#i have my Preferred/Precise Hill to Die on 🎺🎺🎺🎺
vermillioncrown Β· 3 months
i can't talk about specifics bc too detailed, but tldr:
everyone started off w saying the presentation was good
my advisor actually called my presentation "immaculate"
answered every question to the point we had off-the-books (not for corrections, but for curiosity) discussion
holy fucking shit i was standing for three hours straight (1 h 50 m non-stop verm infodump lmao, then 1 h of closed questioning, and then another 10-20 m of committee deliberation)
(to put into scope: defense presentations should aim to be 60-75 mins at most and 15 min questions)
(everyone agreed it actually needed the whole time bc of the sheer scale of the work)
the committee all agreed that the work is a very big contribution w immense practicality to the field
i just need to finish the document, add their suggested corrections, and that's fucking it 😎😎😎😎😎
what does that mean for fanfic?
well. i need to prioritize my corrections bc uh lol my job deadline is by the end of the month
but i think i'll have enough bandwidth to be creative again, so likely i'll be writing and noodling as i make those corrections, so no promises but we'll see if anything gets posted
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