#i haven’t neglected him but definitely spent less time with him alone as a result of everything
vaugarde · 6 months
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getting shots today (hes so brave)
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pinktacofury · 7 years
Who’s the kid?
Heya guys and gals, on a SOA kick here, mind is racing and my fingers are  flying over the keyboard. Y’all know you can send me Requests right? Just about any request about just about anything haha... If I haven’t seen it I will watch it, Lurv PTF.
Warnings- Language, mentions of abuse, mentions of neglect, angry Happy, some blood, violence.
Summary- A barely breathing girl shows up at Teller Morrow, she’s deathly thin, has a bad attitude and the spitting image of her father who learns that she’s been alone nearly her whole life.
A/n- As always guys I only own my OC, none of the people, places, things, gifs or images in this imagine are mine.
     Gemma had been walking out to her car when she found the young girl laying in the parking lot, face down on the burning pavement, in a panic she picked up the little woman and carried her into the Club screaming at the top of her lungs the whole way for the guys to get out of church and help her. The girl remained completely still, barely breathing as the guys ran in guns drawn and shouting, it was almost like a wave of shock crossing all of their faces as they took note of the girl lying on the pool table, jaws fell open one at a time moving through the line of men as guns fell to their sides the clicking of safety’s ringing through the now silent room. A Doctor from another charter was called in, money was wired for a flight within the hour ensuring the girl would get help soon.
“I fucking told you...” The little woman growled as she came up swinging, ignoring the IV in her arm evident by the way the bag ripped out of Half Sacks hands, he had been holding it up for quite some time, her fist connected with the first face she saw, which just so happened to be Tig’s.
“Easy kid, lay back down alright? You’re safe.” Clay stated pushing the girl gently back by the shoulders onto the pool table, as the girl blinked up at him she let out a low string of curses, shocking everyone in the room.
“I need to find Happy Lowman.... in my pocket, papers.” She murmured as she looked around the room taking in all the new faces, she growled softly as the doctor reached down to check the IV line in her arm. He backed up a little murmuring to her softly as Gemma dug in the girls pockets pulling out a severely worn piece of paper, pulling it open she let out an audible gasp handing it to Happy who looked like he had seen a ghost, he paled instantly, Jax looked over his shoulder pulling the man into a tight embrace as the man broke looking at the severely neglected girl on the pool table..... His daughter.
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“Guys.... I think she just growled at me....” One of the prospects murmured as he walked back to the back of the room with an empty plate in his hands, where the guys were all gathered watching the little woman devour yet another meal.
“Did you touch the plate?” Jax asked as he motioned towards the plate the little woman huddled over shoveling the food in, Clay had touched the very edge of the plate accidentally and she had practically snapped at him.
“Who knows how long it’s been since she’s had a decent meal man, I should have known that bitch was up to something when she took off.” Happy growled as he made his way over to the girl. “How long has it been since you ate a decent meal?” He asked her as he kept his distance from the plate she huddled over.
“Since I was six I guess, been alone since then.” She started looking a little less pale, her deep blue eyes had a little shine to them as she looked over at him from above the rim of the glass she was drinking heavily from.
“Wanna tell me your story?” He asked as he refilled the empty Gatorade glass the girl held in her hands, Gemma fussed over the little woman and Happy waved her away sensing the girl needed a bit of space.
“Don’t know how I made it to six years old, Ma was a druggie, heavily into Ice, spent her every last cent on the shit. I met a kid who introduced me to his family, they showed me how to live without the bitch, eventually they moved away and I was left with what they taught me. Where I am from expired food is fed to the pigs, slim pickings for people like me.” She muttered pushing away her plate and rubbing her stomach looking a little less feral.
“How old are you?” He asked tilting his head at the woman who looked exactly like he did when he was younger only she was quite feminine even if she looked like a skin covered skeleton.
“Twenty this year I think. Been awhile since I’ve had the freedom to think about birthdays.... Came back to let you know she’s dead, only I couldn’t find any good free eats and ended up missing the door.” She muttered leaning back in the chair, Clay approached her slowly, attempting to be as non threatening as he could be considering his size and overly manly jaw line.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Ozone, you out of the shower yet? Gemma’s got you some clothes!” Zo shook her head slightly as she let her long white hair fall past her shoulders, the wash and meal had done wonders for the volume but it wouldn’t do any good for the unhealthy color.
“Shit, give me a minute would ya?” Wrapping the too big towel twice around her body as she made her way to the door, the towel itself could have been a dress, she was small, very small, she looked like she could have been a pre teen. As a result of the way she had lived she never grew any taller than five foot one, though she had put on a good amount of weight since she had moved in with her father.
     Zo bounced around the clubhouse laughing with the guys as she was occasionally asked to dance, she found she liked to dance, she liked to party and most of all she loved attention. The guys had all set up like a huge family of brothers around her making sure she was safe and happy, her father was protective and grumbly but she adored it.
“Look at this slut, she’s got all these men pining after her..... what a whore.” One of the croweaters muttered behind her, likely thinking Zo couldn’t hear, before any of the guys could react Ozone had the woman on the ground pounding her face into the cement floor as she hissed threats into the bawling woman’s ear.
    Pulled up from the floor by three pairs of arms Zo fought to get to the woman once more, grunts and growls accompanied her struggles which only halted when her father came into view shaking his head as he motioned for the prospects to take the bleeding woman and her crew and escort them off the premises while properly threatening them.
“Bitch didn’t quite get the pounding she came for.” Zo hissed as the guys let her go, gently setting her feet back on the ground when the woman was out of sight, if it weren’t for the situation the guys would have laughed.... Tig however lost his shit and let out a bellow of laughter eventually ending in him wheezing out laughs irregularly, breathing like a retarded dragon.
“Ozone you can’t just go beating the shit out of people just because they talked shit.” Happy sighed taking the stance of a disappointed parent, though deep down he was rather proud of his scrappy, foul mouthed daughter... she was definitely his kid.
“Don’t see why not....” She grumbled as she turned away heading towards the bar where she found Tig waiting with a shot in hand and a grin on his face, Happy stood beside a shocked Kozik who wasn’t quite sure how to take the little temperamental woman.
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     As time went on Ozone eventually got better with people, though she still occasionally growled when people touched her plate, she couldn’t stand crow eaters of sweet butts which resulted in quite a few fights which she never lost. Clay put her in the ring more often than not to help vent her anger though it only made her better at beating bitches who wouldn’t leave her alone.... eventually Kozik took an interest in Ozone, when they were together she seemed almost tame.... except of course when the club, her man or her father were threatened. Tig liked to shout ‘UNLEASH THE BEAST’ when shit went south and Ozone lost her cool. Ozone adopted an abused pit bull named Duke who ,like Kozik, followed her everywhere even inside the clubhouse, the men in her life were good for her, for the first time in her life she was loved, safe and fed.... the last part was important. Clay made jokes about food being the only way to win her heart, though it was mostly true she still wouldn’t eat anything not made from animals and god help the poor soul who showed the woman a veggie. Her family had her back and she had theirs, no matter what they did. Life was good for Ozone, for the first time ever, her life was going exactly how she dreamed it would.
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 7 years
Virginity is a Gift, Use it Well
So, I am horribly stuck when coming to this series of mine. I am rereading it in the hopes to pick up on the muse that was once there and decided to post a snippet on here. I suppose it is longer than a usual snippet but, oh well. *Shrugs*
            Normally, the warm heat of the classroom would have lulled Draco into a sense of calm. Normally, the heady aroma of the ingredients and the bubbling cauldron would have him at ease in the knowledge that this was the only thing in his life that he could control. Normally, he would have spent several minutes finding the perfect way to ruin Potter’s potion by now. Normally, he would be halfway into a loud debate regarding whether Weasley’s father was going to sell one of their children to keep food on the table.
            Only, Potter and Weasel were ruining this by being bloody weird.
            Today, Snape had them partnered up. Typically, that meant that Granger and Weasley were a unified front, especially considering the two were now an item. Draco shuddered at the thought. Salazar, he wasn’t sure which one had the worst of it in regard to the relationship. He wouldn’t wish either of them on another person.
            Instead of Potter teaming up with Longbottom, he chose to partner with Weasley at the back of the room. He had seen Granger frown at them in suspicion, so whatever was going on, she was just as clueless as he was. Which he figured was her karma for being so insufferable in the first place. Serves her right.
            It wasn’t necessarily that they teamed up that was so odd, it was their unusual behavior. They had been arguing from the moment they arrived, leading Draco to assume they had been quarrelling long before they reached the classroom.
            Since they were behaving out of character, he decided to work in the back of the room as well. Naturally, of course.
            Snippets of their not-so-quiet whispered debate had reached his ears from time to time. He didn’t have as much time as them to gossip, since he was flying solo on the potion. Zabini had been foolish enough to take that drivel the Weasel twins were selling to get out of class. It had worked as intended, he fainted alright, just never woke up. The other end of the disgusting sweet hadn’t worked as it should. So, the unfortunate bastard was lying in the hospital wing, missing out on all of this oddness.
            “Have you gone mental?” Weasel’s unpleasant voice carried over to where Draco was studiously counting his counterclockwise stirs.
            “I know you don’t understand it, Ron.” The frustration in Potter’s tone had him arching a curious brow.
            “That’s the only thing you have said all day that makes sense!” A pause. “Of course I don’t understand it. Are you sure you haven’t been cursed or poisoned?”
            The scoff Potter released was so harsh, Draco wondered if it had hurt. Couldn’t hurt to wish, right?
            “I take offense to that.” Potter crossed his arms and stirred the potion the wrong way. Bloody idiot. The instructions were clearly on the board and yet the golden boy wondered why Severus treated him so badly.
            “It isn’t something I just decided on a whim, you know. I thought long and hard about this. It’s what I want to do.” Draco furrowed his brows as he wondered what they could be talking about. He hated that he was getting so caught up in this. It wasn’t as if they actually mattered. He shook his head as he decided to just ignore them. With his resolve firmly planted, he focused on his work.
            “Besides, it’s my arse on the line. Literally.”
            Draco could practically see his resolve burning in a spectacular show of mental Fiendfyre. The statement had him horribly hooked and he begrudgingly hung onto wherever this argument was taking them. Damn Potter.
            “Oh God.” Weasel let out a pitiful moan, almost to the point of exaggeration. “Are you trying to make me ill? Is that what you are aiming for? Because if so, then just send me to Hospital Wing now.” Well, no one said the Weasleys weren’t dramatic.
            Potter huffed as he threw in way too many bat spleens. Draco knew the potion was unredeemable now. There was a flash of vindication that filled him as the putrid smell of their concoction wafted around the room.
            “Potter, Weasley.” The two in question startled in surprise to see Snape towering over them with a sneer in place and anger raging in narrowed eyes.
            “I sincerely detest interrupting your important conversation. So important that you have neglected to use your brains. Limited as they were to begin with.” Draco couldn’t stop the smirk if he had tried.
            Weasley spluttered inelegantly. Not that Draco expected anything less.
            “Which one of you dunderheads thought it would be a brilliant idea to use Billywig Sting instead of Billywig Slime?”
            All eyes were now on their table, so Draco felt no shame in leaning forward to observe them better.
            “It would appear that you need glasses Weasley. The instructions are written right there.” The man gestured behind him to the board. “Unless of course, you just can’t read.”
            Ah. The red hue to the freckled face was always one of Draco’s favorite sights to see. Whether Weasley was shamed or angered, it mattered none. The result led to the boy being uncomfortable and that was always Draco’s goal.
            “If it was you Potter, then I fear you are a lost cause. Can’t cite that you can’t see, now can you?”
            If there was anything that Draco liked better than an angry Weasley, was definitely an angry Potter. The way the other boy’s vivid green eyes darkened in rage was honestly a sight to see. It always fueled his own satisfaction every time he got under Potter’s skin.
            “No, sir.” Potter spat out as he clenched his fists.
            Snape vanished the contents of the wretched potion with a lazy flick of his wand. “Zero marks, again.” There was a smirk quirking at the corner of thin lips. “I want a thirteenth-inch essay on where you went wrong and how you could have fixed your mistakes. Due next class.” A billowing of black robes and the man was on his way back to his desk.
            “Longbottom, five points from Gryffindor for not letting your classmates know they were making a mistake.”
            Draco had to hold in the low whistle that was threatening to come out. Merlin, his head of house was on form today.
            “But Sir-” Granger piped up in confusion but also with a horribly annoying persistence.
            “Don’t question my decisions. Another five points.” Draco bit his lip in an attempt to stall his laughter as he began to bottle his potion into several vials.
            When they were dismissed, Draco noted that Weasley and Potter were still arguing with each other. He couldn’t deny that his interest had been piqued a long time ago. Despite being close to the doors, the two had waited for everyone else to leave before heading out. That alone sparked enough of a reason to follow them at a slower pace.
            “See what I mean? Just talking about it ruined our potion. Imagine actually following through with it!” Ron pointed out as they left the room.
            Harry sighed heavily. He was sick of this argument. He just wished Ron would let it go already.
            “Yes, because our hypothetical discussion was what ruined the potion. It couldn’t possibly be our lack of attention.” He rolled his eyes at his best friend.
            “Don’t get caught up in the details.” Ron warned. “That is beside the point. Explain to me again why you want to do this.”
            Harry grabbed Ron’s elbow to drag him down the opposite direction the rest of the class had gone. He didn’t want to be overheard.
            “I already told you. I feel as if things with Voldemort are going to pick up soon and I don’t want to die a virgin, not if I can help it.”
            Ron leaned up against the wall with pinched brows and a mouth curled in distaste. “I can understand that, I can. But why does it have to be him?” The last word was said with more confusion than disgust but the message was still clear.
            The question wasn’t one without merit. Harry had been asking himself that for months. Even after everything that had happened between the two of them, he couldn’t help but gravitate towards the other boy. It was as if they were two magnets on opposite ends of a room. Despite their hectic lives trying to keep them at warring ends, they kept inching forward until they met in the middle with such force that it ended in harsh fights and horrid insults. He looked back to Ron a little helplessly.
            When they locked eyes, Harry tried to convey what he was feeling with a meaningful glance. There was frustration mounting inside of himself at not really knowing his own feelings on the matter. For whatever reason, it did have to be him. It was always him.
            “There’s just something about him, you know?”
            “Fuck no.” Ron vehemently shook his head. “Unless you are talking about a stuck-up git with an unhealthy fascination for his father, then yes, I do know.”
            Harry rolled his eyes. “Why are you begrudging me of my choice? I am not saying I am going to marry him. I just want him to shag me senseless.”
            “What did I tell you about sending me to the Hospital Wing?” Ron’s face had turned a sickly green shade, causing Harry to let out a low chuckle in response.
            “I wish I hadn’t told you.” Harry mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I knew you weren’t going to agree with me but I didn’t think you would push the issue like this.”
            “I am your best friend.” There was an almost hurt quality to his tone. “And as your best friend, it is my duty to make sure that you don’t make the biggest mistake of your life by sleeping with someone like that.”
            Harry’s mouth twitched. “His qualities are the very reason I want him.” He pointed out.
            “You really have been cursed, haven’t you?”
            Harry couldn’t help but laugh at the seriousness to Ron’s facial expression.
            “Why don’t you pick someone else? What about Ginny? I am sure she would be okay to sleep with you. She’s fancied you for ages.”
            “Are you seriously offering up your sister?” Harry asked incredulously.
            “Desperate times call for desperate measures, Harry.”
            Harry groaned and knocked his head against the wall. “Even if we were to ignore the fact that she is like a little sister to me, she doesn’t have the things I am looking for.”
            Ron scoffed before scowling. “What is that? A permanent sneer and a holier-than-thou attitude? Because I got to tell you, those are horrible qualities in a person.”
            “When Ginny magically grows a cock and loses the breasts, then we can have this conversation again.” Harry said rather dryly.
            “Oh sweet Merlin.” Ron shuddered violently. “What a horrible mental image! Don’t ever say that again.”
            “I was trying to make a point. I don’t want your sister. I don’t want a girl. I want a boy. Preferably him.”
            “Say he turns you down, or makes a mockery of you. Then what are you going to do?” Asked Ron with a hint of worry. Harry knew his friend was only looking out for his well wishes but the repetitive conversation was taking its toll on him.
            “I guess I’ll have to come up with a backup plan.” He paused for a moment. “Do you think if I was of age, Snape would ever…” Harry trailed off expectantly.
            The way Ron spluttered and then choked, probably shouldn’t have amused Harry so much.
            “No. Hell no. What is wrong with you?” Ron was as pale as Nearly Headless Nick. “Are you a masochist? Because you are just asking for pain. First him and now Snape.”
            Harry grinned widely. “I suppose I could be. I’ll have to explore that at a later date.” He really was having too much fun. Watching the different hues Ron’s face could turn was the highlight of his day so far.
            “That isn’t a backup plan. That is suicide.” Ron shook his head rapidly. “I can’t let you proposition that dungeon bat. That would make me the worst friend in the history of shitty friends. I guess I will have to settle for your first option.” The reluctance was thick.
            Harry perked up immediately. “You mean that? You aren’t going to question me anymore?” Regardless of what Ron thought about the whole thing, he was going to do it anyways. It just would be nice to have the support of his best friend.
            “Oh, I’m going to question you about it. Probably wonder what the hell you were thinking for the rest of our lives. Then, I am going to silently and publicly judge you.”
            “But…?” Harry grinned widely at the resigned sigh the redhead let out.
            “But I will respect your decision.”
            It took a lot of willpower to not whoop out loud. But Harry figured his giant grin was good enough.
            “It isn’t exactly going to be easy.” Ron mused as he scratched his chin. “You don’t have the best history with each other.”
            Harry rolled his eyes. That was entirely obvious.
            Ron released a resigned sigh. “What are you going to do, walk up to Malfoy and say, ‘I know you’ve been an utter prat for almost five years but do you think you can stick your cock up my arse, so that I won’t die a virgin?’”
            Before Harry could so much as roll his eyes, a new voice spoke up.
            “What an intriguing offer.” The drawling voice had their eyes widening. Harry was filled with mild horror and drowning in embarrassment. Merlin, help him.
Here is to hoping that my muse magically appears as I try to finish this series. If you are interested in reading the rest of this story, have no fears. That is done and already has a sequel, or two. Check it out here.
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georgicez-blog · 7 years
B#2 Questions to Jiro
B#2 Questions to Jiro
1.Considering Gambari, the textbook mentioned that “As Matsumoto (1994, p.142) also notes, in Japan working hard and straining when serious are considered to be good; it is neglectful not to try hard, and the ideal is to make an effort seriously, regardless of the results” (p.86). Describe how Jiro approaches his job with the relationship with his two sons.
Jiro wants to accomplish as much for sushi as he can. He works morning to night in order to get as much work done as he can. He pushes both of his sons to apply themselves to their trade very diligently as well. His oldest son didn’t really want to work in sushi as he was growing up. He wanted to be a racecar driver. As he got older he accepted that it was his duty as oldest son to take over his father’s business so he became his most trained apprentice. After his father had his heart attack he took over the duty of going to the fish market to get the fish for the restaurant. Jiro pushes him so that when he finally cannot work anymore his son will continue on his legacy. His younger son also is pushed to work hard. Jiro told him once he leaves to start his own restaurant he cannot come back. He then said that he told him that in order to encourage him to be successful. 
2.  Considering Gambari, do you think Yoshikazu who is the oldest son will ever exceed his father, Jiro’s  gambari? Explain why you think so.
I cannot say for sure if he will exceed his father but from what I could tell from the movie he definitely has the potential to exceed him. It was said in the movie that people cannot really tell the difference between Jiro’s sushi and Yoshikazu’s so that tells me that Yoshikazu is already nearly at the same level of expertise as his father. As time goes by he could make the restaurant even better. Towards the end of the movie I believe he even said something alone the lines of that he wants to bring new things to sushi.
3.  Considering Kenkyo, which scenes do you consider Kenkyo? Explain why you think so.
There were many aspects in the movie where I could recognize Kenkyo in Jiro. A chef as successful as Jiro could easily let the success and wealth get to his head if he wanted to. An example of that could be Gordan Ramsay whom one might say flaunts an extravagant expensive lifestyle and belittles some people less successful than him. Instead Jiro lives a fairly simple lifestyle portrayed in the movie. He wears fairly modest clothes, didn’t really say what he buys with his money, and treats people very respectfully. After he won his 3 star award it said that he went on to work later that day. He didn’t seem to celebrate the award much. He was also modest when he went back to visit with his childhood friends and got along well with them after all the years. That shows modesty as well.
4.  Considering Kenkyo, when “Jiro” got Michelin’s 3 Stars, almost all Sushi was created by Yoshikazu. How important do you think Jiro is to the restaurant? Explain the reasons why you think so.
I think Jiro is still extremely important to the restaurant. Taking Kenkyo into consideration, he is the most senior one at that restaurant so he holds the most authority there. The one apprentice said he spent 10 years before he was allowed to make the egg dish. He then said that he tried over 200 times before Jiro would accept it as being good enough to serve. This shows how much power Jiro still holds in the restaurant. Yoshikazu may be making sushi but Jiro is still the mastermind behind the sushi itself. 
5.  Amae (dependence) is related to another characteristic of Japanese, Enryo (restraint) which stands alongside Amae in the Japanese human relationships. Is Amae present or is Enryo present in the relationship between Jiro and Takashi (the second son)? Use a scene in the movie that demonstrated this in order to explain your opinions.  
I definitely think Jiro demonstrated Enroy with his second son. In the scene when Takashi talks about his restaurant they discussed how Jiro told him once he leaves and starts his own restaurant he cannot come back. Jiro pushed him to succeed by leaving him almost much no other option. Jiro explained parents now who say the children can come back if things don’t work out aren’t doing the kids a favor because then they will not try as hard.
6. What is the advantage and disadvantage of Gambari in the U.S.?  Explain why you think so.
The advantage of Gambari is when you work extremely hard towards something you are capable of achieving great dreams and becoming very successful. This could be seen with Jiro working in sushi for 75 years and being one of the best if not the best in the world. A disadvantage is that you do not have much outside of work. Jiro said he doesn’t see his family at home much. I think family is an important part of life so I would definitely consider this a disadvantage. 
7. Write the BEST Jiro’s quote that shows Gambari very well. Why did you choose the specific quote?
A quote that demonstrates Gambari very well in the movie and I also saw online is when Jiro said, “Even at my age, in my work... I haven't reached perfection.” Even though Jiro scored that 3 star award and may be the greatest sushi chef in the world he still does not consider it to be perfect. This leads on to believe that he will work towards perfection as long as he can or die trying.
  8. Reflective inquiry— Among the four concepts, which one is the most difficult to understand. Analyze why you think so comparing with your own experiences and American (or your country’s) standard.
I think the hardest concept to understand was Amae. This is because the book made it out to sound like many people in Japan are dependent on each other. While helping each other is great I feel like the people should work to achieve more on their own so that if anything happens to the people they work with or rely on the people will still be alright moving on with work and life on their own.
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