#i have to do ice cap again i have to do SANDOPOLIS again
thecoolertails ยท 2 years
i got to death egg zone in sonic 3 & knux in sonic mega collection (gamecube) and the fucking game crashed and it doesn't save your progress to the memory card unless you save and quit to the games menu so now im back in ice cap zone ๐Ÿ™ƒ back in sonic 3 ๐Ÿ™ƒ i lost basically an entire game's worth of progress but its fine im fine ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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theclo4ked1 ยท 4 months
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Wake me up from this Carnival Night(mare) Zone Some days ago, I made a long awaited return to my in-progress Tails playthrough of Sonic 3 (without the "& Knuckles" lock-on tech). I had already collected all 7 emeralds and the last zone I left myself in was Carnival Night Zone. So I started playing. I was jumping around, running down those candy cane cylinder things, I accidentally performed that one glitch where your gravity becomes altered because you touched a certain object like those rotating wheels or those odd floating platforms that you jump on to have them ascend--all in all, I was havin' a (not 3D) blast, until I made it to Act 2. There was this part with a 10+ Rings monitor, or something, somewhere high in the zone. Above the item was a ceiling that curved, so I jumped at that curve to start running on the ceiling, only to clip into the adjacent wall not too far away.
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I found that I was unable to remove myself from that space, no matter how many times I jumped, how much I charged a Spindash--I even attempted that one glitch you can do in Ice Cap and/or Sandopolis when you duck to lower the screen and then quickly jump to perform either a level wrap or a screen wrap, I forgot, but I was just STUCK. I tried for a few minutes before I gave up and waited for a Time Over (the most embarrassing way to die in a Classic Sonic game imo). I don't get Time Over's because I'm bad at the games, I just love to explore these worlds, and I like to be thorough; I wanna find all the secrets and those lovely Giant Rings that net me 50 extra rings (cuz I already have the emeralds at this point so I can no longer warp to the BLUE SPHERE DOILUS ROUND) Nonetheless, I left and returned with a slice of pizza, and finally, the clock eventually hit 9:59 and Tails was freed at the cost of one of his lives...and my pride. Happy to have been released from one of Robotnik's Nefarious Traps (I presumed), I carried out the Act as normal, up to the part where Knuckles comes in and causes a power outage. What a four-headed dick. That's my least favorite part of the whole zone; it's so slow, mostly because the level design is more boxed in and linear and there's WATER in this carnival. For the love of Chaos, who the fUCK put all this water here?!
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And you know that one part, with all the bumpers on the walls and ceiling that take you farther into the lower parts of the Act? I was like "hmm what if theres something back there" so I flew through that tight section avoiding the bumpers to be sent back. It turns out there was nothing there for me, so I thought I'd just head back... But unfortunately, Tails' airborne physics, while flying, cause him to descend slower, probably because his gravity is decreased. Due to his decreased gravity, the force exerted by the bumpers is probably doubled, and without any solid ground to stand on, Tails cannot exit flight mode and revert to his normal gravity. The result was me becoming softlocked AGAIN in the same GOT damn Act. Once more, I waited for the time to run out. The following footage is my agony captured on a smartphone camera this time, to share with my friends.
"I'm stuck in the GOT damn building; I can't get out of this... I cAn'T-" Damn it, Tails, is this why some people don't like you? Geez, I have NEVER been in Carnival Night Zone for this long of a time; it was so, very excruciating. I'm still worried this experience will forever change the way I see Tails and this Zone... :( Addendum, Jun. 5, 2024. I forgot to put this addendum in soon after I initially posted the entire text. I was looking at my screen like "what was I supposed to add? oh well" but I remembered today: this post was the first time I put in some .gifs to just fill the spaces between blocks. This is because I had learned that Tumblr has a block limit system of 4,000-something characters. The way I format my posts, I use SHIFT-ENTER to make new lines and not ENTER, and using the former over the ladder continues a block rather than splitting it. Now I also know why I couldn't put all of my Sonic Frontiers thoughts into that one post from a while ago, but hey, now I know I can fix it because I saved the rest elsewhere! but ough, I had always ("always" referring to when I found my footing in making posts which wasn't all that long ago) put a .gif or three in my posts because 1) they're fun to use, and 2) they kept the design of my posts more than stale (not boring). Now I may feel obligated to have them just so I don't reach that limit :C
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