#i haven't really been keeping up with the latest chapters tbh
xxpeppermintxx109 · 2 years
Pep!!!! The latest chapter absolutely FLOORED me omg it was such a rollercoaster and gave me heart palpitations throughout. Loved how the sense of foreboding was there from the start (the way the "moon tea" was delivered? SUS.) and how you built up the suspense gradually before everything crashed and burned. I always cling onto every word in your chapters bc of how much attention you put into the details but doing that for this chapter almost had me puking blood (in a good way... or maybe not 😭) But either way I loved this chapter as much as I hated what happened; AND huge love for Rhaena, she's really Shaera's strongest warrior lol love that for her!! You've also successfully won me over bc now I believe the only place for Aegon is on all fours at Rhaenyra's feet worshipping her🧎‍♂️Also, something that has been nagging at me for a while- Shaera clearly has a lot of deep-seated insecurities (her parenthood, lack of a dragon, also her self-image) that go much deeper than her outward positivity and kindness. There always seems (to me) to be a darkness in Shaera despite how sweet she is, except it hasn't really festered yet. This has me jittery bc we haven't really seen her insecurities develop that much or be expressed tangibly so far, but I feel like they're gonna become much more prominent in this arc/when the dance starts?? Couple that with Shaemond probably being separated soon and I KNOW THE ANGST IS GONNA HIT HARD. I just want my babies to be happy :''( But I want you to know that I love you and your writing so much and I'll be waiting to read whatever comes next even if it means me ripping my hair out- uni's just started for me and this is the only thing keeping me sane fr <333 Take care and I hope your treatment's working better and that you're feeling much better now ❤️️
AHH THANK U FOR THE ASK AYA!! I didn’t wanna answer this too soon after the chapter released, but I think it’s been enough days hehe.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter and the way I built the tension. It was a bit of a hard chapter to format but I’m glad I went with my gut feeling in the end! I love Rhaena so much, but I also love Baela just as much. Everyone always talks about Rhaena being a shaemond shooter (real of her tbh), but I think baela needs more love sometimes. She’s really just trying to look out for Shaera and I think people forget that in the context of their world and the situations of their families, Qoren is technically the safest choice!
Yes! There’s a darkness to Shaera that doesn’t get a whole lot of focus in her current life. It’s easy to shove it all down because it hasn’t had a need to resurface but I think that it’s certainly coming out and showing itself in different ways where it normally didn’t before. The dance is certainly going to force her to confront a lot of these issues in ways that might be difficult but it’s necessary for not only Shaera but everyone around her!
Uni just restarted for me as well, so I’m glad we’re in this together! Thank you for reading and supporting! It means the world to me and I hope this was a solid answer!! :)
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lovvecherrymotion · 6 months
sending you all the strength to complete your tasks the power of procrastination must be defeated ✨
i actually don’t consider myself a fic writer, i’ve only written like 3 fics in the span of 4 years i think? (one in another fandom, a jance fic and a bojere fic) the bojere one being the one i’m currently working on since it’s multi-chaptered. they’re all anon tho, ofc i’m too scared to share them openly 😭 but sometimes i have an idea that won’t leave my head and if no one is gonna write it then i might just do it myself haha, even if not in the best quality
i’m currently watching an italian show but i really want to start the last season of young royals, i haven’t had the time yet and i’m surprised that i managed to dodge all the spoilers:)) do you watch any shows now?
- 💌
thank you so much, bby ✨ i've just watched the latest jo interview and now i'm going to get some work done before lunch
if you've written any fic, you're a ficwriter to me! i don't even write that much myself, even though i've been doing it for nearly 20 years now (i mean, i do write a lot more than what people probably expect, but a lot of it isn't posted and/or finished. i'm very critical about my own work and i hate posting stuff i don't think is as good as it could possibly be so... the worst part is that when i revisit it, it actually doesn't sound too bad and i was, once again, just being too harsh). sorry, haha, didn't mean to rant about this 😭
aww, i understand that as well. i actually started posting under a new username, not connected to my main acc/any social media because i wanted it to be as annonymous as possible (but at this point it's not that secret anymore 😅). but it's amazing you're posting them, regardless if it's anon or not!!
also, bojere, you say? i haven't been reading as much bojere lately (jance brainrot too strong) but i'm still very much interested in it 👀 can't wait to see what you come up with! if you ever need to talk about it, i'm your girl - even if it's just "hey, bojan and jere are being silly they were supposed to kiss 4k words ago but it hasn't happened"
(i wonder if i read your jance fic as well... i've been a little behind on reading and commenting but i've read pretty much everything that's been posted for them atp 😭)
ALSO!! that bit about an idea not leaving you alone so you have to write it!! so true. tbh half the stuff i write is exactly because of that so... write whatever you actually want to read. and i'm SURE it's amazing, please!! be nicer to yourself, anon 💕💕
i started young royals last year but then never got around to finishing it. i did enjoy the bit i watched, it just wasn't the right time - my brain does that thing where it only allows me to watch stuff under very specific conditions lmaooo. only show i am actually watching rn is 911, but i'm waiting for a few other shows i like to come back.
sorry, this turned into an essay. again. it'll keep happening, i'm afraid. here's some bojere as a treat 💚
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hi hi its me u know that pink fan who dumped too many words in one comment instead of spreading it out by chapter like a normal person lmao
(psst it was to lure u into giving spoilers accidentally but damn it didnt work இ௰இ)
can i say im an og fan of yours??? i really really loved ur iwft series at first sight since im also more or less an emmet simp and at that time your iwft story was a sight for sore eyes! amidst all the angst and pain, a fun bamf emmet story was something i needed! and then you continued to pump out masterpieces one after another and as you can tell i've been ummmm verrry aware of you like keeping an eye out for something new from you aware-aware haha *refreshes subscription list like a maniac*
and oh i was not being anonymous at all as i thought haha (tbh i feel kinda honored you know me even as far back as my roxana phase the world needs more roxana tbh badass bitches rule my manhwa list btw have u also read the princess 's doll shop its my pfp i love her ヾ(≧▽≦*)o)
i dont usually comment in my favorite authors' stories (tho i should probably do it more often) but when i do its going to be more or less an avalanche of words
actually i do have more thoughts about wonderland simmering in my head but i didn't include it bc i was almost at ao3 character limit lmao so i'll just say it here
i wanted to include ghetsis in my speculations bc i feel like he had a hand in whatever issue the king was having and probably pushed the rift between nobori and kudari. we haven't heard from him yet so its a sneaking suspicion 🤔 i also wanted to include allusions to kyurem since i mentioned the forest of mirrors as a boundary between wonderland and the real world and guess who's the boundary pokemon idk bulbapedia said it was a husk pokemon idk who that is *wink wink nudge nudge* and since our resident amnesiac kudari was there maybe it means something? i also wanted to make some comparisons between kyurem and the king but i felt it was getting wayyy out of hand hehe
also also as you can probably tell i believe that wonderland is very much a real place but it is also a product of a dream since gen 5 had that dream world mechanic dunno how that's gonna fit in the story but its a nice thought
i also have thoughts on the memory hall and why the king restricted the place and why ingo got like conflicting memories but i am running out of words i need to soak my brain somewhere else first byeee have a nice day/night!!!
Hello, pink one! Good to hear/read from you again! I verrrry much appreciated the long comment in the latest Wonderland chapter! :D
(Heheh, gotta keep the secrets hidden~ It's kinda hard to reply to comments without accidentally revealing things lol)
I'm delighted to meet another Emmet simp! One of the big motivators behind 'I wish for truth' was for Emmet to not be a sad sad angsty depressed boy for once. Hence, him being a mysterious, powered up, bamf lol. I'm so very glad my story was able to provide that break from the *angst* that I myself was looking for.
I'm honoured to have someone so aware of my works! Communication on AO3 is relatively limited and I don't get much feedback aside from what's available on there (and social media ain't really my thing), so it's nice to know that there are people who notice and appreciate. The concept of having fans is still somewhat foreign to me cos all I'm doing is writing stuff... (that's all self-indulgent lolol). (btw, I still haven't shaken my habit of refreshing the Emmet tag on AO3 several times a day)
I will admit that my first moments of being a writer on AO3 were verrry... stalker-y? I'd just look at the profiles of anyone who kudo-ed or bookmarked my stuff, which is probably not that creepy? idk XD (I looove Roxana, she's so cool and gosh the art in that manwha is soooo pretty. Oh, I haven't heard of princess' doll shop! I'll definitely give it a look! Thank you for the rec~)
I don't usually comment on stuff much either (bc I'm kinda bad at doing that). So I'm honoured you decided to leave such a detailed, in-depth comment on my work! Thank youuuuu~♡
Oh, I was wondering if you were almost to the limit on AO3's commenting system. It was quite the essay! :D
Now onto Ingo in Wonderland:
Ohhh, speculations regarding gen5 stuff! Ghetsis and Kyurem and dreams hmm? Interesting thoughts you have there~
We'll just have to wait and see if the mysteries of Wonderland will ever come to light... (I have a lotta lore in my head but it doesn't always get onto the paper/document screen)
Oh, I'm excited to read your thoughts/speculations on the whole memory mess! I'll be waiting here (im)patiently~ (>w<)
Thank you for the ask! A good day to you too!
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fivekrystalpetals · 3 years
In terms of writing, dabi > shigaraki atm. As a shiggy stan it does annoy me a bit. Shiggy was amazing back in 2020 but now you have people calling him mid tier villain and I can’t disagree with it. I blame it on deku’s arc and afo still being alive.
Yeah, sad as I am, I have to admit you are right. To be very honest, (and this is for me personally) I haven't had a memorable chapter the whole of 2021 save for maybe Touya's backstory. Ever since the War Arc got over, the manga feels as though the author has a checklist of items he got to finish and he is more focused in bringing the story to an end rather than writing coherent connecting arcs. The manga now reads like a different story altogether compared to the arcs written (and I especially loved) in 2019 and 2020. Even before that, the arcs were plenty interesting even for someone like me who isn't much invested in heroes. 
The manga these days seems to be going at a breakneck pace (at the cost of much needed heartfelt moments between the kids such as aftermath of war where??) yet if you look at the overall picture, the story hasn't moved anywhere at all. We are at a standstill both on the heroes and the villains side. (I have many complaints about how the much awaited traitor plot was handled but I don't want to get into all that discourse so I will leave it at that lol)
Coming to Shigaraki, I guess this is all we will get to see from his pov, anon. The MVA arc and the War Arc (ch. 270 and Ch. 281 stands out both in writing and art) were the highlights of his character arc. Now that he is fighting for control, if I have to say, going forward his body will be taken over completely by AFO (so that Hero Deku can jump into save him). Meaning, he will simply become a puppet at the hands of his master and if we get to see him, it will be from either Deku, Spinner (and rest of LoV) and AFO's pov. I doubt we will see his coherent thoughts again (or at the most, we might get to see more of baby Tenko like we saw in Ch. 334). Most of the villains' side of the story, we will get to see from Toga, Touya and Spinner ig. Of course, AFO will pop in to mess up everything from time to time. I am waiting for the LoV to split away from AFO and his useless inefficient decisions.
I really don't want to compare Shigaraki's and Dabi's writing tbh, but the one common problem with both is that the abusive father figures are dominating the plots. We get to see more of Dabi because Endeavor isn't with him. But the rest of the Todofam? Do we never get to see any of their povs? Even Shouto has been shoved to a side in favor of his Dad who does nothing but feel pity for himself and how things turned out because of his own faults he isn't ready to admit yet. I have been seeing him from forever; I don't need more panels dedicated to him to know that He Is Sad. I really wanted to know the reactions of the rest of the family members (esp. Rei) post Dabi Reveal. Give me Natsu, Give me Fuyumi; I want to know what they are thinking about their long lost brother and their little brother who are the ones suffering the most atm. Shouto's "He is me" line was a good one esp. as he thinks back to his encounter with Dabi in the woods. But that was about it. I wanted at least a panel or two of Shouto talking to his Mom and his siblings before they went in to confront Endeavor. Why was all of that done offscreen? idk.
Also, the latest chapter? I know everyone seems very happy with it but is it just me or the Dabi we see in here either has had a big leap of character development or he is very out of character? I expected at least a scene between him and the rest of the League wherein they demand where his loyalty lies and then he realizes he has got to choose a side/he can't keep whittling himself away in the name of revenge/he has got people who care about him in his found family (and he cares about them too in some ways, of course coz Dabi isn't all that huge at showing emotions. The way he burnt down Toga's old house of abuse was sweet tho.) You know The Realization MomentTM before he starts warming up to the League? If I have to bet, that has been done offscreen as well :(
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mafuyuh · 3 years
ty for your answer! I loved hearing your thoughts on bnha. Personally I think the hero society is going to change and I think that leaves a chance for the villains to be redeemd or looked at differently in some way? something like that. because wasnt that how the narrative was set up? the kids are going to change it, after all thats 'how they became the greatest heroes' - especially now since its clearly been broken down and exposed to everyone. the kids dont look at the villains the same way the heroes do, they see something deeper. i have hope the story will be more in depth than they just die or get arrested. as for Toya, wishful thinking here but if he settles down and gets hospitalized, there's Eri right if he burns himself further? but yeah, the story is feeling rushed and I'm scared because the last chapter didnt even make me feel excited. I just wanted more character interaction/comfort and perspective, not an immediate second war lol
i'm glad you loved reading my answer! we mostly think the same, so i also love hearing your thoughts as well ☺ i too think that hero society is going to change and in the future heroes will take care of the villains in a healthier way, i mean, otherwise i would be very disappointed. we didn't have an entire arc focused on villains and their sad backstories (MVA) only for them to keep suffering until the end. although i don't know how this change will happen. it is true that our hero trio wants to save our villain trio, but i don't think that means rest of the students want to save them as well. maybe they will think like that after this war, who knows, but currently i don't think anyone thinks the way izuku ochako and shoto does. not to mention the stubborn heroes... oh, i haven't thought about eri healing toya before! that's a good point!! i would love that, because i especially want to see toya heal from not only his scars but also his trauma. about hori rushing things, you're so right for not feeling excited. i don't feel that excited as well. but that's the problem, isn't it? this is THE final war. we MUST feel excited. clearly, something is going wrong. have you read the latest chapter spoilers by the way?
( don’t read if you don’t want to see spoilers ) 
it seems like the heroes are finally seperating the villains. although i want tomura, toga, toya, and spinner to fight together and take care of each other, i think seeing them fight independently could be interesting too. we'll see! 
( don’t read if you don’t want to see spoilers )
i hope horikoshi doesn't rush things any longer and we can have a war arc that's as good as the first one!
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hmm, it's not that i hate him, i just feel neutral towards him tbh. it is true that i want to see him punished for his actions but i don't want him to die. as you said, it would be much better if we saw him question his thinking. but do you really believe that will happen eventually? i think that will happen only if he talks to toga or toya about twice. otherwise, i don't think hawks will change his way of thinking or resign or anything. moreover, i don't think he thinks what he did doesn't make him a hero anymore. i mean, it could be because we haven't seen him think about twice after the war, but he... already moved on? pretty quickly? does it ever cross his mind that he actually killed a person? a person he thought was "good"? does he question the system that made him do it? does he despise the selfish society that constantly push heroes to do this type of stuff? maybe he does and hori doesn't show it to us, who knows. but for now, it doesn't seem like this situation is weighing on him. as far as we are allowed to see, at least. and about the part "the man he looked up to being exposed as abusive"... does he care? no, if you ask me. he acts the same. maybe this is poor writing or maybe this is the way hawks is, idk... but hawks has been very disappointing to me ever since the war arc and it still is the same unfortunately! so i'm looking forward to a fight between toga and him that will shake him up real good.
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