#i have more than a billion hcs for him i could write a novel
dreamy-baku · 1 year
I have no clue what to title this but I’m just ranting about Squares! Okay soooo, here we go!
Well, I headcanon Squares as being nine. So if you hc him as being older or ship him with anyone non-platonically, I personally don’t agree, I’m not gonna attack you for it, but- I’d rather you to not interact with me? I just, don’t like the idea of him being any older than 9, especially since everyone in the game was like, “This guys a baby?! A toddler?!” I personally call any character who is younger than a teen a baby, so you’ll also need to remember that.
I know you guys’ll probably not like that, especially since it seems a little weird. But I honestly would rather you not interact if you view him older than 9, or ship him with anyone. So, yeah, please respect that wish, okay? I’ll mention his sister Marle, me and my brother hc her as being 21.
And also, Squares wouldn’t hurt anyone willingly. He didn’t even hurt the main cast, but a lot of people make him out to be violent. Sure he said he was gonna erase them, but, that didn’t happen. And likely the only reason he said that was because the heroes where, to him, parasites. Squares thought he needed to erase them in order to fix anything. So that’s what he tried to do.
Yeah sure, you could argue that he hurt Marle when he brainwashed her. But, he loves Marle, she’s his sister, he’d never intentionally hurt her at all. He probably didn’t know that she’d be hurt in any way from brainwashing her! And, the whole forgetting everything thing that happened probably also wasn’t intentional, and even if it was, he only would’ve done it to keep her from turning against him. (I personally believe that the forgetting everything thing that happened to Marle was the writers trying to make players feel pity for her.)
And, you could argue that he’s manipulative, he’s not! The only way he made Marle gather power for him was brainwashing her, that isn’t manipulation. Once she snapped out of the affects she was back to normal. Squares didn’t manipulate her.
The only thing Squares did was hurt himself physically and mentally! He’s not a bad person, sure he merged the worlds and tried to erase everyone, but, that only happened because Marle didn’t teach him. I know Marle isn’t in the wrong either, but she did cause him outburst towards the heroes by neglecting him. She ignored him, she forgot he was an infant.
He literally almost exploded, if the heroes didn’t help him he would have died! He screamed in pain, he couldn’t move, he probably would have cried if the writers weren’t cowards. I hope the next Puyo Puyo game, if they add Squares into it, they let the boy cry! He very much needs it but they seem to think that boys can’t cry! Can someone rewrite the PPT2’s ending exactly how it is but allow Squares to cry? He’s obviously in so much pain, so much pain he’s immobilized! He deserves to cry! (I am just angry, they even made him sound upset! But they didn’t let him cry! Just let Squares cry Sega! He’s an infant, a child, he should cry! It’s only healthy!)
Squares also isn’t overprotective of Marle, in fact, likely Marle is the overprotective one. Squares only reacted how he did in PPT2’s story because he wanted Marle to smile around him again, and the worlds changed and he was scared. He wanted things back to normal. But, he is in no way, shape, or form overprotective.
Squares also wouldn’t use swear words. I get kinda angry when people make him do that, due to personal hc that he’s 9yrs old. Marle obviously would’ve taught him to never do that, and he’d be legally unable to swear.
Also, I hc him as being aromantic & asexual, he physically cannot feel romantic love for anyone or anything. He has no intent of doing anything related to romance, he’s physically grossed out by it. He also has no way to do inappropriate acts with anyone (he also was never taught by Marle, due to him having no way to do them so he doesn’t even know they exist), due to how Marle made him.
I have sooooooo much more I can say but that’s it for this rant, expect more.
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dreamy-baku · 1 year
Squares Headcanons!
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A list for all of my Squares headcanons! Have fun reading it!
Squares as being very shy, he’s a shy little kid who very much dislikes talking to people. However, he can talk with his sister Marle or Tee whenever.
Also, I headcanon him as being a 9 year old. He may physically look like a teen but to me he’s nine.
Squares also likes Tee like a son does their father!
Squares also isn’t overprotecting of anyone, not even Marle.
I have more so I’ll likely update this later.
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