#i haven’t slept in 36 hours btw. hope that helps
divorcedtom · 1 year
my annoyance at the shiv pregnancy storyline is being briefly redirected at the people who won’t stop trying to convince everyone that she was actually fake drinking
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hopelesscobwebs · 7 years
92 Asks Game!
I’m finally doing this. I thought it would be fun and i’m bored af so here we go:
Tagged by: @just-a-crazy-nerd love you <3
1) Drink: Water (gotta stay hydrated y’all)
2) Phone call: My Dad.
3) Text message: “My legs are dead. All I wanna do is sleep but I have to do music homework” to my friend like a week ago (I don’t text much lmao).
4) Song listened to: Sumertime, By My Chemical Romance
5) Time you cried: Maybe 2 days ago? (I was really sad over MCR), but the last time I really, like really cried was maybe last week.
6) Dated somebody twice: ahaha twice? You’re so funny. I haven’t dated someone once...
7) Been cheated on: My cat once slept on my sisters bed instead of mine so that counts.
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: What don’t you get about FOREVER ALONE HERE.
9) Lost someone special: Perhaps, It kinda depends really what you count as “lost”. But yeah, unfortunately.
10) Been depressed: I have been in dark mindsets a lot lately.
11) Gotten drunk and puked: Never been drunk before (I am so cool like that)
12) Probably Blue, But to narrow it down: Teal
13) Rich purple
14) Probably black
15) Made new friends: Tons (ilysm guys)
16) Fallen out of love: no (kinda yes... but William doesn’t count)
17) Laughed until you cried: Yes, Yesterday (we were bottle flipping and then someone made a seal noise, don’t even get me started)
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: Hopefully not, there’s not much to gossip about when it comes to me.
19) Met someone who changed your life: If Discovering MCR counts... then yes.
20) Found out who your true friends are: *Ahem*... yes...
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Haha this list of asks is so funny. what don’t you get about NOT BEEN KISSED EVER... *cries*
22) Facebook friends: like almost 400? idek. (I know them all in person btw, i’m not one of those weirdos that just friends anybody). I barely use FB tbh
23) Pets: oh boy.... I have 6 cats guys... thats right, you can call me the crazy cat lady.
24) Want to change your name: My last name yes. Quick, somebody marry me
25) Did I get for my birthday: A Spongebob birthday cake, a Vampire Diaries pillow, depression  um what... I got to eat all my fave foods in one day, that was pretty special even though i threw up at the end of it
26) Time I woke up: like 9:30?
27) Were you doing at midnight: Watching Frerard video edits...
28) Can’t you wait for: FOR ME TO ORDER MCR MERCH AS A TRIBUTE ON MARCH 22 *cries and dies*
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: like 4 hours ago.
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: I sometimes wish I was born 10 years earlier but then I remember... there’d be no quality memes for a long time...
31) Are you listening to right now: MCR, what else honestly...
32) Gets on your nerves: When people make up those shitty things like “ UR NOT A TRUE FAN UNLESS YOU HAVE THIS OR DO THIS BLAH BLAH” like stfu, I am a fan in my own way. Racists, Homophobes, just basically anyone who thinks they have the right to tell you not to be yourself, like seriously, fuck off.
33) Talked to a person named Tom: My cat is called Tom, so that counts.
34) Is your most visited website: Tumblr, no doubt (or YouTube or guitar tabs, or Putlocker lets be honest)
35) Elementary school/primary school: I can’t even remember tbh and I ain’t tellin you
36) High School: The one I’m at now. Ha, got ya
37) College: n o , I am too young, gosh
38) Hair colour: Brown/ Blonde (streaks, naturally from sun lmao)
39) Long/short hair: I just cut it all off this year. Think 1920′s hair and that’s me.
40) Crush: There’s a cute guy in my chem class but that’s about it #foreveralone
41) Do you like about yourself: My final wakeup call of music interests. I used to be so shallow in that department. Um.... I guess I like the fact that I get on better with older people (I skipped a year at school so all my classmates are a year older anyways) idek. There’s not really much to like.
42) Piercings: 1 on each ear (i’m thinking of getting a second set) But I barely wear earrings tbh
43) Blood type: Idk, it would be cool to know tho
44) Nickname: Some of my friends call me Em but barely. Emy / Emz by family (if any of you call me that, it’ll be weird lmao) PLEASE START A TREND...CALL ME EM
45) Relationship status: single as a pringle and not ready to mingle please i have anxiety *daydreams about meeting perfect boy*
46) Zodiac: Scorpio yeah boi
47) Pronouns: she/her
48) Favourite show: Supernatural, Miraculous Ladybug (don’t call me a kid for watching it I swear I’ll end u ahaha), Rick and Morty, The Vampire Diaries... I could go on for days
49) Tattoos: I always think they’re a cool concept but i’d probably chicken out at the last minute, so no
50) Left or right handed: right
51) Surgery: I got a tooth removed quite a few years back, I went under genral anaesthetic and everything.
52) Piercings: Ears
53) Best friend: Gabby, We don’t talk anymore sadly but I still love her <3
54) Sport: Ummm well i’ve always loved badminton but i’ve never taken a serious sport class before lmao
55) Vacation: I’m pretty sure it was to Melbourne, Australia, We saw some really cool outdoor art and went to see Wicked at some theater, that’s all I remember.
56) Pair of shoes: Say wat?
57) Eating: I wish I was eating
58) Drinking: the dead souls of my enemies wait what
59) I am about to: Rearrange my sitting position and continue to write this long ass ask thing.
60) Listening to: The End, My Chemical Romance
61) Waiting for: My sis to get home so I can use her credit card to buy MCR merch, no really, this is the truth. I n e e ed it
62) Want to see: MCR get back together in 2019 for at least a reunion song or SOMETHING PLEASE. Also, a Panic! concert because I missed the last one in my country. ALSO a Supernatural Convention
63) Want to get married: Well it would be nice, gotta find a guy first, there’s the hard part
64) Career: I never know... I like to think that my dream is to be in a band but that aint ever gonna happen. I really wanna do something that can help people idek.
65) Hugs/kisses: Well i’ve never kissed anyone and I lOvE HuGs, THEY ARE JUST SO NICE, LIKE AHHH GIMME UR LOVE, GIMME HUUUGGSSS. If I ever meet any of you in person, I’ll be really shy, but know deep down that all I wanna do is HUG YOU SNDKJGSND.
66) Lips/eyes: Eyes hold secrets, I love them
67) Taller/shorter: gimme da toll peeps, But I love the smol beans too
68) Younger/older: It depends
69) Romantic/spontaneous: probably spontaneous just to keep me on my toes.
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: um wat? idek i dont pay attention to that
71) Sensitive/loud: Sensitive
72) Hookup/relationship: Relationship definitely 
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: Hesitant alien
74) Kissed a stranger: W h A t  D o N t   Y o U   g E t   A b O u T  i T... I AINT KISSED NOBODY BEFORE. gosh, way to rub it in *cries*
75) Drank hard liquor: well. i’ve tried some heavy stuff before but it was a sip and I spat it out coz it literally tasted like p o i s o n. Alcohol is so gross
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t need glasses
77) Turned someone down: ??? There hasn’t been anyone to turn down god damnit
78) Canoodling on a first date: They gotta earn that, so no
79) Broken someone’s heart: I sure as hell hope not.
80) Had your own heart broken: mcr breaks my heart E V E R Y GOD DAMN DAY
81) Been arrested: no, I am a good gal
82) Cried when someone died: yes, my grandmother
83) Fallen for a friend: Oh boy, yesyesyes
84) Yourself: Not really, but I want to.
85) Miracles: I wish for them but I don’t really think they occur
86) Santa Claus: No, I actually never believed in him when I think about it
87) Kisses on a first date: YAS when it’s been all perfect and he walks ya up to your door ABJISLBHDLBHLA
88) Angels: um... Castiel???
89) Love at first sight: Yes but not like first sight, more like first discussion, when you can instantly click with someone in that first moment idk.
90) Best friend’s name: Can I just list all my tumblr friends names? Because YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY ALL MY FAVES, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU <3
91) Eye color: Grey Blue
92) Favourite movie: idek there are so many but: The Abduction Club, is one of my faves, Singin’ in the Rain, Sing Street, and that’s all that’s coming to mind atm.
I tag: (all my BEAUTIFUL AMAZING tumblr frens I mentioned before) @omg-i-cannot-even @shipsareamazing123 @mychemicalchinchilla @potterlock5ever @immacrazyfangirl @trashholeofshittybandstuff @shadowgirl077 @that-awkward-fangirl @lizbeth-loves-bobear @anyone i forgot and anyone who wants to do it! go ahead! <3
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countvardalek · 7 years
aaaaah i found this survey and i am going to do it because it has good questions
1. Do you like zombie movies? Yes. I was a huge zombie movie fan in the late 2000s. Now it’s not a genre that I seek out but I still love them. The survival aspect is what I like.
2. What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Poop on the walls, stalls, and floor at a rest stop restroom...and the culprit was still around. We chose to hold it and leave asap even though we were traveling and had to wait a long time for the next bathroom.
3. What’s the most wasteful thing you regularly do? Take long showers.
4. What’s the most difficult apology you’ve ever had to give? When I was 8 years old, the principal forced me to apologize to my mom for making up a sexual story and telling it to a friend. I also apologized for knowing that sex existed (nobody told me, I found porn on TV by myself when I was alone and awake in the middle of the night). 
5. What’s the worst relationship advice you’ve ever seen? Most things in those Cosmo magazines? But I haven’t seen one of those in forever.
6. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No and I don’t want to because I have too many medical phobias. I spent a night in the ER as a patient once and that was too much.
7. What was your worst Halloween costume? Maybe when I was a giant pumpkin. 
8. Who has/had the worst reputation in your graduating class? I don’t know.
9. When was the first time you can remember feeling mature? When I lived in the dorms as a 22 year old among plenty of 18 year olds. It doesn’t seem like that huge of an age difference but...there was a difference.
10. Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas? Christmas when I lived in Japan. No family, the date I thought was going to happen didn’t happen so I couldn’t even have a proper Japanese Christmas, the nearby convenience store sold out of Christmas cake, and I spent all night listening to Lana del rey, moping around, and at some point had an existential crisis. btw, there’s some interview of me by Fuji TV floating around in existence somewhere in which I told them about my Christmas plans that never came to be. So, according to anyone who saw that segment, I did have a date. NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH except me. And now you. 
11. Do you have any character band-aids in your house right now, or just plain ones? There might be a Hello Kitty one leftover somewhere.
12. Have you ever had to give a pet away? Thank goodness, no! I could never.
13. What’s the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten? A twinkie? I didn’t like it.
14. Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes? Yes. Power Rangers, Hocus Pocus, various wild west themes, tornadoes, pirates, also...later on I had some weird ones with a friend where we pretended to be in abusive relationships. That was some weird stuff.
15. How do you feel about runny egg yolks? I don’t like the texture but sometimes they’re okay.
16. Has a teacher ever tried to teach you something that was undeniably wrong? I had a racist anthropology teacher in college...so, yeah.
17. If for some reason you had to give up one of your hobbies, which would you choose? ...this is tough. Something other than writing or drawing but I am not in the mood to choose.
18. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? I’ve hidden the majority of them.
19. How much do you know about first aid? Some stuff like how to stop bleeding, how to treat wounds, etc. 
20. Which of your relatives do you know the least about? Well...all of them outside my immediate family (except for my grandfather) because I was raised far away from my family.
21. Have you ever meditated? If so, did it do anything for you? Yes. It helped my mood.
22. Have you ever given advice to someone who was much older than you? I can’t remember but I tend to interact with people much older than me very distantly...so I wouldn’t likely give advice unless asked. 
23. Have you ever used a view-master? Yes. I had one as a kid.
24. Do you ever listen to talk radio or podcasts? If you do, what are some of your favorite shows? I’ve listened to a few but I don’t have a favorite.
25. When was the last time you got ice cream from a truck? When I was 7?
26. Are any of your favorite bands broken up or on hiatus right now? Probably and I have no idea because I never keep up with music news. I just find songs and listen to albums but I have no idea what’s happening with bands otherwise.
27. Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job? Not that I know of.
28. What’s the biggest art project you’ve ever attempted? How did it go? I did a laaaaaarge colored pencil portrait drawing thing...worked on it for 11 hours straight (with small breaks) for a final project. I was not happy with the result. I shouldn’t have procrastinated. It needed more hours...but the composition and content of it were horrible anyway. Eghgh, disaster.  
29. What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live? Bunnies, lizards, turkeys, deer
30. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire? I don’t think so unless you count yakiniku or something
31. Are there any items in your house that you use for something other than its intended purpose? I have my makeup brushes in a teacup, i guess
32. What do you hope the afterlife is like? I am ___________, I have many castles, true love exists, everything is fine, things are returned, there is peace.
33. What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever seen from a child? Can’t recall.
34. Have you ever planned an act of revenge? When I was 13 and at war with 7th graders.
35. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? We like going to the movie theatre.
36. Do you think it’s more exciting or scary to get older? Absolutely terrifying. The last time it was exciting was when I was 18.
37. How was the reception of the last wedding you attended? It was okay.
38. Do you have any physical photo albums? Yeah, I have a couple. Most of the photos are pre-2008
39. Would you feel comfortable working at a sex shop? No. I’m way too vanilla (though non-hetero vanilla) for that.
40. Who was the worst friend you ever had? NOT GOING TO NAME ANY NAMES...but probably the girl who abandoned being friends with me once she got a boyfriend (actually, there was more than one case of that but...one in particular was the worst).
41. What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made? Oh god, I don’t even want to say.
42. Have you ever campaigned for a political candidate, or otherwise played an active roll in an election? A funny thing is that I almost helped put up campaign posters for a politician in Japan (to help my friend who was doing so) but something happened to that plan...I think we had an emergency with another friend, can’t remember. But I’ve never done anything for a politician in America. Maybe I will sometime.
43. What’s the coolest hand-me-down you’ve ever gotten? What about the best one you’ve ever given? too lazy to remember right now (i haven’t slept all night and this survey finally made me sleepy enough that i am going to pass out after the last question)
44. Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other? Yes
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