like someone poured tequila down my throat. And a kid? I remember a kid he's screaming, and there's blue lights...but I'm not happy about it."
He is following a thread and desperately trying to unpick it. You decide to not say anything. It is wise to hold off judgment of what he is saying, and you eagerly await his following words.
"I remember a dragon...I think I was flying?" An Ikran? You immediately perk up at that, how did an RDA soldier learn to fly an Ikran? Miles takes note of your reaction to that, and you curse your Na'vi body for failing to maintain any semblance of a 'poker face'. He is talking with his mouth full, "I'm a soldier, I remember a squad. And I remember you, you were shouting at me, waving your little toothpick around before changing your mind. I know you're not a native too." He lifts his hand, wiggling his five fingers and gesturing to your own. He grins wide, showing the chewed-up food in his mouth. You sneer, he is well enough to regain whatever patronising Jarhead personality he lost when he was whimpering on his knees earlier, you think. "Tell me about the dragon. You clearly know what it is I am talking about, I saw your expression on that pretty face of yours." he asks, shoving the last of his wrap in his mouth.
"Don't tell me what to do skxawng," His ears perk up at your use of Na'vi. "There are no RDA soliders around here. You are a dog who does the bidding of anyone above you who tells you what to do. They say jump, and you say how high. I didn't need to help you, I could have left you there to die. You are reckless, and you move with no respect to the body you have hijacked, you try to go out there on your own, and the forest will flay you alive." 
He looks slightly offended and confused, "Hijacked? This is all me, baby. Besides, I'm not the only one hijacking" He points a long finger at the tattoo on your wrist, and you hiss in response. "If you didn't need to help me, why do it? Why not leave my sorry ass...face down, ass up?" he finishes the sentence slowly, southern drawl almost mocking as he bares his teeth and pulls his ears back at the inquiry. 
You pause, thinking about what to say, you stand in frustration. "Eywa sees more than you or I could ever understand, and she chose to intervene in your death. Who am I to deny her of her wish? You might be well enough to shit-talk me, Miles, but you're weak. If you go out there in your condition, you won't make it far. I have duties. You need to clean your wounds and wrap them." You start moving to collect your belongings. "Leave here and die, or stay and don't. I do not care." 
Only the sounds of your feet and the soothing rumble of the waterfall hang in the air as an almost awkward silence passes between you as you grab your sling pack and the woven basket of fish and start to make your way out. You hear Miles clear his throat, and you stop moving, "You'll... You'll be back, right?" a quiet question rings out. Your back is turned to him, a small smile graces your lips, "I'll be back, Miles." you walk forward again. "Hey!" you turn back to look this time, "What should I call you?" 
"Y/N", you call back as you walk through the curtain of water. 
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