#i have very very very tenuous industry connections thru my old hs friend & my aunts ex husband whos an acting teacher so
lobotomizedlady ยท 10 months
do you wanna tell me about the show you're writing it sounds really cool ๐Ÿ‘€
sure!! so the general premise is just following the lives of 3 siblings who grew up in an insulated religious order (a cult, basically) as they sort of reunite after having gone their separate ways in adulthood & work together to try to stop the marriage of their underage half sister to a much older man. but that's like the bare bones of it, it's very much a character driven story exploring how the religious abuse they experienced as kids affects them & their various neuroses as adults. It sounds super serious and it can be but it's also fun bc I'm incapable of not being at least 50% silly at all times
the reason I saw a lot of my show in that post is bc two of the siblings (and their female friends) are just the epitome of Failgirls, in their own unique ways of course. it's a very write what you know type of deal bc I too am a failgirl
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