#i have a quiz tomorrow that i've briefly studied on
zanyana626 · 1 year
Has this been done yet???
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As far as I'm aware of since I'm new to BSD, Gojo & Dazai are both fucking menaces. I know it, the fellow kinnies/simps know it, even Kaiji himself has warned us of what these two are capable of!
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littlevictories-alt · 5 months
Ok wow. I should have been asleep 6 hours ago, minimum 4 hours ago. Instead I've been buying (more) clothes online. I do need stuff that fits, but not his much.
Is the not-all-that-decaf coffee to blame? Perhaps.
Nonetheless, there have been many little victories today and yesterday:
Got a perfect score—over 100%—on the quiz yesterday. After all that angst. Which was justifiable; he did not adequately teach us the material. I didn't even really need to cheat, though I did check my answers against my notes 🤫
Made it to class on time today. Even got a coffee and breakfast and a little studying in beforehand. Granted, it was because there was no physics, but I'm perfectly capable of not using that time productively
Took actual good notes in chem.
Socialized briefly with classmates.
Left immediately to beat traffic to planned action.
Found library near meeting point to study in and studied.
Pivoted when May Day action plans changed and went to that action. Marched a lot.
Went to nearby cafe (staff claims she remembered me even though I've only been there four or fine times and maybe only twice when she was working! She said it was the glasses.) and got another productive two hours in.
Got gas so I don't have ti do it in the morning. (TY 🫶 past me)
Long convo with parents. Returned brother and aunt's calls.
Started a study guide for tomorrow's quiz.
Fed 🐈 and myself.
In the flush of victory, I will try to get my 3 hours of sleep.
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writexwithxme · 1 year
It's Complicated - Chapter 3
Early in the morning Desiree was awake taking care of Mason. She sat down on the edge of the bed breastfeeding him. Hank was still asleep. So she made sure to be quiet and not disturb him. Mason finished his feeding and then he was back asleep for a nap. Desiree cleaned up quietly. When she returned to the room, Hank was awake.
"Morning." He says rubbing his face and yawning. "Baby boy doing good this morning?"
"He is. Just fed him and he's down for another nap." You say.
"How are you doing mama?" Hank asks sitting up in bed.
"I'm alright, I guess." She says. "I still feel bad dropping all of this on you all at once just like this."
"I don't want you to feel bad or guilty about any of it." Hank assures her. "I care about you and I'm glad to know I've got another son. My son has been gone for years and that hole is still in my heart but having Mason slowly fills that void back up again." He explains. "I'm more than happy to take care of you guys and have a family again. If that's what you want."
"I'd love to be a family Hank." Desiree says quietly looking up at him. She reached out to hold his hand. "I've missed you so much Hank. I thought about you alot more that I realized after I left for the summer. I should've called or come to visit."
"I would have loved to see you. I thought about you too." Hank says holding her hand in his.
Hank was the first to make a move. He leaned in and lifted her chin, kissing her softly. Desiree kisses back leaning into him and sighing contently. "I'm glad you're back." He says holding her close. Desiree just melted into the warm embrace. Her heart was at ease now that she knew Hank was alright with the situation.
While Mason napped, Hank and Desiree spent that time catching up on the time they'd missed apart from one another. She shared pictures and videos of Mason. "I want to make this work Hank. I want our boy to have a family. Some foundation behind." She says. "And if you're not opposed to it. Maybe one day we can go see my father and my siblings. Just so we all can be on the same page and come together for Mason."
"I would like that when the time comes." Hank says.
As time passes by, Hank and Desiree started to get into a routine together for Mason. And they worked things out around his work schedule. Desiree was currently doing online schooling for nursing and she'd be working at Chicago Med once she completed her courses and training.
Hank came home early today to see his son, who was rolling around on his playmat on the living room floor. "Hi Mason, daddy's home. Look at you rolling all over the place now." Hank smiles as he takes of his work gear and joins him on the floor. "Come here big boy. Daddy missed you so much today. Look at that cute little smile of yours. That's my boy."
Desiree glanced up from her spot at the table where she had her laptop and text books spread out doing her school work. "Hi honey, how was work?" She asks stopping briefly to give him a hug and kiss.
"Work was work." He says. "We got some bad people off the street so I'll call it a win for today. I couldn't wait to get home to you two." Hank says. "I missed you guys."
"We missed you too Hank." Desiree smiles.
"How's your studying coming along?" Hank asks.
"Pretty good. Learning basic human anatomy now for Human Biology. Maybe you can help me out later with the labeling and familiarizing myself with the male anatomy. I've got a quiz tomorrow morning." She quirks a brow a him.
"Oh yeah, I think I can help you out with that." He smirks. "We'll talk about it after Mason's gone to bed for the night."
"Alright boys let me finish up this chapter I'm on and then I'll get some dinner started for you guys." Desiree smiles looking at Hank and Mason. He had a lot of his father's features.
Later that night Desiree was cleaning up the kitchen from dinner and Hank took Mason upstairs to get him ready for bed. After the kitchen was cleaned up, Desiree poured herself a drink and she poured one for Hank as well. She sat and waited for him, sipping her drink slowly.
"Mhm scotch on the rocks, you must've had a rough day today. Talk to me." Hank says sitting down beside her and taking a sip of his own drink.
"I just got a little overwhelmed thinking about everything. Going to school online and taking care of Mason and I guess I just got into my own head again. Things are changing pretty fast for us." She says.
"Just remember that you have control over some things here too. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything. And you're an amazing mother to our son. That kid adores you like you wouldn't believe. I can see it in his eyes." Hank says. "Sometimes the future can be a little scary when you don't know what it holds. But I can tell you that I'm gonna be in your future with Mason. We'll be together." He says kissing her forehead.
Desiree rests her head on his shoulder and nods in agreement. "I love you Henry."
"I love you too Desiree." He says looking into her eyes.
"Now would be a great time to go study for that male anatomy quiz. Just staying." He laughs. Desiree grabs his hand and they go upstairs to the bedroom.
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