#i have terminal homestuck brainrot so it's like
nekropsii · 3 years
You’ve asked for funny questions. What do you think Mituna and Damara’s friendship/relationship is like?
Oh hell yes. Oh fuck yes. I write both of these guys, and actually have some things to say.
I’m going to make this about Sovereignstuck, because we actually go into this in it’s canon!
Content Warning: Nothing! Just Vibes.
There’s a lot of changes in relationships and personality in Sovereignstuck. In Homestuck proper, the Alpha Trolls as we knew them had been festering in isolation for roughly 1,000 years. I, personally, like to say that their major overarching theme as a cast in canon is that of Brainrot. They’re the textbook definitions of terminally online, and they’ve had the ability to writhe in that title and dig their holes deeper for a millennia.
In Sovereignstuck, however, our iterations of these characters have not, in fact, had that time to take their personalities and eccentricities to the extreme. Some of them are a bit smarter about their behavior, some of them aren’t as conniving. Some of them, after their session, sought therapy to cope with the trauma and newfound mental illnesses they gained during their game. Damara was one of those people.
So, here’s the fun fact for today. Mituna and Latula are Moirails. Damara and Latula are Matesprits. Bit of a change up there, but we have our reasonings! And a big one is intrigue.
Damara and Mituna, in Sovereignstuck, are pretty close friends, actually! One thing Latula’s been helping Damara out with is “focusing her anger.” A major issue Damara had was that she would project her anger and hurt onto the entire rest of her teammates, when some of them didn’t really… Do anything to her. Some of them even tried to help.
The result of Latula’s ongoing help, and Damara’s tragically brief period of therapy, was the ability to form a couple relationships. She’s still scared and upset, mind you- she’s fucking pissed that she’s being put in the same vicinity as some of these people again, but she’s working on healing. Slightly…. Out of spite.
If you fuck with Mituna, then you fuck with Damara. Start running.
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