#i have most sets ready and queued so let's start the countdown!
anpanmann · 4 months
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countdown to jin's return
d-30 ♡ 'fix you' (coldplay cover) ✦ mtv unplugged
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atths--twice · 4 years
Wedding Countdown 
Chapter Five 
Saturday, Three Days to Go
Mulder feels the need to pick out a possible “first dance” song, much to Scully’s absolute horror.
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Mulder paced across the living room, waiting for Scully to come downstairs after putting Faith to bed. Pausing, he glanced up and listened, to see if he could hear her coming yet. Looking down at his phone, he saw the song he had queued up. He had heard it earlier and he knew how Scully was going to react when he played it now, but he was ready for that battle, he had his story all prepared.
Hearing her footfall on the steps, he put his phone in his back pocket, turned around and grinned at her. Regardless of the questioning look she gave him, he put his hand out to her, her frown making him smile even more. Always skeptical, that was his Scully.
“What are you up to, Mulder?” she asked.
“Dance with me,” he said, smiling as he gestured with his hand for her to come closer.
“Mulder …”
“Humor me, Scully,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her close.
“There’s no music,” she teased, looking up at him and raising her eyebrows, causing him to laugh.
“This is true,” he said, dancing slowly in place. “I was thinking as you were upstairs, that we don’t have a song to dance to at the wedding. You know, our first dance and all.” She pulled back again and shook her head, opening her mouth to say something. “Relax, Scully. I’m joking. I don’t even know if we’ll have dancing, Tampa is in charge of all of that. But, I did hear a song today and if you’ll humor me …” He took out his phone, pushed play, and she groaned.
“My Heart Will Go On, Mulder? You know how I feel about this movie,” she said in a warning tone, as he put his phone back in his pocket, and they began to dance around.
“Ah yes, Scully. I believe the words ‘just sink already’ were yelled at the screen. But I chalked it up to you being irritated by the ‘non-case case’ you worked on while in Maine. You know, on your weekend away. With Jack.” He twirled her around and pulled her back, spying the grin she was trying to hide. “You know it’s a good thing the theater was basically only us, because I think people would have taken offense to you yelling that, taking into account the history of the ship and all-”
“Mulder, shut up. Why in the world this song?” she asked, as she rested her head on his chest.
“Well, I was listening to it recently... by chance,” he stated, as she pulled back to look at him. She nodded, unconvinced, and put her head back on his chest. “It’s true, it played on that station you like, and I swear to God … ever since you were pregnant and then even more so after Faith was born, I feel so emotional about things. I don’t know if you’ve noticed.” He waited and was not disappointed when she scoffed out a laugh. He smacked her ass and she yelped, digging her nails into his waist.
“The way back past, Scully, the circumstances out of our control … I never, I never thought I would be a father and not just one … in theory, so to speak,” he whispered into her hair. “We puttered around here, you and I, and we were happy, but the sadness … it was palpable at times and though we never said it, this home lacked something. William … he left us both with an emptiness that became bigger as we tried to make it smaller. Thinking of him growing up here, having a catch outside, camping out in tents, building rockets … it was a dream and something I didn’t share with you. I see now how stupid that was, I do.” He could feel her taking deep breaths and heard her sniffling, but he continued on, holding her close to him, dancing slowly, the song set on repeat.
“It’s not a … a replacement with Faith. I don’t want you to ever think that …”
“I don’t, Mulder. I understand what you’re saying. I … have those moments too. Looking at her, seeing her milestones being met and knowing how much we missed. Her calling me Mama, Mulder, I will not take that for granted even once. She can say it with love, anger, or annoyance, and I will love it every time. I wasn’t a mother to William, not the way I am to her. He is my son, our son, but … I understand.” They were quiet as they stopped dancing and simply held one another, the words of the song finding new meaning for them in the moment shared.
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
“He’s with us, Scully. He always will be, and one day we’ll see him again,” he whispered, and she nodded as they began to dance again. “I honestly didn’t mean to traipse down this path, but we obviously needed to discuss it. Again.” She laughed softly and nodded her head again. He sighed and was quiet, following the trail back to where he had planned to go.
“When I heard this earlier, I was remembering watching this movie after you came back from Maine. God, I had missed you so much, it was embarrassing,” he laughed and she chuckled.
“Pencils falling from the ceiling embarrassing?” she teased and he laughed.
“Exactly. So, I had suggested we cut out early, hit that head shop for you to buy a poster, for some other man I might add -”
“Of which I never sent it, if you remember correctly.”
“A moot point, at this juncture,” he replied, and she laughed again. “Anyway, I suggested we go see what all the fuss was about with this movie and you rolled your eyes, but agreed. Like I said, there were only a couple other people in the theater and I was glad of it when you yelled for it to sink.”
“Ha! That was hilarious, because I remember the other two people in there said Amen! and I didn’t feel like such an asshole. But Mulder, I just … I didn’t feel it and so, I wanted to get to the, for lack of a better word, the action part of the movie.”
“Mmm-hmmm,” he said, and she laughed again.
“Then, God, this song was everywhere. And then oh, do you remember how it had dialogue from the movie added to the song? Mulder …” She pulled back and looked at him with wide eyes. “It felt never ending at times.” He stared at her and shook his head.
“You did start an “I love Cal Hockley” fan club, didn’t you? You went into online chat rooms and discussed how he was the real victim, didn’t you?” he deadpanned, causing her to throw her head back and laugh. When she had finished, she looked into his eyes and smiled, her eyes twinkling.
“Yes, Scully, I remember your disdain for the movie, but if you would shut up, remove the preconceived thoughts from your head, and listen to the words of the song, you’ll see why I was affected by it. So I’m going to start it over, and you’re going to be quiet, you got it?”
“Or what, you’ll smack my ass again?”
“I will, but let’s save that dirty talk for later.” She laughed as he queued up the song again. “Now just shut up.” She raised her eyebrows at him, and then put her arms around him, and her head on his chest, as they began to dance slowly.
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
“That, Scully, that right there,” he whispered.
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
“So much has happened, Scully, and yet here we are, together, dancing in our living room while our little girl sleeps upstairs,” he whispered into her hair.
You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart and
My heart will go on and on
“I know it’s super cheesy, I know you’ll roll your eyes, but it’s true, there is nothing I fear, not when you’re here. We can face anything, we will face anything as we’re meant to, together,” he said, his chin resting on her head, as this time the music stopped and did not repeat.
“So cheesy,” she breathed and he smacked her ass again, causing her to laugh softly, and then sigh. “Mulder, you have always been a cheesy kind of guy. Your puns, whether I laughed or not, it’s part of your charm and makes you who you are. It’s one of the things I love most about you. You take things seriously, to a point, and then you bring the comic relief. Sometimes it lands and sometimes I don’t want to encourage you, so I hold the laughter inside. But..." She looked up at him and smiled. “I love your cheesiness, because I love you.” He bent his head and kissed her, before pulling her close again.
“I’m happy to hear that, Scully,” he said and she hummed. “It’s nice to know that you appreciate my silly humor.”
“To a point, Mulder,” she warned.
“Like the point of an iceberg?” he asked excitedly. “Because I think we could even get through that, Scully. Our ship wouldn’t sink and there wouldn’t be any casualties.”
“Okay, see now,” she said, pulling away and stepping back, her hands up in surrender. “That’s too far, even for you, Cheeseball.”
“What? I’m saying we’re unsinkable,” he said, with a huge smile. “Our love has anchored us and kept us from drifting off into the horizon. No more rough seas, only smooth sailing, as far as the eye can see. Scully? Where are you going?”
She did not answer, but continued across the room, a slight gagging sound heard as she began to walk up the stairs. He laughed and walked around the room, turning off the lights and locking the doors. Taking the steps two at a time, he arrived quickly at their bedroom door. Standing in the doorway, he grinned at her.
“Permission to come aboard?” he asked, and she threw a pillow at him, hitting him in the face. He laughed and stepped past it into the room, closing the door behind him. “Now about that dirty talk …” He pulled her close and she raked her nails up his chest.
“You got the green light, sailor. Full steam ahead,” she teased with a purr, and he groaned, gripping her hips tightly.
“God, I love you.”
“I know. And, Mulder, you definitely have permission to come aboard.”
“Oh, Scully …”
Song credit - My Heart Will Go On written by James Horner / Will Jennings. Sung by Celine Dion.
*Full disclosure, I was the one who totally thought, “just sink already” as I watched Titanic. I just ... it didn’t do it for me. It’s all visually stunning, but 🤷🏻. At least I didn't yell it at the screen like Scully did, so there is that at least.
Although Titanic was not my absolute favorite movie, I do love the song and I DID like when the dialogue from the movie was added to it years ago.*
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army-author · 7 years
jimin scenario | countdown
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❝ Your soulmate watch is set to go off on the same day that you meet BTS with your little sister... ❞
➸ prompt: My little sibling wants to meet their favourite idol for Christmas. You’re their “present”
➸ pairing: jimin x reader
➸ requested by @sunshinepizzas | 3.8k words | fluff, soulmate au
Why that date? Why not any other date?
That date is set to be special for you – it’s the day that your soulmate watch will stop counting down the hours, minutes, seconds until your fateful meeting with the person you’ll love for the rest of your life, determined before you were born, set aside for you by the fates that pull stars and move seas. But it’s also a special date for your sister – it’s the day that her favourite group will be visiting your city for a fan meet, and you, being the amazing sibling you are, have managed to get her tickets.
Which means that the day you have being dreaming of for so long won’t be spent as you had planned, sitting on a park bench, smiling and sipping on a bubble tea while you read a classic novel, ready to impress your soulmate with how cultured you are.
Instead, you’ll be stuck queuing with your sister while she waits to shake hands with her idols. All as a part of her Christmas present from you. You have given up your special day, because BTS decided they just have to arrive in the city on the same day that your soulmate watch will fall off your wrist, with a beep, signalling you’ve locked eyes with the love of your life.
When you had first ordered the tickets you hadn’t realised the importance of the date, but as it gets closer and you do the maths, you figure out that it’ll be on the same day, at the same time that you’re destined to fall head over heels.
“You should be excited,” your sister tells you when you explain your stress to her, “You’ll get to meet your soulmate and BTS on the same day!” And then her eyes go bright and glassy as she falls into day-dreaming. “Someone in BTS might even be your soulmate!”
You can’t help but snort. “If fate knows what it’s doing, it won’t match me with an idol. Can you imagine dating someone with their schedule? Someone who has as many fangirls and boys as they do?”
“Yeah… just imagine…” you sister sighs dreamily, and you see it’s pointless trying to talk sense into her. As nice as it is to imagine it, having an idol as your soulmate would be nothing but a pain.
You just have to hope that you can get through the fan meet quickly and escape to (in your opinion) the most important meeting of your life.
Your watch clicks down another hour.
18 days 16 hours 59 minutes 2 seconds until you meet the one.
The night before the fan meet you’re almost sick with nerves and your sister is almost sick with excitement.
“I can’t believe we’re going to meet them tomorrow!” she cries, practically bouncing off the walls of your room, while you try to wash off your make-up and get ready in peace.
You aren’t in the mood for her fangirling, not when all you can think about is your fateful meeting, the moment when your watch will click free from your wrist, indicating that you’ve just locked eyes with your soulmate. What if they don’t like you? What if you don’t like them? What if fate screws up, and screws you over?
But your sister, not stuck inside your head, and not hearing your barrage of worried thoughts, is pulling out her phone to show you more videos. “You need to learn their names if you’re coming with me.”
“I can learn them tomorrow,” you tell her, “It’s called a meet for a reason. They can introduce themselves then!”
“No way!” Your sister shoves her phone in your face, “Millions of fans would die for a chance to meet these boys. If you’re going to have that sort of attitude, why don’t you give your ticket away to someone who wants it?”
You bite back the retort that you would love nothing more than that - to be free and ready to meet your soulmate without the added stress. But you can’t say this to her, not when her face is practically glowing with excitement as she pushes her phone towards you. This was your idea from the beginning, you had wanted to make her Christmas special, and you were going to go through with it, even if it killed you. Because that’s what good siblings do.
So, you took the phone from her as she explained, “This is one of their most recent MVs.”
You frown down at the screen, as she explains, “It’s called DNA.”
A whistling starts up and a boy appears on screen, with his brown bangs falling into his eyes. You’ve seen him before – on the posters around your sister’s room. “That’s Jungkook,” she tells you, pausing the video so you can appreciate his looks, “He’s the youngest of the group, but all of the other members are scared of him because he’s so strong. He’s a singer, but he’s also really good at dancing, and can also rap. Actually, he’s talented at everything. He’s amazing!” At this rate, going through the MV will take all night. You nod your head along, trying your best to concentrate, although all the information your sister is pouring on you is draining out of your ears as soon as it enters.
As the music continues playing and the group starts dancing, you try your best to concentrate on each boy when your sister points them out, but your eyes are always drawn to the boy with the sparkly jacket, his dazzling clothes catching your attention.
“Who’s the blonde one?” you ask, before your sister can get to him, and her eyes gleam.
“Have you chosen your bias already?”
You’re not even sure what a bias is, but you blush at the insinuation that you’ve taken a special interest. At this rate, your sister will wear you down, spotting your weakness and trying her hardest to push you into becoming a fan as well.
“No way,” you say, “I just like his jacket.”
Your sister pauses on the blonde boy you mentioned, now in a white and red jumper, one long earring dangling from his ear. From behind the screen, his eyes bore into your very core, leaving you shivering.
“That’s Park Jimin,” she tells you, “He’s a singer, and a dancer, and he’s adorable. And he also has abs.”
You don’t know why this information is necessary, but you can’t help blushing as she wiggles her eyebrows at you. “Wanna see a video of him taking off his shirt?”
“What? No! I’m not a perv like you,” you complain, giving her leg a push with your socked foot.
“Well… I don’t know… you seemed interested in him… I just though it might be something you were into…”
“If you don’t shut up about his abs right now I will kick you out of my room.”
“Okay, okay…” she rolls her eyes, and returns to the MV pointing out the rest of the members. As the screen fades to black, she starts talking about the other MVs she wants to show you, but it’s getting late, and you know you have a long bus ride to get to the fan meet tomorrow, so you send her off to bed, telling her she needs some good sleep to get rid of the bags under her eyes if she wants to look good for her idols.
On your watch, your clock keeps counting:
17 hours 50 minutes and 31 seconds.
The bus ride is more stressful than you expected. First, you bought yourself a cup of coffee at the shop beside the bus stop, but then didn’t have time to finish it before the bus pulled up, so you had tried getting on with it in hand, and then spilled all the change from your pockets while trying to pay the driver. After that, the coffee got rattled about in its cup on the twisty streets, and ended up splashing over your jumper. Now you’re trying to rub at the splattered stains on your sleeve, whining to your sister about how bad this will look to your soulmate, because first impressions matter, all while your watch counts down:
4 hours 19 minutes 28 seconds.
“Relax, it’s fine,” she soothes, “Just roll up your sleeves and you won’t even see it.” With her duties of calming you down out of the way, she goes back to talking about BTS, explaining their personalities and their talents. You know she’s excited to meet her idols, but you’re tired of hearing her babbling on.
It’s a relief to finally get off the bus and dump the guilty coffee cup in the bin, before you pull up the directions on your phone to get you to the fan meet. One glance at the phone clock before the directions flash up on screen reminded you of how little time you have.
2 hours 3 minutes 59 seconds.
Your stomach drops, and you try to concentrate on the directions, rather than the ticking at your wrist. It takes you a few wrong turns, and a lot of backtracking through alleys, before you finally arrive at the building, where a line is already forming outside.
“This is it!” Your sister clutches your arm, her voice reaching an octave you didn’t think it was possible for human ears to hear. Dogs’ ears maybe. But not human ears.
Your sister is already dragging you across to the line, where she starts bouncing on her toes as the line slowly slithers forward.
“I can’t believe this is actually happening,” she squeaks, “Pinch me!”
You reach across to give her arm a nip.
“I didn’t mean literally!” She rubs at the point you hurt, pouting. Her scowl can’t last for long though, and soon she’s smiling again as the line keeps creeping closer to the doors. After what feels like forever, the men at the entrance are checking your tickets and pointing you ahead. Your sister glances behind to you, with wide eyes, as she steps inside. You follow after, and even though you’re not a fan yourself, you can almost taste the excitement in the air, enough to let it affect you, stirring up butterflies in your belly.
From here you can see the table where the seven boys are sitting. The heads of the fans block your vision of the members themselves, but you know they’re there from the snapping of cameras flashing in that direction.
There’s still a long queue left to go, and you can’t help but glance at your watch as you continue on:
1 hour 47 minutes 35 seconds.
That’s too little time. You won’t get out of here before your watch drops off. Does that mean that your soulmate is somewhere in here? You glance around the fans close by, a group of girls with a lot merch, BTS on their hats and t-shirts, and a shy-looking boy behind you, holding a plush similar to the one your sister has been asking for, a pink bunny rabbit with thick eyebrows.
Then you remember that you won’t actually see your soulmate until the moment your watch snaps off and your look into their eyes. You shouldn’t try to seek them out before then.
You keep waiting, your feet getting more and more sore, and your brain getting more and more jumbled as your watch keeps ticking.
At last there’s only one girl ahead of your sister. BTS is right beside you, and your sister’s breathing has started getting faster.
“Deep breaths,” you remind her, “I’m not catching you if you faint.”
“I won’t faint,” she retorts, but her face is so pale and her breath so hitched that you’re not sure you believe her. You watch her carefully as she takes wobbly steps towards the first boy, who, if you can remember correctly, is called Yoongi. Then it’s your turn to step forward, and you’re nodding hello yourself, handing him the album your sister asked you to get signed. He smiles wide, showing pink gums, and you mumble hello, feeling awkward posing as a fan when you don’t even know their names. Maybe he will take your relative silence as a sign of shyness, rather than a sign that you barely know who he is.
You continue down the line of boys in jagged silence, nodding hello, and pushing the album towards them for signing, all while your mood gets darker and darker - feeling as if you’re letting your sister (and BTS) down with your quietness.
The last boy you come to is Jimin, the one who caught your eyes in the MV. His golden skin and fair hair looks all the more dazzling in person, like the shine of city lights in a window, and as you shuffle forward to sit down in front of him, you suddenly find yourself unable to meet his eyes. You feel hot and cold at the same time, shivering and sweating as he holds out a delicate hand for you to shake, fingers feeling cool like glass against your own. You stare determinedly down at the table as he signs your sister’s album, suddenly self-conscious of your barely made-up face and the coffee stains on your sleeve.
But Jimin himself seems distracted. His hand keeps rubbing at the watch on his wrist, his own countdown for his soulmate, and his conversation is minimal as you wait for the allotted time to pass before the organisers wave you on so the boy behind you can have his turn.
Blushing and embarrassed, you hurry off the stage, checking with panic down to your wrist:
59 minutes 44 seconds.
You’ve gone down from hours to minutes. It’s going to happen soon. In a daze, partly from Jimin’s beauty, and partly from the closeness of your soulmate, whoever they are, you let your sister drag you back to the seats where you’ll sit for the rest of the fan meet, listening as the boys talk.
From one of the back rows, you’re much more comfortable watching Jimin where he can’t look back. Seeing him up close is too intense, an assault on all senses with his intoxicating cologne, his brilliant face, his smooth skin. He’s too much. You understand your sister’s love now.
Beside you, she flops down in her seat, completely overwhelmed. “That was amazing!” she sighs happily, before she picks herself up, and breathes, “I actually touched their hands. All seven of them…”
“So did I, and every other person in this room,” you remind her.
“Stop ruining this for me,” she snaps, “It was special, okay?”
Before you can tease her anymore, the boys begin to address the audience, and your sister presses her finger to her lips, asking you to be silent, as she drinks up all the words dropped from the boys’ lips.
You sit back, still uncomfortable, despite the cushy seats, and check your watch again:
40 minutes 2 seconds
Not much time left. You wonder if you should leave the room when the countdown reaches a certain point. There’ll be more of a chance of meeting your soulmate outside. None of the people around you are showing signs of dragging their eyes away from BTS anytime soon; there’s no way you’re making eye contact with any of them, locking gazes so your watch can fall off.
As the countdown continues, you keep shifting in your seat, getting more and more restless.
29 minutes 40 seconds.
Less than half an hour now. Should you leave? Should you stay? You glance at the people around you, at the girls filming BTS to your left, and the group of friends giggling to your right. None of them looking how you expected your soulmate to look.
You should leave.
You should stay.
Your watch keeps counting down, and BTS keep talking.
12 minutes 9 seconds.
You decide that you’ll leave at ten minutes.
That will give you ten minutes to escape out into the street, ten minutes to see the ocean of possibilities wandering the city, waiting for fate to swoop down and do its thing.
Still BTS go on, their words blending together in your brain.
But then there’s a pause on stage, as one of the managers steps up, and mumbles something to the boy closest to the edge, who you believe is Jin. He nods his head, before moving over to whisper in Jimin’s ear. All while this is going on, the ones you identify as Hoseok and Yoongi keep on talking, distracting from the disturbance behind them.
With a nod, Jimin goes across to the manager who ushers him off stage. You have no time to wonder what’s going on, if Jimin is ill or in trouble as he disappears from your view – it’s ten minutes to go, clock showing:
10 minutes 0 seconds.
You need to go.
Whispering an apology to your sister, you tell her you need to visit the bathroom, before slipping past the seats and heading for the glowing green rescue that the exit sign offers.
You just hope fate knows what it’s doing as you pull open the doors and rush out into the freedom of the now empty lobby, dashing through the double doors to the outside world. You’re out in the streets, where a hundred possible soulmates pass by, all hurrying on with their own lives. Who will crash into yours?
8 minutes 20 seconds.
Now all you have left to do is to wait.
You stand by the wall, trying to fix your hair, and look as good as you can after a stressful day, and a cup of coffee dumping itself on you. Your fingers keep fiddling with your sleeves, brushing at the spots of cappuccino that still show up on the soft fabric.
7 minutes 4 seconds.
A ruckus starts up just down the street from you, and your eyes dart over, wondering what’s going on.
You can see a bodyguard moving through the crowd, and wonder if it’s one of BTS’s bodyguards.
5 minutes 16 seconds.
You should wait where you are, hold out for your soulmate, but curiosity is dragging your feet forward, to see what’s going on.
4 minutes 59 seconds.
You stand up on tip toes to see through the crowd and spot a head of blonde hair. Park Jimin.
What’s he doing out here? Why isn’t he back inside with the rest of his group?
You struggle forward, eyes greedy to catch one glimpse of that face you were too shy to look at when you met him.
3 minutes 32 seconds.
You realise that you should go back to your spot by the wall and wait for your soulmate. What if the crowd holds you back from seeing them? But as you struggle against the bodies, you realise your mistake. You can’t go back, can’t fight the sway of these people, wherever they go you go. You have no choice now, feet moving without your permission as bodies press on all sides.
2 minutes 11 seconds.
You hear the girls beside you gossiping: “I heard that Jimin’s set to find his soulmate today!”
“That would explain why they’re trying to get him out of here.”
“Imagine if one of his fans is his soulmate! I’d die of jealousy!”
“Do you think if I tampered with my watch and forced if off at the same time his comes off he’d think I was his soulmate?”
1 minute 48 seconds.
You need to get away. But as you struggle, you find yourself moving closer and closer to the inner circle where Jimin is being accompanied back to one of the cars. You can see him through the crowd clearly now, catching a view of his retreating back. His hand is clutched to the watch at his wrist.
59 seconds.
You cry out as you’re pressed on all sides, stumbling forward. You try to turn around. You wonder if your soulmate is here in this crowd. Where? Your eyes graze the faces all around you, no one looking your way, no one really seeing you.
30 seconds.
Your soulmate is close. Where?
10 seconds.
Your body is pushed forward, towards the bodyguard and Jimin. Where?
9 seconds.
You fall closer, wobbling out of the crowd to crash into the black of the guard’s suit.
8 seconds.
He turns back to give you a warning, telling you to get away.
7 seconds.
You try to apologise, holding up your hands to him.
6 seconds.
Jimin turns to ask the guard what’s wrong.
5 seconds.
You keep on trying to apologise, talking to the blank wall of the bodyguard, who’s stopped listening.
4 seconds.
No time to apologise.
3 seconds.
Your soulmate is close by.
2 seconds.
Let fate get it right.
1 second.
Your wild eyes fly around the crowd. Who is it? Who? Who? Who?
A pair of dark eyes catches your own.
0 seconds.
With a beeping your watch slips off your wrist, and clatters to the pavement.
The crowd takes a step back, as the people around you realise what’s going on.
Your eyes drink in the face of the man supposed to be your soulmate. Golden skin and fair hair. Park Jimin.
No way this is happening.
Before the crowds around you can start an uproar over their idol getting paired off, the bodyguard is grabbing your shoulder firmly and pulling you towards the car, pushing you and Jimin inside.
His voice is gruff. “Jimin, you need to go back to the fan meet soon. This will be all over social media, and we’ll need to figure out what to do about it… but for now, just talk with each other.” His serious tone softens for a split second. “Enjoy it. The moment you meet your soulmate will stick with you forever.”
Then he’s slamming the car door on you, leaving you and Jimin in the privacy of the backseat to try and sort out the thousands of emotions spinning around your head.
Where do you start? What do you even say? How do you begin this?
Jimin picks up, the only way he can, by sticking out a hand, “You might already know this, but my name’s Park Jimin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You glance up to the dark eyes you were so nervous to meet less than an hour ago, the eyes that heralded the end of your attachment to your watch, and the beginning of your attachment to him. And seeing his smile, cheeks scrunching up, eyes softening - it makes it all okay.
The crowd of disappointed fans outside. The tumult this will cause. The difficulty of it all.
Jimin’s smile promises that all will be okay.
And you chose to believe him.
♡ END ♡
Author’s note: I love love LOVE soulmate aus! They’re always so much fun!!
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
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