#i havent written in 48940305849 years sorry guys
mitsies · 1 year
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it takes a lot to get nagi seishiro up in the mornings.
really, you think you've tried it all. loud alarms on your phone, prodding and poking (ranging from painstakingly gentle to probably a little too rough), faux-threats of the apartment complex being on fire- yeah, you've had your fair share of attempts.
but really, nothing seems to work better than your absence.
it is, in itself, a very difficult task to untangle yourself from your sleeping boyfriend's hold. over the years, you've gradually grown less and less cautious, opting to roll him over rather than taking the time to worm your way out of his arms. it's one such morning, one where you have to practically heave the man off of you in order to begin getting ready for the day, does a sleepy, rough voice interject your flow.
"why're you up?"
if it wasn't so quiet in your apartment you'd have missed his words. turning to your bed, you see nagi, blinking drowsily, eyes drooping with sleep. he's propped up on his forearms, on the pillows, and the thin blanket covering his torso slides down revealing an expanse of pale skin. you blink at him before snapping your stare away.
"i have work early today, remember?"
you feel his blank gaze burning holes into the back of your neck as you adjust your hair in the mirror before you.
"but how am i supposed to sleep?"
you turn back skeptically. "uh.. like normal?"
his lips flatten into a displeased expression. "i can't without you here."
"you do it all the time, sei. i think you're asleep more than you're awake."
he blinks at you, unimpressed. you smile back, and add on: "or maybe- crazy idea, but you could get up with me?"
somehow, your boyfriend seems even more unamused with your retort. you didn't even think it possible. "or we compromise and you come back to bed."
a huff of laughter escapes you and a sliver of a grin cracks his stoic expression. "that's no compromise. i still have work, y'know."
"but m' so tired."
"and i'm so busy."
you give him a pointed look before turning back to the mirror. behind you, a rustling can be heard. footsteps. and then, a voice- close, so close. nagi stands behind you, proximity dizzying even though he's been closer before. he's bent down to where you sit at your vanity, and you feel his hot breath against the shell of his ear: "okay. compromise. i get up now, and we come to bed early."
he's warm and you let your shoulder press into his arm, a smile on your face. "sounds like a good deal to me."
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