#i headcanon he really likes plushies despite of the change in Idiosyncrasy.
o-pandora-o · 4 months
Dating Valefor Headcanons
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What is like dating the Knightly Gentleman (and attendant of Mammon) Valefor?
🛡️Would definitely call you cute nicknames, but will mostly call you prince/princess, because he's your knight in shining armor.
🛡️His love language is Act of Service, he believes that his prince/princess deserves the best so he does everything beforehand. Need to open the door? He got it. Need to sit down and eat? Table prepared, and he helps you sits down. Even if you say that you can do things on your own, he insists on doing so.
🛡️His 2nd love language is physical touch. He does ask your consent before actually touching you (may it be as simple as a hug/kiss/hold hands). He is often the big spoon when you two cuddle. He wants to feel your warmth wrapped around his muscular arms and torso. He would often give you kisses too especially in the forehead.
🛡️Valefor likes it when his S/O strokes his hair or becomes his little spoon. It calms him down. Bonus if Y/N says that he looks like one of his plushies at home!
🛡️Its no question that he will give you everything you want. Ppyong did say that he is one mega millionaire. He heard that you want the new life sized plushie? One morning you wake up a big plushie is right in front of you with a note. "Valefor you shouldn't have really… You shouldn't waste your money on me…" "Nonsense my little prince/princess, there is nothing such as waste when it comes to you" Valefor took your hand, making you slightly blush
🛡️His mansion would probably include one room for you but his room is welcome for you too. His room has a space for his plushies (some probably on his bed)! He's really soft and sweet with his plushies too! And he would definitely definitely DEFINITELY marry someone whose a father/mother to their plushies!! You noticed that a plushie fell to the ground as you were sleeping with him "Omg nooo, I'm so sorry!! I'm so sorry please forgive me" Y/N removes the dust and begins to hug and pepper the plushie with kisses Valefor sees, and unconsciously says "Marry me, right now." Valefor noticed that he said it unconsciously but proceeds to present y/n a fluffy ring made of plushie fabric
🛡️100% radiates Golden Retriever energy . He's the type of guy that would brighten up your day once you saw him. His face already removes your worries and problems, and sometimes he'd arrange walks or tour you in a new place he'd think you'll enjoy!
🛡️He's very sharp when it comes to his s/o's moods and feelings. If he sees that you're gloomy, he'd ask you what's wrong. When you open up that you suddenly felt no good with your skills or say that you're worthless, he'd shower you with praises and pepper you with kisses while he's hugging you. He'd prepare your comfort meals too! If you opened up and say someone hurt your feelings? He'd give them a very serious talk (swords involved? Probably-).
🛡️He isn't the type to get jealous easily when his prince/princess is with other demons. He does however get slightly jealous when his plushies receive more attention than him tho- Y/N ignoring (doesn't hear) Valefor, while keeps hugging and stroking the fur of the gigantic bear plushie on Valefor's room Valefor stares at them, pouting "Y/nnnnn! :< What about me? Has my prince/princess found another knight in shining armor when I was gone? :< " "Awwww, my knight is jelly because of his own plushie!! How cute~" hugs and kisses Valefor "Only one kiss? :<"
🛡️Valefor will have everything ready for his s/o. Got hurt? He has a mini medicine kit in his pocket! Hungry but you're both on an adventure? He got some small snack bars!
🛡️He is often seen in the gym for his training regimen. Please don't drool when you see his sweat going down his toned abs and muscles as he lift those weights-. He appreciates it when you work out with him or bring him water or some healthy snacks.
🛡️He will PROTECT you at all cost. His life will be in the line and this is no joke. He will literally risk his life protecting his prince/princess. He wouldn't be considered a knight if he wouldn't risk his life on the line.
🛡️If you got hurt because of some angels because you were out, first, he would blame himself, and second he would massacre those angels.
🛡️Valefor is either a bunny or a dog person. Both animals do fit his personality, cute and soft, but can also be fierce.
🛡️On one rare free time, aside from working out in the gym a lot, Valefor sometimes sew clothes for plushies! He also has a plushie that looks like you, and it owns a lot of clothes and accessories that remind him of you. His sewing is a bit sloppy but its cute! You can see and feel the effort and affection he put into making them.
🛡️Your plan to prank him often fails.. But he still makes that warm smile and pats your head. "Sorry my prince/princess, was I too good to know your prank? Better try again next time" Valefor smiles warmly, kisses your hand, and pats your head
🛡️You often make him those cute bentos full of meat. He does train a lot so he needs his proteins. It hurts him to eat every time because it's just too cute to eat.
🛡️When you're in his mansion and waiting him to come home, you sometimes feel lonely so you eat with his plushies that smell like him. You're careful enough to not stain or put crumbs on the plushies though.
🛡️On your birthday, he would give you a plushie that he made, that looks exactly like his chibi version! "I tried my best for the parts to not fall off, I still think that I should have given a better quality fit for my prince/princess. Honestly, plush making was relaxing for me, we should do this together someday!" Valefor gives you a handmade plush while blushing. Y/N stares at the plushie. For once, Valefor is a bit confused and nervous, thinking that Y/N wouldn't like his plushie Y/N cries "My prince / princess?!" "It looks so good! it looks like you!! I-I never received anything handmade…I…I…sniffs thank you" hugs him
🛡️When you're feeling sick, do expect that he will cook your favorite meals that will help you gain energy. He will care for you and give you medicine. He'll feed you and change the towel on your forehead when you have a fever.
🛡️In rare times, when you're feeling homesick, he'd try and recreate the food that you like in Earth. Since Tartaros is where technology is flourished, making getting devices that cook certain foods will be easy (takoyaki maker, waffle maker, etc).
🛡️When it's chilly outside and you forgot your coat, and you're hiding the fact that you are cold, Valefor would notice this and holds you by your waist and pulls you towards him. He will wrap his cape with you while you both walk together, his hands on your waist. 🛡️[Female Exclusive] Valefor would often have feminine products on his mansion for you. Heating pads, tampons, napkins, your favorite stash of sweets and food, you name it. He'd comfort you whenever you have moodswings or if you suddenly cry. He'd understand if you're feeling grumpy and would offer hugs. Y/N sniffs and cries "What's the matter my princess?" "Sniffs Mr. Snuggly bear's head fell of the body and I don't wanna sew right now but Mr. Snuggly bear is body-less what should i do?!" "Aww, I'll sew it, princess, don't worry"
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Contribution to one of the Valefor Council on one of the WHB Servers I'm in Discord. Thank you so much for letting my have this opportunity to write something WHB-related! I'm not by all means confident about this but I think I done a good job jdshvfba. My ask/request box is open and please feel free to ask more WHB related HCs, fics, and even imagines! Might take a good while to reply tho <33
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