#i have like this really strong idea of who Melanie's dad was based on the idea i have of who Melanie is
thedreadvampy · 3 years
talk 2 me about who you think Melanie's dad was I think they played a lot of Scrabble and she swore at him every time he put down all his letters. I think he grew tomatoes and chillis in the kitchen window and smacked her hand away when she stole bits of pepper off his chopping board. I think he had a detective TV habit and now she gets an ache in her chest when she sees Morse or Elementary or Midsommer Murders. I think when she broke down in tears and rage he would loudly pull up a chair on the other side of her bedroom door so she knew he was there, and sit there in silence and wait for her to talk. I don't think he ever initiated hugs but if she came to him for hugs he'd just stand in place and hold her for as long as she needed to. I think she used to burn him CDs of a random assortment of music to play in the car and he always pretended to like it. I think he was pathologically conflict adverse and often struggled to hold his ground but he was so proud of Melanie for her stubbornness and principles even though she was an absolute nightmare to live with and she and her mum had daily screaming matches. I don't think she ever talked to him directly about anything traumatic that had happened to her because she worried about hurting him, but she felt like he understood anyway. I think he really liked reading Serious Literature and had very strong opinions on it. I think he worked in something public sector, client facing and with a slog of long office hours - jobcentre or social work or teaching administration or something. I think he had very strong political and religious beliefs and principles but tended not to talk about them much. I think he was quiet unless he had something to say and he always kept a very even temper. I think the angriest Melanie saw him was when she dropped out of sixth form. I think when the dementia started setting in one of the most disturbing things for Melanie was that he lost that calmness and sense of stability. I think he was someone who retreated from anger and who dealt with the constant anger around him by getting very quiet and distant and stepping out of himself while someone yelled at him, and that often left Melanie feeling like she'd been left very alone with whatever difficulties she was having.
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timetravelingheart · 6 years
My Side of the Fence Part Seventeen: A.M. Imagine
For those concerned about a heartbreaking moment, it does not appear in this chapter (this one actually turned out quite fluffy!) but it is on its way. This chapter kind of sets up that moment. That’s as spoilery as I’ll get since this is all still a work in progress and ever-changing! Thank you for following along. I love when you send in ideas that fit these characters SO well; it’s like you’re in my head! 
ALSO - to the anon who sent in the Vance Joy “I’m With You” song association, thank you! I thought this would be an appropriate time, for those who are unaware, to mention that this story is semi-based off of “My Side of the Fence” by Dan+Shay whose latest album is on repeat for me. Highly recommend listening to it! :) 
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen
Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen
For the first time in a while, Savannah was uncomfortable in Auston’s presence. She could tell he was deep in thought, gripping the wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. While she wanted the conversation they needed to have to be over with, she knew that it wouldn’t be wise with him in this current state. 
“So how come you didn’t drink tonight?” Savannah asked, trying to break the tension. 
“When you said you were coming and that you might drink, I wanted you to be able to have fun without worrying about getting home,” he kept his eyes on the road ahead of them, rain now coming down and causing him to be a little more cautious. 
“You didn’t have to do that. We could’ve just taken an uber home.” 
“I know. But it’s not a big deal. I get more nights out than you do anyway. There’s always an opportunity to drink,” he shrugged nonchalantly, still not sparing her a glance. 
“Well, thank you,” she replied awkwardly. Auston finally turned to look at her, suddenly seemingly aware of the effect his mood was having on her. He smiled tightly, reaching over to squeeze her thigh in acknowledgement. 
“I’m sorry about Melanie,” Auston apologized, wanting to clear the air before they reached her apartment. He had assumed he was going up with her, but after the night’s events, he wasn’t sure. 
“Oh, don’t be. She was really nice,” Savannah replied. 
“Yeah, she is,” he agreed, not knowing what else to do. He wanted to know what was said, and based on how Savannah was acting, he knew she knew something, he just didn’t know what version of the story she got. He wanted her to ask him for his side, much like she did the night they played 21 questions. 
They pulled into the complex parking garage and Auston turned off the car, but neither made any move to get out of the car. Auston waited, tapping his wrist on the steering wheel. Savannah unbuckled her seatbelt and turned in her seat to face him.
"Are you still okay with our arrangement?” Savannah all but whispered, her voice shaking, giving way to her uncertainty. Auston whipped his head around the face her. Fuck. 
"What do you mean?” Auston willed himself not to overreact. 
Savannah sighed. Specificity was probably necessary here, but she hated confrontation. “I mean, are you okay with us just being casual?”
Auston sighed this time, running his hand through his hair in frustration. He should have known. "Sav, what did Melanie say to you?”
“I promise I didn’t pry, she just…word-vomited all over me,” Savannah explained, fidgeting with her hands in her lap. “She said that you ended things with her because you realized you wanted to be in a relationship. I’m not asking you explain your past, but I just need to know if what we’re doing is still okay with you.”
"That’s partly true,” Auston admitted, glad to have an opportunity to explain himself. “I told her that I was done with hooking up with random girls and that if I were to be in a relationship, I didn’t see that happening with her and I still don’t.”
"Harsh,” Savannah visibly cringed.
"I know, and I feel badly about that, but I thought it was best to be direct,” he paused, not sure how his next statement would be taken. He watched as she fidgeted with her hands, unbuckled his seatbelt, and reached out to grab them in his. He was relieved when she visibly relaxed at his touch. “I didn’t tell her I was actively seeking a relationship or that I needed to be in one, Sav. You’re not keeping me from anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
"So you are still happy with keeping things casual?”
“Sav, I’m happy with you,” Auston squeezed her hands, bringing them to his lips.
Savannah fought the urge to give in to his sweet gestures. She needed to know the complete truth before she felt comfortable moving forward. “That’s not answering my question. You know how I feel about a relationship right now and the last thing I want to do is lead you on or feel like you are waiting for me. You deserve more than what I could give you in a relationship right now.”
Auston bit his cheek to keep himself from audibly sighing. He adored Savannah, but sometimes she just worried too much. “You need to stop assuming you know what I think I deserve and what I would want in a relationship.”
Surprised by what was easily the harshest tone Auston had ever used with her, Savannah cringed, worried she was making this more difficult than it needed to be. “I’m sorry, you’re right,” she relented. “But I just need to know because if this is more than casual to you, I think it should end for both of our sakes.”
Red flags rose in Auston’s mind. She was willing to end this if she thought he wanted to be in a relationship with her, or in general. He needed to salvage this before it was too late. "I am okay with it being just casual, Sav. It’s not more than that,” he lied.
"You’re sure?” she looked doubtful and hopeful simultaneously and Auston hated himself.
"Sav, we have a good thing going right now, don’t we? I mean, you’re having fun and you’re happy, right?”
"I am,” she answered honestly. And she really was, other than when she spent way too much time overthinking moments with Auston, almost searching for reasons to doubt him. 
Auston reached his hand out to cup her cheek, relishing in Savannah sinking into his touch. “Then please stop stressing and letting outside factors influence this. It is what it is right now and as long as we’re both okay with that, I don’t see why it would need to end. Okay?”
Savannah nodded, leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek. She had to trust that Auston wouldn’t lie to her. She got the answer she wanted, so they could continue. She pushed aside the nagging feeling that something was amiss, but she wanted so badly to continue, to stay in his presence. She didn’t even remotely acknowledge what wanting to stay in his presence meant. If he could keep it casual, so could she. “Okay. Let’s go upstairs.”
After having a long hot, and productive, shower together, Savannah and Auston were tangled up in her sheets, listening to the rain and continuing their game of 21 questions. It was nearing 1am, but neither felt tired. They lay naked, Savannah leaning on her crossed arms on Auston’s strong chest as he lay propped up against her pillows. 
“You can’t say that!” Savannah exclaimed, raising her head to admonish him. 
“Why not?” he retorted, the gleam evident in his eye. He was relieved that nothing felt different from the moment they left the car and entered her apartment. It was as if the events from the night hadn’t happened and things were back to what was becoming their normal. 
“Because, you can’t possibly believe that. There’s no way I’m friends with someone who believes that. I can’t accept it.”
“Well, you better believe it, baby,” Auston laughed.
“Nope, no way. Hedwig’s death was not more emotional than Dobby’s. It just wasn’t,” Savannah shook her head defiantly. Who was this person she was laying here with who had these terrible Harry Potter takes?
“You asked my opinion! That’s my opinion!”
“Your opinion is wrong,” she plopped her head back down on her arms aggressively, earning a grunt from Auston, who barked out a laugh.
“All I’m saying is that Hedwig was there from the very beginning. She was a loss of his innocence. She symbolized that end,” he reached one hand out to push her sexed-up hair behind her ears. After the rough night they had, he was so content to be in this moment with her. His favourite version of Savannah was the one he got to be with behind closed doors, in their safe spaces. She was light; at peace with their privacy and joyful in his company. He felt like he was simultaneously floating in the clouds and being grounded to something good; something real. He had a feeling this is what love felt like. 
“I agree with that part. I just don’t agree that it was a more emotional moment.”
“Well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree, won’t we?” he teased, tapping her twice on the nose and laughing as she stuck her tongue out to lick his palm. 
“Whatever. It’s your turn.”
Auston hummed thoughtfully. He ran one hand leisurely up and down her side, sending shivers up her spine. “What is one of your favourite childhood memories?”
Savannah didn’t have to think twice before answering. “As you know, my dad is one of the biggest hockey fans out there,” she paused to roll her eyes as Auston mouthed a faux cheer of ‘Go Leafs Go!’. “And when none of my siblings took a serious interest in playing the sport, I was kind of his last hope. I don’t know if I told you, but he used to coach some of the kids’ leagues at our local rink. He coached my brothers in baseball, too actually. Anyway, the problem was, when I strapped on those black hockey skates, I would see the girls at the rink in these clean white ones doing spins and jumps and just looking like angels on ice and suddenly that’s all I wanted. My parents have actual video of me playing away from the puck and just trying to do pirouettes and mimic the moves I saw these other kids do, but in my hockey skates.” Savannah laughed at the memory. 
“I need to see those videos someday,” Auston laughed picturing an even tinier Savannah doing spins in hockey skates. “I didn’t know you were on a hockey team though.”
“For an inconsequential period of time,” Savannah laughed. “It took my mom to convince my dad to let me switch from hockey lessons to figure skating. But she did, and even though he was disappointed, he was there for every single practice of mine and even helped me pick out some of my leos. One day, I skated off the ice after practice just fuming and in tears and when he asked why, I told him that some of the kids I used to play hockey with were teasing me for moving to the ‘weaker’ sport instead saying only ‘babies’ figure skated.”
Auston grimaced. As a hockey playing kid, he was definitely on the side of the teasers once in a while when they had to share the ice with the figure skaters. He now felt like sending personal apologies to all of the kids he mocked from ages 8-12. 
“So my dad, all 6′2, 200 some-odd pound of him, got himself a customized pair of figure skates, made in white no less even though men’s figure skates are usually black, and skated out on to the ice with me at the next practice. And I never heard another comment again. These kids revered my dad. He was Coach. And now he was out there in figure skates, nearly dying and killing his knees trying to spin. It was just...everything,” Savannah smiled, feeling her heart squeeze at the thought of her big teddy bear of a dad. 
"That’s amazing,” Auston laughed. “So are you a daddy’s girl?”
"It depends on the day. I think because I moved away from home at such a young age, my parents have done their best to spend time with me together and individually so I’ve gotten a bit of both,” Savannah reflected on her relationships with her parents. “My mom is all-knowing though. My dad is pretty unobservant for the most part, so most of our more meaningful talks come from me approaching him or outright expressing an emotion. My mom reads between the lines. She reads body language. She listens for the unsaid. I think it comes from being a teacher for students with special needs who can’t always communicate quickly or in what we consider to be the easiest way so she has to really pay attention.”
"She sounds a little like my mom.”
“Oh, after meeting your mom one time I could tell she was the kind of woman who could draw blood from a stone. She had my whole life story in under ten minutes of knowing her!”
Auston’s heart soared at how affectionately Savannah spoke of his mom after meeting her only one time. “Yeah, she has the affect.”
"What about you? Are you closer to one parent?”
"For a long time, it was my dad. He was my best friend. And still is,” Auston ran a hand through his hair, thinking back on the last few years with his parents. “But when I lived in Switzerland, my mom moved in with me for the year and we really bonded. I think we missed a lot of that because of how often I was away for hockey as a kid. She can still make me feel like a kid too sometimes, especially when I’m home visiting. But it’s just how she shows love.”
“You have great parents, Auston.”
“It sounds like we both do,” he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, watching as she tried to hide what appeared to be a rather large yawn. He glanced at the clock on her bedside table, seeing that it was nearly 3am. They had nowhere to be in the morning, and he had no intention of leaving her apartment the next day until she all but kicked him out, of course before what he assumed, and hoped, would be a very late breakfast. “All right you,” he pecked her lips, dragging her up his body. “Time for bed.”
“Mm,” she moaned, leaning in to kiss him deeply and then snuggling herself into his side, head tucked under his chin. She felt warm and safe and happy. This still worked for them, and she was so relieved. She could focus on the Olympics without the added pressure of balancing a relationship, and still have this safe space with Auston. As long as he was happy with what she could give, she was happy to stay right here for as long as possible. “Good night, Auston.”
“Good night, Sav.” 
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bartallenisbae · 7 years
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Everything was perfect until
              this is based on comic Bart not cartoon
It was 3 am in the morning and Bart and Mandy Allen were sleeping in their bed when they heard a loud cry of a 4-month-old baby and then after a few seconds, another loud cry of another 4-month-old baby hit their ear's. Bart and Mandy both sighed and got up and walked tiredly to the nursery of Max and Meloni.   Meloni was the look-alike of her dad and her grandma.Meloni Allen had her dad and grandma's thick brown hair and had her dads bright green eyes like her dad. Max Allen had his dad's and grandma's thick hair but he had his mom's blonde-gold hair color(Little fact:newborns have little hair when born then they lose it then grow it back to the natural color they have until older example: when born they have brown hair then they lose it then grow new hair which is blonde until like 13 it turns brown and newborns eye colors change until like 6 months,I won't go by real-life logic I'll use cartoon logic) and he had his dad's green eye's.he looked like a male version of his twin but with blonde hair and green eyes.     The nursery was a medium sized room,it was painted blue on the left side and pink on the left with two rocking chairs that were blue and pink as well and two cribs one on the right was blue and the one on the left with a diaper change section ready for a number two(yeah I made a bad joke deal with it). Meloni and max were wearing baby PJ pants that said "yes we are twins and no we aren't identical.   Bart picked up Meloni and Mandy picked up Max.Both were diaper changed and being fed by their parents, Bart was bottle feeding Meloni and Mandy was breastfeeding Max. After they were fed they were both being rocked in the arms of their parents slowly falling asleep and Meloni fell asleep first so Bart put Meloni in her pink crib. Bart turned and saw that Mandy had gotten out of the rocking chair and was just holding Max in her arms while Max‘s eyes were slowly going down from exhaustion.    ‘I can't believe how great a family I have‘ Bart thought with a smile as he went behind Mandy and put his chin on Mandy's head since he was taller and wrapped his arms around Mandy's waist rocking back and forth trying to help get max to go to sleep. After max fell asleep Mandy put him down in his crib. Mandy looked at both her children "I can't believe how much they look like you" Mandy whispered so she doesn't wake them "Hey come on don't give me all the credit you gave birth to them and gave max his hair color".       "Oh gosh I am so tired," Mandy said as she left part with the twins to go to sleep.Bart was in front of the cribs watching them sleep and said " One day you two will save the world, I know it" he said with a smile as he left to go join his wife in falling back asleep.
It was a stormy day and Mandy and Bart were trying to get their children ready for a family gathering. Max was wearing a red onesie that said "I was planned" and Meloni wore a white onesie said, "I wasn't ."Do we have the diaper's" Amanda said buckling in her 6-month-year-old daughter that was trying to get her mom's hand to eat since she was teething "Uh hold on...check" Bart said as he was looking through the baby's diaper bag while max was in his car seat.    Max decided it would be fun to grab Bart's hair as he was going through the bag "Hey,max no let go of daddy's hair" Bart said calmly trying to get his son to let go of his hair "Haha Bart he is only 6 months, he isn't that strong just pull his hand away" Mandy said in the shotgun seat, Bart realized Mandy was right so he took max's hands off his hair,Max and Meloni laughed at Bart for not realizing it sooner.    "See Mandy I told you,they do get what their doing"   Bart said like a child tattle tailing on another kid, Mandy turned and saw not the laughing children but the innocent, angel children that didn't do a thing wrong, Bart's mouth was open form how those two kids could act so innocent. "Bart, they were probably laughing at something else for a second, they are just kids" Mandy said looking at art like he was crazy.     ‘Those little trickster's' Bart thought. About an hour later it was still raining and storming outside, during the car ride Bart had to drive(and yes part normally gets speeding tickets when he drives nothing else but speeding tickets) and mandy moved to the back in the middle while they were driving because the twins started crying because they were scared of the thunder and lightning."Come on you two how can you be scared of lightning that's literally your great-grandpa's superhero symbol" Mandy said as they were pulling up to their destination.    They were going to a family gathering. Everyone there.Barry, Iris(1), wally, Linda, Jai, iris(2), Jenni, Meloni, and max and Bart and Mandy were just a few steps from the door. When they left the car they made sure the twins didn't get wet at all by putting blankets that they had in case of it raining or the twins got cold and put the blankets over them. When they entered they were immediately crowd by the family gushing over the twins well except jail and iris, they were jealously looking at the other twins.    Max mercury got to hold baby Max and Meloni got to hold baby Meloni first, now it's not like the family hasn't seen the babies oh no they have visited them multiple times it's just the family can't get enough of their cuteness but jail and iris(2) have been acting different since the Allen twins have arrived.Everyone except jai and iris(who were in the kitchen not far from sight)were in the living room googling over the baby twins.   The babies were still being held by max and Meloni. "They look just like you Bart" max says playing with baby max toes as baby max giggled"Yeah a lot of people have told me" Bart says with a proud grin "I just hope they aren't like you" Wally said who is on Bart's left "Hey what do you mean by that" Bart says with a childish sad face,Meloni was still holding baby Meloni and said "Bart, you were a very...active as a child,it was a challenge for your dad to catch you,how are you going to catch both speedster's who are faster than don and dawn were at this age,well at least that's what Batman thinks" Meloni said wondering how her son is going to catch two little speedster's that are the fastest born speedster twins yet, Baby Meloni took Melanie's hand started chewing on her hand Meloni smiled at her granddaughter that looked like a replica of her and her son.    "They are getting close to crawling but they haven't run yet so I'm pretty sure I got time before they run," Bart said and Meloni just smiled thinking ‘You have no idea but how much you sound like your father'. Mandy noticed that jai and iris(2)  were not there in the room "Hey where are jai and iris(2)" Mandy asked kinda missing the two twins that look nothing like "Oh they are in the kitchen" Linda said as Mandy got up to go see the west twins. Mandy went to the kitchen to find jai and iris(2) sitting looking depressed and ignored.     Mandy knew something was wrong, ever since her children were born they have been acting distant "Hey you two what's wrong" Mandy said as she took a seat next to them.They looked mad at her,jai turned away and said "Why do you care, you have max and Meloni, you don't love us anymore" iris(2) looked away as well. Mandy finally got why they were acting different, they were jealous of Max and Meloni,how did she not see it sooner "What are you two talking about,I love you two and I always will but Max and Meloni have a special connection with me the same as your parents do with you, your parents love you more than Max and Meloni,you see a mother and baby grow close to each other during pregnancy so it makes a special bond and the dad has some of it as well but I promise no matter what I will love you two" Mandy said with her hands on their shoulders " what if they don't like us" iris(2) said with a scared voice.    Mandy smiled and said "Are you kidding they are going to love you guys, you guys are going to be the ones they look up to, in fact, did you know that Bart looked up to your dad when they were both young" Mandy said with a kind smile trying to get them to understand. Jai and iris(2) looked at Mandy with a shocked expression "really" they both asked in unison, Mandy smiled and nodded. Before Mandy could blink the west twins sped to her children.    Mandy walked to the living room and saw the west twins playing with the Allen twins that were now off Meloni and max's lap and now on the ground just laying on their stomachs. They have been trying to crawl for a while now but just haven't gotten the hang of it, they are able to stand on all fours but they fall when they try to crawl. Jenni asked Bart " so are you going to teach them our language"(in the comics in the future they create a new language for everyone in the future but not in this future so only Jenni and Bart and Meloni(1) know the language) Bart hasn't thought of it at all " well yeah, in case someone from our time and only knows that language like you did" Bart said as Jenni and Bart looked at each other remembering how hard it was for her to learn English.     The adults just admired how the West twins and Allen twins were playing "Come on Meloni crawl, you can do it" Iris(2) said trying to get baby Meloni to crawl to her and jai got an idea "hey lets get them to race I bet Max is faster" Jai said with a grin "Don't expect them to race that fast they are still just crawling" Iris(1) said as they were lining the baby's up so they can race " Ready, set, go" iris(2) and jai said at the same time. Everyone watched to see if the Allen twins would really crawl. Max is the first to go on all fours then Meloni saw her brother on all fours and then got on all fours.They both began to crawl and everyone eyes were wide open and their mouths wide open as well then something even more shocking happened.The twins only crawled a couple steps then they...speed crawling.    Everyone only saw red and white blurs going around the house and could hear them giggling. "Come on speedster's go get them before they leave the house," Mandy said in a panic. Bart, Wally, Barry, Max, and Jenni sped off to go get the speeding babies,jai and iris(2) were held back by Linda. It took like 1 minutes of them running to catch the twins to catch them. They were all breathless trying to catch their breaths. Bart was holding max as max was chewing on his hand as if nothing happened and max mercury was holding Meloni as she was crying and putting her arms out to her mama so she would hold her. Everyone stood silently except Meloni for a few seconds.     Mandy came back to her senses and heard her baby's cry and walked and took her baby Meloni from max mercury and when Meloni was in her mamas arms she stopped crying and just smiled at her mama " oh Meloni, it's ok mamas got you,it must have been scary to speed for the first time" Mandy cuddled and babied her baby. The women looked more shocked than the men " Mandy, don and dawn speeded at 5, Jai and iris(2) were 6, and Jenni and Bart were both 4 which means they are the youngest speedsters yet" iris(1) said with a shocked look. Mandy and Bart looked at each other with fear.
The twins first birthday finally arrived and both Mandy and Bart's family were there. The twins were speeding everywhere, The Allen's and the hamilton's(and yes they are descendants of Alexander Hamilton) were all enjoying the 1st birthday party but one of the mandy's brother was not there due to being in the military. Her whole family knew she married a superhero."Bart, the Tasmanian devil(max) is on in the fridge again" Mandy shouted to bar while trying to get her daughter to stop crying from being jealous of her brother getting more attention than her by trying to get her mamas attention by hugging her mama's legs.     Bart sped to the fridge and just as he got there max fell off the fridge and bar caught him before he could hit his head "Max come on buddy you can't do that" Bart told his 1-year-old son while holding him"bah baaah boooo" Max spat out trying to speak to his dad, Bart just smiled and hugged his son "oh come on bud I'm trying to be mad at you so stop being so cute". As Mandy was trying to catch her cute little walking daughter.     The twins learned to walk when their parents were asleep, mandy and Bart woke up to Meloni and Max on top of their parent's stomachs "How did they get out" Mandy said as the twins giggled and got off the bed and just started walking with no problems.    When mandy caught her daughter she felt little arms around her.It was her 10-year-old nephew Deacon, he looked just like all the boys in the Hamilton family and his dad's side of the family.He had brown hair and blueish green eyes just like his mom."Aunt Mandy, did you miss me" Iris(1) then walked and asked to take Meloni for a bit and mandy gave Meloni to her.Mandy kneeled down to deacon's hit and messed up his hair, deacon hugged her and giggled "Nope"(It's a rwby reference) she said with a smile as deacon smiled and giggled then deacon's 8-year-old little sister Charlene rae DeYoung(the dads last name) but everyone calls her rae came and hugged her.      Rae looked like a mini version of her mom and aunt and acted like her aunt Mandy, she had blonde hair and had green eyes like her dad, she was creative and carefree and sang every minute of every day and she had ADHD and loved to read and was shy with new people. Everyone in the family calls her Mandy jr. once and awhile just to bother Mandy's sister which is Rae's mom jean.     Jean was almost the opposite of mandy, she was scheduled, social and was super active and Deacon was just like his mom but he loved to built things just like his dad. Mandy felt bad for rae, she understood what it was like to have an older relative that others compare you to, she was stilled called jean once and awhile.Mandy and jean were super close and so were deacon and rae.Mandy tickled rae,rae giggled and ran off.Mandy smiled as deacon chased after she and mandy went to see how max was, max was walking to Mandy's brother Devin's 6-year-old daughter Adeline who was eating a cookie.    Adeline looked like a china doll, she was a replica of her mother with blue eyes, she had long braided strawberry blonde hair just like her mom and bright blue eyes like her dad, and she had her mom's snow white skin. Her brother mike's son Jaxon was playing with Adeline. Jaxon was a curly black haired boy with some chub, he looked like mike with black hair and he acted just like mike, he was sweet and could hardly hurt anyone.   Johnnys wife and daughter Abby was also there. Abby was a sweet girl with brown wavy hair and blue eyes just like her dad, she loved fireworks and causing trouble though she never meant to hurt anyone many called her the female johnny.    Mandy heard a knock on the door,when she opened the door and saw her brother johnny who was supposed to be in the army " JOHNNY" Mandy hugged her brother "oh my gosh what are you doing here,you didn't leave the army did you,you know that's illegal" Johnny laughed "No Mandy,I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you that I get a vacation off for a month and don't worry Megan(his wife, to be honest, Mandy thought Megan acted just like Anna from Frozen and loved her like a real sister like she did with all her brother and sister in laws) knows"    Mandy laughed "Hey guess who is here," Mandy said just as Megan ran hugged johnny "Johnny, "I missed you" and then his daughter Abby hugged him too. All of Mandy's family hugged johnny.Johnny hugged all of them and got to mandy "Mandy I haven't seen my nephew and niece yet" Mandy gasped "oh yeah you haven't, come on".    Mandy dragged johnny to Bart in the kitchen "Johnny this is Max and Meloni" Bart was holding max and Meloni as max tried to steal one of Meloni's toy's, johnny laughed at seeing his niece and nephew fighting, Bart then noticed johnny "Hey man it's been awhile huh" Bart said to his friend/brother-in-law.   Johnny laughed and nodded and picked up max from Bart "Wow Bart did you clone these two to look like you " They laughed "Max would look just like Bart if he had reddish-brown hair" "Mandy a lot of people when you were younger would say to mom that they wished they had hair like that" .    Mandy never remembered that but was told that often since her hair was so white as a child now it was gold.Max then began to try to get down so he could run off, johnny let max go and as soon as he did ‘ZOOM'  He ran off, Bart sighed and gave Meloni to Mandy and sped to go catch his son, Meloni laughed and hugged her mommy.     "Mandy I have to be honest, something big is going to happen and I have to tell you, you see it...it has something to do with metas...President Thawne is planning on killing all the meta's, that includes children.He want's the army to help, it's being held a secret so meta's will not expect it " johnny said sadly looking at his niece eating her mom's hair, Mandy froze for a few seconds then looked at Meloni and hugged her.     "Mandy, I promise I will do anything I can to protect them, I lied to president thawne so you have more time to prepare,I would lie over a million things if it keeps my family safe" Mandy had a tear in her right eye holding her daughter a little tighter and said "don't tell anyone until after the twins eat their cake, this will probably be the last peaceful moment without worry in everyone's mind" johnny nodded. Everyone had their cameras, johnny was holding his daughter. Mandy brought the two twin cakes with the number one on it, the lights went off and after they sang Happy birthday both the twins started munching down on the cake.
After a few hours later Johnny told everyone what was happening. Everyone was pretty much looking at Max and Meloni. After everyone left the twins were asleep in their cribs,Mandy and Bart were in the kitchen trying to think of what to do "Maybe we can move to Gotham or Metropolis" "Mandy that wouldn't stop them from finding them,they don't understand that we have to keep our powers a secret so they just keep using them and president thawne is now able to detect people with the speed force" Bart said in frustration "Wait, Bart what if we got Batman to help us block our town from the detecting speed force " Mandy suggested.Bart looked at his wife and smiled and picked her up and twirled her around "Mandy that's perfect" Bart kissed Mandy and they just stood there just enjoying each other until they heard two babies crying.Bart and Mandy separated and laughed  "I swear those two can sense when we are wanting alone time," Bart said.They went to their children's room.Max and Meloni both stopped crying when they saw their parents and started laughing.
Bart Allen was cleaning his twins in the bath as they were splashing each other and giggling "Come on you two let's get you dry,mommy is going to be home from her Elim meeting soon and I promised that you two would at least be dressed for bed" He said as he was putting his towel on max as Meloni was trying to run off not wanting to get dry,she sped to the kitchen "Bahhba dabtbyh" Meloni squeaked trying to say she was hungry but still hasn't said her first words, neither of them have as Bart caught her and put a towel on her before she could run again,Bart picked Meloni up and sped to the bathroom max laughed and dropped his towel and tried to run off to but was blocked by Bart "haha sorry max but your old man is still faster, one day you will be but not today".     Bart sped to Max and brought the two to their room and locked it so the twins wouldn't get out since they both know how to open doors. Bart was picking out pajamas as max began to "help"(throwing clothes everywhere) Bart "Thanks, max you are so helpful" Bart says sarcastically with a smirk.Meloni saw Bart was distracted, so she sped to the door trying to open it, But didn't even look behind him to know what Meloni was doing  "Meloni, princess I locked the door you aren't able to open it" still not looking at Meloni.     Meloni started crying confused on why the door was not opening "I hungwy" Meloni cried ,Bart stopped what he was doing and turned "What did you say" I hungwy" Meloni said still mad her daddy wasn't giving her food,Bart smiled and picked her up and spun her around both of them laughing,max saw this and got jealous of his sibling,Bart put Meloni down as Max sped around his daddy a few times to impress him "I faster" Max said, Bart smiled at his twins, he picked up max and spun him around too.     After he got them changed into their pj's he said: "Ok you two deserve a snack but you can't tell mommy".Meloni was wearing a pink onesie that said princess and Max were wearing a blue onesie that said night that protects the princess. Bart picked up the twins and took them to the kitchen to eat. Mandy got home late to find her husband on the couch cuddling her two children with leftover pizza on their face and leftover pizza boxes, all of them.
The twins were now 3 years old and everything was going wrong. The twins were healthy and all but speedsters were vanishing. Jay Garrick is dead, barry's dead, and most recently...max mercury, Wally has been attacked but made it out alive and now iris(2) and jai aren't allowed to go to school in case something happens there.    When Bart was called and told that max died Bart didn't talk, he just was silent. He hanged up the phone and looked at Mandy as she was watching their kids draw "Mandy max is...gone" then went to their room.Mandy saw all of it, she picked up the twins and put them in their rooms "Stay in here for a few minutes alright sonic(Meloni)and the Tasmanian devil(max)" Mandy said.  The twins nodded and started jumping on their beds, Meloni had a pink bed on the left was painted pink and max had a red bed on the right side was red, Mandy didn't even tell them to stop she just wanted to talk to Bart.   She went to their room to see Bart sitting on their bed with his hands on his face and shoulders on his knees. He wasn't crying just mourning, Mandy went on the bed and hugged Bart from behind "Bart, I'm so sorry I know how much you looked up to max" "Mandy you don't need to apologize you didn't do any of this I just can't believe he's gone, the first jay then grandpa now max heck they even tried to kill Wally" Bart said getting off the bed.  Mandy moved some of her blonde hair behind her right ear "Bart I know you are scared but we can make this work out" Bart turned to Mandy in anger " Mandy even grandpa and grandma never gone through this, my dad and aunt were raised by my grandma,she wasn't alone she had Wally and friends,that's not going to happen if I die, Mandy, No one would be able to help you because everyone hates metas and they will kill anyone who even knows any metas that include your family,my mom would be at risk so she would hardly ever be able to come help you, Linda couldn't help you since she would be watching iris(2) and Jai and Jenni isn't going to be able to train them she is in 2017 to be a superhero there,Mandy you would have to raise the twins alone and train them to control their speed which no non meta has done and I love you too much to let you go through that, grandma had Wally train dad and aunt dawn,and Barry, Wally, max and me helped iris(2) and Jai and if I died Thaddeus would know and there would be a big g chance he will try to kidnap you which means you would need to change your name, and the twins would be raised with fear" Bart said in anger and frustration and fear Mandy got up and slapped Bart "don't say things like that Bart, everything is going to fine ok, and please quiet down we don't want the twins coming" just as she tried to call Bart down the twins came in with curiosity and innocence "mommy why is daddy yelling" max asked with his big green eyes.  Bart looked regretfully at his children for having them hear all of that. Mandy put a fake smile on and went her kids and kneeled to their height. She put her hand on her lap "babies, I'm sorry but...your grandpa max(that's what the twins call him, well called) he isn't coming back"  "you mean like how grandpa Barry left"(Barry died a few months ago) Mandy shedded a tear.  She brushed her tear away " yeah like grandpa Barry".
Bart and Wally were about to leave for a mission, it was pretty dangerous and risky. Iris(2) and jai were playing with the twins as Bart was getting ready, Mandy was helping him, she gave Bart his shoes and once Bart had them on Mandy hugged him Toby and kissed him,they separated their lips and just had their noses touching "come back here when you're done" Mandy said not wanting to let him go. Bart smiled as he let Mandy go "babe I will try to get home as fast as I can" Wally saw this and tapped Bart's shoulder "let's go ‘flash' " "whatever you say ‘blink'"(yeah Wally actually went with that name.) The flash hugged his twins and so did blink.The flash didn't want to let go but he knew he had to. The Flash let go of his twins and looked at his family one last time and left with the blink.       It has been a week and Mandy was scared more then she has ever been. Meloni thawne was there helping Mandy with the twins.The twins were both finally asleep in their beds.Mandy and Meloni were both watching the tv on the couch to watch The Flash and Blink were fighting on the news as the news was saying how metas are evil and they are demons.       The camera was destroyed as a building fell. The news media ran off, The flash was fighting The Reverse Flash(Thaddeus Thawne the second), The reverse flash killed Wally and Bart was furious. They were hitting each other left and right with no mercy.     The reverse flash had The Flash's neck the wall " I have been waiting for this day for a long time, I killed jay, barry, max and now Wally and soon you,just give up Bart"  "Never"  Bart punched Thad, Thad laughed "oh Bart once you're dead I'm going to kill Jai and iris(2), then take Mandy and I will kill your twins, I was going to keep them and raise them but I don't want to take any chances,they might try to kill me when their older, Mandy won't be happy but after some time she will come to love me,you know I think I might try to have a kid with her".    Bart growled Thad vibrated his hand through Bart's heart.Bart had so many thoughts were going through his head, who would take the flash legacy, what would happen to max and Meloni, what would happen to Mandy, would his family be safe, Bart's last words were "you can kill one hero but another always comes back".   Mandy and Meloni(1) were on the couch, not saying anything just looking at the phone wondering if Bart and Wally had survived. The phone rang, Mandy jumped and grabbed the phone. After a few seconds Mandy fell to the ground crying, Meloni got up and went to the basement and turned on the security that makes it so no speedster could get in or out without the remote watches and that would hide them from the government. Even the twins couldn't get out, they would once they could control their speed and would get the watches that opened the security.  Meloni took max and Meloni for a few days until both Wally and Bart's funeral. Everyone felt horrible for Mandy, she would have to do something no one else has ever done she would need to hide the only Allen's left, she would need to teach them how to control their speed even with her having no speed herself and had to do it all alone. Mandy was going to have to hide from the government and the world.    Years later Linda and Jai and iris(2) were in hiding and so were Mandy and Max and Meloni. Jai and iris(2) were around 15, they have been able to have more freedom then Max and Meloni since they are west's and are able to control their speed, they can't teach Max and Meloni since they are too young and someone might see them walk or speed with Max and Meloni.     Max and Meloni were 8 years old. They both were still having problems with controlling their speed, they would vibrate randomly. They were both very...extroverted.    Max looked just like his dad when he was his age, the only difference is his hair color. Max had blonde hair still and had his dad's big green eye's and he was around a normal 8-year-old height. Mandy would call Max Bart a lot on accident.   Meloni looked like the smaller replica of her grandmother and her father still. She had huge brown hair and big green eyes. She was a bit shorter than max.     Mandy was working on a something big when she heard her daughter calling her. Mandy ran to her daughter upstairs as fast as she could. When she got to her daughter who was in the upstairs hallways, she tried to catch her breath "baby what's wrong" " mom, max can't stop vibrating again, he's in our room hiding in the closet".    Mandy ran to Max's room, she saw Max's and Melanie's room.It was painted red and had yellow lightning bolts on the wall, it had twin bunk beds in the middle of the room. Mandy ran to the closet and opened it to find Max holding his knees, looking like a blur, max lifted his head to see his mom and started talking so fast she couldn't understand "Max listen it's going to be ok listen to my voice and take a deep breath" Mandy kept repeating that over and over until Max stopped vibrating.    After 3 minutes max finally stopped vibrating.He hugged his mom and started crying "Mom I hate this,I wish I could control my speed" "I know honey but your speed isn't something that is easy to control" "Mom is there a speedster that could train Meloni and me" Mandy looked at her son with sorrow "Maybe one day baby, maybe one day"
     Max and Meloni were 12 years old and able to control their speed but they didn't know what they could do with their speed since no one was able to train them, all they knew was how to change fast. Mandy was so close to finishing the project she was working on. Max and Meloni were both tagging each other around the house when an alarm went off.     The whole house had red lights and a fire alarm on. Max and Meloni had know idea what was going on, they never even knew they had an alarm. They both looked at each other as they heard their mom coming up the stairs from the basement, they were not allowed down there.     Mandy looked around and looked out the window to see her security system being attacked by another speedster.She looked at the floor and whispered "I knew this day would come" she walked to the twins and said "Both of you go down to the basement, there are two suits down there and put them on, after you do that you stay there until I come back down" The twins were looking at each other confused.Mandy ran to the living room.    Max found his mom but she wasn't happy, she was working on something on the tv watching the security camera's "Max I'm being serious go to the basement then I will explain everything, I am giving you permission to go to the basement"    Max grabbed Melanie's hand and went down to the basement. They both saw two suits in huge clear glass cases. The suit on the left was sheep white and had red down the middle and had yellow speed goggles and made for a boy. The right suit was white and had a red bolt going down the middle and had red speed goggles. Both looked like the impulse suit, but the right was a girl. They were both in awe, the suits were perfect.     They walked to the huge glass cases and looked at each other and smiled. They put the suits on as fast as they could. Mandy came downstair and saw her children in their new suits. Max turned and saw his mom and hugged her She smiled ‘oh gosh max looks just like Bart in that suit' Mandy thought.      Meloni noticed her mom and sped in front of her "mom what's going on"  Meloni asked with worry in her eyes. Mandy sighed and kneeled to their height "The reason you two were forced to be stuck here is trying to break through the security system,his name is Thaddeus but he calls himself the reverse flash , the reason I didn't allow you down here is because I  have been working on ...a time machine, to bring you to the time aunt Jenni is in so she could train you and you two will be safe" " mom what about you" Meloni asked Mandy got up and turned to the time machine and turned the machine it. It was blue and swirled around and around.    She turned her head a little "look you too are in more danger then I am, I won't be able to go with you, Thad isn't like those cartoon villains, he won't go easy on you, he won't kill me he...wants me for something" Mandy said trying to explain to her kids.    There was a huge boom sound, everything shook. After everything stopped shaking a few seconds later he appeared. He was in his Reverse Flash suit, He looked around and saw Mandy and the twins "well well well, Mandy It's been a long time hasn't it, you are as gorgeous as ever" Mandy snarled and pushed her kids to the machine. She turned her head to her twins  "Max, Meloni run, run and don't come back for me"  Mandy pushed both of them in the time machine "MOM" Max and Meloni screamed in unison as they fell in the time machine.    After the twins went through the machine, it broke. Thad ran to the machine and started punching it trying to get it to work. After a minute of his anger, he turned and sped to Mandy.He had her throat to the wall "WHERE DID YOU SEND THEM" He screamed "I won't ever tell" Mandy said. He let her throat go "Fine since you don't want to tell me I'll just keep you then when they come back for you they will come straight to me, you will be a beautiful wife and mother to our children"
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Pitchfork: St. Vincent On Her Directing Debut, The Birthday Party
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Annie Clark on the set of her short film ‘The Birthday Party.’ Photo courtesy of Magnet Releasing.
By Ryan Dombal 23 January 2017
Annie Clark is aware of the perils of dilettantism. Her cracked art rock is anything but—even at its most uncaged, the music she makes as St. Vincent is in-control, adroit, world-class. When we speak over the phone on a recent afternoon, though, she mostly doesn’t talk about her music. She talks about directing and co-writing a short film, The Birthday Party, which is part of a new female-driven horror anthology feature called XX. “I know what you mean,” Clark says after I express some trepidation about artists working outside of their best-known medium. “It’s like when your friend shows you a picture and says, ‘I’m drawing now!’ and it’s something that might look really good if a 10-year-old drew it—but they’re 30.” But in Clark’s case, there’s no need to worry. The Birthday Party is not only competent, but funny, strange, and visually rich. It stays true to the unique mix of black humor and heart that marks some of her best songs. The short stars the effortlessly relatable Melanie Lynskey (Heavenly Creatures, “Togetherness”) as a disheveled housewife named Mary who simply wants to give her anxious 8-year-old daughter a fun birthday to remember. Which happens. But not exactly as Mary planned. Because as she’s preparing for her guests to arrive, she finds her husband slumped over in his office chair, dead. Even so, the show must go on. What follows involves a rapping panda bear, a kid in a toilet costume, and a fair amount of Weekend at Bernie’s-style, lugging-a-corpse-around shenanigans. Based on actual events that happened to one of Clark’s friends, she says The Birthday Party is about “the idea of waking up with a body in the house and having to make—in a second—a big decision to protect your children.” XX debuted at Sundance last night (January 22) and will open in theaters and on-demand February 17. Pitchfork: This film depicts an 8-year-old’s birthday party that goes very wrong. Do you remember how you celebrated your own eighth birthday? St. Vincent: Oh my god, yes. When I turned 8, we had the party at a putt-putt golf course that also had an arcade. So me, my mom, my sister, my step-dad, and my best friend Doug were on the highway to the party and we were behind a truck that had a bright pink sofa on it. All of a sudden, the sofa fell out of the back of the truck. My mom put on the brakes, swerved to miss it, jackknifed, and hit the guardrail on the left side of the street—we spun around across three lanes of Texas traffic to the shoulder of the road. Luckily, no one was hurt, and we weren’t hit. But we were all in a state of shock. My mother is a very obsessive picture taker, so in her state of shock, she got out and started taking pictures of the car—I don’t know if it was to document the experience or for insurance purposes. But as she was taking the pictures, she stepped into an ant pile and was stung by a thousand fire ants and went into anaphylactic shock. She fainted and almost died on the shoulder of the road in Mesquite, Texas. She went to the hospital and was OK. No one was hurt. So, I guess we proceeded to go play putt-putt. Did that experience have an influence on this film? Well, I have therapy tomorrow so I could have unpacked that then, but you helped me unpack it just now! I read that you are afraid of horror films to the point of avoidance. Were there any scary movies that made a strong impression on you as a kid? I remember seeing Full Metal Jacket when I was 6, and I will always have the image of Vincent D’Onofrio getting beaten with bars of soap and then subsequently blowing up his brains in the bathroom. But I can’t deal with violence of any kind. I don’t like to watch it. My mind will go obsessive and I won’t be able to stop think about these horrible things. But I do like dark absurdity—give me “Louie” any day. The Birthday Party is meant to be a black comedy.
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Melanie Lynskey as Mary in “The Birthday Party” What were some of your artistic inspirations going into this film? When I was working with Emily Batson, the costume designer, on the robe that Mary wears, we found this one that was torn at the shoulder. Emily said, “Oh, we can get that sewn up before we shoot.” But I was like, “No, no, no. That’s Leonard Cohen. That’s perfect. That’s going in there.” And the neighbor’s hair is an homage to Wim Wenders’ Paris, Texas—it’s almost perfect but not quite. And I took a lot of visual inspiration from a magazine of beautiful but absurdist photographs called Toilet Paper, including a shot that is the the absolute Magna Carta of the whole movie, which is someone’s feet sticking out from under a rug in an otherwise perfectly stylized room. You just go: Yep, that’s what life feels like a lot of the time. Speaking of toilets, where did you get the toilet costume one of the kids wears at the end of the film? They were all custom made. You also wore a toilet costume during a performance last summer, was it the same one? Yeah. And during that performance, you played a gorgeous new ballad with the memorable line, “You’re the only motherfucker in the city who can stand me.” Will that song be on your upcoming album? Yeah. I think that song will definitely be released. You recently worked on a Rolling Stones cover with Kendrick Lamar collaborators Sounwave and Terrace Martin. Have you done anything with them for your new album too? Um… I… OK, I’m trying to figure out the things I can say without getting angry emails from management, like, “What are you doing?!” Yeah, there are… um… I don’t think I can say anything. I’m sorry! I’m so excited about it, though. I’ve never been more excited about anything. Now you’re just teasing. No, I know, I’m sorry! I don’t mean it like that. One more non-music question: Do you feel like you’ll direct again? I would love to.
[Source: Pitchfork]
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inloveandwords · 4 years
It works like this
Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 or 10 books (I’m doing 20 because I have way too many on my list)
Read the synopsis of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
Penmort Castle (Ghosts and Reincarnation #1) by Kristen Ashley
Cash Fraser is planning revenge and to get it he needs the perfect woman. So he hires her. Abigail Butler has lost nearly everything in her life and she’s about to lose the home she loves.
Cash meets Abby, who is posing as a paid escort, and the minute he does he knows he’s willing to pay for more than Abby being his pretend girlfriend. A lot more. Abby needs the money or the last thing that links her to her dead family and husband will be gone. The deal is struck but both Cash and Abby get more than they bargained for.
Cash realises very quickly that Abby isn’t what she seems and while he changes strategies, Abby discovers that Cash’s legacy, Penmort Castle, is like all the tales say – very, very haunted. Making matters worse, the ghost in residence wants her dead.
Abby’s found herself in the battle of her life so she enlists Mrs. Truman, her nosy neighbour; Jenny, her no-nonsense friend; Cassandra McNabb, white witch and clairvoyant with a penchant for wearing scarves (and lots of them); and Angus McPherson, dyed-in-the-wool Scot (which means he hunts ghosts in a kilt) to fight the vicious ghost who has vowed that she will rest at nothing to kill the true, abiding love of the master of Penmort.
Date added to TBR: 1/24/17 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This actually sounds really interesting and I believe I have it on audio.
    Moonstruck (Diablo Lake #1) by Lauren Dane
In Diablo Lake, Tennessee, a town populated by werewolves, witches, and more, magic woven deep into the earth protects the town’s secrets from outsiders.
Katie Grady left Diablo Lake to get over a humiliating breakup; but her family needs her help, so she’s back, in a sublet right across the hall from the guy she’s lusted after for years. Jace Dooley is hotter than ever, and their friendship picks up along with massive doses of grown-up chemistry.
The very scent of Katie sharpens Jace’s canines, makes the wolf within him stir. There’s nothing more alluring to a Pack Alpha than a sexy female who is so very in charge. She won’t be coddled, but if he plays his hand just right she might be convinced to become his.
Katie presents a challenge to Jace’s wolf nature, whose chief instinct is to protect. Especially now that she’s coming into the magic that is her birthright – and suddenly Jace isn’t the only one who’s interested in Katie, or the raw power she’s just learning to use.
Date added to TBR: 1/24/17 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I’m not super interested in this one anymore and the ratings aren’t that great on Goodreads.
    Doing It Over (Most Likely To #1) by Catherine Bybee
Voted Most Likely to Succeed, Melanie Bartlett ended up anything but. The down-on-her-luck single mom wants a complete do-over—is that too much to ask? With her family long gone from River Bend, strong, independent Mel is as surprised as anyone to end up in the quaint small town she once called home. But with her friends, Jo and Zoe, by her side, and a comfortable room at Miss Gina’s quirky bed-and-breakfast, she just might have turned the corner on a new life.
Wyatt Gibson never liked the big city. River Bend suits the ruggedly handsome builder just fine. Wyatt knows he’s home, even if that means being charmed by the appearance of Melanie and her spunky, adorable daughter. Is Wyatt’s calm devotion—even amid a coming storm—enough to convince Mel she may have found a home to call her own, a family that never leaves, and a true love to last a lifetime?
Date added to TBR: 1/24/17 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I think I owned this at some point (given to me by my mom), but I don’t see myself reading it any time soon.
    Staying For Good (Most Likely To #2) by Catherine Bybee
Zoe Brown may have been voted Most Likely to Never Leave River Bend, but the paper-thin walls and suffocating air of her family’s double-wide trailer were not what she wanted for her life. Other than BFFs Melanie and Jo, the only thing that kept Zoe sane during high school was her boyfriend, Luke.
She didn’t just leave, she escaped—turning her back on the shame of her black-sheep siblings and imprisoned dad. Now a celebrity chef in Dallas, she can afford all the things she never could have growing up. But when she returns to rustic, ruggedly beautiful River Bend, Zoe has to face all that she abandoned—including Luke.
While Luke was a refuge for Zoe in the past, he knows they inhabit totally different worlds now. Anchored by his parents and his job as a mechanic in his father’s shop, Luke never felt the urge to leave River Bend—until Zoe’s return.
But when the two rekindle their old flame, Zoe is forced to make the hardest decision of her life: remain in River Bend and confront her past before it destroys her, or say good-bye to everyone she’s ever loved…again, this time for good.
Date added to TBR: 1/24/17 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Same as above.
    The Rosie Project (Don Tillman #1) by Graeme Simsion
An international sensation, this hilarious, feel-good novel is narrated by an oddly charming and socially challenged genetics professor on an unusual quest: to find out if he is capable of true love.
Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.
Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent—and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don’s Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie—and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper.
The Rosie Project is a moving and hilarious novel for anyone who has ever tenaciously gone after life or love in the face of overwhelming challenges.
Date added to TBR: 1/25/17 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I used to have this on my bookshelf, but I unhauled it recently.
    Worth the Wait (McKinney/Walker Brothers #1) by Claudia Connor
He broke her heart. When he finds out just how badly, it will break his too.
Nick Walker found the love of his life when he was just nineteen.
Found her. Loved her. Lost her.
It’s been ten years since Nick watched the only woman he ever loved walk out of his life. Now this FBI Special Agent will do anything to win her back.
But it won’t be easy…
Mia’s heart was shattered by Nick. They’ll have to face their painful past if they want a future, including Mia’s own secret about that day it all fell apart.
Do you believe in second chances?
Date added to TBR: 1/25/17 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This is available on Kindle Unlimited and it has great ratings on Goodreads.
    All That Lies Within by Lynn Ames
How far would you go to hide who you really are inside? And what do you do when you find the one person from whom hiding your true self isn’t an option? Glamorous movie star Dara Thomas has it all-an Oscar nomination, dozens of magazine covers proclaiming her the sexiest woman alive, and people of both sexes clamoring for her attention. She also has a carefully guarded secret life. As Constance Darrow, Dara writes Pulitzer Prize-winning fiction, an outlet that allows her to be so much more than just a pretty face. Rebecca Minton is a professor of American Literature in love with the work of the mysterious, reclusive author Constance Darrow, with whom she strikes up a correspondence. A chance phrase in a letter leads her to a startling conclusion about the author. What happens next will change the course of both of their lives forever.
Date added to TBR: 1/26/17 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: I’m not a big fan of the famous trope.
    The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett
What if you had said yes? The moments that change everything… One Day meets Sliding Doors in this outstanding debut that is causing a buzz across the publishing world Some moments can change your life for ever. Have you ever wondered, what if…?
A man is walking down a country lane. A woman, cycling towards him, swerves to avoid a dog. On that moment, their future hinges. There are three possible outcomes, three small decisions that could determine the rest of their life.
Eva and Jim are nineteen and students at Cambridge when their paths first cross in 1958. And then there is David, Eva’s then-lover, an ambitious actor who loves Eva deeply. The Versions of Us follows the three different courses their lives could take following this first meeting. Lives filled with love, betrayal, ambition but through it all is a deep connection that endures whatever fate might throw at them.
The Versions of Us explores the idea that there are moments when our lives might have turned out differently, the tiny factors or decisions that could determine our fate, and the precarious nature of the foundations upon which we build our lives. It is also a story about the nature of love and how it grows, changes and evolves as we go through the vagaries of life.
Date added to TBR: 1/26/17 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Ehhhhhhh
  Decluttering my TBR #3 It works like this Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf. Order on ascending date added. Take the first 5 or 10 books (I’m doing 20 because I have way too many on my list)
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When You Don’t Have a Mom on Mother’s Day 2017
As Mother’s Day approaches I have seen several discussions on whether it should be celebrated in schools, or if it is outdated and shouldn't be celebrated  at all. This view point is coming up due to the fact that there is growing population of young people who are living without their biological mother (for one reason or another) in their life anymore. A few people have asked me what my take on the situation is, due to my personal experiences. After much thought, I felt like I should share it with you as well.
(Disclaimer: My situation with my mother is individual from others and the reason I have made myself distant from her is my own. Even if you think you know the whole story, you don’t. My decision, please respect that.)
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Mother’s Day use to be one of the worst days of the year for me. Starting a few years ago, I would begin to feel like I was claustrophobic and physically sick for a few days in May. I would sign off of any social media, not go to church, not really go into stores for at least a week....sometimes more. I didn’t want a reminder of the pain of not having a mom to celebrate.  The bad memories and thoughts of the love that wasn’t there anymore would just flood back….it just hurt. Every time I saw something about how much someone loved their mother, how they were best friends for life, and how no one can be like your mother, I felt sick to my stomach and my mind would go to a unhealthy place. I wasn’t feeling hateful towards others that had that love; my situation was just still to raw in my heart to think of everything.
 Fast forward to today. Just as with anything in nature, we grow and evolve, changing our thoughts and perception based upon interactions in our daily life. I have grown so much since the day my mom walked out. I now have the love and support of many people, most of all my husband, my dad, and the many strong women in my life. Instead of signing off of social media and hiding out from the world, I have a new approach to my Mother’s Day 2017.
 My Mother’s Day 2017 is about the mothers who are there for their children 24/7. My 2017 Mother’s Day is about the mothers who take the time to help other children that are not “their own”.
 My Mother’s Day 2017 is about celebrating the many mothers who have taken the time out of their crazy, hectic lives to help me when I needed a mother. I celebrate Paula, my loving 2nd mom who took me in when my mother kicked me out of the house and quietly respected my space, yet was there the instant I needed to pour my heavy heart out to her on her couch. I celebrate my pastor’s wife, Tina, who took the time to pray with me many times when my heart was full of hatred, sorrow, frustration, and devastation. I celebrate my now mother-in-law, Valerie, who has made me feel a part of her family, given me counsel and been an amazing supporter.
 My Mother’s Day 2017 is about my dear friends who are now new mothers, and the care and compassion they show day in and day out. They inspire me. I am so proud of each and every one of them for their love, dedication and strength that they give to their children everyday. Andie, Keli, Carleen, Katie, Kim, and many others, you guys amaze me.
 My Mother’s Day 2017 is about celebrating the amazing mothers that I am friends with all over the world. The women who are strong, independent, amazing world changers in their homes and careers. They are an example to their children and the world of what a kickass mother can do and accomplish. How does one keep a household running like a machine, yet spew out more contracts, business deals, classes, care sessions and professional success???? I have no earthly idea, but they pull it off.  Melanie, Jackie, Amanda, Kelsey, Charlotte, Kristina, Wendy, and many more, you guys blow my mind and I hope you know how much you inspire me!
 This is my approach to Mother’s Day 2017. Celebrate the mothers in our lives who do so much for their kids, community, and profession…… they are the reason.  So I challenge you to celebrate a mother that isn’t “your own” this weekend. There are too many reasons not to celebrate, too many amazing women in our lives not to give them the special recognition they deserve.
Much love ladies <3
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