#i havent even finished my astarion one
halsiin 9 months
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Nothing prepared me for Astarion greeting me like this
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junietuesday 3 months
help i cant stop making new bg3 runs馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
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scalpelofshar 4 months
Personal problems, I enjoy bg3 but my god is act 3 such a slog. The game has been out since what? August? I still haven't finished a single playthrough yet
there's just so much to do and I can't compell myself to do it in any decent time (and I certainly can't do it all in one sitting)
Act 1 is so much fun and visually beautiful to run around in (obviously, its the most polished third of the game)
Ac2 2 has that bloodborne-esque aesthetic I love so much and I'm emotionally invested with the Thorm family drama鈩笍 and it stimulates the writer in me
Act 3 I repeatedly go "ugh how is there still questing to do how long have I been in this city" which is a shame because I want to finish the game it just feels more like a chore
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localcryptidsteg 5 months
So I feel I need to tell someone about my favorite and by far the most absurd bg3 run Ive been involved in yet:
Journey to the West
We set up some rules for it
-Characters must start as monks
- Characters must be roughly themed after one of the five main characters from the book
- You can multiclass but you have to be able to give a valid reason for why it fits the character (basically, Tripitaka can't multiclass into barbarian but the argument can be made for paladin, etc)
- Nonlethal damage must be on. Sun Wukong is allowed to kill, the rest of the party is trying to knock out as many enemies as possible before that happens
Thats the ground work
The thing is
-Sun Wukong was set up as durge and nobody was told this (Im not apologizing)
-Tripitaka is being run by the single most chaotic human being I know and they refuse to wear clothing and keep "accidentally" killing npcs
-The friend who was going to run Pigsy wants to finish her personal run first so we currently only have Monkey, Tripitaka, Sandy, and Astarion
And so far we have:
-died multiple times to the exploding coffin due to sheer stupidity
-accidentally killed Priestess Gut and have her corpse stored in a chest at camp (Tripitaka)
- Got knocked into the Underdark early by the spiders and died (Sandy)
- keep picking up empty chests and putting them in other empty chests and putting those in someone elses inventory to tank their walking speed (Tripitaka)
-gotten knocked off a cliff and died (Sandy)
-Tried to fight the paladins of tyr alone and died (Sandy)
- Tried to fight the Githyanki and died (Sandy)
- Learned how to play the lute from Alfira and am now actively antagonizing Sandy with it in-game (me)
-Stole all of Sandys inventory. Put it in my inventory (Tripitaka)
Id also like it to be noted that every time Sandy has died so far it has indirectly been someone else's fault and was fully preventable had Tripitakas player or I been paying attention or not actively using him as a meatshield
We havent even made it past chapter one yet
We havent even finished the goblin camp yet
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gemstripe 7 months
me, about 3 months ago: I know very little about how D&D works and ill probably not be able to play the ttrpg for a while (have interested parties but no dm volunteers) so lets give bg3 a try, and drag my partner ( @kvistwig ) along
me now: *has 3 tiefling and one wood elf characters (3 tavs, 1 durge)* I still know very little about d&d but i love these characters now
ramblings about tavs and game stuff below
I have learned some things and discovered i must have had some instinct regarding things because i had my wood elf a barbarian, and because shes my fuck around and find out character, she went the poly route (Before i knew wood elves typically are poly. so now her backstory is she was raised by a tiefling who found her, and not by other wood elves). I am still saddened that canonically tielfing tails are not prehensile. I loved the idea of them being steathy stealy with it or something. oh well. They can be in my head.
my tavs are (so far):
Drolta, Barbarian Wood Elf (romancing Astarion and Halsin) (she/her) (act 3)
Rynuka, Druid Tiefling (romancing Karlach) (they/them) (act 3)
Kurt, Monk Tiefling (he/him, he/they) (act 1)
Anvil, dark urge ranger tiefling (hey/they) (act 1)
Im also doing a karlach run on Twig's durge run. this game is so much fun and i havent even finished act 3 yet (im there in two playthroughs)
Also, the only reason Drolta is romancing astarion is i kept seeing everyone posting guides on how to do it and i went "fuck it, why not". She did Rynuka, I have honestly no idea what i did, but we successfully pulled off Romancing Karlach.
i may be lacking in race diversity, but i do try to go for different classes so i can learn them. Although Barbarian is very addicting.
im half tempted to make posts about everyone like ive seen others doing. it just looks fun.
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dudenastii 3 months
gonna be real i havent even finished BG3 bc they kept updating and fucking up my files. i have one right now and i refuse to fucking play it bc im like stale on the game already. I just exist with my friend tori and we play dolls together. Also we love wyll. wyll deserves more. Seriously. WHEN HE SAYS HOW UTTERLY CHARMING HOW CAN YOU NOT MELT INTO YOUR FUCKING CHAAAIR THAT SHIT HIT HARDEF THAN ANY GALE LINE OR ASTARION LINE OR ANY LINE. HOW UTTERLY CHARMING [Little chuckle and big smile] WYLL RAVENGARD YOU ARE THE HOTTEST CHARACTET IN BG3 LET NOBODY TELL U DIFFERENT
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kittykatinabag 9 months
Update on my letting-intrusive-thoughts-win-and-starting-over-even-though-I-havent-actually-finished-the-story second run through of bg3:
Turns out understanding how the game is played makes a ton of difference lmao. I'm back to just before Act 2 and I've already found way more areas than I did my first play through, and I'm still under 30 hours in. Combat is way more of a breeze for some reason, even though the only big change I made was switching from druid to sorcerer. I'm still too reliant on Shadowheart as a healer though, but maybe by next level up (currently just reached level 6, practically 2 more levels than I had at this point in my first run through) I might be able to take her out of the party more?
As for romance options... This run is Astarion (and Halsin eventually) ride or die, but also in grinding up his approval, I managed to get Lae-zel's approval and first romance trigger accidentally lmao. I didn't take it, but needless to say her uh... "tasting" comment was a bit flustering.
But that was nothing compared to Astarion's lead up to the romance trigger. Yeah sure, the eerily-similar-framing-to-the-Twilight-movie-forest-scene (you know the one, don't think I didn't clock that reference even though it quickly diverged to a much more r-18 scene) had me in a state, but the lead up? My god the voice work on those lines right before it gives you the choices, that had me on the verge of hyperventilating. I can't wait until Act 2's (and Act 3's) scene.
I sincerely hope patch 2 fixed the many many bugs in Act 2, because I'm a bit dreading it due to the slog that it was my first play through. But before that its doing the monastery, which honestly wasn't really my favorite part either but at least now I know to do all the side quests before pissing off everyone there lol
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is baldur's gate worth the money 馃憖馃憖 im super debating it
because its in early access right now it honestly kinda depends on whether you鈥檙e okay with paying for an unfinished and sometimes buggy version of the game. only act 1 is available now and that gives you around 30-40 hours of game time for one playthrough. sometimes there鈥檚 weird bugs but honestly im not someone who鈥檚 too bothered by that. they鈥檙e never gamebreaking, just a bit funny. if you鈥檙e someone who鈥檚 bothered by that i really recommend waiting till the full game is out. also i gotta say now that ive played the ea version it is killing me that i have to wait half a year at least (and at this point i wouldnt be surprised if its a 2022 release) till 1.0 comes out. loading screen times can be a bit of a drag too, but they said they鈥檙e working on improving those. also in my currently 45 hours of playtime ive only had 2 crashes, though the frequency of those might depend on your pc
HOWEVER, the ea version is SUPER replayable. im only on my second playthrough and i played a warlock tiefling both times and it still feels refreshing. i havent even tried out any other races or classes yet and i cant wait to do that. you can even play the game as one of your companions; you can just talk to people as one of your companions and it gives you new dialogue options, like if you play as astarion you can bare your teeth at people to intimidate them, while the pc can鈥檛 do that in conversation. though the combat is my favourite part of this game!! if you鈥檝e played dos2 you鈥檒l know what you鈥檙e getting into. it feels SO rewarding and encourages you to think outside the box!! i was playing shadowlands (I KNOW..) before bg3 came out and bg3 made me realise that i deserve better in a video game JHHJDHJ also if you do seriously consider buying it id recommend looking up some gameplay videos on youtube so you can get a feel for it. you can also just watch a bunch of astarion videos like i did and let yourself be queerbaited into spending the full price on an early access game by the limp wristed bisexual vampire 鉂わ笍 if you liked dragon age origins, you鈥檒l really enjoy bg3 for the writing and the characters, while if you liked any of the divinity games you鈥檒l love the combat. the story is a bit over the top and has a bit of a... michael bay flare to it LMAO but honestly i like that the game doesnt take itself too seriously. the game is seriously so funny as a result of that and there鈥檚 been a bunch of moments that made me laugh out loud. i would recommend it, but if you鈥檇 have any problems with the things i mentioned earlier then buying the finished version might be the better move!聽if you do end up buying it or if you have any other questions about it do let me know!!!
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