#i have. a skewed perspective. i have kept maybe 0.5 friends throughout university and i only catch up with my hs friends when we do stardew
notedchampagne · 11 months
Why is it so hard finding women who are attracted to other women? Been a struggling lesbian all throughout high school and freshman year of college has been the same :((((
1) i talk about it sometimes but truly tumblrs shitpost on having a gay cafe would be pretty sweet imo. i dont go to bars often on account of having 0 irls and wanting my wits about myself alone and it truly is a stroke of luck to just Run Into a queer friend group that you will mesh with
2) college freshman? a) check if your uni has clubs or smth. no guarantee if itll work out for you but its a shot b) otherwise youll be fine work on your grades rn man youll probably naturally find other gorgeous dykes when you hit your 30s
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