#i have a rly high fever forgive me
kebriones · 2 years
Alci 20 years later
Headcanon: Tissaphernes one day went like "dude you'd look sick with an earring" and Alcibiades was like "dude you're so right" and got his ears pierced that same afternoon and he kept his earrings until he died.
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mrsmess · 5 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 8)
Best episodes (in chronological order):
8:4 Bitten - First good episode and the brothers are barely in it. Probably a testament to how i feel about them and the show this early in season 8
8:8 Hunteri heroici - Finally a silly episode, it almost makes the list just because of that. Cartoons. ”I’ll interrogate the cat.” Best job in the world. Cass’s finest moments.
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8:9 Citizen fang - A better Benny than when we first meet him. But sooooooo many frustrating moments. The level of hypocrisy from like everyone involved is crazy. ”Winchesters, man.” Turns out Ellen had a point about them.
8:11 LARP and the real girl - Another great silly episode and they are sorely needed this season. Charlie and Dean are adorable.
8:13 Everybody Hates Hitler - Home of the men of letters is introduced, thank goodness. Nothing makes me feel quite so at ease as this place. And a great episode. With retro villans to match the setting. Adam Rose does such a great job. And John DeSantis.
8:14 Trial and error - Surprisingly good episode owed to the side characters (Danay Garcia is h.o.t).
8:17 Goodbye stranger - There’s something about this episode. Oh, it’s probably the horrifying intro as well as the betrayal set to the sound of Supertramp, or, y’know it could be MEG and my huge crush on her. Sam confiding in Meg (bit of a pattern). MEGSTIEL. Omg. What I would give to have that convo be out of Naomi’s influence. I can’t handle Cass this season, I know it’s not his fault but... Dean begging. Gosh. *sigh* Fine. Destiel. But Meeeeeeeg! No! :(
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8:18 Freaks and geeks - Goooooood episode. The clash of ideas surrounding hunting, the ambivalence the brothers feel about being forced into the life so early vs the inevidability of it for the kids, the option of letting go. The horror of what these guys are doing. Also the idea of a hunter dream team is kind of cool.
8:19 Taxi Driver - Bobby! Nuff said. Also Benny goes out with a bang.
8:20 Pac-Man Fever - Charlie! Dream-setting! What is happening? I don’t care, it’s awesome! And Manny Jacinto! Already typecasted as an idiot. ”Don’t quote me to me!” And ”I hate that thing... I want one.” And them saying goodbye. ”I love you.” ”I know.” Hugs all around. Cuddles is off the charts! Love it. I feel like one of the reason this show works for as long as it does is because of the brothers. A bit obvious, I know, but it’s why I forgive it for tons of shit, and it’s why nothing works w/o them, when they have issues w each other nothing feels right.
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Worst episodes (in chronological order):
8:5 Blood Brother - Look, it’s not that I dislike Benny, but I kinda do, especially based off this episode; he’s seeking revenge based on the assumption that his sire killed his woman. Then he finds her alive (sort of) but prefers her fridged. Fuck you man.
8:7 A little slice of Kevin - First: I don’t care much for Kevin, his importance to the story is unearned. The show is lucky they keep Mrs Tran on as long as they do. Also the torture scenes of Alfie and Kevin make me sick, no love for Crowley this season.
8:10 Torn and frayed - More torture porn. Fucking hate that shit. And the torture of having to watch Amelia and Sam faking that they’re important to each other. Ugh. At least Dean and Cass try to save Alfie. But like generally; my issue w the first half of this season is I got no one to really root for. Everybody is just so unepic.
8:15 Man’s best friends with benefits - I don’t know about this. I’m intrigued by this world, but I sort of feel like this is one of those in show-pilots, and... i don’t know. Plus y’know friction between the brothers, not here for it. Ultimately I don’t care about this.
Honorable mentions:
The use of Soundgarden in Southern comfort, Soundgarden is always a win.
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Dean trying to take care of Sam when he’s undergoing the trials. More of that shit plz!
Castiel’s Biggerson’s scheme- brilliance! ”There are just so many Biggerson’s.”
Also Crowley’s elaborate Truman-scenario w Kevin.
I feel like this season is kinda the boys going proactive; they’re instigators. I like it.
Dean checking out the goth chick in As time goes by - gold star!
Dishonorable mentions:
Sam’s been done one dirty: it is ooc for him to not go after at least Kevin after season 7’s finale.
And the lack of thought, time and emotion put into his so-called love story is frigging embarrassing. Dean gets a real, believable love story and Sam gets this out of a bottle soapy bullshit? Sad backstory equals character depth right? It’s one of the worst written ”romantic” storylines I’ve ever witnessed, it’s like the writers just took every romance trope they could find regardless of subgenre (Yeah- romcoms, romantic tragedies, contemporary angst, erotica - they’re not all the same, idjits) and threw them in the blender together. What’s better than one meet cute? Two meet cutes! Nothing says romance like an endless string of unconnected obstacles, right? *deep sigh* Listen, I *wish* SPN had more love stories in it, it needs it, and the fact that it doesn’t have ’em is why the show will never rly be a true contender for me; But not like this, i don’t want ~romantic~ as some sort of appendix, but as *real* sub plots or main plots even, like in Buffy. #willdiemadaboutit
+The use of bronzer this season is out of hand.
Summing up:
Structure this season is a bit chaotic.
The season gets good about halfway through. There are several things the matter w the first half. Sam’s ooc behavior and the fact that we’ve had almost no time w Kevin but the stakes forced onto him are so high. The second half makes up for it introducing The Men of Letters HQ, heartbreak, folly, love and friendship that feels real.
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There is something that irks me about the ending too though: something about Dean’s gaze, his temporal blindness: when he is angry with Cass (which he has a complete right to be btw) but refuses to deal w his anger, claiming he can only trust Sam, leaving Cass behind to try to win his affections back thus making him vulnerable to Metatron’s meddling. And Sam points this behavior out in the season’s finale ”What happens the next time I let you down?”. There is a judgy quality to Dean which can make or break the other characters and it’s a quality he should try to take more responsibility for. That aside: the finale is very strong, one of my favorite ones actually, for the sheer emotion of it.
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shineeworldvinla · 7 years
i know it was a few weeks ago but talk about the shinee concert???? :)
Bruh how much time do u have bc I can go on for HOURS!!!! Okay so my friend and I were hella close bc I spent almost $500 on our P1 tickets and my god was it worth it even tho I'm still broke now!! I also didn't talk about this but when we found our seats...why was this chick in my seat??? Saying that it was HERS??!! Girl you had seat 42 not 24 BYE!!!Okay anyways!! The concert!!! Boy when they came on the scene with Hitchhiking I was Shook™ To The Core. I rly can't get over how absolutely beautiful they are like..... there's actually no words to describe their looks besides maybe "angelic" and "ethereal". I still cannot believe they took it back and performed Juliette 🤧 It was like... with every song they did, I knew what it was but I still couldn't believe it u know? It was happening right in front of me and I was still like "....nah this is fake this is a fever dream" but then Key(who is FUCKING GORGEOUS IN PERSON MY GOD) was like "you aren't watching a YouTube video rn this is real life" and I actually almost cried bc...he was right. Not gonna lie I was surprised when they did Replay so early in the concert idk it seems like that's a song they usually save for near the end?? Like I'm not complaining I just didn't expect it so soon. I also just wanna take a moment and just..... I saw Minho, the actual real loml, grab a handful of his nuts bc he had a solo dance during Lucifer and BWOI I FUCKING DIEEEEEE!!! I got a video of it and I still can't believe my voice went that high bc I don't have a high pitch voice at all. Anyways this is all over the place I'm sorry but all the memories are coming to me at once and I'm just typing as I go bc whenever I think about it I just get to excited lmao. I can't even say which performance was my favorite bc they were all so amazing and I'm still sad I have no footage from Savior bc I felt like I was at a gay rave ☹️ My favorite video I got tho might be the one of Minho during Ready Or Not bc he was having so much fun oh my god he was so cute the whole time and even tho he said he's a lakers fan I can forgive that bc wow he........ HE! That! Is a Real Man™ I am a little upset that the fan projects didn't work out too well tho. Some of them did but for the most part....nah. I'm actually surprised I haven't posted any videos from the concert here yet I should do that bc that was truly the best day of my life and absolutely nothing can top that!!! Shinee is quite literally The Best group ever and no one even comes close to them in my heart!
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