#i have many many many thoughts about post revival cwil
bugflies00 · 4 months
c!wilbur with crutches post revival because he’s still weak from yk. literal death
realistically like someone else said post-limbo cwilbur wouldn't actually be a functional human being (given that his situation is literally impossible for a person) but he needs to be for the story but i think there should still be a level of like. He would have issues . lots of them. More than pre-death .
and i don't mean just like "oh i am sad because i didn't talk to people for a while :(" i mean that he would make himself sick scarfing down food just because he completely forgot the sensory experience of eating, then throwing it all back up because a) his stomach didn't handle food for thirteen years b) he has lost all ability to judge how full he is or what his body needs.
like you said i think he'd be much physically weaker, if only just from essentially sitting on his ass for over a decade. i think his eyes would also be MUCH more sensitive to light — i mean he was literally in darkness the whole time apart from the light of the train announcement board (no trains were ever announced). he'd get terrible migraines, which is where the headcanon i saw floating around about the red glasses being for headaches comes in!!!
and don't get me started on the touch starvedness. i think like i mentioned he's lost so much ability on how to read his own body that he doesn't even fully understand that it's physical affection he's craving — he just kinda feels a black hole inside of him but its been eating at him for so long he doesn't even realise it's there. he doesn't remember not being this cold and shivering no matter how many coats and blankets he wears. (tw SH mention later) i think he'd be misguided and try to fix the problem with warmth - blankets, jumpers, sitting by the chimney, and when that doesnt work, putting out cigarettes on himself.
in general he's in constant need of SOMETHING, of stimulation, to feel that he's alive, and here it needs to be burning hot to fix how cold he is but of course it doesn't work, it's not what he needs, but he doesn't know how to recognise that.
i think he'd also have a lot of trouble with sensory input because he'd be in a constant state of oscillation between being over- and under- stimulated.
on one hand, the absence of sensory input (beyond that of the train station) would create such a NEED for him to FEEL the world, to feel the grass and the sun and the warmth and see colours and taste and touch and smell things.
on the other hand, that very deprivation that creates that want would also have made him much more sensitive to it. essentially, the lack makes him need it and also be hurt by it. Yeah its a whole ride
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