#i have the ending of my kylux fic all planned out and a really solid grip on the direction i want to take with it
cc-kote · 1 year
Rauuagadjsjdsk help I'm getting ready to post this week's chapter of my kylux fic (The Unforgivable) and idk if I should also post another chapter of my Codywan fic (The Last Lost Continent) or if I should wait on that one for now and post the next chunk all together. I have like 2.5 more chapters of my kylux fic all edited and ready to go for the next few weeks and the first half of act 3 done up in a rough draft, but while I have the next like 5 chapters of my codywan fic mapped out like that I only have up to chapter 7 actually written in my clean draft.
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gingersnappish · 3 years
KYLUX RECS 2020-2021
My Kylux Recs in the last year (Aug, 20 2020 - Aug 20 2021)
SO. MUCH. GOOD. FIC!!! We are really lucky in this fandom to have so much good stuff to read!
Fic is part of the lifeblood of fandom, in my opinion-it shares new ideas and AUs and fleshes out the characters and most of all it inspires and entertains us all and engenders all sorts of feels for the characters-it’s part of what keeps us shipping! So a big ‘thank you’ to all the fic authors out there who work so hard at their craft and are generous enough to share it with all of us!
The following list is by no means comprehensive-there are LOTS and lots more very good fics that have been published in the last year that I haven’t read. I just wanted to offer up a few recs from what I know I enjoyed so far! (I also have more than fits on one list to rec-I’ll try and do another list soon!) As always, I rec based on personal taste, and I highly encourage reading all the tags/warnings on any given work to make sure it’ll be to your taste! -
The Flirtation Of Flowers 
Words: 5,917
Rating: Teen
Summary:Kylo runs his farm's stall at the Farmer's Market every weekend. He has a new customer, a gorgeous redhead that is curious about the meanings of his bouquets. Kylo doesn't know anything about that, so he makes stuff up to keep the man coming back every week.
My thoughts on the rec: This is the cutest slice of a modern AU kylux-it really nails Kylo’s personality as a (slightly awkward) flirt who is trying his best and just really likes the redhead who keeps coming to buy flowers. Just a sweet little fic all ‘round!
all i have to do is dream
Words: 11,456
Rating: Teen
Summary:Armitage Hux has been going to the same bar every Thursday for the last year, nursing a crush on the gorgeous, unobtainable bartender, Kylo Ren. He finally gets up the courage to ask him out, only to find out he has some unusual competition: the memory of a red-haired boy from Kylo's past, who Kylo swears is the soulmate that got away from him.A fill for this SoftKyluxKinks prompt:Anonymous asked: Benarmie with young Ben (around 11 years old) having a huge crush on Armitage (16). Hux finds it adorable but mostly ignores him because he's a kid. Flash forward a few years when Ben is all grown up and Hux is the one with a huge crush.
My thoughts on the rec: This is another really cute young modern AU! I like the idea that Ren has liked Hux forever, but this deals nicely with the age gap and that Hux really wouldn’t notice Ren back until they are both appropriately older. And they make such a cute couple-it’s a great progression from just ‘he’s hot’-like, there is a lot more to them than that in the end!
(really, read anything by sigo, it’s all my favorite)
Words: 13,450
Rating: Explicit
Summary:“We’re off the next two weeks, you know.”“Yes, I know.” There was emergency construction scheduled to fix cracking asphalt too near a pipe in the center of campus. The buses couldn’t run, and that phenomenon was the only thing that ever cancelled classes. Halloween was dead center in the unplanned time off school, and every bar within a fifteen mile radius would be untenable as the students celebrated. Hux was planning on staying home, catching up on grading. He was rather looking forward to an opportunity to reread his favorite novels. They were already stacked by the couch in preparation.“My family always throws a Halloween party and they got word that I could come this year,” Kylo said, shuffling his feet. He looked almost bashful.“Ren, it’s midnight,” Hux sighed at his infuriating coworker. “Get to it.”“I may have informed my entire family previously that we were dating.”
My thoughts on the rec: One of my all-around fav fics from the last year’s worth of my reading material! It’s got the modern AU vibes down pat without losing their personalities or making them too OOC, it’s got the fake-dating trope done REALLY well, it’s got a wonderful creepy vibe strung delicately throughout for the Halloween haunted setting, it’s got plot and make-outs (and more). Can’t recommend highly enough!
Words: 14,316
Rating: Explicit
Summary:They have managed cooperation - efficient cooperation, even - in these past months, which is more than enough. And already nothing short of a miracle for both of them.Still. Ren was a fool to think he could simply run off and keep Hux in the dark.-----When Ren goes missing on a mysterious planet, Hux sets out to find him. He doesn't yet know that he just might find himself.
My thoughts on the rec: This, like all of violet’s fic, is HOT! Like, scorching vibes between them! It’ll draw you in and not let you go ‘til after the boys are ‘done’! And, like all of violet’s fics, the character voices and personalities are also impeccable!
Rocks Break Gifts
Words: 16,706
Rating: Mature
Summary:The Rebellion has been crushed, a coup affected, and Supreme Leader Ren and his Grand Marshall Hux have settled into a domestic routine as the joint rulers of the Galaxy. Kylo wants nothing more, now, than to make his relationship with Hux official, but he can't seem to rise to Hux's challenge of a satisfactory proposal.Or, the five times Kylo proposes, and the one time Hux says yes.
My thoughts on the rec: Ahhhhh, the premise in this one is great! Like, I don’t wanna spoil the plot reveal at the end, so I can’t say too much, but there is a really good reason throughout the thing that this is a Five Times type fic and it works! It works so well and while we spend the fic ‘with’ Kylo, when we find out what Hux’s deal is, it is so satisfying! I Paint My Dreams
Words: 26,122
Rating: General Audiences
Summary:Kylo Ren is struggling to make a name for himself in the art world but as the grandson of the great Anakin Skywalker, a legendary pop artist of the 1950s and 60s, the weight of his famous family and his own expectations is a lot to bear.After he’s rejected from a prestigious exhibition because his installations “don’t fit the theme”, Kylo heads to the pub to drink away his disappointment. Later that night as he stumbles home, he’s set upon by some would-be thieves but before they can take what’s left of his money, he’s saved by a strange man with unbelievable Medusa-like powers. The ethereally beautiful man, Armitage Hux, is a visitor from Oweynagat and he has a simple proposition for Kylo - room and board in exchange for making all Kylo’s artistic dreams come true.Sounds easy - what could possibly go wrong?
My thoughts on the rec: Oh goodness, where to start? The Irish Mythology and Fae aspect of this fic is superbly woven throughout the whole thing and the author makes it work really well! Like, this is such a unique and original take on the kylux pair, I love them, especially Fae!Hux in this! And the plot is solid and you get invested really heavily in how they are gonna wind up-at least I did! There’s some beautiful language in this-descriptions and dialogue! And I have a soft spot for Artist!Kylo!
Dating a Monster
Words: 30,401
Rating: Explicit
Summary:Ben Solo was raised to be a demon hunter, as everyone in his family has been before him. He wanted nothing more than to prove that he was worthy to his family. He lied to them and went on an unauthorized mission to catch and kill an elusive incubus. His search led him to Arkanis University, one of the most prestigious schools in the country.He was sure the mission was going to be easy, before he met the cute freshman Armitage Hux. This meeting would change the fate of both of them.
My thoughts on the rec: Add another really good one to the slightly-creepy-kylux subgenre filled with demons and dark powers! This is a great depiction of Kylo as a very determined demon hunter and Hux as a very unique quarry! I love the tension in parts of this too-well crafted! The Green Ribbon
xzombiexkittenx, Lilander (art)
Words: 39,679
Rating: Explicit
Summary:When Ben was fifteen he left the Jedi temple and took extreme measures to prevent the shadowy creature that infiltrated his thoughts from dragging him to the dark side. What he did left him with a great deal of chronic pain and removed his most valuable weapon, but Ben got his stubbornness from every side of the family, even the adopted ones, and he was determined to find and kill the creature.Now Senator Amidala of Naboo, Ben uses his position to make the galaxy a less awful place when he can, but being senator also gave him very useful contacts in his search for the creature. When he met Major Hux of the First Order, Ben thought he could get game-changing information out of him, one way or another, but things rarely go Ben's way and it got complicated much faster than Ben had prepared for. It's never a good idea to mix sex and politics, but Ben takes his fun where he can get it.
My thoughts on the rec: I feel like this is a very original take on ‘Senator Amidala’ Ben, at least from the stuff I’ve read-many props to the author for such a fleshed out universe, filled with likeable, believable OCs, a wonderful plot, great character motivations and voices, and a take on our main man Ben that pulled me in from the get-go! He’s sorta magnetic (in universe and to the reader)! And the sexual tension and sexy bits are very well done! I’m rooting for Ben and Hux in this, on opposites sides though they may be! Comfort Zone
Words: 66,766
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hux is running away. He meets a tall, dark, and somewhat annoying stranger at the airport.
My thoughts on the rec: Travel writing at its best; also kylux fic at it’s best! Young, modern them trying to find their places in the world and finding each other in the process is so cute and almost tenderly done in this! This is a gentle, friendly version of modern Kylo that I fell in love with, right along with Hux! And by the way, I’m not kidding when I say travel writing-the southeast asian setting is vivid and enchanting in it’s rich detail! Outnumbered, Outgunned, Outmanuevered, and Winning
Coriesocks, Ellalba (art)
Words: 80,372
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hux’s plans for ridding the First Order of Kylo Ren are ruined when Ren discovers his deception. With no choice but to flee, Hux ends up in the hands of the Resistance. It’s not ideal, but at least he gets a break from Ren. Until he doesn’t.When Ren starts appearing in Hux’s dreams, Hux wonders if the stress of being a spy has taken more of a toll on his sanity than he’d previously thought. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he has to deal with constant pestering from Poe and a mildly inconvenient kidnapping. Of course, it’s Ren who saves him in the end. There’s clearly no getting away from him.
My thoughts on the rec: A really interesting take on something that is both a alternate rewrite of what could have happened instead of TROS and a TROS-fix-it of sorts! Hux is stellar in this, we really get a good look in his head and Coriesocks handles it masterfully! I really liked how their relationship develops gradually in this, it’s Enemies To Lovers at its best! Bloodlines and Brandy
Words: 130,785
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian Hux is a native of the Deep South who loathes his origins, and seeks to pull himself from the stifling quagmire, but his bloodlines call him back to the property that has blessed- and plagued- his family for centuries.Unspoken secrets fill his inheritance, skeletons fill every closet, and a monster lurks in the shadows, tied to two bloodlines joined by fate, greed and hatred that has spanned across generations.As Hux learns about his family’s tainted legacy that has now become his burden, he discovers there is more involved than just having to be the curator of property that the locals shun with hushed whispers, that he has inherited more than an estate- he also has a terrible and loathsome horror tied to his very blood.When curious young locals come calling, and Hux’s past tormentors come out of the woodwork to simper and scrabble for a piece of the newly rich, the body count begins to rise, the smell of blood in the old slaughterhouse is getting harder to hide, and Hux realises that he will need to find a better way to pacify the hulking shadow that perches on his roof every night before his hometown’s tiny population is completely decimated.
My thoughts on the rec: This one is EPIC! Like, in length (which it needs every word of for the story that is going on here) and in the great portrayal of Kylo and Hux and their relationship! It’s super original too-not just the plot but the depiction of Kylo as something ‘other’ and the Southern Gothic vibes, and Hux-this is a wonderful take on Hux! He loses none of his edge, in my opinion and yet the reader is ‘with’ him all the way through, rooting for him! The descriptions are killer too-EmperorsVornskr has a felicity of expression that kept me reading (albeit in more than one sitting). Also worth noting that this is a wonderful and carefully handled depiction of trans!Hux, in my admittedly cis opinion. The theme of finding your tribe/your people/and your special someone in this, albeit in sometimes unexpected places is warming! I enjoyed every moment of this fic! Gravity Well
Words: 176,421
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Snoke is gone, but his death has solved nothing between Hux and Kylo Ren. The First Order's trust in their leaders wanes as they vie for power over one another, and if they cannot learn to work together, they may both lose everything they've worked for.Forging that alliance after years at each other's throats will not be as easy as letting the past die, however—they will face subterfuge, enemies in the shadows, treachery, and being stranded on a hostile planet with creatures out of nightmare, barely escaping constant danger with their lives while having only one another to rely on.And that is just the beginning.
My thoughts on the rec: I realize this one is very well known by now, but I’ll rec it again for good reason! It’s quality long-fic! I love how competent Hux is in this surival-style fic, even without the Force to save him! And Kylo is a badass! kyluxtrashcompactor is a master of the slow burn here and we’re even lucky enough to be getting a sequel (although Gravity Well will also stand perfectly on its own). The writing in this will draw you in and not let you go!
That’s all for now! I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did!  
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kyluxficexchange · 7 years
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                             Valentine’s Day 2018 Collection
                 (For anyone living in East Asia and celebrating, Happy Chinese New Year!)
Authors have been revealed (for the better half of a day), but due to RL I had a few problems logging on to post this before now, but thank you for your patience with me!
A gentle reminder that while we don’t enforce it as a rule, we greatly recommend readers leave a comment or kudos on their gift- feeling great about validation is universal! It’s been a wild ride, thank you all for bearing with me and sticking along. I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day, and that you have a lovelier week.
Beneath the cut is a master-post of fic recs for your reading enjoyment!
All 56 works currently in the collection are included below. If you’d like specific recs for certain tropes/features/themes, you can throw us an ask. If you’d like your work removed from the rec-list, just message us!
CONTENTS, fics for---           valentines day fluff           soft & classic kylux           long journeys           canonical AU           modern AU           benarmie & techienician           comedy(?)
                         VALENTINES FLUFF
Works that are in-character set around Valentines day. Generally modern day! Soft and sweet. A bit late to read these for Valentines Day but we can still make it for White Day!
Blind Date
Phasma sets Hux up on a blind date. She has no idea he and Ren already know each other. And hate each other.
     feat. kylo taking yoga classes, ‘careful, ren’, and copious amounts of humour. phasma is?? a god???, and the banter between kylo and hux is everything. hux’s pov involves a level of sarcasm that is delicious to behold.
Can You Come Get Me
After a vicious fight with his father, Hux needs a place to go. Ren is more than obliging. Not your conventional Valentine's Day, but far better than he had hoped for.
     feat. brendol hux’s A+ parenting, a little bit of whump, and heart-shaped pancakes. there’s a lovely sweetness to ren that really endears the reader to them both.
Crossed Wires
In a modern setting; Armitage and Ben have a very important dinner together.
     feat. benarmie and proposing! is it actually set on v-day? i don’t know but it makes it even fluffier. matt and techie are also present, and the sibling dynamic is to die for.
Don’t Play With Your Food
For the prompt: cannibal and serial killer, cute boyfriends.
     feat. food porn, knitting solving every relationship trouble (knit one purl one two). a romantic comedy falls somewhere between absolutely adorable and somewhat horrifying. maybe it just jumps seamlessly from one to the other.
The one where Kylo and Hux both find themselves on Chandrila with lackluster dates for the local equivalent of Valentine's Day, a bit too much alcohol is imbibed, feelings are had, and animosity gives way to something else.
     feat. a ton of great dialogue, hux in a dress, and alcohol porn. alcohol description porn. just... description porn. the writing is amazingly immersive, the worldbuilding is beautiful, and there is a bar scene which trumps all other bar scenes.
                         SOFT KYLUX
Canonical kylux with (mildly) fluffy endings and lots of hurt/comfort. Possibly not as soft when compared with other fandoms and ships, but equally delicious.
Open Letter
General Hux tries to deal with his negative thoughts after the First Order's latest defeat. Kylo Ren offers some help.
     feat. post-tlj angst and eventual(?) catharsis- at least, the first step to it. hux’s pov and inner monologue is super well written- in this work he’s a lot more vulnerable, and the author really plays on his sense of self worth, to great effect.
Sealed with a Kiss
Armitage is shaken up by Snoke's punishments, so Kylo has to go to him.
     feat. hux being substituted for a pair of maracas, a bit of whump and some hurt/comfort. it’s not quite fluffy- neither of them are nice enough for that- but there’s softness scattered throughout that the bluntness of the text really highlights. also humour, which gets pulled off far too well.
Slow Hands
Hux yearns for Supreme Leader Ren, but he knows it can never happen.
     feat. post-tlj catharsis and the best kind of hurt. the first half is unparalleled unrequited love kink. the pacing and narrative is just perfect- there’s a level of raw emotion conveyed through the writing (on hux’s end) that is quality™.
Tame Your Nightmares
When Hux passes out on the bridge, Supreme Leader Ren takes this matter into his own hands. Together with Hux, he tries to find a solution to Hux's sleep problems.
     feat. kylo being an asshole but a nice asshole, solid REM sleep becoming my kink. a lot of them sassing each other in this fic- the snark gives way to vulnerability at certain moments and it’s A++.
Moon-Shaped Pools
Posing as a couple while on an intelligence-gathering mission to the Pleasure Planet of Chagar IX proves to be enlightening in more ways than one.
     feat. stranded together on a pleasure planet. the atmosphere of this fic is just otherworldly. literally otherwordly- the nature of the place they’re in changes their dynamic and the way they act around each other, and it’s wonderful to see.
prompt: Stranded somewhere not so fun, Kylo takes care of Hux's small wounds with a level of care that makes Hux feel ~uncomfortable~. In a good way.
     feat. a summary that doesn’t live up to its 6,000 words of great dialogue and worldbuilding. basically post-tlj snuggling. the setting really forces the two of them to interact in ways that would not otherwise happen- which results for lots of fluff and hurt/comfort.
The Breaking Point
Supreme Leader Snoke commands his apprentice to dispose of the General. Ren questions his orders.
     feat. a great exploration of ren’s character. his inner monologue is spot on, every emotion is acute and real, and being able to follow his thoughts and feelings to their (perhaps inevitable) conclusion is just a gift.
Kylo Ren is in quite a state when he wakes in the medbay following the destruction of Starkiller Base. Luckily for him, he isn't alone.
     feat. post-tfa angst, kylo and hux expressing their feelings to each other. in a feelings way and also in a ‘lets rule the galaxy together’ way. the characterization is spot on and puts a twist on their mutual vulnerability- they’re both just so well written.
Disaster Recovery Plan
In the aftermath of the debacle on Crait the First Order is trying to run an evacuation and recovery operation from the stabilised remains of the Supremacy. But the Mega Star Destroyer is in worse condition than anyone realised, a fact Hux discovers only just in time to save his own life. Seriously injured he finds himself in unexpectedly close quarters with the new Supreme Leader...
     feat. star destroyer class mega, hux whump, recovery and getting together, and hux watching kylo sleep. post-tlj. i just want to say this fic hurts to read because it’s so emotional and the author conveys the characters so well, but things get better for them!
A Few Chocolates
Snoke had forbidden Kylo from experiencing things that Hux never expected. It seems like a good place to start winding closer, manipulating the new Supreme leader. Instead Hux ends up finding out that maybe he doesn’t hate Kylo as much as he thought he did.
     feat. communication over bribery and chocolates. idiots falling in love. hux’s pov is written superbly- the way the two of them come together and the slow build of their relationship reads seamlessly and organic (even with hux’s intent to manipulate going on).
I Am More Than My Scars
Grand Marshal Hux is distraught when he discovers what kind of training Supreme Leader Ren is engaging in to keep himself bound to the dark side, and suspects the involvement of the deceased Snoke.
     feat. non-sexual intimacy, the same tag that is used in the fic but i can’t express how much i love it: they are soft with each other in a way it’s rare to see in most canon fics. it stuck in my mind for days and i love this take on hux and kylo, and how their harshness wears away when they’re alone together.
                         CANONICAL AU
Works set in the Star Wars verse, but with slight twists- on characters, setting, etc.
Blind to his own brilliance
Upon suffering a life-threatening injury, Kylo discovers something about his General that will definitely lead to something more.
Oh, and he also gets a kiss.
     feat. force-sensitive hux living up to the title of the fic, and ren being appropriately impressed. such beautifully written prose i die. following kylo’s pov, it’s easy to see, and easier still to miss any inkling.
Ben and his family are attending a masquerade ball in celebration of the Peace treaty that will unite forces across the galaxy. Ben is bored and looking for an escape from his mother's political circles.
     feat. a ben solo still with his parents??? my heart. an interesting look into the characters if they’d never met via snoke, and if kylo ren never existed- the worldbuilding in the background is fascinating, and hux in this fic is a less polished, more open version of himself that i love.
Pulvis et Lux
Emptiness. Hux shook in his quarters, clutching a tiny position sensor to his heart. It was dead now. Cold, quiet, and useless. The last five years he had cherished it like a tiny piece of his lover, knowing that, however far he strayed, Kylo Ren was alive and within his reach.
But now he was lost to him, and Hux was left with a tiny piece of smooth metal and a large corpse, bloodied and burned.
    feat. angst in buckets, character death, and force ghost kylo. and rings. it’s a fic about mourning and not quite letting go. proving wrong the age old saying of ‘death do us part’. still without a doubt a fic to stoke the tragedy boner.
                        CLASSIC KYLUX
Kylux that is decidedly not soft. Sometimes dark, sometimes not so dark, but the classic dynamic from early on in the fandom.
Connections Never Sought
“You’re serious. You want to know? The last time you asked me about the Force, it was because you wanted to know if I could interrogate your prisoner from another system.”
     feat. too many feels, a new level of kink without... actually getting explicit?? (how), and feelings being resolved via sex. hints of softness that neither of them act on, with rey as an unintentional voyeur.
so indefinite as to be indefinable
It goes like this: their shadows become misshapen, tall and hungry and swallowing the dark- in the unlit corners of the room, monsters trying to eat each other.
     feat. purple prose, angst that eventually turns less angsty. prose for days, and both of them being idiots falling in love- with mutual pining thrown in for good measure. once again, classic characterization- which mingles with some fluff.
An Uneasy Alliance
After the events on Crait, the newly self appointed Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and General Armitage Hux struggle to find their footing with their new power structure and the imbalance it creates. Hux feels the sting of his ill treatment at Ren's hand and fears the worst is coming.
     feat. more prose that will slaughter you, power imbalance, and so much pining. these two sorting out their issues with communication and stabbing- their characterization really calls back to the first wave of kylux fics that came out after tfa, and it’s beautifully written.
you know why
An assassination attempt, some rather unexpected heroism from Hux, and the magic of bacta. This day really isn't going the way Kylo Ren expected. Whoever thought that building an empire would be this difficult?
     feat. slow but not soft kylux, multifaceted. also delicious smut. ren and hux straddle the line between ‘adorably fluffy’ and ‘not nice at all’- hux is almost frighteningly unreadable at times, and kylo is (in comparison) far too easy to read, which just fuels their dynamic here further.
Kylo and Hux have an arrangement. So what if some woman can make Hux smile?
     feat. jealousy and brilliant characterization. miscommunication happens in spades and catharsis is somewhere beyond the tunnel- kylo is emotionally oblivious, and hux is probably at a loss because of it.
                        FOR LONG JOURNEYS
Long fics over 10,000 words. If not for a long journey, then read them with a good mug of coffee and snacks on a rainy day.
Dangerous Mistakes
Kylo Ren is dangerous, and has long been a thorn in the side of General Hux. He's always hated him and always will. Or will he?
     feat. enemies to lovers and hux reading romance novels. there’s a wonderful darkness that never quite abates in the fic, neither hux nor ren are very nice people- both of them drawn to each other for reasons they don’t seem to wholly comprehend.
Lead To Follow
Five years after leaving the world of competitive ballroom dancing, Hux is comfortable in his life as an instructor - until one bad student has to shake everything up.
     feat. a primer on ballroom dancing, hank the investment banker, and both of them being incurable and helpless romantics. finn/rey and leia/holdo are background ships that work together really well. also trans!hux! the dialogue and description are so well written, i honestly can’t imagine how much research and time went in to this fic.
man in black
“So, you really want to live here?” Finn frowns, dark eyes gazing out of the front window. Rain streams down the glass, each droplet creating a trail - like silvery scars on frosted skin.
“I don’t really have a choice.” is the reply.
     feat. putting pineapple and sweetcorn on pizza and small town southern gothic. mild horror, mildly creepy hux. there’s a lot of suspense- it reads a little as mystery/light horror novel might read. it was completely riveting to read, the narrative slips and slides in some parts- kylo is an unreliable narrator, in an unreliable reality.
our love is a ghost (that the others can’t see)
Ren likes flowers. Hux finds out.
     feat. canon-verse with soft kylux and beautiful writing. pressed flowers, fresh flowers, hux gifting ren flowers. a lot of restrained emotion that finally, finally gives way towards the middle and end.
tell me we’ll never get used to it
Kylo may not have recognized his co-star's voice, but he sure as shit remembers that this Armitage Hux guy was the best one night stand he's ever had in his life.
     feat. actor AU, great puns, all the background ships. it’s a multi-media project with graphics/edits and different styles of writing- and aside from the amazing writing, it’s the most fun thing i’ve read in forever. there were throwaway lines that had me yelling for ten minutes straight. bonus points for bodhi and cassian being partners.
Kylo Ren has spent the last five years fighting in the desert, leading the Southern Front for Emperor Snoke’s war against the Resistance. Global conquest is near at hand, but things take a turn for the worse when General Armitage Hux is captured and delivered far north to a Resistance stronghold in the Davarn Mountains. Ren has never ventured that far north himself; nor has he ever met Armitage Hux, but the severity the Emperor heaps on this situation implies there’s probably more to the man than what meets the eye.
Whatever the case may be, Ren takes the mission without question. After all, the sooner he sets things in order with the General, the sooner he can return to his own quest of cutting down the Resistance army.
He just fails to anticipate how difficult this mission turns out to be…
     feat. an author who claims never to have written steampunk before, but writes it amazingly well. close to 28k, definitely for a very long train journey. the moments of softness between kylo and hux are nestled between plot-heavy segments and beautiful worldbuilding. background characters are fleshed out, the setting is beautiful, it’s a fully fledged short novel that could even be read standalone.
Porn with and without plot. (my thoughts on smut are generally incoherent whoops, i might add onto this section later.)
Ren stares at the carpet. “Tell me what to do,” he says.
“Last time I tried that, you nearly rendered me unconscious,” Hux snaps, hoping he sounds more incensed than hurt.
     feat. bottom kylo and bondage.
An Attempt on His Life
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren summons for his General to discuss a private matter of the utmost importance. Hux assumes this is where he dies after his treasonous thoughts from "that night".
     feat. more bottom kylo and post-tlj sorting out of feelings. calling hux armitage. A+++
Do it The Right Way
Hux just wants to sleep at night, too bad his neighbor keeps him up with his loud, incorrect masturbation. Hux is just going to have to guide him through how to do it properly
     feat. hux being Done.
Hold On
Hux holds out one gloved hand, beckoning Ren away from the cave’s starless winding passages, back toward the salt and red earth and open sky.
Ren goes to him, because there is a choice— but not really.
     feat. hot mess kylo ren and a lot of dom/sub. the writer’s prose is beautiful.
Impromptu Meeting
Kylo was beyond exasperated with his top General, Armitage Hux and his lack of respect. Kylo was not an Alpha to be mocked and a simple beta should know so. He'd have to have a long talk with a certain ginger.
     feat. A/B/O-verse, omega hux and alpha kylo. (dubious/non-consent)
Mutual destruction
“Scared you could still lose this battle? That I could get what I want?”, Hux teases and it’s probably the wrong thing to say but he doesn’t care anymore. He wants this to get bloody and messy and he wants to be able to claw and hate with all he’s got. Ren has to see it in his mind because only seconds later the knight’s angry lips cover his mouth and the kiss is entirely painful and yet the best they've had so far.
     feat. too many feels, semi-transactional sex, and classic kylux. also bonus shout-out as the author didn’t have a giftee while writing- leave a comment /o/!
Or Negotiations with a Man Baby
Hux and Kylo have been fucking for awhile now. But then an awkward moment leads to them actually talking about their sex lives and trying new things.
     feat. (daddy) kink negotiation, the promise of lingerie. light-hearted and humourous at parts.
People Like Us
Kylo has to make it up to Hux after he roughs him up in front of his subordinates.
     feat. neither of them being nice, both of them getting what they want.
We can talk it over, and over, and over
“Whatever you just did,” he moves again, “Do it again.”
There are lines that the Force can break down, lines that can bring people closer together, lines that turn a feeling into an experience.
     feat. inappropriate use of the force. they’re surprisingly domestic- fluffy but there’s an undertone of something not-entirely-healthy sprinkled throughout. it’s an interesting twist on what a relationship between them might look like.
                        MODERN DAY FICS
Featuring office romance, actor AU, a little bit for everyone.
Best Intentions
As if Ben’s hopeless crush on his uptight but gorgeous coworker isn’t problematic enough, a well-intentioned mistake has gotten him into a mess of trouble.
Luckily for Ben—and unluckily for Hux—he has a plan.
     feat. office humour, accidents, and double shot lattes with almond milk. the coffee descriptions are to die for, as is the millicent cameo. it’s sweet to see them together, and to see them communicating with one another (nearer to the end).
The Future In-Laws
Han and Leia Organa-Solo pay a visit to their son and his fiancé in London.
     feat. armitage speaking his mind about brexit, han and leia coming to visit their kids. the americanization of aubergines into eggplants. han and leia are wonderful in this fic; hux is the anxious fiance about to meet the in-laws, and the whole fic is just slow and very sweet.
More Than Words
Armitage is a cynic about love because of his father's relationship with Maratelle and Armitage's mother, but when a friend signs him up for a blind date, he meets Ben. Despite Ben's parents having a completely dysfunctional marriage, he remains an optimist about finding his soulmate. It might not be love at first sight, but there's definitely something going on…
     feat. hux not being optimistic on his blind date with ben. ben recommending the fish. wb yeats turning over in his grave. ben is a romantic and hux claims to be a cynic, and the whole fic (from hux’s pov) reads in a far too romantic manner- the pacing is perfect and the writing even more so.
Nearly Missed
After two years of travelling the world trying to find himself, Kylo Ren is as lost as ever. When he returns home for a brief visit, he is unexpectedly reunited with his best friend and long-time secret crush, Armitage Hux.
     feat. fluff and angst, kylo returning from a trip of self-discovery in which he discovered nothing. kylo and armitage communicating with each other. i really enjoyed reading hux taking a different path in life- the idea of how different he could be as a person if this or that had changed.
Northern Exposure
When Hux's personal assistant abandons him without warning he is forced to take on an emergency employee to replace him. Kylo is without a doubt the worst assistant Hux has ever had, and possibly an escaped convict, but there's something about him that catches Hux's attention.
     feat. hux being an inappropriate boss, borderline workplace harassment but they still get together. kylo’s past is a mystery, hux wants to chop trees down, and the background characters are to die for- everyone is astonishingly fleshed out considering the wordcount, and the writing style fits hux’s pov perfectly.
Slow dance with the best man
Hux is dragged to his subordinate's wedding and decides to take advantage of the free drinks. But the best man is tall, dark, and handsome--and he has his eyes set on Hux!
Or, a Harlequin romance novel au
     feat. a never-ending cycle of finding romance. hux is quite literally swept away by ren, and both of them dramatically fall in love.
Hux is an astronomer, and Kylo an astrologist. They bicker about the stars and fall in love during an eclipse.
     feat. a meet-cute and the sweetest romance i’ve ever read. the amount of characterization stuffed into 1300 words flabbergasts me- there’s so much of it in the dialogue itself that it doesn’t need description to be conveyed.
Still Water
The men are working together and they're both reserved.
     feat. office romance and champagne in plastic cups. hux is reserved but confident, and kylo is more unsure of himself, making for an interesting dynamic!
Cut Above the Rest
Kylo needs a haircut. Poe knows a guy. Kylo's not sure what he's getting into.
     feat. hair stylist hux with a mysterious past and kylux having their first meeting. light-hearted and fluffy. hux is dramatic and slightly(?) creepy, it only serves to make them both more endearing.
                         BENARMIE & TECHIENICIAN
Self explanatory, but this also works as the ‘tooth-rottingly fluffy’ category.
birds of a feather
Techie has never met anyone like Matt before, but he's never met anyone like himself, either.
     feat. techienician, a lot of fluff, and pigeons. i love how techie is written, his pov is just so very stylized and unique- his character comes through via the narration alone. pure cinnamon buns in love.
Good Morning, Angel
Techie is a permanent patient at a hospital and Matt is the new nurse there. (Cue Matt falling for him without even realizing it within the first ten minutes.)
     feat. more techienician, patient techie and nurse matt looking like a sketch of the zodiac killer. tooth-rottingly fluffy. matt is super caring in this one- seeing hux through his eyes is absolutely endearing.
Wedding Daze
It's his brother's wedding, Armitage should be happy. Instead he's reminded of just how lonely he is. And then he sees the other best man. It may have been six months since they worked together, but there's no mistaking Ben Solo.
     feat. there’s background techienician that is just super soft and sweet (marriage !!), and then the dynamic between armitage and ben which parallels and contrasts that. the dynamic between the siblings themselves is perfect.
At least, light-hearted and sweet, no hurt in sight. If anything, fics that will make you laugh when you need it.
Lost Cat, Fat.
Hux decides to keep Millicent inside so she won't get any extra feedings. But someone else is looking for her, too.
     feat. millicent adopting a second dad without armitage’s permission and misunderstandings over parenting. hux and ren’s interaction here is just adorable, and i love the narration from hux’s pov- he and millicent make a wonderful pair.
Disappointment Comes After Success
General Hux has a lot on his plate, especially now that his former co-commander and ex-lover is the new Supreme Leader. He drinks the bitterest tea and arms himself with pettiness and hope.
     feat. post-tlj misuse of the supreme leader’s power, hux being close to losing it, hux deserving better, and hair-washing kink. so much hair-washing kink. i don’t think i ever stopped laughing to myself reading this.
Fate’s Accountant
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's reign of terror starts off poorly and continues on a downward trajectory from there. Badly as he doesn't wish to admit it, he needs his estranged lover/former co-commander's help to put everything back together again both personally and professionally. Surely, Snoke had something laying around here that will be sufficient enough to bribe him. What gift best says, "I'm sorry I've been an incompetent asshole and I want you back"?
     feat. ‘gracious government mix’ the chocolate giftbox, darth knight tantrum trying to make things up to hux. every single sentence is comedy gold. feels lurk under the surface to be discovered and rediscovered on second and third rereads. the pinnacle of fic.
What doesn’t kill you
..... makes you fall in love.
     feat. the trope of 5 4 times plus 1, and me indeed falling in love with this fic. phasma being the hero and friend we don’t deserve. hux tries to kill kylo with successively worse results. or eventually better results. i cackled to myself the entire time and i’m glad hux ended up laughing too.
Kylo is snowed in at an airport. And the world's most arrogant prick is too. This is just Kylo's luck.
     feat. a wonderfully written setting, description porn, and sock garters. seeing hux from kylo’s pov is just... a gift. kylo is a gift, hux is a bit of an asshole, but a snarky asshole, and it’s so well-written i cry. also the smut is such a bonus.
EDITS: 01. added a fic that had been missing before: i am more than my scars.
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noirsongbird · 7 years
for the fic asks: 2, 7, 13, 23, 37!
40 Questions for fic writers!
Under a cut because this got loonnnggg. Also once we get to the WIPs section I talk lightly about some smutty shit, so!
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
FAKE. DATING. I want to do it SO BAD and I haven’t yet and I’m finally gonna, I swear.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh, man, this took me a while, and it’s why I had to sleep on this ask and answer it in the morning. A lot of what I’m proud of is dialouge, but I do love Satya’s initial reaction to seeing dragon!Genji in Hold Me Tight and Fear Me Not:
The one - the man - who had spoken laughed, seeing her tense form and fierce expression, and spread his arms wide in a universal gesture of meaning no harm. He was handsome, there was no doubt about that, with bright eyes and an easy smile, dressed in a white gi over a fitted undershirt. He wore light armored gauntlets and boots that looked like they had clawed feet, perhaps for climbing. A dramatic orange scarf caught a light breeze that blew through the courtyard, stirring up the cherry blossoms. The breeze also caught his hair - short, but spiked, and bright green, and that was about where Satya’s brain stopped acknowledging what her eyes were seeing because surely she was seeing things. Men did not have antlers, nor did they have - her gaze flicked back to his face - splatterings of scales over their cheeks and on their arms, or….or strange, serpentine dragon tails.
That nope about what’s blatantly in front of her is and remains deeply delightful, okay.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
That all writing advice is malleable. You can break the rules if you have to, and if it fits, and you don’t have to be bound by genre and convention. Write what’s in your heart, babies, and even if it’s not perfect, you’ll still make something awesome.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Uh, all of them? but if I have to pick one, Promises, Promises (and its sequel, Walk Through the Fire). It’s much enjoyed in the Kylux fandom, but the writing could be SO much better, and the fact that I didn’t have a plan shows very clearly, so I would work harder to make all the individual incidents feel interconnected and like they were actually part of one story and not just me doing whatever I thought was fun?
Talk about your current wips.
ISA NO ISA WHY. This is the part where I get to gratuitously embarrass myself by talking about how many goddamn WIPs I have.
OKAY. So. Ones I can currently talk about, divided by fandom (can’t talk about my Sheith or Hance Big Bang fics since we’re still pre-claims ;D)
Flowers Like Freedom: That Mercymaker sequel to Flowers Like Ashes that I’ve been talking about for like a year. NO, REALLY, I AM WORKING ON IT. It’s about halfway done at this point, maybe even three-quarters of the way? I’ve gotten past one of the hardest parts, and have notes for all the remaining scenes, it’s just a matter of finding time where I feel allowed to work on it (which will ease up soon, since one of my most pressing Bang commitments is almost at posting time!)
Rabbit Heart: A Mercymaker AU in which it was Angela, not Amelie, who was taken by Talon. See, Gerard’s wife had security everywhere, and was in no way a soft target, but their girlfriend? Their girlfriend was a field medic, and she was much easier to snatch off the battlefield in the chaos of a fight. With her husband dead and her girlfriend under Talon’s thumb, Amelie chooses to join Blackwatch and is trained as a soldier. I’ve got a solid outline done and I’ve got the beginnings of an opening chapter, so that’s another one we might see pretty soon!
Come Along With Me: The next piece in the Child Ballad Series, in which Katya Volskaya asks for help in a fairy ring and gets one Winter Queen Sombra, who is, in her own mind, very much a helper! She’s helping! So yeah, Sombra agrees to offer Katya the answers she needs, in exchange for seven years of Katya’s service. Everything after that is just really, fantastically gay. Another one that’s about half-done, so it’s about finding time!
Coming Home: Revisions will be happening at some point I promise.
A Thousand Words: I know mostly where I want to go with this one, I just need to sit down and figure out exactly what that means! Once I get back to Overwatch fic, turning out a new chapter of ATW is very high on my priorities list.
Voltron: Legendary Defender:
Past the Point of No Return: My fic for the Galra Big Bang, a Lancelot fic that diverges from canon after the end of Season 3 (it’s been in the works for…a while, okay). Lance gets captured by Lotor and his generals, and gets some very interesting perspective as a result. Coming very, very soon–my post date is March 22!
Hold Me Tight or Don’t: My fic for the Voltron Kinkbang, more Lancelot that’s canon-compliant up to Season 4. Lotor goes into heat, ends up spending it with Lance, and they accidentally pairbond (which is a bit like ABO mating, and it gives the pair an empathic link that allows a degree of feleing each other’s feeliings, emotionally and physically). There’s a lot of smut, and also a lot of feels, because these two idiots are navigating a whole lot of feelings. A bit further out–Kinkbang posting is in May!
Untitled Sheith prequel to HMTOD: An incident with Haggar results in Keith becoming more phenotypically Galra–and also gaining the ability and desire to create a Galra pairbond. He somewhat accidentally does with Shiro, and….well. This would go better if a) either of them knew what was going on, and b) Project Kuron wasn’t still looming. Ideally coming next month-ish, before I publish HMTOD, but might be after!
Shine a Light: A college au, once again more Lancelot no I don’t know why I love this ship so much either I JUST DO. This is going to be really, really personal, because a lot of what Lotor goes through during this fic is drawn directly from my personal experiences my first year of college. I had a breakdown. It was bad. But working on this fic has felt so good, because it feels like I’m finally acknowledging and pricessing some of what I went through rather than putting it in a box labelled THAT HAPPENED and filing it in the back of the mental attic.
Always In This Twilight: Um. It’s. Coming down for revisions, because some of my decisions about where I want things to go later in the story require me to go back and make some edits, and it could use some polishing, and it’s an ABO fic and currently it’s alpha!Shiro/omega!Keith and I want to flop that because omega!Shiro makes me happy. He’s big and buff and also soft okay /weeps
And I’ll Not Go To The Waves: Everything is outlined!! I just have to actually find time to write it. My intent is to finish everything and get it all nice behind the scenes once I’m free of some bang commitments, and then release it on a nice, neat weekly schedule!
I….think that’s everything. NOW YOU KNOW.
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