#i haven't slept properly for nearly a week and my brain is tired and goofy
thelikesoffinn · 10 months
Hi Miss social worker!
Help settle a debate: my boyfriend and I are disagreeing on astarion and poly relationships. He says that Astarion just says he's okay with it but doesn't want to disappoint Tav, I say he is okay with it for real.
We both rly liked your analysis, so we figured we'd ask you to help us settle this. So what do you say?
(We really loved your analysis btw, and we agree wholeheartedly! ♥️)
Awww Miss Social Worker!? Melted. Consider me a gooey puddle now.
As for your question: Difficult! I see why your opinions would drift apart in that regard, for I myself am slightly torn on it as well.
On one side, I can definitely see Astarion lying about this topic in order to make Tav happy. Especially early-game Astarion, because that boy is confidently unconfident, at least where relationships are concerned.
However, I do believe that he would, as soon as he's more comfortable with Tav, tell them the truth if he actually was uncomfortable with this arrangement. He's not as good at holding his tongue as he'd like to believe.
So yes, I do think Astarion is actually okay with poly relationships (or even short flings).
His reaction to Tav's walk-of-shame after shagging Mizora is quite telling in that regard. He was as playful and sassy as ever; he was quite humoured by Tav's potential fear of losing him, and I was actually surprised at how relaxed and chill he was with Tav cheating on him. The only thing he wanted to know is why, and once Tav reassured him that it has absolutely nothing to do with him or anything he does, he's completely relaxed.
(Now, on a personal level: I abso-fucking-lutely hated that reaction of his, and to me, this just shows that Astarion has a long way of healing yet to go, BUT that's a whole 'nother issue that I'll happily ramble on about if anyone wants to hear it.)
His reaction when Tav talks to him about Halsin is also similarly laid back. He's joking, he's smug and he seems to genuinely enjoy this conversation. He needs a little reassurance once again, as traumatised babes often do, but then it's all chill, which seems rather genuine and telling to me.
So, to sum it up, I do think late-game Astarion can be trusted when he says that he's okay with Tav dragging another fella into this.
Early game Astarion, however? Yeah, he'd lie just to keep Tav by his side and happy.
Which essentially means I can't break ties here because I agree with both of you in different ways! I'm sorry petal!
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