#i have more yumetober works but sldkjsldkf brain do funny thing
yuzuspace · 2 years
give me your phone (and go to sleep)
Itsuki Kaiya deals with a voicemail and she is stupidly jittery about it.
Relationship: Itsuki Kaiya/Sumeragi Tenma
Prompt: 10/19 - Voicemail for Yumetober :) Prompt list here: x
Note: I have a thing for these :3c there's nothing that screams fluff writing like listening to your designated whore playlist while writing this thing, happy yumetober!
Just a little cold, is what she told herself. Not like I'm freezing to death or anything. The cold was stupidly unbearable, normally her cozy, oversized jacket would have kept her warm but she was missing something, she could feel it in her bones— this is what she thought as she stared at her phone.
It's amazing how the chill manages to find its way into her room. The windows are closed, her door locked, and everything. It was like magic that she could feel a chill run down her spine.
Maybe wearing a camisole during the start of winter was a bad idea, sue her. Maybe wearing shorts also doesn't help, but she couldn't find her jogging pants, so what now?
This was not the issue she was facing, focus back on the phone. Her real pressing issue.
Her eyes were glued to the LIME chats between her and Tenma. She chewed her bottom lip in thought. She knew he was going to get busy, they didn't meet up as much as she'd like but he did leave her gifts every now and then, check up on her once in a while just as she would pop into his notifications or try to sneak him some cute kisses on his head when they'd meet.
He had filming, script readings, play practices, and his bemoaned academics—and she had extracurriculars, flower shop duty, and gathering materials for her next cosplay adventure. She doesn't know if she had it easier or if Tenma was taking his responsibilities like a champ but she both knew, at the end of this cursed semester, they needed a break. A nice, long lazy date inside. They don't even have to move, they can just stay glued to the bed, or the couch.
So, seeing how busy they both are, and lacking the time to make proper calls, Kai suggested voicemails. Voice memos; short, sweet, and she could treat it like a call. So to satiate and compensate for their lack of time, this was their solution.
This is the first voicemail Tenma sends since that agreement. Kai was nervous, which is stupid—seeing that she was the one who suggested it. It has her fumbling on her bed, her phone nearly slipping from her hands, and getting her knee to crush her phone or maybe press something by accident.
Wow, it's almost as if she wants to call him but look at the time. It says 23:18. Tenma would be crazy to still be up.
Her fingers hover on the button, she takes a deep breath and plays it.
"H—" A syllable barely passes through and she couldn't handle it.
She pauses it instantly, not noticing how warm her face is. How her hands are a little jittery, just a little. So, she breathed in before playing it and putting her phone close to her ear.
"Hey, Kai." He sounded nervous, and she was glad that she wasn't the only one feeling the nerves. "So, I think I found something you might like while I was out filming."
His voice was slow and careful, almost quiet. Kai lay down on her bed, and it was almost as if he was just beside her. His voice tickled some part of her brain she couldn't exactly explain. It's a little magical but this magic, she wanted to keep it to herself for now.
"You said you were looking for some stationary, right? Well, I found some fish-themed ones. The one with the Koi fishes...so I got them." She could listen to him talk all day, no matter the topic. It could be about law for all she cared but his voice made it a hundred times more interesting.
"Can't believe you got them." she whispered as if she could hear him. As if he was just beside her right now. Kai laughed and snuggled into her bed. This would continue throughout the voicemail. Tenma talking about his day and Kai replying back as if he was just there.
This voicemail that was only a mere two minutes felt like forever to Kai, she was starting to nod off and all she could hear is Tenma's voice.
"Knowing you, you're probably listening to this at night," said Voicemail Tenma, and guess what, he's right. "I don't know what time is it right now but,"
—This is the part where Kai either slips into a dream state or this was her brain tells her that she misses him, a lot. So much so that she had manifested him into her room.
"Sleep." he whispered, she could almost imagine him pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Kai instinctively snuggled closer, as if asking for more. "Can't always stay up late, you know what that does to you, right?"
He cupped her cheeks this time and she practically turns into putty in his hands. She nodded, humming in understanding as she melts into a dreamy warmth, and the cold that chased after her vanished.
"Good night, Ten." she mumbled, drifting into a dreamy paradise where he holds her asleep, whispering how the rest of his day went into her ear in hopes of a good night's rest.
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