#i have like 2 eps left but just cba
killapunk · 5 months
someone tell me why bee and puppycat has turned into such a slog for me to get through, like. i started it years ago and i try to get through it and lose interest almost immediately. it's so slow and there's like barely any plot. and like it's fine to have relaxed shows, like rilakkuma and kaoru, right, that's a great healing watch, but when you're trying to also hint at a story yet you take 500 years to get anywhere with it...
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jessmac566 · 3 months
Thx @l1veleak for the tag, hope mine is interesting enough.
1. Do you make your bed?
I try too every morning but sometimes I cba...
2. Fav number?
566 is a number I've used for quite a few years for my socials as it combines my birth month (5) and year (06) and with and added 6 I think was for my PS4 user needed an extra character
3. What's your job?
Was a barista but recently left to focus on my exams and in the process of finding another job that can hopefully carry on while at uni
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
I've just finished school, so no... I might change my mind later though
5. Can you parallel park?
Yes I can and I am very proud about it. Sorry not sorry
6. Do you like aliens are real?
Honestly idk. Maybe but it could be cool if they are real, I guess
7. Can you drive a manual car?
Yes and it's actually quite fun
8. Guilty pleasure?
Watching Star Wars animated TV shows, especially SW Clone Wars
9. Tattoos?
No, I keep going back and forth between wanting them and not but can't really decide what to get
10. Fav Colour?
Pink 🩷
11. Fav type of music?
Honestly go between different types but probs techno or EDM
12. Do you like puzzles?
Yeah, do the New York Times connections and mini crossword everyday, but I don't really like wordle cause my spelling is shit
13. Fav childhood sport?
Badminton 🏸 and still play now?
14. Do you talk to yourself?
All the time, especially when home alone
15. Tea or coffee?
Go between both, more coffee in the morning and tea more evening/night
16. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
I think I wanted to do what my dad does which is tech sales, also think a pro cyclist was up there as well
17. What movies do you adore?
Any of the star wars movies, especially ep 3, 5 or rogue one, also love le mans 66 and the Christian Bale Batman's
This was sat in my drafts after I started it last Friday. Have no idea who to tag but anyone who wants to do it be my guest.
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bluedragonbooks · 8 years
Ch 05 - Ep xx - Poison the well
A little preview in light of current politics “We’ve been invited to dinner at the Prime Minister's residence; the cream of Australia’s corporate elite will be there.” “I’m guessing they want to convince us it’s time to join the blue team.” “Promise you’ll play nice” replied Icarus. … David and Ishaq Shaw - Five Realms Group” announced the Usher, politely avoiding mention of their relationship. David looked at Ishaq “Welcome to the inner circle” he said with wry humour. They grabbed some champagne and mingled; more than once David got asked if he was seeing anyone; to which he responded “My husband Ishaq” and let the resulting awkward silence speak for itself. … Conversation didn’t get serious until the main course was being cleared. “So, quite an interesting marketing ploy; aligning yourself with the Greens on Climate Change and with the Gay Agenda; you’re not playing on the same team as us Conservatives” remarked the Head of the CBA. “We see our market niche as being disruptors” replied Ishaq, ignoring the pointed dig. “That could get you in a lot of trouble; you sure you're tough enough to play with the big boys?” asked one of the Mining types. “Don’t confuse left wing politics with weakness; David and I are prepared for a fight.” Rupert Murdoch interjected “You boy’s don’t know what you’re up against; if you won’t play ball; I could turn the nation against you in less than a week.” David looked at Ishaq and then at Rupert. “Did you just threaten us?” “I don’t threaten. I tell you what I want and you do it, simple as that. You can start by toning down your ‘Marriage Equality’ support; I get that it's part of your public branding, but don’t expect the Government to back it. You can also stop this ‘Corporate Transparency’ nonsense; we’re all quite happy with the way the tax system works; we don’t need trouble makers going on about ‘Corporate Tax Avoidance' and ’Social Inequality’ and such.” Ishaq looked at David “David, play nice.” “Yeah David, listen to your girlfriend, why don’t you faggots go home and redecorate or something and leave business to us real men.” Ishaq looked at Rupert … “David’s been itching for an excuse to take you down; but I made him promise to play nice. You had to go and make it personal.” “Bring it on boy; I’ll starve your company of oxygen and ruin your reputations; a complete media hate-fest.” David looked at Rupert calmly for a moment as if considering how to respond. Then, he opened his phone and dialled a favourite. “Myriam, release the green files of the 10 most corrupt members of the Federal Liberal Party; access the Black files on Rupert Murdoch, News Corp and 21st Century Fox; you can quarantine Lachlan and James … Go Global with a Level 5 contagion … authorisation Daedalus … hang on, I’ll put Ishaq on.” He handed the phone to Ishaq “Confirmed; Green and Black … poison the well … authorisation Icarus.” Everyone looked at David and Ishaq wondering what the hell just happened. There was a long silence until a phone rang … it belonged to one of the competing media executives; he looked at the CallerID, excused himself and took the call. A few minutes later he returned. He looked at David and Ishaq but spoke to the room. “That was my international News Desk; There’s been a massive leak of financial data related to News Corp and 21st Century Fox alleging they’re trading as insolvent. There are claims there only saying afloat, because they’ve been peddling government influence in exchange for tax immunity and advertising revenue. News Corp and 21st Century Fox are being heavily shorted, and it’s sparked a massive sell-off. Their shares are in free-fall.” “Level 1 Contagion” remarked Ishaq. A few moments later the phones of both Lachlan and James Murdoch rang. There was silence until they both returned to the room, and asked to speak to their Father outside. “Level 2 Contagion” advised David. “Senior international legal firms launch class actions on 3 continents against News Corp and 21st Century Fox citing tax avoidance and collusion with government. Major rating agencies downgrade News Corp and 21st Century Fox to junk status. Senior Secured Creditors respond by demanding Rupert Murdoch provide an immediate $3 Billion cash injection as additional equity. ” Rupert Murdoch came back into the room and he was clearly livid “What the fuck did you do? I’ll make you pay for this. So help me God … I’ll make you pay.” “Or” remarked Ishaq, “You could give us a controlling interest in return for a debt bail-out.” “Never.” “Pity really” said David as his phone rang. “Phase 2 is confirmed” was all he said. “Level 3 Contagion” advised Ishaq “Senior Secured Creditors obtain court orders forcing News Corp and 21st Century Fox into receivership citing concern that ongoing data leaks and court actions threaten the brand's viability and ability to trade out of bankruptcy. Senior international legal firms launch class actions to recover staff entitlements and protect small creditors. Receivers shutdown News Corp and 21st Century Fox offices, seize control of Printing, Distribution and Online assets, shutting down printing presses and news channels, including all websites and social media accounts to prevent further brand damage.” Several of the guests checked their phones “Wall Street Journal is offline.” “So is The Australian.” There was a chorus of other names. Rupert Murdoch sat there livid, staring daggers at David; his sons made hurried calls. David smiled, took a slow sip of wine and continued. “Level 4 Contagion, News Corp and 21St Century Fox exposed by continuing massive data leaks; experts say volume of data and level of corruption likely to exceed the Panama Papers; Leaks expose corrupt dealings at the highest levels of Government; AFP raids homes and offices of 10 Senior Liberal Members on suspicion of corruption. Mass arrests or resignations likely; Turnbull Government likely to fall. Similar disclosures expected to rock the UK and US Governments.” A few moments later there was a knock at the door and a Senior Police Officer was brought in. “Pardon the interruption, Prime Minister … Mr Murdoch - I have a warrant for your arrest on charges of corruption. With respect Sir, I’ll need you to accompany me back to headquarters.” As Rupert Murdoch was ushered out, an aide put a small folder in front of Malcolm Turnbull; who looked at David and asked “What’s this?” “Options; Option A; is a media release condemning the behaviour of 10 of your ministers and establishing a Federal ICAC to look into Government and Corporate corruption; it also commits your government to implementing a number of accounting measures aimed at corporate transparency.” “Option B; is your letter to the Governor General resigning as Prime Minister and asking him to dissolve the Coalition Government. It also suggests that Bill Shorten form a minority Government with the Greens. … Take your time; you’ve got about 20 minutes before you’re due in front of the press.” Similar folders were placed in front of Lachlan and James Murdoch. Ishaq smiled “Level 5 Contagion; Five Realms Group offers a last minute bailout to News Corp and 21st Century Fox in return for a 65% controlling interest. Lachlan and James Murdoch will remain as CEO of respective organisations after a formal division of assets. Five Realms Group promises to clean-out the old guard and commits to complete corporate transparency; promises strategic divestments in markets with greater than a 65% presence.” “You know this Chocolate Torte is particularly good; any chance of a coffee” asked David? Ishaq looked at Lachlan and James “I don’t know if either of you smoke, but it’s probably time you went outside for a post-coital cigarette and considered our terms.” … There was a smattering of applause, which turned into a standing ovation as everyone realised what just happened. Tonight would go down in history as one of the swiftest and most brutal corporate takeovers on record.
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