#i have a total of 17 different half-finished pieces in my draft. i cannot for the life of me make myself finish them.
viscerism · 5 months
i think i am now physically incapable of finishing drawings
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otp-holic · 3 years
T’s offline withdrawal diary. Somewhere in the Spanish Mountains. All timestamps in local time.
August 5th, 23:45
T makes post about the Tumblr log off, logs off and hides the Tumblr app in a folder so she doesn’t accidentally open it before its time.
August 6th 06:35
T pours a cup of coffee and goes to see her dash as she usually does. OMG, the Tumblr app is gone! Where is it? T pats her past self in the back for being so smart about hiding the app.
T logs into twitter instead but since her main twitter is all RL and news and nothing about fandom, breakfast tastes different.
August 6th 10:12
Arghhh, this coffee break without Steve and Bucky, how am i going to make it?
August 6th 12:22
Slow work day, T is writing fanfic in her head. It looks pretty, lets open google docs for a while…. The whole draft vanishes upon seeing the blank page.
August 6th 13:20
AO3, my savior! Two new chapters of “you’re not my homeland anymore”. Thank you so much @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place for giving me Steve/Bucky pain to look forward to.
August 6th 13:53
T is in the middle of having her heart broken to pieces by fic while she keeps an eye on work, when she opens the iPad to a Tumblr notification, noooo, my queue sent one post. ARGH I'M THE WORST. T logs in with eyes closed to delete the post. She is sorry to whoever reblogged it. She will post it again.
August 6th 14:45
Jesus, that chapter broke my heart, let's pause before the new chapter and reread “From Brooklyn, with love” by @musette22 and “Love you like RLB”. I miss Tumblr. Damn it, how could I miss that gif and fanart and fanfic void so much. Is everybody ok? Am I the only one with withdrawal symptoms? I miss all the lovely people.
August 6th 15:00
Yay! Weekend!!!!! I’m going to…. Check on my reading list. Or maybe write a little and THEN read.
Nah, let's do research for this fic that I am never going to finish… OH NO, THAT WAS A TUMBLR LINK AND I OPENED. Is this allowed? Am I a bad supporter? *T closes link*
August 6th 16:00
Another chapter, another heartbreak ( I’m looking at you again @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place ), but it feels so good. More comfort fanfic for me to deal (“Starbucks is canon” by 74days)
August 6th 16:45
T Is still drowned in fic.
August 6th 17:00
Withdrawal is REAL. T takes car, takes some family members and goes around to explore some half abandoned villages around. No reception at all for a few hours.
August 6th 20:45
Back to civilization. Itchy about this corner of the internet. Tv not working. Not internet for streaming. Wants to login sooooo bad.
T tries to write, draw, photoshop. Nope.
August 6th 21:15
T’s brain cannot deal with withdrawal anymore, or new fanfic. I miss you all. T goes back to comfort fics. “Lips that touch liquor” by @marvelousescapism and “I [heart] you” by writeonclara.
August 6th 22:00
T is actually sleepy. Totally decides to embrace it and sleep the withdrawal off.
August 7th 05:20
Too much sleep. Is it time to wake up and go to tumblr? Nop.
August 7th 6:10
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