#i have yet to find anyone whose fingers are shorter and smaller than mine. not even girls who are smaller-sized than me (and most girls are
zhongrin · 5 months
the way you can just see where i taped the nail picks orz....... (other hand's thumb for comparison)
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li come kiss it better ;<
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huicitawrites · 5 years
Would it be very bad of me to ask for more ThorkellXfemale reader? :3
“Thrill of The Battle”
Yandere! Thorkell x Female! Reader
warning: obsessiveness, possesiveness, fighting.
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“I won’t duel with you.” her response came out dry and cold, [e/c] hues fixated on the sword as she brought up the small stone up its blade. She tried to ignore the man standing before her, but the shadow his monstrous height casted upon her made it difficult to do so. Moreover, she could feel him eyeing her up. His intense stare sent shivers along her spine, still, she kept her composure.
“C’mon [Y/N],” as always he chuckled. Is everything a joke to him?, she rolled her eyes. The blonde viking huffed and crouched down to her level, seeking for her sight. However, she stilll kept her pretty eyes on that stupid sword. He could not believe he was getting jealous of a sword.
Without a word’s warning, the man snatched the sword out of her smaller hands and lefther with that little stone alone. The [h/c]’s opened mouth shut in a pout he found adorable, and immidiately she stood up.
“Give it back.” ordered the female warrior opposed to him, but the other paid no mind as he played around with the weapon. His big hands fidgeted with its hilt and his calloused fingers ran up through the blade, examining its sharpness and strentgh. It was almost weightless to him, even shorter than his own legs.
The viking continued to observe her sword, ignoring the demanding stretched-out arm and making her opened palm wait. “What, paying me with the same coin? Really, do you think that’ll work on me?”, but the man kept her cherished sword on his hand.
“Thorkell, don’t make me repeat myself. Give. It. Back.” this time, [Y/N] clenched her fists and straightened her back; feet strong and firm while her shoulders were held wide. Lastly, she tilted her head upwards; glaring into his eyes.
The giant merely giggled, finding your attempt in intimidating him pathetically cute. His slim cheeks adopted a slight, rose colour with how you looked at him determined.
The smaller warrior growled and reached her arm upwards. Quick in motion, the blonde lifted the sword high; making it impossible for her to grab it. After all, she was no match for his terrific height.
“It’s mine! Give it-“ the maiden was silenced by a single finger on her rosy lips. “Shhh, I’ll give it back”, for a second her [e/c] eyes glimmered and she accidentally gifted him a smile. The viking lowered the sword, but just when she was about to take it, he rose it again. “However,” he said with emphasis- “You have to defeat me in battle”. She froze, lips shut and eyes wide.
She forgot he’d do something like this, try to deal his way into battling her. Try to force himself on her in all ways he could.
Moreover, she despised battling with him. He is a lunatic, a battle maniac. Many believe he has giant’s blood running through his human veins.
“What do I get in return?”
“Well, I’ll return this cheap-stick”, suddenly, a new-found sense to beat him invaded [Y/N]. He crossed the line by insulting her sword, a warrior’s most trusted companion- the most precious treasure.
A weapon that had accompanied her throughout life. A gift from the village’s harald to symbolise her honor.
“And if I lose?” she asked. The possibility, she acknowledged, was high yet not that greater than hers. Aware this was Thorkell, she surely could not afford to lose.
“I keep this sword- I’ll give you a better one. Plus, I get a kiss.”
The woman hissed in disguss, “That’s unfair!”
“Not really. I will fight bare-handed whilst you-” the tall blonde advanced toward the little warrior and clasped his fingers around her chin, pulling her face to his side and cooed sickengly sweet, “-will use a shield. Aren’t you a shield maiden, the best in your village to add?”
Perhaps other warriors would have been honored to be recognised in such a way, boasting up their pride and returning the favor. [Y/N] begged to differ, for it was far from a compliment but a taunt. And damn did it work, it would be humiliating to refuse.
“Alright, I agree to your terms.” said the brave woman as she spun on her heel and walked towards the small arsenal that laid a few meters away. From the shelf, she took out a round, wooden shield and hooked it on her [right/left] arm.
Thorkell stood on the opposite side awaiting with an eager grin plastered on his face. If she had squinted hard and observed the look on his eyes, she’d get scared at the adoration they held. In his eyes, she was the prettiest valkerye- [h/l], braided, [h/c] hair waving along the light breeze of the air meanwhile her long skirt danced along with those hips. The armor that hugged her delicate form perfectly hugging all curves as the chains added a radiance to her figure.
The petite stood her ground as she locked sights with the giant, she knocked on her chest with the shield and dared “I’ll bring you down, Thorkell The Tall”.
His grin only grew and he laughed between teeth.
‘I am shorter and weaker, but faster and more agile. I have to be, one punch and I’m doomed’, she tightened her hold on the shield, ‘Two punches on the shield and it’ll surely break into splinters’.
The second they stood at arms reach, her blonde opponent and captor threw a punch which she dodged by a strand’s distance. She ducked below it with a twirl and saw his rib cage’s side. Fast, [Y/N] bashed her shield’s edge into the opening; causing the viking to tumble. Without a pause, she continued; taking advantage of the little time she had before he’d recover his breath.
The man twisted his feet to root his stance on the ground and brought his other arm to jab it into her gut, however wiser, the shield-maiden bashed his wrist away and diverted the hit. Following the blocking up with a bash that pushed on his shoulder. [Y/N] then push-kicked his hip, creating an aliviating distance between the two.
The [h/c] huffed and puffed, for it took a lot of strength in her moves to do any harm to the monster before her. Let alone push such mass. Thus, in terms of stamina Thorkell had the upper hand.
The man felt a little pain, nothing more than a sting on his side. Where he touched, it hurt more. He laughed, “Oh, [Y/N]! You really did it!” his sudden outburst startled her, “You broke some of my ribs! I want to make you mine even more”
The sentence sent shivers crawling through her spine. “I will never be yours, or anyone’s for that matter”
“Mhmm...Whose name was engraved on that sword? It certainly wasn’t yours, ást.”
He insinuated something else, something darker. The way his tongue rolled of the sentence, he laced it with venom. Hatred evident.
The response came fueled by raw rage, a blank mind and an adreline energised body. The warrior maiden dashed to him, a battle cry escaping through her lips. Sweatless, Thorkell tipped sideways and stretched out his ankle. You had been so, so predictable.
She tripped over, head diving down to the ground. Just a second before contact, and getting a serious concussion, she covered her head with the shield and bent her elbows and knees; lessening damage with a roll. Still on the ground, she slided her shield on beneath his feet. He fell backwards with a thud and a cloud of dust.
Certain of victory, [Y/N] lifted her shield and brought it down on his stomach.
He caught it, grasped it with his fingers. Before the [h/c] warrior could react, the sound of cracking wood and the sight of tiny splinters filled her senses.
The giant snapped in half the little warrior’s shield, all she had to protect herself from him. As her eyes widened in surprise, she urged to get away. Nonetheless, the little warrior was no match to the giant’s strentgh as he tugged her by the armor’s collar. He pulled her tiny form flush onto his broad chest. Arching his back, he flipped them over.
There she laid, vulnerable beneath him. A thick, muscled arm pressed threatly against the lump in her throat. She thrashed and squirmed, trying to flee his hold. The lack of oxygen did not contribute to her favor, and while she gasped for sweet air - right before all she could see would be pitch black, the man moved his arm away.
[Y/N] coughed as air filled her lungs once more, her mouth opened big and puffing. Thorkell raised his upper-body from her, making the heavy weight that caged her body disappeared. Even so, he kept his limbs around her; each knee beside the corresponding leg and each arm next to its matching shoulder.
She was trapped, unable to do anything in her situation. No matter how much she squirmed or thrashed, the blonde did not flinch at all. A malicious smirk sat on his lips as he admired the display below him.
“I win, [Full Name] the War Maiden!” he exclaimed joyously. Her struggling ceased and she accepted defeat. For a few silent minutes, Thorkell gazed on the pink flesh he had been craving. As well he took notice of a thin, crimson trail that fell down from its corner.
It enticed him furthermore.
There was no warning when he crashed his lips on her. His slim tongue ran over the trail of blood to lap it up. He slided it over her lower lip, asking for entrance. Yet at her denial, he thrust his way through; igniting a passionate kiss in which his lips danced along hers. The man’s tongue explored her mouth with greed, getting at every corner of the wet cavern. If it were a battle, he thought, it would be even more relishing. Hence, he proceeded to wrestle with your tongue.
Various times she tried to push him away, palms using all force they could against his chest. Howbeit, boulder-like, he remained intact and unfazed. Once again she found herself running out of air, subsequent to the harsh tapping on his chest; he broke the steamy kiss.
A string of saliva connected both lips. The petite gasped quietly, trying her best to avoid the giant’s intense eyes. Content and satisfied with his actions, he released the imprisoning hold and stood up.
“Now, onto that pesky sword”, she had completely forgotten; cursing at her own distraction. He turned around and made his way towards your sword, mockingly unaware of the weight he dragged across his leg. She was clinging desperately onto him.
Thorkell grunted, annoyed with her resistance. There could not simply be another name engraved on the sword, least of all another’s man name. Not when she belonged to Thorkell. Its mere existence drew him mad, wishing to hack such scum into a pile of mauled flesh and bones.
He shook the leg she held onto, leaving her behind and spectating while he walked toward the weapon and grabbed it. For a second, she could see a sour frown as he grasped the hilt- then came a wicked, toothy smile.
Utilizing his bare hands, he placed both of them on the steel and began to bend it. He paid no mind to the small cuts that the blade did to his palms, and proceeded to curve the sword in ways that deemed it useless. The weapon became so deformed of its shape, it finally snapped in half. A loud, out-of-pitch clang met her ears and she broke down. Silent tears cascaded down her cheeks as glistening hues glanced at the broken sword.
“What a weak sword,” he scoffed at the pieces and then flung them to who knows where, “oh don’t cry, darling.” Thorkell’s heart tightened with pain at your sorrow, “I’ll get you a new sword. A stronger one. A weapon worth of a grand valkerye, fit for you”.
Somehow, at his statement she cried harder. [Y/N] attempted to pick herself up, nevertheless her shoulders dropped and your form became hunched.
The tall blonde approached excruciatingly slow. He crouched, again, to her level and whispered in her ear “You have to understand, I could not let my future wife use such a puny stick to defend herself. The one I’ll give you will be much more useful.” Her distress did not vanish and in hopes of cheering you up, he lifted her off the ground in a warm, gentle hug.
“It’ll be crafted of the best steel we can find, with a blade so sharp it will cut down whole ships.”
I want it to cut down giants, she thought.
“And we will engrave it our names! Wouldn’t it be a dream come true? Fighting together, you baring my last name...Yes...that’d be a dream come true”
At least your tears halted, be it in terror or not.
A/N: Sorry for the delay! I had a few ideas as to what to write about but they did not seem original from the headcanon I made. Aand, I didn’t know in which point of view to write ‘cuz you said female reader and I thought that ‘You’ would spoil it. Anyways, hope you liked it!
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