#i havent even finished killing eve but i know she dies and it makes me very angry
imunbreakabledude · 4 years
killing eve - die for me thoughts
just finished the book. like JUST just did. finished it in two sittings, it’s a quick read.
rambling thoughts behind the cut (spoilers for the whole book obvi)
okay off the bat i was super jarred by the switch in POV - books one and two had alernating 3rd person close POV for both Eve and V; this book is first person POV from Eve the whole time. I got used to it, but i always feel jarred when an author does that mid-series. I suspected right away this meant something secretive would happen that meant we couldn’t see Villaelle’s POV, as it did. So I get why Luke did it. I didn’t hate it, but it was odd.
there was so much more discussion of Villanelle shitting in the first thirty pages than i expected
okay not related to the book but if the situation where they’re stuck in a shipping container together for a week happened on the show, I think show!Eve would be the one shitting in bags and show!Villanelle would be the one too embarrassed to shit in front of Eve. that’s my take and i’m sticking to it
wow they had sex on page 14 but also wow what a sexy yet unsexy sex scene... dubcon in a small metal box where they havent showered and there’s literal bags of shit in the corner... love it
the character of Dasha immediately set off bells in my head bc theres that woman in the s3 trailer who seems to be named Dasha as well but I think it may be coincidence because this Dasha seems to be young/not the same person? who knows though, maybe they’re related
Eve and Oxana just went to straight girlfriend mode like okay i see you luke
V’s pet names for Eve, I am obsessed. “Polastri”, “pupsik (sweetie)”, “bumblebee”, and, the best one, “Dumbass”
eve almost killing herself bc she thinks V is embarrassed of her, and V threating to kill herself if anyone touches Eve WOW THATS A MUCH NICER MEANING OF ‘DIE FOR ME’ THAN I EXPECTED thank u luke for not actually killing either of them off
I got a little worried when Oxana “died” but with 20 pages left, and how bland the death scene was, I knew shed be back
Loved the bit with Eve and Anna at the end though I must admit I’m a little confused as to how/why Anna was involved in Oxana’s escape and bringing her back to Eve? What was her motive there? Why and how was she on good terms with Oxana? I was under the impression that Anna wanted nothing to do with Oxana anymore after she killed the guy for her? idk but i liked her conversation with eve
and obviously i’m glad about the happy ending even if it feels a little cheesy in a way, we need more gay women getting their happily ever afters or at least not being killed, thank you papa luke
Also how did i get this far without talking about how much i am obsessed with Charlie. I liked Lara before even in the previous books but omg so proud of Charlie for finding their true self... I knew though, as I was falling in love with them as a character, that they wouldn’t survive the book. RIP charlie :(
okay sorry to go back to the shitting thing but after drawing such huge attention to how Eve was constipated for a week (For a week!) i expected a triumphant scene of relief when she finally took a huge shit but, no.
Also maybe its just me but i personally wouldn’t be in the mood to have constant shipping container sex if i was literally, full of a week’s worth of shit but you do you eve
“tighten asshole, small bubbles, relax asshole, bigger bubbles” sent me into a good thirty second laughing fit
i actually laughed aloud so often while reading this book when i wasn’t disgusted, so i highly recommend
Okay also on the Feels front all the bits about Oxana feeling like the invisible man, and telling Eve “you remind me that i exist” WOW OOF LUKE way to make me feel for the psychopath
also V saying: “I like dorky girls with glasses” ooooooooomfg
Eve accidentally telling the whole dinner party she and V spent a week masturbating... i mean... was she wrong tho
wow anyways those are most of my thoughts but it was a great fun time thanks Luke
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burclay · 5 years
Time, Space, and Texting: Chapter 2
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: THIS IS A SPACESHIP
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: WE’RE FOUR DAYS’ TRAVEL FROM THE TARDIS 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: On the other hand, General Eve Cicero is here 😍😍😍 what a legend!
AO3 Chapter 1
yaz01: is now really the time ryan
RyanS: YES
bad-wolf-girl: is the doctor okay?
yaz01: the medics say she’ll be fine. we got hit with some sort of weird space bomb but these people are taking care of us.
Graham O’Brien: Are we really texting right now?
yaz01: that’s what i said.
The Captain: When you say weird space bomb…
Graham O’Brien: I think one of the medics said “sonic mine.”
RyanS: theyre trying to find our medtags now. taking bets on how long it takes them to realize we havent got any
The Captain: A sonic mine? You know how lucky you are to be alive, right?
RyanS: picking up on it yeah
yaz01: hold on a sec, dr’s awake
DoctorJones: In the meantime, I’ve finally convinced Mickey to check his phone.
mickeyrick: hey, it’s been a while. heard there’s a new doctor. or however that works.
RyanS: might want to read up a bit
yaz01: ryan! get off your phone!
RyanS: you’re on your phone!
yaz01: only to get your attention! come on!
bad-wolf-girl: so we’ll just assume they’re busy, then
bad-wolf-girl: anyone meet any cool aliens lately?
cyberbill: heather and i went to a planet that was nothing but ocean. pretty cool.
oswin: you two are made of water or something, right?
oswin: suppose you were right at home there
cyberbill: yeah pretty much.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: THIS IS A SPACESHIP
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: WE’RE FOUR DAYS’ TRAVEL FROM THE TARDIS 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: On the other hand, General Eve Cicero is here 😍😍😍 what a legend!
The Captain: Whoa, really?
The Captain: *The* Eve Cicero? Named in the Book of Celebrants?
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: The very one!
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Anyway, got to go, I’m walking.
yaz01: while she’s doing that. cyberbill, did you say you’re made of water?
cyberbill: just bill. and long story, but yeah
RyanS: i give up making sense of you lot
yaz01: sometime i’d like to hear the long story!
cyberbill: well, sounds like you all are going to have time to read, at least. four days away from the tardis and all that.
RyanS: yeah n now the doctor’s gone off who knows where so we dont even have her whole crisis to deal with
cyberbill: i don’t even know where to start. to be honest, i’m not sure i even understand it all. but my crush got taken by this sort of water thing, and then i was a cyberman for a bit, and next thing i knew i was water.
cyberbill: heather says it’s all just atoms. she’s better with all this than i am
cyberbill: someday i’ll add her in here. don’t know if she’d say much.
The Captain: We’re all dying to meet her.
cyberbill: or *you’re* dying to meet her
oswin: oi, i’m already dying. don’t add this into it!
yaz01: you’re dying?
oswin: long story
yaz01: you all keep saying that
oswin: fair enough. basically i’m frozen in the moment right before i died. but i can still move around. so i’ve stolen a tardis and i’m running around in it now
RyanS: im beginning to understand how the doctor picks her friends
RyanS: ur all completely mad
oswin: not sure what that says about you, then
RyanS: oh i’ll accept me being mad too, that’s fine
johnsmith42: nothing wrong with a bit of madness!
bad-wolf-girl: says the man who reconfigured our entire television to not use the color green
johnsmith42: I don’t like green! what’s wrong with that?
bad-wolf-girl: everything shows in shades of red and blue now
bad-wolf-girl: good thing i figured out how to encase my laptop in dalekanium
bad-wolf-girl: for all their faults, Daleks are pretty good at indestructible metal
johnsmith42: for the record, I would NEVER mess with your laptop
yaz01: daleks?
oswin: oh boy
johnsmith42: VERY dangerous aliens. do NOT approach.
bad-wolf-girl: i’m sure you’ll meet one someday. they tend to pop up around the doctor.
yaz01: why?
bad-wolf-girl: that’s really her story to tell, sorry
yaz01: fair enough, i guess.
RyanS: glad ur computers safe
bad-wolf-girl: yeah me too
mickeyrick: so i finished reading up. sounds like you’re having a bit of a time.
mickeyrick: when the doctor gets back tell her i like her jacket
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: I’m back! 👋
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Oh, hello, Mickey! Thanks! 🤗
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Anyway, there’s something *very bad* going on. 👎😱👾😲
Graham O’Brien: And you’re spending time picking out emojis?
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Doesn’t take that long! 😡😡😡
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: ANYWAY. Something’s on board and it’s killed Astos. Ryan, Graham, Yaz, be careful.
RyanS: wed better go find her hadnt we
yaz01: yep
DoctorJones: Be safe!
bad-wolf-girl: good luck!
mickeyrick: i’m remembering why i never come in this chat
mickeyrick: my life might be dangerous but at least it makes sense
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Anyone know anything about something called a “Pting?”
bad-wolf-girl: you have a pting on your ship?
bad-wolf-girl: we came across one of those a few years back
bad-wolf-girl: didn’t exactly go very well
bad-wolf-girl: i’m sure you’ll be fine though
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: That’s not encouraging!!! 😱
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: We’re looking it up in the ship’s systems 😬
bad-wolf-girl: all you need to know is it eats *everything*
bad-wolf-girl: and its skin is toxic
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: 😱😱😱
The Captain: oh, boy
The Captain: Doctor, I’m going to need you to check in with us frequently until this one’s over
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Will do.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Got to think. What do we do???
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: THE SHIP’S GOT A BOMB IN IT 😱
johnsmith42: what???
The Captain: well, that’s a check-in, I suppose
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: It’s a Tsuranga ship, there’s a self-destruct in case anything happens that makes the ship a danger to the planet on which it lands.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: But we are NOT going to be a danger!
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: We are going to SOLVE THIS.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: So the bomb is really unfair!
bad-wolf-girl: too bad life isn’t fair i guess
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Oi!!! You shut up!!!
bad-wolf-girl: 😘
Amy: hey everybody! what’s up!
bad-wolf-girl: doctor’s in danger, the rest of us are laughing at her to hide our worry
Amy: must be Tuesday
bad-wolf-girl: pretty much
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: AMY! Hi Amy!
Amy: hey, doctor!
Amy: oh, never mind. looks like you have bigger things to do than talk in this groupchat
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: I’m procrastinating 😔😓 can’t think of a plan!!! 😬😬😬 Don’t worry, I’ll get there!
yaz01: doctor, we’re on our way back
yaz01: have you been talking to your friends this *whole time*?
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Don’t worry! I almost have a plan!
yaz01: i can’t believe i trust you with my life!
Amy: but you do…
Amy: it’s a trap we all fall into
Amy: side note, but is this version of the Doctor somehow more of a mess than the last two?
johnsmith42: *definitely* more of a mess than me.
bad-wolf-girl: keep telling yourself that 😘
johnsmith42: I will, thanks.
Amy: ???????
The Captain: Good luck!
bad-wolf-girl: good luck!
Amy: what happened to the alien?
cyberbill: something tells me they might be a little too busy to talk right now
oswin: good luck!
oswin: oops i’m too late
oswin: are those real words?
oswin: you’ve got to be careful. i swear the doctor likes to just make up words.
bad-wolf-girl: i second that.
bad-wolf-girl: i still make up words for everything i don’t understand and i blame him...
bad-wolf-girl: marrying his clone can’t have helped.
johnsmith42: oh, you love me
bad-wolf-girl: 😘😘😘
oswin: careful… use that many emojis at once and you’ll get confused for the doctor
bad-wolf-girl: lol
DoctorJones: Hold on… is everyone all right?
oswin: seems like the jury’s out
oswin: i’m fine tho
DoctorJones: Ryan, do you need help? I’m an *actual* doctor on Earth.
yaz01: not sure human medicine is entirely applicable
yaz01: but there’s a medic doing the heavy lifting, don’t worry
yaz01: ryan and graham are being doulas
DoctorJones: Yaz?
bad-wolf-girl: everything all right?
oswin: what happened?
Amy: yaz???
yaz01: sorry yeah everything’s fine
yaz01: just drop kicked a pting nothing to see here
yaz01: dropped my phone mid-message
yaz01: sorry about that
DoctorJones: Glad you’re all right.
yaz01: yeah me too
yaz01: but no time to talk drs here
oswin: good luck
oswin: side note i just found a planet with six-headed lizards
cyberbill: what, you mean like the hydra?
oswin: yeah!
oswin: think they came to earth and inspired the ancient greeks?
Amy: doubt it
Amy: anyone can think up a many-headed dragon
oswin: true enough. anyway i’m going to go explore. ttyl
Amy: have fun!
mickeyrick: anyone else *really worried* about this whole alien-spaceship situation?
Amy: they’ll get out of it
DoctorJones: The Doctor does have a knack for getting out of these sorts of things. I’m sure they’ll be fine.
bad-wolf-girl: doesn’t always end well though
Amy: she’s had time to come up with a plan now
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Hi everybody I’m brilliant!
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Pting ate the bomb and now all we have to do is get the ship to Resus One, and then we can go right on back to the TARDIS.
Amy: told you!
bad-wolf-girl: nice!!!
RyanS: this babys so cute i might cry
Graham O’Brien: Not because of the heartwarming conversation you just had or anything.
RyanS: no its just really cute
RyanS: im serious its so little
RyanS: did you know they make people that little
RyanS: its fingers
RyanS: are tiny
yaz01: ryan have you ever seen a baby before
RyanS: leave me alone yaz!!!
DoctorJones: Is the dad doing all right?
RyanS: yeah hes fine
RyanS: hes gonna be such a good dad
RyanS: but thats not why i might cry i swear
RyanS: (grahams looking at me funny :-( )
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Bad news. General Cicero is dead.
Graham O’Brien: Oh, goodness.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: We’re going to be holding a funeral in the engine room. Ryan, Graham, do you think Yoss will want to come?
RyanS: ill ask
RyanS: he says yes
Graham O’Brien: Be there in a moment, Doc.
The Captain: Quite a loss.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: I know. 😢
DoctorJones: May she rest in peace.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: She lived a good life.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Died saving us.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: She had pilot’s heart. Knew she had pilot’s heart. Took over control of the ship anyway.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: All the emojis in my name are seeming really inappropriate right about now. 😢😢😢
bad-wolf-girl: i’m sorry doctor
Amy: I’ll add her to the list.
Amy: General Eve Cicero?
yaz01: the list?
bad-wolf-girl: when people die we add them to a list
bad-wolf-girl: we make a point of remembering them every so often
bad-wolf-girl: roughly once a year in the timeline of whoever’s holding the list
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: General Eve Cicero is right.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Also add Astos.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: He was the medic who died.
Amy: got it
<document: the list>
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Thanks, Amy. 💙
Amy: no problem
yaz01: wait, how often do people die??? this is a *long* list
bad-wolf-girl: this is over the course of maybe a thousand years in the doctor’s timeline
bad-wolf-girl: it’s a dangerous life, yaz
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: I’m sorry. I did warn you.
yaz01: yeah i know
yaz01: took me by surprise i guess
The Captain: General Cicero is 116th century, right?
The Captain: from Keeba?
The Captain: I know those funeral rites
The Captain: they’re beautiful
The Captain: I hope they carry her well
bad-wolf-girl: what’re they like?
The Captain: Keeba’s a solar system full of voyagers
The Captain: there wasn’t any life there until it got developed
The Captain: so their rituals and ceremonies assume every religion is real and has value.
The Captain: it depends on which planet she’s from and where her family’s from
The Captain: but they tend to involve everyone standing in a circle and speaking together.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: That’s exactly right. We had her android consort lead.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: She’s been laid to proper rest now. Among the stars. 🌠
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: And we’re almost to Resus One, which’ll teleport us back to the TARDIS.
The Doctor ☄️👋😂🌌🌈: Not sure my ectospleen’ll ever be the same, though.
RyanS: not sure your ectospleens our biggest concern
yaz01: i think she just fell asleep
johnsmith42: well, she’s clearly had a long day.
Graham O’Brien: I’ll say. I’m about to fall asleep myself.
RyanS: you do that
RyanS: im gonna go see if yoss will let me hold his baby brb
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ryign · 7 years
@geeselord​ tagged me in a very long post fuck u sofi
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. neon trees-everybody talks. sia-angel by the wings. nicki minaj-feelin myself. aquilo-calling me. sleeping at last-mercury. jesse mueller-she used to be mine
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? myself 10 years ago. someone needed to tell her she will be alright 
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “Okay! Okay! I was just curious is all.” from wildwood by colin meloy 
4) What do you think about most? probably griffin mcelroy 
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? not that i know of? i write poems about everyone else but i dont think people write them about me
6) Do you have any strange phobias? drowning ironically 
7) What’s your religion? i dont really believe in organised religion i do believe in god. a god. but im not really religious 
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? i like being outside so maybe tramping or running who knows, having ice cream?
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? i dont know? i have so many maybe sleeping at last or neon trees
10) What was the last lie you told? its okay
11) Do you believe in karma? mostly
12) What does your URL mean? its like from the word reign but with a y not e. its about how i feel
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? trusting myself. fast thinking
14) Who is your celebrity crush? um like probably Chandler Riggs
15) How do you vent your anger? yelling. or writing which is kinda like yelling in my head
16) Do you have a collection of anything? buttons?
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? im still, becoming. i havent finished evolving into the best me yet but im happy with the path im on
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? metal on metal. rain on metal
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? what if no one likes me
20) Do you believe in ghosts? yes
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right my book left my necklace
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? home.
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? australia it was hot and loud. idk probably not but i cant think of anywhere
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? gender is fake af
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? i dont think there really is a meaning
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? yes and no
27) What was the last movie you saw? eagle huntress 
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? i broke some bones as a kid ive never had any very serious injuries
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? change
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? most likely if someone knows one they should tell me
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not often
32) What is your astrological sign? virgo
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? a shirt?
34) Love or lust? maybe neither or both for different reasons
35) In a relationship? no
36) How many relationships have you had? maybe 5ish
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? fuck if i know 
38) Where is your best friend? i dont have one?
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? probably watching greys anatomy in bed or listening to rose buddies
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? no honestly i have no idea why people keep me around
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? dog
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a,no b,leave go somewhere else,far away. c,no
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? to build a home i only need to hear the first note to know it
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? communication. calm
45) How can I win your heart? you cant
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? maybe
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? to keep going. keep pushing
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? ev said- just. a transcript of the scene where you get timy to kill the frog guy from out first campaign. “timy slid down ur sleeve and bit the dude but nobody saw him so it looked like you just touched a dude and he died”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”? fist.
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors? red all of the reds
51) What is your current desktop picture? a mountain 
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? no one i dont have the right to make that decision.
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? what do you want
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? probably to be able to know how to help people
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? my first time listening to mbmbam
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? no
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? no?
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? i have no idea just far away 
59) Ever been on a plane? yes.
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. i dont really get on the whole celebrity thing but yea
i tag anyone who reads this if you read it you have to do it bam. i mean you dont have to but like you can and tag me 
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