#i have my main issues listed if anyone wants to check my credentials or whatever
valeria-sage · 1 year
Read about the controversy and hate towards @crippled-pvp, so I thought I’d add something.
I am very mentally disabled and decently physically disabled. I am very obviously disabled in both ways. If someone watched me for more than 5 seconds they would know (if I’m not using mobility aids). Thought I’d point out my ‘qualifications.’
He is correct. Plainly put, people with mental disabilities that do not affect mobility or abilities do not get to say that ‘their issues matter too’ when it comes to accessibility.
The difference between the two types of accessibility is that one can be provided yourself.
If I cannot get up the stairs, I cannot just pull a ramp or elevator or step out of nowhere. If I start to pass out, I cannot just unload a chair to sit on. I cannot magically fix my disabilities to do something that is inaccessible to me.
If I am having a bad sensory day, I can bring headphones or my own food or stim toys or whatever I need. If I am having a panic attack, I am able to remove myself from the situation. If I randomly switch out, I am able to adapt or, again, remove myself from the situation.
I am mentally able to go to parades and parties and things that trigger any one of my mental disabilities. Because I know I can a) accommodate myself or b) leave. And I still get the experience. I am not able to go to parades and parties and things that trigger my physical disabilities, even on good days where a mobility aid is not needed. I cannot accommodate a hike, or stairs, or a ramp that’s too steep. And I do not have the option to.
There are ways you can prevent and deal with things from mental disabilities. There are none for us physically disabled people.
That is the difference.
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What to Expect From Your First Online Therapy Experience
New Post has been published on https://www.substanceabuseprevention.net/what-to-expect-from-your-first-online-therapy-experience/
What to Expect From Your First Online Therapy Experience
At its core, online therapy’s objective is similar to that of brick-and-mortar therapy: provide tools, solutions, and ways to reframe your current issues, allowing you to overcome challenges in many areas of your life.
Online therapy differs, however, in that it puts therapy in the palm of you hand and enables you to share your thoughts and challenges anytime you wish. This makes therapy more convenient and affordable for those who are new to the experience. Additionally, online or text-based therapy (like Talkspace) is known to be as effective, if not more, than brick-and-mortar therapy.
Here’s what to expect when beginning your online therapy experience, and how to set expectations for positive outcomes along the way.
Matching with a Therapist
Matching with a therapist who understands why you’re seeking therapy — and fits your personality — is crucial to helping you achieve your mental health goals.
While Hollywood paints therapists as stuffy, older men with legal pads, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Therapists are uniquely compassionate people with diverse backgrounds. They can be as quirky and fun as you are, which helps build an important connection as you begin to work together.
Professionally, online therapists at Talkspace are fully vetted (or “credentialed” in industry terms). Regarding education, 95% of Talkspace therapists are masters-level educated, with the remaining 5% having completed their PsyD or Ph.D.. It’s mandatory that they’re independently licensed at the highest level for their state’s requirements, pass a background check for potential malpractice or medical sanctions, and qualified to diagnose mental health issues. They also complete rigorous training on how to use an online therapy platform and methodology surrounding technology-based therapy, like text therapy.
In sum, online therapists at Talkspace are 100% qualified to provide therapy or counseling both in-person and online.
How therapist matching works
When beginning your online therapy journey, matching with therapists is handled in a few ways. Traditionally, the first person you’ll interact with is a consultation therapist. This is a certified therapist who is an expert in matching your needs to another practitioner — your actual therapist — who focuses on that speciality or has extensive experience or training with your condition or issue. Examples of therapist specializations include: LGBTQ lifestyles, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related traumas, or common conditions like anxiety and depression.
Additionally, you may have a preference for a male or female therapist or someone whom you share a cultural background with. Online therapy providers do their best to consider all preferences when matching you with someone within your state who completely understands your needs and experience.
Therapist matching technology
Some online therapy companies are now testing matching algorithms that help accurately pair you with a therapist based on a series of questions you’d answer. No matter the matching method, it’s important to be honest during the process and the problems you’d currently like to overcome.
Starting the Conversation with Your New Therapist
After you’ve been matched with a therapist, you’ll spend a short time getting to know each other and discussing your therapy objectives. It’s kind of like a first date, but much less awkward. Sometimes your therapist will have a brief intro video that tells you a little about themselves and often you’ll have an introductory video session. Then you’ll enter into treatment, often a text-based chat, but you can also send video, audio, and picture messages to your therapist. It’s all about ensuring your comfort with the process.
There are two common questions that arise at this stage: “What do I talk about” and “How do I want to communicate with my therapist.” Let’s delve into these next steps.
Setting Therapy Goals
The question “What do I talk about?” largely depends on what you’d like to get out of therapy. A common misconception is that therapy topics are always related to hitting rock-bottom or experiencing a crisis. While this can be the case, therapy is really just about removing roadblocks in your life and being happier.
Roadblocks can be as simple as:
“I’m having a hard time deciding what to do next in life.”
“My partner and I aren’t talking, and when we do we have arguments.”
“I’ve lost my passion for my job, and it’s affecting my work.”
Creating a list of a few topics you’d like to discuss online therapy will help you — and your therapist — get a feel for where you’re at in your life, and what’s most important to work on in the moment. This reveals another misconception about therapy: the only thing you discuss is your troubled past.
Communicating in Online Therapy
With online therapy, you can literally lay on the couch in your pajamas and talk to your therapist. And you can speak your mind in a few different ways: via text, audio, or video.
Text-based messaging
Talking to your therapist via text isn’t exactly the same as with a friend on Messenger or WhatsApp, but it is the most common way to communicate in online therapy. In online therapy, the texts are asynchronous, meaning that you send a message (or bunch of messages) and your therapist responds a little bit later the same day and usually twice per day. If you text semi-regularly, this adds up to what you’d cover in a 45 minute in-person therapist session.
The flexibility to share what’s on your mind on a break at work, in between classes, or on a bus-ride home, ensures you don’t have to wait an entire week before discussing with your therapist to find a solution. Plus you can drop in your favorite emojis!
Audio messaging and sessions
Using audio messages in your therapy journey has a few advantages over text-only messages. It allows you to discuss in greater detail about a specific issue.
Maybe you’re feeling tongue-tied on a first date. You can quickly record a message for your therapist who will hear and read the nervousness in your voice. You can also hit record whenever and speak your mind while you’re working on other tasks, like getting dinner ready or while shopping.
Video messaging and sessions
If you’re transitioning from face-to-face therapy to online therapy — maybe because it’s more convenient and affordable — you can still have a face-to-face discussion by using online therapy’s video options. It can either be like the video selfies you send friends over Snapchat or like Facetiming your best friend.
There are two video options: video messaging, where you record a video and share whatever you’d like, or live face-to-face video sessions (which probably more closely mirrors a brick-and-mortar therapy experience). The main difference is that your couch is likely more comfortable than the one in a therapist’s office.
Again, depending on your preference and online therapy plan, the choice of how you talk to your therapist is yours. Therapy is about communicating however feels most comfortable.
Setting Expectations for Therapy Outcomes
In many ways, we’ve gotten used to instant gratification (same day Amazon delivery, anyone?), but you shouldn’t put a price or limit on your personal happiness. Noticing the changes that result from online therapy does take some time, but according to those who’ve stuck with it, it’s absolutely worth it.
Read these in-depth Talkspace testimonials or see for yourself how online therapy has changes people’s lives:
I’ve started to deal with a lot of the negative emotions that were holding me down, S/O to @talkspace! I suggest EVERYONE try therapy, even if you feel like you don’t need it.
— J. (@TheGiftOfJAB) August 23, 2018
And shout out to my @talkspace therapist for urging me to make the change. It’s hard but I needed it and I would’ve just kept doing the same thing without her push.
— Karin (@ScienceUnikerrn) June 3, 2018
Most people cut their therapy journey short few a reasons: they’re not seeing results fast enough, they don’t vibe with their therapist, or they run out of things to talk about. The good news is that these issues are entirely solvable.
Improvement Happens Over a Few Months
If you asked one hundred people what they want most in life, you’d most likely hear this common answer: to be happy. If you asked those same people what would make them happy, you’ll likely get 100 different answers, with most of them resembling “travel to Europe” or “buy a new car.” It’s fair to say, however, that these might be only fleeting solutions.
Happiness isn’t about material possessions, our job title, or who you’re with, it’s an internal thermostat. But often you have control over the dial, simply because you decide how you feel about something. For a lot folks, therapy has proven to offer long-term improvement for their happiness, so why wouldn’t you ensure you put in the time it takes to get there?
Online therapy does have the potential to “speed the process up,” by allowing you to share your thoughts daily, rather than having to wait once a week for each visit to a brick-and-mortar therapist’s office. The more weight you get off your shoulders daily, the lighter your load and easier it will be to achieve your goals — whatever they are.
And science supports sticking with therapy, even if you perceive it as long process. Research shows that up to 67% of clients who remain in therapy for at least three months report improvement in their problems.
Therapist fit is crucial
Sometimes, after a few weeks, you find you don’t “click” with our therapist. It happens, but it’s no reason to quit therapy. It just means you need to find the person out there who’s a better fit for you!
Online therapy makes it easy to switch therapists. Instead of having to go back to hunting on Google, asking friends again for recommendations, or searching a list of providers on your insurance website, you can just switch and try again.
With online therapy, your progress and discussion can be shared with the next therapist if you’d like. This way you’re not starting over completely, your new therapist is picking up right where you left off. This seamless switch helps you continue to progress, which in turn ensures you’ll meet your personal therapy goals.
You can never run out of things to discuss
As mentioned earlier, therapy topics can range from what’s bothering you in the moment to serious, trauma-related discussions. Personal growth is continual no matter our age, and online therapy helps you work through anything.
If you’re not sure what to say next, it can be as simple as this: “I’m having a bad day.”
Starting Therapy is the Most Important Step
As you’ve read, starting online therapy isn’t as difficult as it once seemed. In fact, many facets of online therapy are more convenient than brick-and-mortar therapy.
Try online therapy today and see if it’s right for you! You may find yourself liking who you become — which means a healthier life for you, and for everyone around you.
Have specific questions about how Talkspace works as an online therapy platform? Check out our insightful FAQ page.
Interested in knowing more about why online therapy (and Talkspace specifically) is more effective than “traditional” therapy? Browse captivating research on online therapy’s proven efficacy.
Additionally, here are in-depth answers to common questions like “What is a therapist?”, “What is therapy?”, and “Why is online therapy right for me?”
Source: https://www.talkspace.com/blog/2018/12/starting-online-therapy-first-time/
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The 411 on Depression + Diabetes
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/the-411-on-depression-diabetes/
The 411 on Depression + Diabetes
Last week we talked about Celiac Awareness Month. Turns out May is also National Mental Health Awareness Month, so for our ongoing 411 series on diabetes complications, today we're tackling something that you might not even realize is a complication: depression.
Although not typically listed as a diabetes complication, it is well-documented that depression affects people with diabetes in large numbers. No surprise to us PWDs, considering all the crap we have to deal with: from guilt over blood sugars, to frustrating insurance battles, to the day-in and day-out weight of managing every tiny detail in our lives. We know full well that the hardest part of having diabetes may be the psychological side.
It's no wonder that the Centers for Disease Control reports that people with diabetes are twice as likely to suffer from depression.
Now, just to clarify: clinical depression is quite different than the "blues" or "diabetes burnout," in that it is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It does not simply fade away and it's not just the occasional "I hate diabetes!" outburst. But diabetes burn-out and other mental health issues are just as important to take care of, and burn-out can often be a trigger to more serious distress.
And the connection works both ways.
Some of the common signs of depression are:
Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Appetite and/or weight changes
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
Restlessness, irritability
Whether you think have clinical depression or just going through a rough patch in dealing with the emotions of diabetes (which is as much a roller coaster as our blood sugars!), it is important to seek help as soon as possible. Depression, burn-out, and mental fatigue can have unwanted effects on your health and diabetes management. For example, a study in the Archives of General Psychiatry shows that women with diabetes and depression are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, which is already one of the most common diabetes complications.
Clinical depression is quite treatable if you get the proper help. Although it may be difficult to find a psychiatrist or psychologist who understands diabetes the way you do, it's still important to get your depression symptoms treated.
Medications, such as tricyclic antidepressants, have been shown to be helpful in treating depression in people with diabetes. But they often have side effects, such as weight gain and nausea, which are clearly undesirable and may impact your diabetes management. Once you start taking an antidepressant, you'll want to work with both your psychiatrist and your endocrinologist, and not suddenly go off the drug without direction from your doctor, as quitting cold turkey can be very ugly!
Another route that can be effective even without the use of medication is psychotherapy or "talk therapy." This can often help work out issues regarding stress and guilt that build up over years of dealing with diabetes. It is well-recognized that psychotherapy is an important component of mental health treatment.
Korey Hood, a clinical psychiatrist and type 1 diabetic, tells us that even if you're unable to find someone who knows about diabetes specifically, you can play educator to your therapist about how diabetes effects your mental state.
"In the process, you're able to teach [the therapist] about diabetes, and have them increase their appreciation and understanding — and then in turn, they can counsel you on coping strategies for stress and anger or help build your communication skills with your family members," Korey explains.
Lee Ann Thill, a PWD with type 1, fellow D-blogger, and board certified art therapist in New Jersey, says that therapy has had a profound impact for her in coping with diabetes. "Personally, I value being able to share my feelings about diabetes with the people in my life, but since diabetes is already a burden on them, I try to be careful about how much and when I share. One of the things that I've most appreciated about being in therapy is the opportunity to unload the fear and anger I have about diabetes without feeling like I'm upsetting someone I love. Before getting therapy for myself, I underestimated how my feelings about diabetes were contributing to my depression, and I underestimated the value of having a safe, confidential place to share those feelings."
How to Find a Therapist
The main option for finding a therapist, just like with finding a physician, is to look up those covered under your insurance (assuming you have mental health benefits). Psychology Today and the American Psychological Association both have locator tools to find someone in your area, and you can specify your search to include people who deal with chronic illness, and then cross-check to be sure they're listed in your network.
Your local diabetes clinic may also have a list of nearby health professionals with whom they have a referral relationship. If you have an open relationship with your endocrinologist (which we hope you do!), talk to him or her about anything you're struggling with. Depression almost always impacts your diabetes management, and it's your physician's duty (and best interest) to help you get the help you need.
If you don't have insurance coverage for therapy, or if you don't like anyone in your network, don't be afraid to expand your search. Many professionals will work within your financial restraints to get you the help you need. Lee Ann recommends just picking up the phone and calling around. It can be difficult to determine areas of specialties from listings, so it's often easier to determine over the phone whether or not someone is experienced with diabetes. Ask questions about their experience, their credentials, and how they work.
"Having a therapist you like who understands your issues should be a priority when seeking treatment," Lee Ann says. "Anyone who can't take the time to help you understand what they do probably isn't someone you want to see."
Lee Ann also suggests looking "outside the box" when it comes to mental health professionals: "Family therapists are a great option, especially because diabetes is a family disease. I'm an art therapist, so I encourage people to investigate art, dance/movement or music therapy. In creative arts therapy, you'll be able to talk about your problems, but you'll also get to use the arts medium to express your feelings which can facilitate therapeutic progress."
We also hope you've heard of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute, a San Diego-based practice that's well-known for its team of specialists in diabetes. Although they're limited in geographic scope, director Dr. Bill Polonsky is a frequent speaker at diabetes events and has written a seminal book on the topic, Diabetes Burn-out: What To Do When You Can't Take It Anymore.
Other Reading Material
If you can't get to a therapist right away, there are some other good books that address the emotional issues of diabetes and chronic illness:
* Psyching Out Diabetes - Written by former President of the American Diabetes Association, Dr. Richard Rubin, who's an expert and principal investigator in several long-term studies of psychosocial and life-style issues with diabetes. Although the book is several years old and some of the technology talk is outdated, dealing with the emotional aspects of diabetes is "evergreen."
* 101 Tips for Coping with Diabetes - Keeping it in the family, Dr. Stefan Rubin is Dr. Richard Rubin's son, who has lived with diabetes since 1979. Both Stefan and Richard have spoken at the CWD Friends for Life conferences about living well with diabetes. This book covers tips for handling stress, anger, depression, meal temptation, and more.
* How to Be Sick - Recommended by Psychology Today and the Huffington Post, this Buddhist-infused book on "how to be sick" takes a spiritual approach to living with a chronic illness. While it might not be for everyone, spirituality has been shown to affect people with diabetes in positive ways.
Last word for today:
Depression, like diabetes, is manageable and treatable if you get help, so don't wait. Whatever you choose to do, just know that you are not alone!
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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