#i have just started s2ep11
honeyviscera · 1 year
please please pleaseee asano be different from your father....... grow to become your own person i am BEGGING for ur development. see i see in his eyes that he fears his father and hates what he does. all asano's missing is the crucial realisation that e-class is not the enemy. that failure is okay. i just NEED HIM to connect the dots that a) he fears his father/his father is bad b) his father hates failure c) e-class is the antithesis to his father's values d) e-class is not the enemy they are not the dirt you walk on. i NEED HIM TO CONNECT THESE PIECES ASANO PLEEEAASEEEEEEEE
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mouwuma · 6 months
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so i might have started inanimate insanity so uhhh doodle dump from when i was watching it
currently just finished s2ep11
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Podcast Transcript - S2EP11 - Descent into Hell
Podcast Transcript - S2EP11 - The Descent into Hell
After a general overview of the mysteries, highlights of the various mystical experiences that I have experienced, or undergone, however you wish to view it, a detailed description of my mystical ascension experience in the first episode, followed by a summary examination of that experience through the lens of knowledge gained from the history books of those that have experienced and expressed similarly the movements that occur, it’s time to delve back into the past. Way in the past. Exactly 20 years ago to be precise, which is an interesting interval and again a reflection of both linear and cyclical time as we human beings experience time, as the ongoing flow that changes since it moves forward, yet also remains the same since it repeats itself always.  If you have had a chance to visit my website at logosofexperienceandtruth.com, perhaps you have already delved deeper into the mysteries. If you haven’t, make sure to visit and become a member since I break down the image of that which is seen during the mystical experience across the pages of human history specific to each of the various cultural and religious groups across time. What I left out in Season 1 of the podcast and within the contents of the member content found in the Vision Explained Deeper will be spoken of more clearly in these ten episodes for Season 2. Due to the nature of the contents found in this season it will be heavy on the non-fiction auto-biographical sort but will also expand into the questions and answers about the various phenomena of spiritual experience I’ve spoken of. As I stated in the first season of episodes, though I thoroughly enjoy reading the philosophical and theological and spiritual stuff, without the actual experiences of the various personages I’ve read it’s felt like much was being left out if it had actually occurred to them or the writers were simply rehashing things they’d learned but hadn’t actually experienced themselves. I was recently combing through You Tube and reading through what others have spoken of regarding subconscious re-programming and such things as that, and over and over again nobody seems to speak about any type of mystical experience, images seen, visions had, etc. I won’t name these speakers since I’m not bashing their work, there’s some very good speakers out there and perhaps they haven’t had actual mystical experience and are simply experts in the philosophy that is extracted from such experience, but I do find it very curious that such experiences as I will relate are not spoken of very often by others. Or I suppose I’ve just seen and experienced and comprehended some pretty wild stuff. This is why I started this podcast with my most recent mystical experience and then unpacked much of the underlying mystical philosophical underpinnings of that experience and this season of the podcast will continue down that path but with much more detail of the personal sort. Some of what I will recount will obviously sound made-up. Hopefully the discerning listener of this podcast or reader of this ebook will be able to pick up the type of details that will render it impossible to have been made-up. Fantastical, drug-induced and hallucinatory perhaps, but definitely not made up in the creative sense. As spoken of in another episode, I’m sure there’s something to be said in trying to give a disclaimer at the forefront saying that I’m not lying in what I will retell as a way of priming your mind towards a laundry list of lies, but hopefully by now, you know I ain’t lying. Telling the truth is far more interesting to me regarding these mysteries than lying or making it up. And if you still believe I’m just crazy or was solely under the influence of drugs then at least you’re getting some of the visual content that such experiences may bring if that’s all you come to believe may have been occurring in my mind. So let’s get into it. There was an experience I had in 2001. I have mentioned it, spoken of it in various episodes of the podcast and member content when it made sense regarding it, summarized it through one of my characters in my book Lucifer Revealed, but I have yet to tell the entire tale of that which occurred and was seen and experienced. As before, I will do my best not to provide interpretation of what was experienced and seen during the time of the experience unless it was seen and interpreted and understood during the experience itself. I will instead tell the tale to the best of my abilities and will then unpack it along with everything that I could reflect upon and see that led up to the mystical experience followed with all that came afterwards. So, I won’t provide too much context to what led up to this experience other than what I feel is necessary so that you understand to a degree what I may have immediately understood during the experience and at the very least, understood very quickly afterwards. Also, just as a disclaimer, this story will get deeper into my previous life’s drug use along with graphic depictions of the possibly supernatural scary sort. You have been advised. I was 19 at the time. There is that obvious comment to be made that through the course of time and aging and the gaining of knowledge, experience and wisdom, we all grow. We change. We either devolve into something more bestial or rise higher as human beings and then further rise into spiritual beings. It’s the flow of life whether we know it or not. To put it as bluntly as I can: who I was prior to this experience is both who I am now but then is also not who I am now. Obviously if I look in the mirror, I know I’m still the same person in a way, but then when I look in my mind I’m definitely not the same person, even if the memories of the past arise or even as I draft this podcast and have to conjure up the memories from a time long ago that no longer exists other than in my mind, I am not the same person that experienced this experience. . . Read the full article
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thatone-highlighter · 3 years
Amphibia time line
Because I am a nerd
At the start of reunion(S1ep39) there is a flashback to Anne’s birthday of Anne and Sasha doing things that is labeled “3 months ago” so we can safely assume 3 months passed between Anne’s birthday and Reunion
In Handy-Anne (S2ep1) there is a frog being flown around on a giant firefly claiming “been 3 months, still up here”. In Anne or Beast (S1ep1) we see the same frog get picked up by said dragonfly and get carried away, meaning that any time that passed between Anne’s birthday and Ep1, presumably the same amount passes between Reunion and Handy-Anne
In the Episode Quarrelers Pass (S2ep7), Anne and Hop Pop claim they’ve been listening to Sprig and Polly argue for 2 weeks (later also claimed by Polly and Sprig themselves) and that they’re half way to Newtopia and “can’t take another two weeks of this” which we can safely assume, if accurate, means it takes the group 4 weeks to travel from Wartwood to Newtopia, or 4 weeks between the end of Handy-Anne and the start of Marcy at the Gates (S2ep11)
In Marcy at the Gates, Marcy informs Polly that her legs will come in “in 2 months, give or take”. Then in True Colors (S2ep36) Pollys legs do come in, implying that approximately 2 months have passed between Marcy at the Gates and True Colors
Although, in the season 3 premiere, The New Normal, Anne’s dad says that Anne was missing for 5 months, which given the context i have already explained, doesn’t add up. Possibly Marcy had misjudged the time it would take Polly’s legs to come in as that is the most unreliable of the sources of time passing, or maybe it’s just a rounding thing, or some combination of a few things
In The New Normal, in the background of one of the shots [timestamp 16:31] there is a calendar indicating that it is currently January which we can use to back track and figure out when other things happen
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b0bbynash · 3 years
below the read more is all of the asks i've gotten about the ted lasso finale that i haven't answered yet – read at your own risk. i also deleted quite a few messages cause they were repetitive or really similar to ones that i had already gotten. if they're not similar, they're still in my ask box to be answered later because they're not asking about spoilers or anything like that
Anonymous asked: I’d just like to clarify, the Reeley scenes are not sad?
Anonymous asked: anything you can say to describe roy and keeley going into next season??
Anonymous asked: Exactly how much worse are Nate's actions in the finale compared to S2Ep11?
it's a lot worse and really uncalled for
Anonymous asked: is ted and rebecca's interaction like an important scene or is it just like a tiny interaction like their small talk after the funeral?
they interact more than they did at the funeral, whether or not the scenes are important it's subjective to the audience. rebecca does threaten to start having people fired at the newspaper by using her connections to do so.
Anonymous asked: Is the full text of the article revealed or is it just stays at what was said at the end of 2.11?
they just say what happened, that ted had a panic attack and didnt actually have an upset stomach.
Anonymous asked: are we getting a glimpse of what direction the ted and rebecca relationship will/can go for s3?
Anonymous asked: can you say if we are going to see a sad ted 👀
kind of but he's more angry
Anonymous asked: Is there meaningful fallout from Nate’s storyline?
i wouldn't call what happens meaningful, so no
Anonymous asked: Should I be scared or excited for Roy and Keeley?
it's complicated
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chidoroki · 4 years
The Promised Neverland S2EP11
aka: is this happiness?
Oh lord, here we go. The end and I’m still at a lose on how everything will wrap up. There’s just one thing I hope the anime changes.. but we’ll see.
“Identity” is perfection and my heart is already racing. My nerves haven’t been this wired since ep1.
Alright so when Emma says “Both our destinies and the world..” I’m pretty sure there’s an animation error because you can clearly see her left ear.. off to a great start already..
Aww look at James! What a spiffy looking man! I know Shirai already debunked all the theories about Norman being related to the Ratri in any way but come on, just look at the resemblance!
“Our clan executed a promise that betrayed our comrades?” That just reminded me that we missed out on ch141/142 when we saw the trio’s ancestors! That’s upsetting.
AH!! Never the fuck mind! There they are!! Though I’m not entirely pleased since all we saw were real quick glimpses of them, but still!
Ahh! Demon god too! He does exists in this timeline! .... oh no.
And yes I recognize that “Introduction” is playing again.
... They have cars in the demon world?
Didn’t James jump off a bridge as he was getting shot at? What’s this with him being found all bloody in an alleyway?
Hey, we finally saw an owl.
I swear if Peter manages to get away with all these guns pointed at him again I’m gonna flip.. I know he pulled it off somehow in manga but come on, don’t let it happen twice.
See! I knew the bastard still had the knife up his sleeve!
Holy fucking shit dude... right in front of all those young children.
How in the hell is that knife not covered in blood??
Ya good Sonju? You had enough fun for one day?
Bruh they actually show Legravalima and the five regent heads of the royal family.
Yverk.. don’t tell me he’s actually the demon who kills.. oh no no no, please no..
“Get over it already.” AAhh Ray finally confronting Isabella! Yeess!
“I’m not letting you off the hook by dying.” Please, that’s the one thing I don’t want to happen right now.. or ever. I’ve been worrying about this all week.
I’ll never get tired of hearing him say he’s glad to be alive.. ahh my heart.
Oh my god, Emma’s words are from ch177..
“It’s because your kindness and love were all genuine.” BRO!! That frame of her hugging the young trio! It’s so adorable!!!
Awww Isabella! I wish to hug her too please!!
The Day & Night ceiling still makes me nervous.
Ray, why did you look to Emma like that.. what do you know?? Tell me!
Y’all it really is the same goddamn door from ch131.
My anxiety is starting to spike, help me..
Emma.. why ya let go of Phil’s hand like that?
“We can’t go yet.” What! What?? The trio and Lambda crew?
“We’re going to stay here.” Sweetheart, don’t be getting my hopes up like this.. I swear, if you’re planning to go around and rescue the kids from the other farms and we somehow get another season I’m gonna scream.
Oh good, we do get to hear what she told the boys last ep.
“Can’t we make another promise that’s different from the previous one?” Uh huh.. are we actually gonna see it happen though?
“I want to take all the children in the farms here to the human world.” I know honey but I wish to see it please!
“I’ll stay behind with you.” Of course you would Norman, but don’t you need to get healed first?
“And there are kids I left behind at the hideout, too.” So.. the Paradise hideout does exist? Where Jin, Hayato and Ayshe were normally located? I know I’m dooming myself here but lord please..
Ray wanted to stay behind to make sure the others weren’t pursued by the queen and the royals, aww you precious boy.
OH! “TPN Pf Solo Version!” Nice!
“Then we’ll need more firepower on our side.” Yeah the Lambda crew stays behind for that reason but would I be a complete fool to wish for the GP Resistance as well or nah?
Guys.. is Isabella actually gonna live in this timeline? I’m gonna fucking cry dude.
Aw Vincent and Norman’s little fist bump!!
Phil you absolute sweetheart!
Is this the mandolin version of the lullaby? It sounds a bit different but YEESS the young kids actually made it to the human world!
And Isabella lives!! Hell fucking yes!!
Look at all of the children! Going to school and enjoying life!
Vincent is a doctor already? Aww!
Gilda!! You look so pretty!!
OH the music changed.. what version of the lullaby is this? I must know!
Are those the kids Norman saved?
Fuck! Emma and demon god! Aaahh.. yes the reward would really help in this case since she barely did anything so having her pay the price would be okay here, but still makes me sad.
Ah, it’s that elder demon Sonju and Mujika revive in ch163.
And they.. already made Mujika the new queen? We completely skipped over the capital battle? Of course they did..
Aww but that shot of her and Emma is gorgeous!
HOLD UP! The trio and Lambda crew made it to the human world!
And.. Emma called Phil’s name.. so she has her memories?
Our boy Phil looks so grown up!! AWW!!
We.. end there huh? I, uh.. hmm...
So, what exactly was the price for the new promise? There had to be one, right?
I’m so conflicted y’all..
For a moment I honestly believed they were gonna give us another season filled with Goldy Pond and the Seven Walls and yet we just got a totally rushed slideshow of everything. I’m a total idiot.
Of course I’m happy there’s a timeline where our girl keeps her memories but it just makes the whole season seem way too easy.. there were barely any high stakes and little to nothing happened during this episode too.
And with that we get no Alex either.. bummer.
I don’t know what to think... I have many thoughts and yet all I can think about is Isabella live in the human world and I’m beyond thankful for that at least.
Yeah.. this season was a huge tease and disappointing but there was some good in it, albeit just small moments here and there. I started a list last night in an attempt to help me relax about this darn finale so hopefully I can find time to finish that.. eventually.
I still need to listen to the new soundtrack. I’m sure that new version of the lullaby is from there.
.... Isabella can play guitar. I’m speechless. She’s beautiful. And alive. And I love her. That’s all.
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origami10 · 5 years
@love-less-love-again​ asked  “I was re-watching/reading Ajin, and I noticed something I thought was interesting and I wondered if you'd had thoughts about it too? While Kai is shown to not really be bothered about Kei touching him, (holding his hand, letting Kei hold onto his hip while riding the bike, ect) Kai is always seen to be /very/ respectful of Kei's personal space. He offers his hand to Kei, he never /takes/ it. He always, /always/ waits for Kei's consent before actively touching him. He only ever actively touches people when he's planning on fighting them (the cop, the gangsters, the convicts), otherwise he doesn't initiate any kind of physical contact- but he always offers. Even in times of high stress. I'm not the most fond of the second season of the anime, but If you watch the scene in s2ep11 when he breaks into the hospital to save Kei,(and by proxy eriko, I personally am not positive Kai went there with the intention of saving /her/, but he knew she would be there? Idk) he /offers/ his hand to Kei instead of just grabbing it and running. He pulls a Kirishima and extends his hand, only grabbing it when Kei starts to move to take it. And notice after they escape, Kai never touches Kei again. It's interesting honestly, it makes me wonder about why that is. Touch is important to Kai, but Kai is never shown to be touched by anyone in a kind way, except by Kei. And chapter seventy three, Kai is saved by Kei having to beat him, albeit to save his life. It's something I noticed, that I didn't really see the fandom talking about, and I was wondering what you thought? Maybe I'm just reading into it too much...”
No worries at all, I am literally ALWAYS happy to talk about Ajin :D So what I’m understanding you saying is that Kai likely isn’t touch-averse (to Kei), and he offers to touch (Kei), but he doesn’t touch (Kei) without permission.
Actually, I hadn’t thought about it! At least, not more consciously than “I like this relationship” and that waiting for permission to touch is one criterion that would make me think that.
I remember that gesture in the anime! In that specific situation I’d almost consider it a marketing ploy more than anything (I feel like I remember it being used in trailers, to show that Kai came back or something), but you make a good point. I just looked it up again too, there are screenshots at the end of this post for anyone else following along.
I just went back through volume 1 and ch 28 and 69 and a little of the recent chapters, and other than fighting people, it didn’t look like Kai touched anyone at all in the manga (even Kotobuki and his ‘friends’ in ch 69). Even when Kei was riding on the motorcycle, he wasn’t holding onto Kai like I had thought- he’s gripping the motorcycle. In the anime, it looks like he has one hand on the motorcycle and one hand on Kai, like you said. I’m a fan of the “touch is important to Kai” idea, but is it possible that’s something the fandom made up?
In Japan in general people aren’t very touchy-feely, and it’s not like Ajin was written to be in the BL genre, so perhaps it’s just natural that they wouldn’t touch very much. I didn’t really go back and look at the Kei-Kou interactions, so I’d be interested to check on how they compare. 
Be that as it may, I think what you said reflects really interestingly on their expanded characterization in the fandom. We really have so little material with Kai to work off of, but canon either explicitly shows or heavily implies that Kei and Kai value and respect each other very deeply; Kai is much more upfront about how he feels about Kei; and Kei is constantly denying his own feelings.  This is definitely a biased and personal opinion so feel free to disagree with me, but I think the degree of sureness they have about their feelings towards the other is what causes me to read Kei as ace/aro, and Kai as allo (not ace/aro). I think that’s where the discussion of touch factors in too. Allo ~> touch is important; ace/aro ~> touch-averse/cautious of being touched; and so Kai, despite possibly desiring touch, recognizes and respects Kei’s orientation, and only touches when given permission. [Also afaik ace/aro orientation can still enjoy cuddles etc. so I’m not sure where I’m taking this .n.] Then again, you could also say that for Kei the torture in the lab could have had an impact on touch sensitivity & that for Kai he honestly just has the worst friends so he’s just super duper extra out of luck in the people-who-would-touch-him-nicely department. 
In ch 73, they touch a lot more, obviously- Kei pulls Kai back into the grate, they land with Kai on top of Kei, Kei checks his pulse and does CPR with a little extra, uh, emotion. I hadn’t really thought about the sudden increase in time spent touching was too distracted by Kai not being dead dead and also the trope of CPR=kissing. It’s definitely a change, but given the situation, it just seems like a function of the action of a doctor isn’t that lucky Kei’s been studying saving a patient, so I read the touch as just incidental and blew past it. I’m still waiting for more closure about how they act towards each other in later chapters, but in the meantime I’m grateful for everyone in the fandom who reads the need for consent to touch in the Kei-Kai relationship in canon, and incorporates it into their work.
I’d also really like to hear what other people in the fandom think about this!!
(Screen caps for reference below the cut):
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Did I mention this ^ cracks me up because in Japanese, “come with me” is “koi”?  Koi, the missing member of the Kei/Kai/Kou/Koi squad, hahahaha.
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withallthingslove · 5 years
the handmaid’s tale s2ep11 thoughts
under the cut because spoilers
overall a pretty decent episode. it felt very much like old handmaids tale which was nice
this show’s pattern seems to be very slow start and then everything happening at the end
eleanor is quickly adding to my list of favorite characters in this show. Even if she is unstable i love that she sees through the bullshit and knows that even though lawrence was raped in this situation as well that june was raped because of him and the society he created. eleanor sees through everything in gilead and i love it
june saying she wants to kill him too you go queen
the scene with lawrence and june drinking.... while june is a motherfucking badass and she has bounced back from hitting rock bottom i dont think she’s well. and lawrence knows that too which is why he made the mental health comment. this season is definitely about changing june. there have been hints of it in previous seasons but this is when she goes through more of a personality transformation
wow the marthas really run gilead we stan
i think it’s pretty obvious from the start that serena is setting up fred. the way she said goodbye to rita, she knew she wasnt coming back. and I think her beginning nerves were because she was nervous about what would happen to fred not really tuello betraying her
and of course fred is his cocky normal self but its heightened even more when they are alone. I’m conflicted on how serena acted with fred... part of me thinks she still loves him. Because they’ve always been this delusional power-hungry team that have a connection. But then part of me viewed it like the end of the wolf of wall street where margot robbie’s character gets leo’s character to fuck her one last time and butters him up and then shes like “i want a divorce”
the scene in the woods with them at the econo family’s house was beautifully shot. the scenery, the camera work. beautiful. The conversation that took place... solidified more to me serena was setting him up. It seemed like she was saying goodbye in a way. She brought up what she was unhappy with and reminisced with him, and when he said he didnt need to live in dc i didnt believe him and i dont think she did either
but fred admitting he was sterile..... um wow if he wasnt such a terrible human i would be proud of his character development
more proof serena was planning to cross him though is that her reaction was very sad instead of like rushing to comfort him
glad they didnt show the waterfords having sex because honestly dont need that in my life and any scene of them doing it is a waste of time to me 
for a second i freaked out when it looked like lawrence had abandoned them because i hadn’t read that in the spoilers for the episode
are they coming after lawrence because of his liberal tendencies? or because he wasn’t performing the ceremony?
june walking through jezebels like she owns the place. i love her confidence
the bartender being concerned about beth made me happy i feel like she’s really well liked and i hope nothing bad happens to her
also the bartender knowing about lawrence robbing all the museums is another good way of showing he isnt really that much better than the other commanders considering fred and serena did the same thing
ugh winslow.... 
june trying to give herself the speech and then snapping. It’s interesting because in one way it shows she has lost her humanity the way emily and moira had. one thing about june in the book was that she always “kept her humanity” and that was shown in the second season when june couldnt bring herself to kill the waterfords. But the longer june stays in gilead the more unhinged she becomes. BUT I would also argue she has more humanity now because she cant suppress her disgust anymore and so she reacts. So while its more unhinged I think its also more like a new aspect of her personality being born
love that the martha helped her and that the marthas literally cleaned up the entire scene they really are bomb ass bitches. QUEENS
lawrence giving june the gun.... what are they gonna do shoot off whoever comes to the house? or is that for when they try to escape
if june is staying and not escaping after this season i could see her truly going underground/on the run at the end of the season and not going to someone’s house to be a handmaid
mmmmmm tuello is fine and still stand by the idea that he and serena will fuck 
fred immediatly doesnt trust him which is actually smart of fred but i also think that it was more fred was insecure about himself and projected. not that he felt something was up. just my personal opinion
fred is such a dick the way he yelled at tuello once they parked but its the way ive seen every privileged white man get mad about anything small so it was perfect delivery
when tuello said they had crossed into canada and all the soldiers came out... YESS WE STAN A KING
It was so satisfying for tuello to say what fred was being arrested for as the americans looked on. SOOOO satisfying
As for Serena.... I think my question from earlier was answered in how she looked at him. She does still love him and so part of her felt terribly guilty for playing him. So the way she was treating fred earlier was because she does love him still but also knew she was betraying him
For the next few episodes... im guessing serena defected and gave fred up or gave them both up hoping doing so would let her see holly. Which ugh. If this season ends with serena in hawaii with holly instead of nick and june in hawaii with holly im gonna fucking riot. 
anyway based on the preview moira, luke and holly visit fred and serena and fred is in a jail cell and its said serena betrayed him. but I couldn’t tell if serena was in a jail cell too. My guess is kind of what i predicted earlier in the season and that serena’s long term plan when she left canada was not to get holly back to gilead but was to find a way to leave gilead and take holly with her so i imagine she will try to get custody of holly ughhhhh. 
If nick and june can’t be there to parent her then luke and moira should. not serena
im interested to see what happens in the next few episodes because so far this season has been all over the place and so who knows how it will end (i know some of what will happen but not everything and i want more spoilers)
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phantom-flowerbeds · 5 years
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okay buckle up cause this is gonna get kinda long LMAO
SO wild adventures was a minecraft animation series made by steven suptic (aka mlgHwnT back in his mc days) and it was basically a continuation of his and his friend vince’s let’s play series of the same name. that’s also why the animation is technically considered “season 2″ but you don’t have to watch season 1 to follow along (in fact i. dont recommend it cause the let’s play doesn’t add to the plot At All and those episodes are p much long gone by now SKDGKSDGK)
ANYWHO so WA is about four guys – steve, vince, jeff, and whitey – who are trying to survive in a server that’s been struck by a zombie apocalypse. steve eventually starts having dreams about a city farther north, so in his curiosity, he leads the group into a place called North Haven, which is assumed to be the last city standing in the server (although it’s basically a militarized dystopia run by a lunatic and his consultant is lowkey a sadistic murderer)
there’s a legend that’s been passed down about the original two players on the server – admin and eve – and it basically talks about how admin split eve in two at the origin (x=0, y=0, z=0) after she became unstable and he turned her into two separate entities: the builder and the destroyer. he did this to restore balance to the server and ensured that construction can’t go without destruction – and if the world were to be thrown out of balance, chaos would follow (hence the zombie outbreak).
so, on the team’s way to North Haven, steve gets separated from jeff and whitey (vince is nowhere to be found at the moment) and he meets two strangers who are implied to be the builder and the destroyer themselves (i’m. pretty sure that at least the destroyer was confirmed to be who they actually were suggested to be, but nothing was ever said about the builder). i won’t say much else but basically the group tags along with the builder + the destroyer and they attempt to search for the origin, steve is HEAVILY implied to be a reincarnation of admin himself, and shit hits the fan real fuckin quick
unfortunately, steve discontinued the series before it ever got a proper ending :(( the original plan was for him to create a 20 minute finale after s2ep11, but that eventually got scrapped in favor of a season 3, but that only ever got two episodes before he dropped it altogether. personally, i consider season 2′s ending to be the “true” ending but it ends on such a cliffhanger that it’s frustrating no matter what way you look at it skgksdgk
BUT all in all yknow this series was really REALLY fuckin good, the first couple episodes are kinda slow but once things start picking up the story (and the animation style !!) really starts to improve and it builds up into something that should’ve gotten the ending it deserved. it’s fuckin hilarious (although some of the jokes at the beginning are. questionable in nature so just be advised lmfao) and the plot had so much potential, but as far as i know steve never said anything about how it was supposed to end before everything got taken down ;-;
speaking of which, this channel is one of the only remaining sources that has both season 2 AND season 3, but s3ep1 is cut in half and from the looks of it, the s3 trailer is p much gone for good. BUT it’s a really awesome series and you can tell that it was a real passion project of his during the majority of its runtime :’))
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kimtotes · 4 years
Listening to Theo&Kim gives me life,I realize Soa was really a good show,s2ep11 was really good TV,the gravity,the build up until that ep,the tension between Clay&Jax until Gemma confession,I love Clay goes to see Abel,it was amazingly done,Idk it makes me sad Sutter destroyed it all in just two seasons,even if 3 is not my fave either,sorry Ireland🤣I still loved Gemma at that point,but she told them the truth just so they made up,she was always manipulating them,I dont even think she helped Donna pay for groceries in s1 as a selfless act🤷🏾‍♀️lol Kim is amazing when he tells the truth,it’s all in his eyes really,when he says to all of them,I killed Donna💔Theo nailed why Tara had that meltdown,I’m just😍
It was a really good show!! It was so well written and the story was so good! The podcast really makes me miss the old SOA 😭. Seriously! It really only too him 2 seasons to ruin everything I loved about the show! It just wasn’t the same show anymore! I really wonder if he would have ruined it if the show didn’t gain as much attention as it did! Like the show started taking off in S3 and it just got more popular with each season after that. I still liked Gemma too! She was manipulative, but it wasn’t as in your face or as terrible as it became. He did!! Kim is absolutely amazing! I mean his delivery of “I don’t even know who I am anymore” 😭. Yes!! I’m glad Theo gets Tara, the haters are probably even more pissed now 🤣
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s2ep11: matsu hunting, matsu hunting, so much fun...
Which Matsu will be next... the hell...?
Surprisingly enough, this week’s episode is one of those episodes where only one skit is featured throughout the whole thing. No other skits, not even a super-short Cavematsu opening or anything; it’s just “Chibita’s Revenge” all throughout. And because of that, it becomes so much more fun~
The trouble begins when, tired of the sextuplets just eating from his place and never paying their tab, Chibita decides not to serve them anything for the night. Unfortunately for him, the brothers immediately start flattering him - and as it turns out, flattery is Chibita’s biggest weakness. So having fallen for the boys’ compliments, Chibita serves them anyway, but he reminds them to please pay their tab. And the boys say they will!
(Also one thing to note about this scene is that they used the “Jyushimatsu Falls in Love” theme near the end of it... My heart skipped a beat when that happened even though the placement of the song has nothing to do with the events happening, nor does its usage concern Jyushi and/or his Homerun Girl so lol ;v;)
But then the next day, Chibita finds out that the boys have been using their money on pachinko and horse-racing - money that they could’ve used to pay their tab instead. Of course this makes Chibita angry! And he gives chase! He manages to get Choro for a bit (and again Kara promises to save him, only to not do anything and just leave him for dead lol) and attacks, but the other boys come back for Choro and a skirmish ensues (while Totty cheers his brothers on lol) - 
- and the skirmish ends with someone pulling out Chibita’s solitary strands of hair. Whoopsie. Chibita starts to cry over his pulled-out strand, the boys make hasty apologies and run for their lives. And after that, Chibita swears revenge...
Fast forward to the next day; it’s a dark and stormy night afternoon, so dark and stormy that smartphone signals don’t work, the TV goes on static, and the lights flicker on and off. Oso, Kara, Choro, Jyushi and Totty wonder about what’s going on. They also note that their parents seem to have disappeared...
...but where’s Ichi?
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Good news is that they find Ichi; bad news is that they find him stuffed into the wall of their room, with a giant bump on his head and all of his hair shaved off. It’s a scary sight. Kara guesses that Chibita’s the one behind this as a result of what happened the day before - a guess that’s confirmed by Ichi puking out various oden foods after a brief convulsion - and the remaining five Matsus, now scared out of their wits, blockade the entire house. (Jyushi meanwhile tends to Ichi, aww ;v; Best of boys and best of brothers continue to be the best.) There’s no way Chibita will get in now!
The boys proceed to wait things out until it’s safe. But then everyone has to go pee, but wouldn’t go due to being too scared to lol. Honestly, I don’t blame the boys - imagine being in a house all by yourselves, with someone out to get you lurking around, and then you have to go to the bathroom all by yourself, while the toilet’s far away from everyone else... it’s a very unnerving situation ;; And to make things worse, the lights finally die out due to the storm, leaving them all alone and vulnerable in utter darkness... (Also we get a little callback to last week’s ep, lol. “Where did the kindness you showed last week go?!” Nah, Kara, I don’t think Choro would want to show you any more kindness after you left him for dead both last week and yesterday :P)
Oso finally tries to brave the dark and loneliness by heading to the bathroom himself... But he’s easily spooked all throughout lol. Then Choro, Totty and Jyushi (with his best brother’s corpse in tow) show up, giving Oso even more spooks. Which everyone except Oso laughs off because Niichan’s suffering is fun!
...but where’s Kara?
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Kara is discovered hanging upside down from the ceiling, a bump on his head and oden sticks in his ears. There’s scary writing all over the walls too - that could only mean that Chibita’s already inside the house! The remaining four boys try to get out of the house, but it turns out their blockades worked a little too well - because now they can’t get out themselves! So they go into hiding, while Chibita shows up in the shadows, walking around and singing a little song...
You know, if this show wasn’t actually a comedy show, Chibita’s slow stalking of everyone while singing his little Matsu hunting song would actually be genuinely scary, or creepy at the very most. Most of the episode in general is actually really tense, especially with the darkness of not only the house but of the rain and clouds outside when the boys actually do manage to leave the house later... The atmosphere is good for horror, and even when you know no one’s actually getting hurt (and that the Matsus actually kinda deserve it...), you still feel scared for the brothers anyway. 
The scariest, tensest part is when Totty, finally too scared to be stuck in the house, runs out of his hiding spot to the boys’ shared room and tries to get out. He uses Jyushi’s baseball bat to knock down the barriers he and his brothers placed in - only to find that someone’s locked the window with a steel door. So he has no way to get out... The poor guy then eventually resorts to crying and calling for his eldest brother like a scared kid. I don’t blame him... (And Miyu Irino’s voice acting again is really good in this part... Totty’s voice breaking when he calls for Oso... ;^; )
...and then he’s caught.
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Totty is found by the remaining three Matsus hanging outside of their house with oden stuffed up his nose. Oso, Choro and Jyushi promptly make a run for it. They go to Iyami’s place, of all places - and it turns out, Iyami got his house back! So that’s good. Iyami initially refuses them, but the boys force themselves in lol. They beg Iyami for help, and then Iyami eventually concedes to let them stay for the night. He even gives them green tea to warm up from the storm! Also Iyami’s dating Dobusu now, I think.
Oso, Choro and Jyushi are relieved. Wow, Iyami’s such a nice guy! ...wait a minute, Iyami’s never this nice to them, ever. And that’s when they realize that it was a trap! Chibita finally catches up with them (after paying Iyami and Dobusu to let him inside the house), wearing a military uniform(?) and brandishing a giant razor in one hand and cutter(?) in the other. The three Matsus briefly try pleading with Chibita, but Chibita has decided that, because they removed his only strand of hair and therefore made him just like every other bald person out there, they should die!! Extreme? Yes! Par for the course in Osomatsu-san? Absolutely!!
The boys try to escape, only to get cornered. Oso tries to use Choro as a shield, then Jyushi then Choro and Jyushi both use Oso as a shield lol. (”You bastards betrayed me! You’re terrible people!” “You have the nerve to say that?!”) This leads to Chibita headbutting Oso, which leads to Oso limping onto the ground and growing a big bump on his head. lolwhoops
So Choro and Jyushi hightail it out of there (with Jyushi carrying his older brother bridal style out of there, it’s very cute! ;v; ), with Chibita in hot pursuit! The two remaining boys try to outrun Chibita and duke it out against him, at one point throwing various items at him and even using a missile launcher!. Is this the Wakaba I wanted? It’s a short moment but it has my favorite boys helping each other out, so I’ll take it wholeheartedly!! :’D Sadly Chibita is a fast and resilient guy, and he eventually manages to take Choro out cold. So now that leaves one Matsu left...
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose, the green Matsu got it in the eyes, the red Matsu got it up the ass... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
The final showdown occurs at the rooftop of a love hotel (yeah, that’s a love hotel), with Chibita and final girl Matsu Jyushi duking it out. It’s revealed that it was actually Jyushi who pulled out Chibita’s single hair at the skirmish yesterday, and so Chibita really has it in for him. So the two charge against each other for a final battle - but then Chibita gets to Jyushi quickly, and defeats him! Let’s see that again in SLOW MOTION: The two charge against each other for a final battle - and then Dekapan, Dayon and Hatabou intervene within a split second by stopping Jyushi in place and pulling down his pants, allowing Chibita to hit him where it matters most (y’know), and then Chibita pays them and they leave - so Chibita gets to Jyushi quickly, and defeats him! Chibita has won the battle, and so his revenge is complete!!
Chibita celebrates his victory by bringing the unconscious-but-still-alive (all naked, all shaved bald) sextuplets to his stall and shoving spicy mustard on their body parts! EVERYBODY NOW!
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun! The purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose, the green Matsu got it in the eyes, the red Matsu got it up the ass, the yellow Matsu got on his Matsu down below! And now it’s complete... the hell~!
He leaves the boys to hang outside their house, just in time for their parents (who just came home from vacationing in Hawaii) to see them! The parents have no idea what happened to their sons, but they figured that they did something to deserve it lol so they go home happy. And Chibita’s happy too! 
Then someone comes along and calls him Baldy - which at first Chibita takes offense to; but then when it turns out that it’s Totoko - and when it turns out that Totoko thinks that Chibita’s new baldness is adorable, and that it suits him well - he ends the episode very happy! :’D Chibita really is weak to compliments after all, that loveable little scamp~
This was a really fun episode this week! :D The first half was a tense and spooky ride, like going through a haunted house maze during Halloween; the second half lingered in the spookiness for a while but then turned into an action-packed romp. We got to see the boys in a situation where they’re genuinely scared (Horrormatsu fanart and fanfic makers, take note!), we got Osokun homages (according to some Osokun fans, this episode seemed to be a reference to a chapter in the manga where Chibita did the same thing to the boys + Iyami IIRC?), we got callbacks to good moments in S1 and S2, we got (a bit of) Wakaba - what’s not to love? :D
I’m not the biggest fan of horror, but I think this episode is the closest thing to legit horror that the show has given us and I loved it :’D Tbh I’m looking forward to all the spooky fanart and stuff that’ll inevitably spawn from this episode haha~
Next week’s episode is gonna be a bit of a puzzler, I think :0 “The Eitaro Family”, huh? Who are the Eitaros? Are they an Osokun reference? Could this be the family of a returning character? Or will they all be new characters? So many questions :0 I guess there’s only one way to find out!
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ladymunaontheprowl · 6 years
Review of S2EP11 References of History
Yooo, i dont know if im only saw this but it looked like it made a few references of the most famous school shootings that happened in history. For example, the sister of the killer, her brother murder their mother, i thought it made a reference to throuton school shooting in 1994, kipland shot his parents before going to do a shooting in his school, then it showed shooting victims in the libaray, i theorized that it related to Columbine shooting in 1999, then it shooter in the future happened to be a copycat attempting to copy the crime that the team dealt with 6 years ago, which i assume it was a reference to Canadian school shooting in Tabet High in Alberta, just 8 days after Columbine. Then there a scene when it showed the teams operation 6 years ago, a student was shot in the chest as she was preventing the killer from coming in, it reminded me of the shooting in Virgina Tech, during the shooting a teacher kept the door shut preventing the shooter from entering into the class while he was giving the students a chance to escape, i think it he got shot in the process, (dont remember, but he got harmed at one point). Another thing I noticed that the suspect the team was hunting happened to expelled from his former school, and he had plans to commit a massacre, i thought it might have been a reference to Parkland Shooting. A former student went into the school starting firing at the students. Is there anyone else that might have a similar theory about the episode? I know sometimes thet do that in popluar culture.
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withallthingslove · 6 years
the handmaid’s tale s2ep11 thoughts
- wow oh wow this episode was beautiful
- poor june. Having to see everything about Hannah’s new family. She has a picture with her new “mom”, she has a doll house in her “dad’s” study so she can play while he works, she has drawings framed... I thought of the book quote that happened when Offred gets a picture of Hannah. In the picture she could tell by Hannah’s smile that Hannah had already forgotten her
- Obviously we know this isn’t entirely true because we saw their reunion last week. But June has to deal with the fact her daughter does have new parents and a new life. Just like how she has a new life and Luke has a new life
- Loved all the flashbacks in this episode
- Serena yelling “offred” was fucking terrifying
- go yvonne though
- and fred is just his normal weak “we can’t be here”
- Loved the fight between them though. Serena points out to fred that June and Nick hate him and confirms Nick is the father. This seemed to hit him really hard. A+ acting for joseph fiennes. He seemed like a naive child “no no she wouldn’t do that. she would be grateful”
- And then fred points out the rape was serena’s fucking idea. also june was telling serena to stop the rape and not fred fyi so stfu serena you are a monster too
- fred’s comment about them being hanged side by side made me lol
- serena finally gets to admit she gave up everything for nothing. I’m sure that was cathartic for both of them to finally be honest
- I’m glad june didn’t take the shot. She is a survivor, but not a killer. Gilead hasn’t totally changed her and I thought that was important. 
- the Oprah broadcast... definitely foreshadowing to future seasons. In the book refugees started fleeing to England when Canada started sending them back. It doesn’t look like this will be the exact case in the show because Canada is welcoming more refugees, but still a nice nod
- That wolf is june’s spirit animal. It wasn’t considering her as prey at all. June didn’t even seem scared of it. they just respected/admired each other
- I also saw the wolf could symbolize mom Holly watching over June which I love
- The interactions with June and Luke in this episode were very cute. I enjoyed them. Especially the hospital ones while she was giving birth
- the music when June realized she needed to get help... so beautiful
- the cinematography as she ran out of the house with the gun... so beautiful
- I know everyone is upset she made herself known when the birth ended up going fine.. but june didn’t know that. She was a high risk pregnancy, with no escape, no electricity, and limited supplies. She realized realistically she would need help for the safety of her child
- I LOVELOVELOVE the contrast to Holly telling June she is stronger than she thinks and that she doesn’t need the hospital or drugs. And then she goes and is a total badass and gives birth on her own like how she chose not to with Hannah
- I think one thing this episode did a great job of showcasing is how much June has changed since pre-Gilead. 
- Pre-Gilead June was very passive. She had a lighter voice. Even when June talks candidly now, her voice is so much different than pre-Gilead June. Because she is a completely different person now. 
- Pre-Gilead june needed a support system for her birth. She needed Luke, Moira, and her Mom, and the hospital of doctors, nurses, and drugs to feel safe to give birth to Hannah.
- Gilead June didn’t even bother worrying about Nick not being there, because she knows she does not have that luxury of depending on him. Instead of panicking, she goes into survivor mode. She gives birth how her mom originally encouraged her to, the way she thought she never could. Alone. 
- That to me is so beautiful. It sends the message of women’s strength and endurance and shows how much June has grown since we first saw her. 
- All the people who are upset she didn’t mention Nick... this isn’t fanfiction (as much as I wish it was) I wish Nick could have been there to help her so they could both share the birth of her daughter. 
- Nick and June are also not afforded the luxury of openly loving each other, just like they can’t actually claim or enjoy to be Holly’s parents. It’s better for both of their mentalities to lean on each other and actively think about their love for each other and Holly as little as possible. Also she has no clue if he is even alive so probably better to push it out of sight, out of mind and focus on giving birth and surviving
- this season is about motherhood, the writers were very clear about that
- As she gives birth, she thinks about her mom, and Moira, and Janine, and the rest of the handmaids. Women. All the moments that prepared her for the birth of Holly, her daughter.
- She gets to spend a few quiet moments with her daughter. Something Gilead and Serena will never be able to take away from her
- that final scene was so beautiful. It was exactly how I imagined/hoped it would happen
Next episode:
- Based on the trailer and promo photos, I’m predicting June will be taken to the hospital or red center. She will pump there, while Holly will be taken to the waterfords
- Fred will be promoted and he gets a new office (the one that has the picture of him, serena and holly in it) He realizes either Nick is an eye or that nick could have turned him in but didn’t. As a way of rewarding him but also keeping his enemies close, he will either promote nick or make him a deal he can’t refuse in exchange for Nick to not make a claim on Holly
- This deal could be that June gets to come back to the house to nurse (ie the photos where Fred and Nick bring Holly to June and Aunt Lydia and Serena is seen yelling about June being back)
- Someone (maybe Rita, Fred, or Nick) will turn Eden in for kissing Isaac, or she will turn herself in, or she will get caught running away with him. As a result for their crime, they will be drowned. Everyone is forced to watch 
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