#i haven’t seen the usagi chronicles
toddels · 6 months
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Sadly I’m joking, I just rendered Leo :,) I’ve seen Usagi in the rottmnt style many times but I haven’t seen Leo in chronicles style yet so here we are.✨
Sorry I know how cursed this is 😔
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So a lot of the people in the fandom want Usagi to appear in Rise if/when Rise ever comes back because Usagi appearing in TMNT media happens consistently: he appeared in the 1987 series, 2003 series & the 2012 series
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So it’s obvious why people want Rise to get the chance to complete the tradition and have an Usagi of their own but there has been a debate on /which/ Usagi should appear in Rise.
Should it be Miyamoto Usagi or Yuichi Usagi?
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2022 introduced a new take on the samurai by introducing Yuichi Usagi who is a descendent of Miyamoto Usagi many think that Yuichi is a better fit for Rise as like Yuichi is a new take on the samurai rabbit concept, the Rise turtles are a new take on the TMNT turtles. 
There are also those that say Yuichi would be a better fit with Rise because of the similarities his personality has with the Rise version of Leo.
I’ve seen a couple of Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles/ ROTTMNT crossover fics where Leo ends up in Miyamoto’s world or Neo Edo or Yuichi ends up in New York & they have to figure out how to get Leo or Yuichi home but the thing is Rise has the opportunity to do something that hasn’t been done before with Usagi.
Traditionally Usagi & the Turtles live in separate worlds & when they meet it’s because one of them has ended up in the other’s world. The reason for the separate worlds is Usagi Miyamoto is well a samurai rabbit, he lives in a version of feudal Japan, he’s an anthropomorphic rabbit who can move about normally because he’s normal in his world while the turtles are not normal in theirs.
But Rise has an opportunity to actually make Usagi part of the Turtles world without taking away the characters original concept thanks to the concepts of Yokai & the Hidden City that were introduced in Rise 
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Anthropomorphic animals are normal in Rise, Rise can make Usagi a Yokai, Miyamoto Usagi can be a samurai in Feudal Japan if the Yokai haven’t been forced into hiding at that point.
I’ve always kind of thought that Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles is set in the same world that the 2012 Turtles visited considering they are both in the CGI style & Yuki Matsuzaki voices Miyamoto Usagi in both TMNT 2012 & Samurai Rabbit which makes me think they’re same world just set in different time periods so rather than have the Rise turtles jump worlds to meet Usagi I personally think that Rise giving the opportunity of having the Turtles & Usagi being from the same world by making Usagi a Yokai is too good of an opportunity to pass up & it also give the Rise team more freedom when developing their own version of Yuichi.
I really hope Yuichi get popular enough that we see different iterations of him, I love seeing different interpretations of the same character as they go through different iterations.
The fact that Rise has time travel also gives the opportunity for Rise to use both Usagi’s both Yuichi & Miyamoto if the Rise Turtles end up time traveling to feudal Japan they have the opportunity to meet Miyamoto Usagi & then meet Yuichi in their own time.
I have a funny scenario in my head where Leo time travels & meets Miyamoto first & then meets Yuichi.
Yuichi & Leo either get along immediately bonding over historical facts about Miyamoto Usagi or Yuichi & Leo argue a bunch before becoming friends because Leo keeps on telling Yuichi that his historical facts are wrong.
Anyway I’d really like to see an Usagi in Rise precisely because as I said, the Hidden City & the existence of Yokai give the opportunity for Usagi to be part of the Turtles world like never before.  
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loopy777 · 4 years
You seen the new information for the upcoming Usagi Yojimbo show? It'll be called Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles and is set in a technologically advanced future, and focus on Usagi's descendant, as he travels on a quest to become a samurai. That certainly is an interpretation of the source material..
Yeah, I heard the news from my brother, and my first reaction was trying to figure if they were making a Space Usagi series and he’d mixed up the title, or if he found out about this and somehow confused it with a new series. Fun conversation.
So it sounds like we’re getting a prequel to Space Usagi that’s also a sequel to Usagi Yojimbo? Or maybe it’s going to be a new continuity?
Either way, I can’t say I’m all that enthused. Stan Sakai’s involvement and enthusiasm is a point of hope, but obviously they’re making something a bit more kid-oriented and formulaic. The showrunners have all just worked on standard kiddie fare, including episodes of the Nickelodeon ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ series (that didn’t have Usagi in them, LOL), so this will probably be something okay but not exciting. The fact that it’s CGI also deflates me.
Or it could surprise us and grow into another Avatar. Who knows? If it’s good I’ll probably hear about it just before Netflix cancels it at the end of Season 3.
Some of the fans are hopeful that this will bring new fans to the comics, but I doubt it. If the Marvel movies haven’t gotten people to pick up comic books, this won’t either, even if the comics are way better and more accessible.
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Tagged by @musical-selfshipper. Let’s see here, I tag.... Anyone who wants to do this. ^^’ I’m always afraid of spamming people if I tag them in these things.
Name: Brittany
Nicknames: Usagi or Usako
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: 5′2″
Orientation: Asexual. My romantic orientation is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. What even is romance anyway?
Nationality: White as a saltine cracker, from the US.
Favorite Fruit: Most any kind of berry to be honest (raspberries especially - ooh! And red currants, but we don’t have them where I live)
Favorite Season: Winter, but living in Utah a few years for college gave me an appreciation for Spring that growing up in AZ didn’t exactly foster.
Favorite Book: Tbh I’m not quite sure what my answer would be to this anymore. I do love the Chronicles of Narnia though, and I like Redwall so far as I’ve read.
Favorite scent: I tend to lean towards fruity scents and a select few floral, so like apple, citrus... Also the scent of my favorite perfume, except I don’t wear it much because I don’t want to inadvertently hurt someone around me who might have a sensitivity to fragrances.
Favorite Color: Blue!
Favorite Animal: Foxes, cats, wolves... There’s a lot honestly.
Coffee/tea/hot cocoa: Herbal/fruit/anything-not-actually-containing-the-tea-plant tea, or hot cocoa.
Average hours of sleep: I try for about eight, doesn’t always mean I succeed.
Cat or dog person: Both with a bias towards cats.
Favorite Fictional Characters: So many, if I named them all we’d be here all day.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Just one with a sheet these days, but as it gets colder I may move up to two and/or ditch the sheet in favor of blankets. The sheet is a carry-over from summer where I had to sleep as light as possible if I was gonna sleep comfortably at all.
Dream trip: Oooh, there are so many places I want to go that I haven’t seen yet - among those though I’d want to go to Finland (that’s the one Scandinavian country I didn’t visit on my study abroad, other than Iceland that is but that’s more Nordic than Scandinavian I think?), and the Baltic region because, well.... I think those who’ve been following this blog enough know why I want to go there. 
Of places I’ve been, I’d LOVE to go back to Scandinavia (Norway especially, we were only there a week and I only really got to see Oslo, Bergen, and everything on the train ride in between - so basically just the southern end. Oh! And seeing more of Sweden would be nice too! And perhaps one or more of the other major Danish cities, maybe even Copenhagen again if I can bring my family along since they haven’t been. Well my grandparents have but only very briefly on a cruise, and it sounds like they only really saw The Little Mermaid statue. They don’t seem to care to see more, though, so maybe I should bring my mom and her husband instead...). Also, I want to go back to Japan either solo or with friends. Maybe I can visit Hokkaido this time! Or the other two islands, too! And actually see more of Osaka than just driving through en route to the airport. Oof, this response turned out way long. Sorry about that.
Blog created: I think a bit over a year ago? I know I finally made a self-insert blog while... In a certain friend group, around that time.
Number of followers: A mere 17 on this one.                              
Random Fact: I can wiggle my ears (like my irl human ears, not my si’s wolf ears - though those have the typical range of movement one would expect from that type of ear, of course)
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