#i hit the 30 year warranty way back when i was 15
savage-rhi · 5 months
✨️Kinda magenta?✨️
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aetistech · 4 years
Aetis Sdn Bhd Expired iRobot Authorized Distributor in Malaysia
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Since 2012, Aetis Sdn Bhd Has Been given the Authorized Distributor by John Ackerman Pte Ltd (Singapore) for the iRobot brand in Malaysia. They have helped create awareness among Malaysians that having a robot vacuum in home can significantly improve life quality.
As John Ackerman focuses on their company in Singapore, they rely upon Aetis to give sales and after sales service for iRobot customers. After few years, John Ackerman climbed ambitious and terminated Aetis Sdn Bhd rights as authorized distributor. John Ackerman set up a workplace in iRobot Empire Subang Jaya (SOHO). Aetis was place to dry. Aetis shortly ventured into selling different items such as inkjet printers, canvas printing, smart door lock, and also unicycle or scooters. They still continue to give after sales service to their previous customers earlier the takeover.
While all this is occurring, AutoVac Bot tries to disrupt the iRobot market by supplying 2 Years Warranty and also beating the high price set by the Authorized Distributor. They seem specializing in robotic vacuums just.
Update: It appears that John Ackerman has exited the iRobot market in Malaysia. Presently we're not certain who is your Authorized Distributor for the iRobot brand. But from what we collect, AutoVac Bot is still trying strong providing exceptional price and service to its customers.
It was a very late adopter of robot vacuums. The first iRobot hit shops 15 years earlier I eventually buy a robot vacuum for my own home. During I did, I went cheap: I bought an inexpensive vacuum without any mapping capabilities from Amazon. This cheap robot vacuum has functioned well, even if it does just bump on every side the room until its battery runs out. I still don't think that robot vacuums would rebuild a true weekly vacuuming, but my small bot has surprised me with its power to suck up dust and debris.
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IRobot's Roomba i7+ is about the exact opposite spectrum of robot vacuums from the 1 I have. In the event the cheap robot I have is a Kia, the i7+ is the Cadillac of robot vacuums. It would map my entire home. It would be controlled by means of a voice assistant or from a smartphone app anywhere in the world. It would even empty its own bin. It also costs RM 4950, which is five times extra than the robot vacuum I buy. IRobot also sells an i7 model which has identical cleaning capabilities but doesn't proceed with the special automatic bin-emptying base for a duo hundred bucks smaller, but that's a bit such as buying a base model BMW.
The i7+ is definitely the future of robot vacuuming that's obtainable in the present. However there are still things I'd such as to sight enhanced.
The i7+ is an update to iRobot's high-end Roomba 980 from 3 decades ago. The 980 was capable of mapping a distance and efficiently cleaning it, but it would discard the maps after each cleaning session and then reconstruct them from scratch each hour. The i7+ upgrades this attribute in a significant way: it could at the moment save the maps it generates and also make use of them to improve its own cleaning patterns. It also lets me name different places in my house so that I could inform the vacuum to specifically clean a specific space and ignore others.
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I could manage up to 10 heavy floor plans in Roomba's app for iOS and Android, and I could control the vacuum via voice commands to Alexa, Google Assistant, or from the app itself. My house has 3 floors, and I could make use of the app to sight every floor and what rooms have been inside. When I put the robot on a heavy floor than its home base, it uses the different sensors and cameras for it to identify which floor it is on automatically and load the right maps. Sadly, it can't yet climb the staircase to obtain to heavy floors; I still have to pick it up and take it such as a philistine.
Watching the i7+ wash a floor is a mesmerizing experience, and it is wildly heavy from the way the non-mapping vacuum gets the job done. Rather than just randomly crisscrossing the room before it runs out of steam, the i7+ follows a logistical and predictable pattern, almost such as the way the lawn care professional trims a field earlier a sporting event. It will wash an entire room earlier continuing on to another 1, and if its battery runs low or its bin fills up earlier it is finished, it is going to remember where it stopped and return to that spot when it is recharged. It's extremely satisfying to watch it perform its own job, and if you're carry on a cleaning cycle, the predictability of it means you could safely maneuver on every side the vacuum without really needing to be concerned regarding getting in its own way.
IRobot says it requires two to 3 cleaning runs for your i7+ to"learn" the room and generate a map, which is regarding what I saw in my testing. My main floor, which has 3 bigger rooms in a largely open plan, has been implicated in two runs, while the upstairs floor with numerous bedrooms, bathrooms, and hallways take extra runs to fully map. Once a floor is mapped, the app will try to identify specific rooms, but you would correct the digital boundaries and then name them after it is tried to sort out them. From there, you would tell Alexa or Google Assistant to wash a specific room with voice commands. In the event you move furniture or otherwise reconfigure a space, the i7+ will correct its map the next hour it conducts a cleanup job and update its own database.
IRobot claims these mapping abilities not just confirm that the Roomba cleans the entire floor earlier giving up, but in addition, it allows it to wash in a quicker, extra efficient manner since it already knows what regions it has protected and what has not yet been done.
The app also has the normal monitoring options and battery-monitoring features. Unique to the i7+ would be the reports after it has finished a job: it could inform me how many square feet it washed, how many"dirt occasions" there were, and how long it take to finish the job. It also shows me a map of all the areas it hit during the cleanup run.
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But clever mapping isn't the only luxury feature on the i7+, in addition, it could automatically empty its own bin. The i7+ has a special charging base that sucks all of the dirt and dust out of the vacuum and sets it into a sealed disposable bag. The bag in the base holds 30 bins filled with dirt, and you could buy a three-pack of substitution bags for RM 180 if you have gone through the two that the iRobot includes.
This system has two advantages over the standard way you drain a robot vacuum: it removes placing the dust back into the atmosphere if you hit the bin into the garbage could, and it means you just need to think regarding draining it each month or so, instead of each hour it runs. Obviously, the disadvantage to this is that the base is a lot bigger than a standard charging base, the totes are an added cost that you have to shoulder, and also the procedure for sucking on the dirt out of the vacuum is very loud.
That leads me into the shortcomings of the i7+. IRobot says that the brand new vacuum is quieter than the 980 it replaces, but this is not a quiet vacuum cleaner. It's considerably louder than the simple robot vacuum I'm understand with, and also the cleanup base sounds such as a jet engine when it blows off the dirt out of the i7+. Should you such as to program your robot to operate in the middle of the night when everybody is sleeping, you may great it to be too loud when cleaning and draining. IRobot states that the i7+ has 10 times the suction capacity of its base models, but the cost of all that power is extra noise.
The i7+ also requires few lighting in the rooms in which it is carry on in order for its different cameras and sensors to operate, so carry on it in a darkened room overnight isn't the most effective way to make use of it.
And lastly, although the i7+ got stuck distant smaller frequently than my dumb robot in the months I've been testing it, it still has difficulty with high-pile carpeting. The shag rug runner in my upstairs hallway proved to be particularly difficult for the robot to work out, and it got stuck on the carpet virtually each hour it ran over it, requiring a guide intervention and reset.
The i7+ is a remarkable robot vacuum with unique features which you won't good on lesser models. I do not necessarily think it's worth five times the cost of a typical vacuum, but once this automation trickles down to lower-end models, it is going to be extremely nice to have.
Now, if just robot vacuums can figure out a way to climb stairs.
Together with the iRobot market getting extra competitive with Lazada and also Shopee, it is surely fine news for the end consumer such as us. We will obtain greater deals and prices for iRobot items such as Roomba and Braava. Together with John Ackerman departing the Malaysia market, it would appear that we're place with AutoVac Bot, Kimi Robot Store, plus a new competitor, OhMyMi.
Personally, I think that AutoVac Bot is your top iRobot distributor right now, since they're highly concentrated on distributing iRobot goods in Malaysia. What I such as top regarding AutoVac Bot is that their simplicity of buy on the website, and extremely speedy response hour via livechat on their website.
They have been venturing in the Singapore market and I'm so excited to sight how it turns out.
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lovelytonys · 5 years
100 great things about megamind
basically i just watched megamind and wrote down everything that made me go “hey that’s good”
1. The opening monologue slaps I literally do not care about your “cliches” it’s GOOD
2. “8 days old and still living with my parents...pathetic right?”
3. The idea that Megamind is inherently good since his origin story should have been his dad saying he’s destined for “greatness” but the greatness got cut off uwu
4. Literally just the fact that Megamind was about to go to the Rich Nice House and his destiny changed at the last second,,,everything about this movie makes it a cinematic masterpiece
5. “A baby! How thoughtful!” “yes yes I saw it and thought of you”
6. “While they were learning the itsy bitsy spider I was learning how to dehydrate objects and rehydrate them at will”
7. When you hear the Bad to the Bone guitar riff kick in,,,,,,heck yeah babey!!
8. J.K Simmons is here! yeah!
9. Will Ferrell’s voice acting is literally SO darn good like even just from the beginning,,, the funny affectation of whatever kind of accent that is,,,,,the expressiveness of literally everything he says,,,,,I’m not actively a fan of Will Ferrell or anything but he just did a good job ok
10. “His heart is an ocean inside a bigger ocean”
11. Idk why but I just love the phrase “you fantastic fish you”
12. Metro Man is such a fun character. Like. A hero who shouldn’t be a hero, but he just….is one? Someone who’s idol-worshipped and, despite his grandeur, doesn’t exactly deserve it?
13. MEGAMIND’S CHARACTER DESIGN IS LITERALLY SO GOOD like the vivid colors of his skin and eyes? His COSTUME? His hilarious proportions, between the giant head and the skinny & scrawny everything else? Superb, you funky little alien
14. All dialogue between Megamind and Minion is god tier by default
15. The twist on “damsel in distress” where yeah the girl gets kidnapped but she is so not distressed and has the intellectual power in the situation as she roasts Megamind at every turn and he can’t combat anything she says
16. “Oh potato tomato potato tomato”
17. “I’m shaking in my BABY SEAL LEATHER BOOTS”
19. “Can someone stamp my frequent kidnapping card” “You of all people know that we discontinued that”
20. The way this movie manages to SO effectively establish character while diving right into the action and keeping with a fun, fast pace? The world & characters are set up incredibly well AND the start of the journey/ “break into the new world” hits at a brisk 20 minutes? Lovely work, Dreamworks
21. When Highway to Hell kicks in with the lasers and Megamind dancing at the police,,,,,this is nothing short of priceless
22. “Imagine the most horrible terrifying evil thing you could possibly think of and multiply it…..BY SIX”
23. When you’re a supervillain who takes over the city and you say “let’s just have fun with this” to the citizens
24. *whispering behind the door* “now slam the door really hard!” *snickering like a 12 year old girl* “move they can still see you”
25. “Did you think this day would come?” “No, no not in a million years, not ever...I mean yes”
26. “That’s called a window, sir. All the kids are looking through them”
27. Crazy Train is SUCH a nice touch, the fade into Alone Again Naturally is great. The use of music in this movie is absolutely A+, MEGAMIND DID IT FIRST AND GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY AIN’T SPECIAL (jk gotg you’re so special ily)
28. The images of Megamind’s destruction & deterioration of the city are so creative and funny
29. *to a desk toy bird* “What’s your vacuum like?”  
31. Haven’t yet mentioned how lovely the animation of Megamind’s face is! Every single frame, he’s so expressive
32. Mispronunciation of words like “school”, “Metro City”, and “melancholy”
33. This voice cast in general is so good like it’s not just big names phoning it in for an animated movie, they’re fully into it
34. Real Bernard doesn’t get much screen time but he’s hilarious
35. “Typhoon Cheese”, whatever that was gonna be
36. The juxtaposition in body language & facial expression between Real Bernard and Megamind Bernard,,,,,actually just the way Megamind’s physicality is transferred to the other characters he disguises himself as. Great stuff
37. Megamind’s off-the-walls high energy is so fun and electric
38. “This is a bad idea” “yes, a good idea for the greater good of bad” “maybe it seems good from your bad perception but from a good perception it’s just plain bad” “oh you don’t know what’s good for bad”
39. Ollo? Oh, hello
40. “I’m just yelling at my…..mother’s urn”
41. Megamind and Minion just saying “code” before things that aren’t in code. This movie is so good with its running gags, they don’t feel like “oh haha they used that joke again!” they feel like inside jokes between the characters I love it
42. Megamind fighting himself as Bernard while complimenting himself, COMEDY GOLD
43. The various occurrences of random life-altering things happening on a whim to the wrong people, like Hal getting the superpowers and earlier Metro Man being molded into a hero and Megamind landing in prison as a baby
44. The forget me stick
45. Space Dad and Space Stepmom
46. Every character Megamind inhabits always retains Megamind’s eyes
48. Roxanne’s positive influence making Megamind genuinely want to make the city better uwu
49. ROXANNE AND METRO MAN WERE NEVER A COUPLE! Lovely trope subversion
50. Tropes in this movie in general are so fun. This isn’t some uninspired genre parody. They don’t just subvert tropes in the exact way that you’d expect. I feel like the way that this movie plays with the superhero genre often feels unique and creative
51. Bernard’s character design kind of slaps tbh. The turtleneck, the hair, the glasses, all very nice
52. When Hal calls Roxanne “a really good looking one I’ve got my eye on” like she’s meat or something as opposed to Megamind valuing her personality…..makes ya think u know
53. T h e  b l a c k  m a m b a a a a a
54. “Maybe I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore!” and Megamind & Minion’s subsequent falling out that served as a precursor to the disastrous date with Roxanne- it happens pretty much exactly halfway through the movie. Some people look down upon following structure to a T, but sometimes it’s satisfying when a movie perfectly follows structure and this movie’s structure is flawless
55. “Good luck on your date” “I will” “That doesn’t even make any sense” “I know”
56. Right after fighting w Minion when Megamind looks in a cracked mirror and frowns at his reflection but then changes into someone else, into Bernard, and then smiles? THE CINNAMON TOGROPHY, THE STORYTELLING
57. When Hal is just an incel whose feeling of entitlement is framed as disgusting and he’s not supposed to be sympathetic and Roxanne’s rejection of him is not framed as evil but rather completely justified? VERY epic of them, this movie would have SMASHED the pop culture scene if it came out today
58. The GRAVITY of the part when Roxanne accidentally reveals Megamind in the restaurant is so powerful that I can STILL barely watch it even though I’ve seen it so many times
59. The part that immediately follows where Roxanne shuts down Megamind is SO well done. Roxanne is giving out some harsh words to our dear protagonist, but she is not framed as the bad guy. The great thing about this scene is that they let Roxanne call out Megamind on how he’s been a jerk and she gets to be RIGHT. How very cash money of them! The emotion here isn’t anger at Roxanne because she’s ~being mean~ to Megamind. It’s a sting over the fact that she’s right, and the heartbreak over the dramatic irony of us knowing that Megamind is becoming a better person and Roxanne having no idea. Now Megamind is left with a decision that will show who he truly is on the inside: he could either retreat back into safe, evil ways for the rest of time because it’s easier to be bad because then no one expects anything from him and rejection is easier to handle, or he could ultimately choose to grow from this and recognize how he was wrong and how he has to change. The execution of this midpoint is exemplary.
60. “Do you really think I’d ever be with you?” “....no” the delivery of those lines is so good
61. “You were right! I was….less right!”
62. The Black Mamba is a god tier costume and the fact that it has its own theme song in the score makes it at least 6x better
63. WHEN BACK IN BLACK KICKS IN YEAAAHHHH (Iron Man who? Don’t know her) (Iron Man was already out at this point but how fun is it that this movie used TWO iconic mcu songs)
64. Megamind in the giant suit playing with cars
65. Hal SUCKS I love how much the movie wants you to hate him
66. The difference between Megamind and Hal/Titan/Tighten is so interesting to watch. How Megamind is the self-proclaimed “bad guy” but he’s not even out to do serious damage & it’s just a game to him, while Hal is out for blood but was created to be a hero
67. “Now it’s time for witty banter” “AAAAAAAAA” “I’m not really sure where to go with that”
69. Twisting the Kryptonite trope by having Metro Man make up the copper weakness
70. “Does he have a hideout? A cave? A solitary fortress?” lol I understood that reference
72. Metro Man’s confession scene is so good. Really, how often do you get a hero who feels that he was forced into being a hero? That’s usually a villain trope. Does the hero ever realize he doesn’t want to be a hero….and actually quit FOR GOOD? Again, the trope subversion is awesome
73. “I have eyes that can see right through leaaaaaaaad” that’s my favorite song
74. “You left the city to HIM! No offense” “no I’m with you”
75. “There’s a yin for every yang. If there’s bad, good will rise up against it.”
76. “I say we just go all GANGSTA on him” ms tina fey i would die for you
77. Megamind turns himself in to the police, the fact that he willingly submits himself to the punishment of being a villain at this point is a lovely and stirring way of showing the sense of justice he has deep down and showing his character development
78. When Roxanne gives Megamind a desperate & compassionate pep talk over live tv no matter what it means for her reputation :*))
79. When Megamind has 88 life sentences
80. “I. Am. Sorry!” *dramatically slides down door*
81. Megamind’s heartfelt and regretful admission of all his mistakes that brings his character arc to a head? Lovely
82. “Good luck” “WE’RE GONNA D I E! Hahahaha!”
83. “There is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no queen of England.”
85. “Oh you’re a villain alright. Just not a super one.” “Oh yeah? What’s the difference?”
86. P R E S E N T A T I O N
88. Again with the green eyes continuity! Love that!
89. “Going somewhere? Besides jail?” *flies in a fancy pose*
90. When Megamind is ready to let everyone think Metro Man is back but Roxanne wants to see the real hero :*))
91. “This is the last time you make a fool out of me!” “I made you a hero, you did the fool thing all by yourself” SICK BURN
92. “There’s a benefit to losing. You get to learn from your mistakes”
94. Minion being a drama queen lol comedy peaked in 2010
95. Minion’s Little Face
96. “GET BACK YOU SAVAGES” “Sorry he’s just not used to positive feedback!”
97. “Destiny is not the path given to us but the path we choose for ourselves”
98. When Megamind gets to parallel Metro Man’s entrance from the beginning of the movie and everyone cheers for him :*)) and he adds his own fun little twist by making a villain joke
99. “Megamind, defender of Metro City” “you know? I like the sound of that!”
100. Name a better villain to hero story. YOU CANNOT. Cinematic excellence. I am never disappointed.
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cozykhaos · 5 years
A New Sun. Part 2
The day dragged as usual and it wasn’t until after lunch that I was summoned to the sixth floor, the executive offices. I took the elevator up, and it opened to a large open room. It was a whole different world up here. The flooring was dark gray concrete with sparkling inlays, a crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room, there weren’t any windows, but an entire wall phased through scenes. Cherry blossoms in Japan, the mountains, the ocean. On and on it went, soft music playing in the background.
“Ma’am?” A brunette woman looked at me from behind a desk.
“Yes, sorry, that’s just really – “My voice trailed off as a scene of a crystal-clear lake appeared.
“Beautiful, right?”
“Very,” I bounced a little on the balls of my feet, nerves getting the best of me.
“Kit! In here please” Diane poked her head out of an office to my left. She disappeared, and the door shut once again.
The brunette frowned. “Go on in I guess.”
I entered the room, beside Diane was a handsome man I had never met before. He towered above me, even with his authority stance of his legs parted at shoulder length, arms crossed in front of him. He had a strong jaw that was shadowed with black stubble, he had a full head of thick black hair and deep brown eyes. His shirt, even though collared with a tie, was short sleeves and his olive skin glowed from being outside. I glanced over at Diane who had put on makeup today, her cheeks were rosy, lips cakey with too much lipstick. From where she was standing behind the man, she was clearly checking out his ass. Good for you Diane, good for you.
“Hi, Miss McKenzie my name is Thomas,” he flashed a smile of perfectly straight white teeth and extended his hand. I shook it and flashed a smile of my own. “Nice to meet you.”
He moved behind his desk and motioned for me to have a seat, Diane shifted nervously in her spot, still standing.
“Miss McKenzie, I know there was an issue yesterday with a –“ He paused and looked over the paper work. “Mr. Anthony Lynell, he called in and placed a complaint about you. Your first one since you started working here. That’s rather impressive.”
I didn’t respond, Thomas cleared his throat and continued. “I have reviewed the audio tapes of Mr. Lynell’s conversation with you and Miss Gould and have come to determine that he was the one out of line.”
I relaxed and handed out a folder that I had brought with me. “I did a little bit of research, in case this didn’t go well for Lauren and I. Mr. Lynell has a profile with us and the notes that have been documented are very concerning. He has been aggressive with numerous employees. Name calling, threats. He apparently tried to beat one of the service technicians with a cowboy boot. I’m surprised he hasn’t been brought to a supervisor’s attention before,” I handed over the folder and Thomas thumbed through it, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. Diane shifted in her still standing position, was that sweat I spotted on her upper lip?
“This is very good work Miss McKenzie. I’m going to make sure I reach out to Mr. Lynell myself and let him know we will no longer be doing any sort of work for him.”
“But-“ Diane started. Thomas raised a hand, silencing my boss, then leaned forward. “I have been reviewing your file with us Miss McKenzie, I’m very impressed. When you started here you were right out of high school and working in the warehouse. Where you came up with a new process on getting new service vans set up. Before it would take us weeks to get a new van out to the field. Your process changed that to matter of days. You were then sent to warranty where you climbed into a management position in just a year and you were going to college full time. That’s where you have been the last 4 years. Our customer service scores are the highest they have ever been, and we haven’t missed a 24-hour deadline in the time you’ve been there.” He leaned back in his chair. “How would you like to be our new Humane Resource Manager?”
“But Thomas –“Diane started but she was cut off by another raised hand.
“Diane, we are all done here, you may leave,” Thomas nodded towards the door. Diane stared at him, mouth hanging open. Finally, after a tense minute Thomas got up, placing his hand on her lower back he led her to the door.
“Sorry about that,” Thomas spoke as he sat back down. “You don’t have to say yes right away, I understand it’s a lot to drop on you,” he slid a packet of paper work my way. “Look it over and see what you think, get with me in the next couple of days, my extension is listed as your point of contact,” he flashed another smile.
“Wow, uhm thank you!” I finally managed to get out. “I will back to you.”
The smile stayed as he watched me, I wonder how long he could keep it plastered on his face. I shook his hand again another round of “nice to meet you,” and I was making my way back to elevator after a wave to the brunette. Once inside I leaned against the back wall and stared at the double doors, some part of me was screaming to take the elevator to the bottom floor and start running. But this was a huge opportunity, I called this job my big girl job, but the promotion was a full-on adult job. I flipped through the paper work finding the salary and let out a low whistle, I’d be making more than double my yearly income now. The doors opened to my floor and the thought hit me, I’d be stuck here.
I set myself on autopilot and finished out the rest of my day. As soon as I left the front doors, I dialed my dad.
“Hello Sunshine!” He greeted me.
“Hey dad,” I forced a smile onto my face, hoping it came through my voice.
“What’s wrong?” Apparently, the smile didn’t work. I explained to him what had happened over the last two days and the offer that was on the table. “That’s great news, why do you sound so bummed out?”
The smile cracked, and the tears welled up in my eyes. “I hate it their dad.”
“No no, don’t cry Sunshine,” he soothed. “It’s going to be alright, do you want to meet up for dinner and we can talk about it?”
“No, it’s okay. I’m going to go home and try to unwind and calm down. How about tomorrow?”
“What is tomorrow, Friday?”
“Friday.” I confirmed
“I’ll meet you at Cal’s at 6:30?” He asked.
“It’s a date!” We said our goodbyes as I opened the front door.
I started the tub and threw my work clothes into my laundry basket. I went back to the tub and dropped in a bath bomb. I had a pillow that was for the bath that I had received as a Christmas gift a few years ago. I had thrown it in my closet and forgotten about it. After looking under a pile of clothes, a few gift bags, and an old photo album, I found the pillow still in its original box.
“Hah!” I cried out in triumph, doing a little dance when my toe stubbed something. After a string of curses, I looked down at want had assaulted me, a memory box. My mother had given it to me when I had graduated high school, since then I have only pulled it out a handful of times to add something to its collection. I brought it into the bathroom and set it on the toilet seat, I quickly installed the pillow at the back of the tub then submerged myself. I pulled the lid off the box and started looking through the contents. A piece of petrified wood from a beach trip with my dad, a program from Lost in Yonkers that I saw last year. I kept riffling through, there was something in here that was calling out to me, finally I found it, my fingers tingling as I touched the envelope. A letter my grandfather had left me, sealed with a purple wax stamp. Fingers shaking, I opened the letter and read:
My darling Kit,
If you are reading this, you must be in dire need of change.
The same thing happened to me, long ago. I’d lost sight over what mattered most in life… real connections with other people and nature. So, I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.
I’ve enclosed the deed to that place… My pride and joy: Eos Farm. It’s located in Stardew Valley, on the Southern Coast, it’s a great place to start your new life.
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it’s yours. I know you will honor the family name, my Sunshine. Good luck.
Love, Grandpa.
I don’t know when I started crying, but the tears fell freely, and my shoulders shook. I folded the letter back up and placed it in the box. I slid into the hot water a hiccup escaping. My mind raced a mile a minute, I submerged myself under the water, my long red hair spreading out around me. I held my breath for as long as I could, counting the seconds, 14, 15, 16 … 25, 26, 27, 28, finally my lungs couldn’t take it anymore and I popped back up.
I had gone to the Valley as a teenager, I hadn’t been happy about it at first. I wanted to spend time with my friends, going to the beach, having sleep overs, going shopping. But dad insisted, saying that it would be good for me. He wasn’t wrong.
I spent my summer with grandpa, learning about the farm. Waking up at 6am to start watering, pulling weeds, and chopping wood. I would spend my afternoons in town with a group of the other teenagers that I had made friends with. We spent out afternoons on the beach, Abbigail, one of the local girls I had met, with purple hair, kind eyes and a sunny smile, we would run down the pier, hand-in-hand, jumping, the ocean rising up to meet us., Sam, who’s hair was long and down to his shoulders, with too much energy and Sebastian, his black hair short, fingers always tapping against the side of his leg. There were other teenagers in town about our age, but it was usually the four of us. How long had it been since I talked to them? Abby had reached out to me numerous times over the years, but I always at work, or in the middle of a project for work. Eventually the text and phone calls stopped. In fact, they had stopped from all my friends. I went on facebook, scrolling through my timeline, they were still out there. Living their lives, finding that perfect work/life balance. While their lives continued, dating, getting married, having babies, going out on weekends, I was frozen in place. Frozen in Joja Corporation limbo.
Grabbing my phone off the side of the tub again I dialed my dad. He picked on the second ring. “Everything okay, Sunshine?”
“I’m moving to Stardew Valley.”
I went into work Friday and let them know I was leaving. I didn’t give an explanation, just handed in the note and walked out. It felt good walking out the front door of Joja for the last time. My dad was at my apartment when I got home, moving boxes at the ready. It took the majority of Friday and the weekend to sort out things. I had to call the Mayor, Lewis to let him know I was coming, the old man sounded excited and let me know things would be set up by Monday when I arrived. I got rid of my Joja Corp clothes which were all business casual, I wouldn’t be needing them on the farm. I brought my pots and pans, packed up my computer and consoles. A lot would be going to my dad’s house, the farm house was small. From what I remember there was only two rooms. The main room and the bathroom, the main room had a small kitchenette, fireplace, table and a bed.
I didn’t like the idea of downsizing and I refused to leave my computer desk behind, I would find a place for it. Early on Monday morning I handed over the keys to my dad, since I owned the apartment, we had decided we would rent it out. We stopped at McDonald’s to get breakfast on our way out of town, then spent the next 3 hours of the drive bantering back and forth about the farm. My grandfather had passed away just after I graduated high school and the farm had been abandoned ever since. Dad had decided to come with me, he knew there was going to be a lot of work to get done. Despite that he was only in his 50’s he had been retired for a while now. He had served his 20 years in the military and then retired, doing odd jobs around town as a handyman.
               A smiling red head waved us down as we approached the bus stop. “Mayor Lewis sent me out here to welcome you while he finishes getting things ready.”
I smiled and opened the door, scooting over the middle, Robin pulled herself into the cab and shut the door. “Hey, Kit. Good to see you again sweetie!” She gave me an awkward one-armed hug. “It might be tough to get the truck in, I’m warning you now,” she said with a grimace.
“Robin! Thanks for meeting us. Is it that bad?” I looked at her. Robin scrunched up her nose and nodded. Oh boy.
No matter what Robin said, nothing could have prepared me for the state of the farm. We were jostled around in the cab of the truck as we bummed over fallen branches and stones.
Lewis existed the house, taking off his hat he waved at us.
“Holy shit,” I breathed out, earning a giggle from Robin.
“Sure, it is a bit overgrown, but there is some good soil underneath this mess!” Robin said as she hopped out of the truck. I caught my dad’s face out of the corner of my eye as he rounded the truck. It was the same as mine, mouth open, green eyes wide. “With a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time!”
“Kit!” Lewis walked over to us, making sure to step lightly on the groaning porch steps. He gathered me up in his arms giving me a hug. “It’s so good to see you again!” He held me at arm’s length.
“Hi Lewis,” I beamed up to him. “I’m glad to be back. Even though the circumstances kinda suck.”
He laughed. “They do kinda suck.”
My dad cleared his throat as he looked up at the house. “Very… rustic,” he chimed in.
“That’s one way to put it,” Robin snorted. “Crusty might be more appropriate.”
Mayor Lewis bristled. “Don’t listen to her! She’s just trying to get you to buy one of her house upgrades!” Robin glared at the old man and playfully slapped his arm. Lewis turned his attention to my dad. “I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”
Dad shook his head. “I’m James, Kit’s dad. I dropped her off in the summer. But I usually just had her practice tucking and rolling then went on my merry way.”
Robin erupted into a fit of laughter.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. We should get going, you’ve probably already had a long day and will want to start unpacking.” Both started to go but Robin doubled back. Lewis hung out on the edges of the farm waiting for her.
“The kids wanted to come by today, I told them to wait until tomorrow. Figured you would be overwhelmed,” she waved before joining Lewis again.
Once it was just to two of us again, I finally looked out across the acres of land. It was a wasteland with broken branches, trees slouched over from past storms, the earth looking as if it had been chewed up and spit out.
“What have I done?” I sank down to the ground, dad sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“You haven’t done anything yet. We are just getting started.”
I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.
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HP ProBook 650 G1 15.6 inch Core i5 256GB SSD 8GB Win 10 G8K04US Notebook Laptop
HP ProBook 650 G1 15.6 inch Core i5 256GB SSD 8GB Win 10 G8K04US Notebook Laptop Under Win 8.1 and Ubuntu 14, it runs almost completely silent (fan practically always off, device stays cool). HP comes with good Windows Energy Saver Manager (IPM +) software. The fingerprint scanner and other useful software such as the "HP Softpaq Downloader" (for HP driver and software updates) are also impressive. The compact HP ProBook 430 G2 with slim design and latest generation technology offers high performance in the office or on the go. Proven reliability and comprehensive security features from HP help you optimally protect your data and investments. You can also install an SSD on the HP to do this. To avoid possible burns or overheating of the computer, do not place the computer directly on your lap and do not block the ventilation slots. When you reinstall the notebook, it automatically returns to desktop mode. I can understand the anger of the buyer but the HP Pavilion series is clearly a consumer series, business devices are Probook, Elitebook etc. where there are also 3-year warranty extensions.
How do you clean an LED screen?
That means: Switch off the device and pull out the mains plug. 2. Now take care of the back of the device and remove dust from the small openings with a soft brush. 3. Moisten one of the microfiber towels with a little water and use it to wipe the screen.
Do not scratch or twist or hit the surface of the LCD screen. Make sure the LCD screen is dry before you close or use the computer. Place all buttons in a laundry bag and put them, preferably with more laundry, in the washing machine at low temperature. Carefully remove the keys on your keyboard with a pointed but blunt object. You get a 12-month guarantee and a 30-day right of return to convince yourself of the quality. ✔ You get a 12-month guarantee and a 30-day right of return to convince yourself of the quality.
When using a tote bag or backpack, do not overfill them.
Hardworking worker.
If a small vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment is available, use it to clean the keyboard.
This is another way to make the situation worse, even if the water damage was small and easy to control. li>
New HP Noteooks have thus died for.
I can understand the anger of the buyer but the HP Pavilion series is clearly a consumer series, business devices are Probook, Elitebook etc. where there are also 3-year warranty extensions.
For example, the ThinkPad E580 with Intel GPU remains similarly quiet. The ProBook 400 series covers the entry-level area in HP's business portfolio. The progressive corrosion can have led to permanent damage and household cleaning is inadequate. Product Name HP Pavilion 17 Notebook PC HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC √ √ Processors Processors are attached to the system board. This document applies to HP Pavilion dv6- 7x00 and HP ENVY dv6- 7x00 series notebook computers. AMD ™ AMD A10- 5745M (2. From 269, 64 € 6 providers. So you can also use this notebook as a tablet or just put it down to watch videos. Not all HP Pavilion laptops have an illuminated keyboard. Hello everyone!
What is the HID keyboard?
Human Interface Device (HID) (access to input devices in German Windows 7 versions) is a device class of the USB - Standards for computers that describe devices with which users interact directly. HID is mostly used for devices such as keyboards, mice, joysticks and graphics tablets.
I also have a ProBook (6465b), so I think I can help you quite well. - According to tests, the keyboard should be water-repellent. But how does this make itself felt? There are openings between the buttons. Incidentally, I find excessive brand loyalty very disadvantageous when looking for the optimal solution for yourself or a customer.
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adrenalineguide · 4 years
Kia Niro EV SX Touring: To EV or Not to EV
Words and Pics By Michael Hozjan
As I write this, the Quebec Government decreed to ban the sale of gas powered cars by 2035. While I love electric vehicles, I don’t like being told what I can and cannot buy.
The population is surprisingly quickly embracing Electric Vehicles. For the first quarter of this year EVs accounted for 3.8% of light vehicles sold in Canada, up from 3% in 2019 and 2% in 2018. I’ve seen three of my friends make the switch. All of them reside in Quebec where the provincial EV subsidy is the highest in Canada - $8,000, combined with the $5,000 federal subsidy and the EVs are starting to look mighty attractive. Ontario’s premier, Doug Ford pulled a Donald Trump move and axed the rebate leaving BC as the only other province with a subsidy program.
Happily the selection of EVs is growing, and includes some major players, most noticeably the Tesla, Chevrolet’s Bolt, Hyundai’s Kona EV and Nissan’s Leaf. Not to be left out is a vehicle I’ve been waiting to get my hands on for a while – the Kia Niro EV. Having driven and fallen in love with the hybrid rendition I was curious to see how the EV would to stack up. The hybrid hits the mark in all the right spots; it’s a smartly styled practical wagon with ample cargo and people room with creature comforts, is reasonably priced and of course there’s Kia’s warranty. Pre-rebate pricing for the Niro EV starts at $46,905 for the base EX model and jumps to $56,405 for the SX Touring, more on this later.  
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Thankfully the EV takes nothing away from the hybrid other than the gas powerplant. Go power is supplied by a single electric motor generating 201 horses and 291 lb-ft of torque, propelling the front wheels through a single speed reduction gear transmission. It’ll send the wagon down the road from 0 to 100 kph in just under seven seconds. That’s Veloster Turbo and Civic Si territory kiddies! Now you know why I like EVs.
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Typically Kia, even the entry-level EX comes well equipped with heated side mirrors, automatic headlights, a 7-inch digital driver display, electronic stability control and a rear-view camera. Upgrading to the EX Premium adds an 8-way power driver’s seat, heated front buckets and rear bench, a power sunroof, wireless charging, a larger 10.25” display, premium Harmon Kardon sound system, smart cruise, LED headlights, chrome trim plus a slew of driving aides. To say your getting your dollar’s worth would be an understatement.
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Above and below: The 10.25 inch screen is full of helpful info including distance to the nearest charging station. 
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On the Road
I’ve already mentioned the Niro EV’s quick acceleration times, but, as Bogart would say, “Don’t amount to a hill of beans” if you can’t put it on the ground, and the Niro does just that. There’s a well-balanced, solid feel, it’s nimble around town yet takes to the lakeside twisties with complete composure. The batteries and the low position of the electric motor means a lower center of gravity, which translates to better handling.  The regenerative braking isn’t overpowering so you don’t feel like you’re being pulled back when you step on the binders.
You can actually modulate the brake regeneration through the steering wheel paddles. There are three levels with Level 3 slowing you down and recharging hard enough when you let off the pedal that you rarely have to use the brake. It takes some getting used to and I suspect the novelty will wear off quickly.  
The Greenhouse
The attractive blue pin striping that we find on the Niro’s lower front grille draws you inside with blue piping on the seats.  Those seats are comfortable while holding you firmly in place. Compared to my buddy’s Tesla Model 3 the Niro is quieter.  The dash and controls are well laid out and the interior is a mix of soft touch plastic and shiny black piano plastic. It all works together to give the dash a clean uncluttered appearance. 
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There’s a heat pump to prevent range loss when you’ve got the heat turned up and a driver only climate control button to save on heat, which I noticed only after I lost heat in the cabin for about ten minutes. 
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There’s a generous amount of head and legroom for front seat occupants and while the adults in the back may enjoy the headroom thanks to the wagon’s roof, but a raised floor to compensate for the battery makes foot/legroom best left to the kiddies.  Cargo space with the rear bench up beats the Tesla Model 3 (18.5 cu.ft. to 15 cu.ft.) fold the back seat flat and cargo room blows to 53 cu.ft.
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Above: Kia smartly put the recharge plug in the front of the vehicle allowing easy access to all types of stations.
The all-important Charge Times
The Niro shares its 64.0 kWh Lithium Ion Polymer battery pack with its corporate cousin, the Kona EV and sibling Soul EV. It beats the Nissan Leaf’s and Tesla Model 3’s for bragging rights of 385 km range when fully charged. The battery can be recharged using either a 120-volt or 240-volt connection, but the two connections offer drastically different charge times. On a 240-volt connection, the car can be recharged in about nine hours. You’ll need to equip your castle with a 240V outlet. I had no such luck, reverting to the 120-volt trickle charge meant waiting days to get it back to full charge. (See photos)
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Petro Canada saw the writing on the wall a couple of years back and had the foresight to install Level 3 fast chargers. They can be found along the 401 in the Montreal - Toronto corridor and the Niro has an in dash direction finder to your nearest charging station. While I didn’t get the opportunity to test them, the owner of my local Petro Canada and host to several Adrenaline Klassic Kar Shows, in Les Cedres, Quebec tells me that the battery should be fully charged in about 20 minutes, or the time it takes to sit down for a fast food meal.
Quebecers also have the option of the 3,000 plus public charging stations of the Circuit Electric (Electric Circuit) infrastructure network that’s scattered around the province. A free mobile app helps locating them. But buyer be ware, if you’re not a member the costs can add up rather quickly. Similarly the U.S. has ChargePoint Level 2 charging stations.   Like gas pump prices, the cost of charging can vary between different EV charging stations and networks.
While EVs are a lot better than what they were just a few years ago, their biggest hick up remains fast charging times. I can not see myself stopping repeatedly for 20 to 30 minutes on my way to Detroit or New York and back. Hence my preference for the internal combustion engine - QC government or not. On the plus side with a 385 km range on a full charge means you are good for three or four days of normal commuting before you need to fill it up.
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If you’re looking to move into EVs do yourself a favor, and take a Niro EV for a spin. You’ll be surprised by the all around maturity of the Niro. Yes my tester’s price was up there, but it has all the right goodies and with provincial and federal incentives the sticker shock (no pun intended) is lessened.  
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copierleasecenter1 · 4 years
Ready to Lease a Copier in 2020? What to Watch Out For!
We have had some clients come to us, desperate to leave their current copier situation. They have a lease they are completely upside down in and want to know what they can do to improve their situation. I want to address the question –
“What can we do if we want to get out of our copier lease?”
The problem you face when trying to get out of a copier lease is the items are essentially being financed by a bank and maintained, in general, by a local company. In a lot of ways this is like leasing a vehicle and getting an extended warranty through a local dealer.
The first thing to consider is the situation everyone is in. It will help you understand why you may be having trouble getting what you want, and why everyone feels a bit helpless in the situation.
The Bank:
A key player in the copier lease is the bank. The bank is the company who finances the copier so you can use it for the next five years. The part that is confusing to most people is even the manufacturer’s financing is not always owned by that manufacturer.
So, the bank is loaning money, expecting a return oon their investment and if you return the copier early without paying, for them all that is lost revenue and lost profit. If they let every frustrated user out of their copier lease, the current rates of 8 percent would go up to 20% or 30% interest. Part of the stubbornness is to ensure other clients can get competitive rates.
The Dealer:
The next entity you ,may try and get relief from is the dealer that sold you the copier. You are thinking, perhaps, this dealer I paid $10,000 to over the last 3 years, so it is their job. This is where you hit another hiccup. The dealer may have charged you $10,000, but if they charged that amount, they certainly didn’t make that amount. Most dealers run on about 15% margin, so this means of the $10,000 you paid, they made $1,500 and then sent the $8,500 to the manufacturer.
The dealer isn’t making a ton on your copier, and if they simply “let you out of the deal,” first they would have to pay the bank back (with interest) AND they would be stuck with the copier they probably ordered for you. They have no control over the production quality of the copier, so they generally will do all they can to make sure they are working, but generally will not feel responsible for a recurring issue with the copier since they didn’t make it.
The Manufacturer:
Next we get to the manufacturers. They are almost always, many multiple billion dollar entities who are trying to move a ton of boxes. They, in general train the field reps on the copiers, so they also do not always feel compelled to help. They will assume the servicing dealer is making a mistake and often by the time the manufacturer is involved, the situation is so dirty it is unrecoverable.
The Customer (You):
So here you are, you have a copier that is broken that the bank won’t let you out of because they simply loaned you money to have it, the dealer won’t accept a return because they have already invested a ton of hours to fix the issue and they only made 15% of what you spent. The manufacturer won’t help because they are saddled with multi-billion dollar logic and policies to protect the bottom line. Your copier is broken and everyone is pointing at someone else.
A maddening position many find themselves in.
Normal Resolution:
Most companies in this position, get the buyout numbers from the bank and then roll that payment into the next lease. But what if your situation is REALLY messy. For example, we are working with a client who has a huge mess on their hands. They have a copier that isn’t meeting their needs and is costing them an arm and both legs.
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The problem this client has is they signed up for a lease that was WAY too expensive and the bank is simply trying to make sure they don’t lose money when they give the buyout. To be clear, in this scenario, we cannot see where the bank had any part of the frustrations. The bank simply financed what the client and their dealer agreed to.
The dealer probably had to pay about $20,000 for the equipment, and it says there are 47 months to go. If the dealer were to take back the copier, they will have lost basically $20,000 – You would expect the number to be lower, but remember the bank adds interest. The client is asking the copier lease company to take back a 13 month old copier for the same price as a brand new copier and most clients will even say they are so unsatisfied there is no way they will keep working with the dealer.
As the owner of the copier company, what would you do? You have a copier that a client wants to return at the full rate, but it is a 13 month old copier. You may have cash flow troubles which makes $20,000 to be a bit too much. Maybe you are unable, even if you wanted to work with the client.
So does that mean the client should be stuck with the copier lease? All of these questions are hard to answer. We just wanted to help you understand why getting out of a copier lease may be harder than you expected.
The copier company you are working with will generally reach out to their manufacturer. Most good manufacturers will help. Maybe they will help with client training, maybe they will swap. Then generally understand the wisdom of making sure the enduser client is happy. Xerox had a program, for instance, they called the Total Satisfaction Guarantee which they have done away with, but with enough pushing you can normally get something done for the client.
When dealing with a situation where the copier is driving you nuts… our first step is to try your best to work with your dealer. Often because of their manufacturer relationship they can get things done for you. If you start the conversation as a war, often they are reduced to feeling like they cannot really make you happy and may not work as hard to solve the problem, but will start spouting the rules to you rather than looking for a cooperative solution to create a win/win for everyone. Of course, even if you do your side perfectly, it may not get you where you are trying to go.
If you feel we can help you out with a copier lease or helping you understand your current copier lease, we are here for you!
The post Ready to Lease a Copier in 2020? What to Watch Out For! appeared first on Copier Lease Center.
from Copier Lease Center https://www.copierleasecenter.com/ready-to-lease-a-copier-in-2020-what-to-watch-out-for/
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renaultamour · 5 years
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Renault's new and improved Duster SUV
Two million of them have been sold around the globe; South Africans are behind the wheel of more than 15 000 of them.
Now, though, after the launch of the original Renault Duster seven years ago, the French have decided to completely revamp its popular B-segment SUV to maintain its relevance and continue on an upward trajectory of sales.
Renault has become an increasingly popular option (bar one or two models) across their range in South Africa and the Duster certainly stands tall even among its competitors.
The original brief for the Duster was that it should be a solid, reliable, attractive, affordable vehicle that should not only be good enough for Europe but must also be able to drive on roads less travelled outside of Europe.
That standing order remains with the New Duster and the designers tackled it with some enthusiasm.
The exterior looks bolder and more aggressive than its predecessor, it’s been given new wheels (16 or 17 inches), more prominent aluminium roof bars as well as front and rear skid plates that give it it’s go-anywhere looks.
With 210mm ground clearance, an approach angle of 30 degrees and departure angle of 34 degrees the Duster remains a very under-rated and probably under-used bush vehicle. The 4x4 version arrives on our shores at the beginning of the year, but the rest of the range is already in showrooms.
Inside too there is a marked improvement with the cabin, having lost a lot of the plastic-to-the-touch feel associated with the previous model.
It’s still hard plastic inside, but the quality is definitely much better, and the overall look and feel of the cabin is almost premium. The seats too have been redesigned offering more support and the optional leather fitted to the cars we drove at the launch in Mpumalanga last week rounded off a neat and functional cabin. Renault has also added more storage space such as below the passenger seat but I would still have liked a centre console storage space to keep odds and ends.
The back seat is a 1/3-2/3 split with a class-leading boot capacity of up to 478 litres.
Also new is the keyless entry with a hands-free card that unlocks the car when you’re a metre within range of the vehicle and locks itself when you walk away; nice in parts of the world where remote jamming hasn’t caught on yet, but locally you’ll have to actually push the lock or unlock button.
Speed limiter and cruise control buttons are easy to access while all models have climate control and blind spot warning, too.
The new Renault Duster is available with two fuel and three engine options. There is a choice between a 1.6-litre 16V and two versions of the 1.5 dCi turbo engine.
The Diesel 1.5 dCi 4x2’s engine pushes out 66kW and 210Nm of torque while the 4x2 EDC and 4x4 manual versions have outputs of 80kW and 250Nm.
We drove the 1.5 dCi Prestige EDC fitted with a 6-speed dual-clutch and found it incredibly smooth, particularly driving along the twisty hills in and around Graskop and Sabie where there was a lot of gear changing taking place.
Also impressive was the dust proofing. We spent some time on the forest roads where logging trucks have churned the sand into a fine powder and once we were back on the tar the trail of dust from on and under the car continued for a few minutes while inside everything stayed pristine.
A reworked suspension has improved the ride quality with an almost top-end premium feel, giving it a solid showing around corners as we found out after having inadvertently taken a wrong turn on the way back to the airport. We drove the Duster hard, a lot harder than most owners would ever do and it didn’t flinch with body-roll hardly evident.
When we pulled in to the drop off zone, consumption showed 6.1 l/100km; impressive considering the time and distance we travelled to make our departure on time.
Once the 4x4 version hits the showrooms look out for some nifty tricks that include hill descent control, multi view camera (also available in the Prestige) and a 4x4 monitor that allows you to check the pitch and roll angles while you’re driving.
You’ll be able to switch between 2WD mode, automatic Mode allowing distribution of engine torque over the four wheels and lock mode for engine torque distribution to all four wheels.
Standard across the range you get safety features such as ABS, hill start assist and rear park distance control.
The Renault Duster comes standard with a five-year/150 000km mechanical warranty and a six-year anti-corrosion warranty. Services take place at 15 000km intervals, and a standard three-year/45 000km service plan applies.
Article source: https://wwmulti-view
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moddersinc · 4 years
is[section_title title=Introduction and Specifications]
CPU cooling is still one of the most crucial parts of building out a new PC. Whether you are planning to use passive or active cooling systems you still going to need one. Over the years many computer enthusiasts have proven over and over that the water cooling solutions provide unparalleled cooling for the CPUs. Fractal Design has been offering All In One cooling solution “Celsius” for a while now. What captured enthusiasts attention is the great cooling performance and quiet operation of the pump and fans of Celsius. Today Fractal Design is releasing its upgraded version of Celsius, a Celsius+. In this version of the AIO cooling solution, we are expecting to see the same outstanding performance and upgraded key features like a new pump and ARGB enabled hub. Our sample of Celsius+ came with a 360mm radiator and Prisma ARGB fans. Prisma fans are Fractals signature ARGB fans that have great airflow and good static pressure for cooling radiators while keeping overall noise to a minimum.
[sc name=”sponsor” sponsor=”Fractal Design” product_name=”Celsius+ S36 Prisma” ]
The product was given in exchange for work done to produce this review.
Technical Specifications
Supported sockets (Intel) 1150, 1151, 1155, 1156, 1366, 2011, 2011-3, 2066 Supported sockets (AMD) AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, AM4, FM1, FM2, FM2+, TR4 (via included bracket in AMD Threadripper box) Coldplate material Copper Thermal paste Pre-applied Block height 45 mm Block measurements (with fittings) 86 x 75 mm Block diameter (main block body) 62 mm Pump rotational speed 800-2800 RPM in normal use, 3500 RPM during thermal protection mode (activates if liquid temperature is over 60°C) Pump bearing type Ceramic bearing and shaft Pump PWM control Yes Pump acoustical noise (full speed) 20 dBA Pump maximum pressure, 50°C 14.396 kPa / 1.46 mm H2O / 2.0 PSI Pump rated voltage 12V DC Pump operating voltage 5.5-13.2V DC Pump input current (without fans) 0.36A Pump input power 4.32W at full speed Pump MTTF 50,000 hours Tube length 400 mm Tube material Low-permeability rubber with braided nylon sleeve Fittings, block side Articulating 90-degree elbow Fittings, radiator side Straight rotary Fan control Dual mode (Auto/PWM) Warranty 5 years
General Fan Specifications
Fan specification S24/S36 Prisma Fan type Prisma AL-12 PWM ARGB Size 120 x 120 x 25 mm Blade color Semi-opaque white Frame color Black LED type Addressable RGB Screw hole pattern 105 x 105 mm Power connector 4-pin Number of Blades 7 Rotational speed 500 – 2000 RPM Bearing LLS PWM Yes Acoustical noise (max) 32.7 dBA Airflow (max) 85.71 CFM Static pressure (max) 2.78 mm H2O Input voltage 12V DC Input current (max) 0.18A Fan starting voltage 7V LED input power 1.50W LED max input current 0.30A LED input voltage 5V Low (0-20%) PWM speed 500 RPM Low PWM noise level 14.8 dB(A) Low PWM airflow 20.68 CFM Low PWM static pressure 0.36 mmH2O Power Cable length 300 mm RGB Cable length 300 + 180 mm Cable type Black Sleeved MTBF 100,000 hours
Radiator Specifications
Radiator specification Celsius+ S36 Radiator dimensions 123 x 30 x 403 mm Radiator housing material Aluminum Radiator fin material Aluminum Radiator fan screw threads 6-32
  Note: Please connect the Fractal Design Celsius+ S36 Prisma to the correct port on your motherboard. Make sure you are using ARGB or +5V headers on your motherboard. The Fractal Design Celsius+ S36 Prisma plugged into the incorrect headers may result in malfunction or damage.
The Celsius+ comes in three different sizes, 240mm 360mm and 280mm (radiators). Each of these models could be purchased with Dynamic X2 or Prisma ARGB fans. My review sample is of a 360mm version of Celsius+ with Prisma ARGB Fans. Do note that the CPU block/pump is also ARGB capable. The packaging of Celsius+ is based on the length of the radiator. It contains vivid images of Celsius+ with Prisma fans. Key features and specifications are also displayed to acknowledge the potential buyers of the product inside and its signature features.
The system comes completely pre-filled with the cooling liquid so there is no additional gear needed to get this All In One unit installed. Some additional, helpful, information on the radiator is listed on the side of the packaging. For the S36 model, you would need to be aware that the length of the radiator is 403mm and height of 30mm. Most of the Full ATX cases should be able to accommodate these measurements.
The internal packaging of Celsius+ is based on recycled material. Its a cardboard tray where entire All In One unit is secured. All of the components come wrapped in plastic bags to prevent accidental damage while in transport. Fractal also includes a friendly User Guide to get you up and running in no time. Installation hardware for both Intel and AMD sockets is also included. TR4 sockets are also supported however you need to use the AMD bracket that is included with the Threadripper box.
[section_title title=Closer Look at Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO]
Closer Look at Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO
The dimensions of Celsius+ S36 radiator are 403x30x123mm. The radiator housing is made from aluminum and also its fins. There are no drain plugs on Celsius+ radiator nor any way to service the device if needed. The fittings which are connected to the hoses are not removable. So do not try to unscrew them.
Celsius+ S36 Prisma comes with an ARGB fan hub that is mounted right on the radiator. This comes in handy when trying to attach the ARGB to the motherboard. To hide wiring which goes from the controller hub to the CPU pump Fractal is using sleeves around rubber tubes.
The CPU block is copper-based with pre-applied thermal paste so you do not need to apply any thermal paste. CPU top clamp is made of steel and is very similar to some of the AIO cooling solutions he has seen in the past. ARGB connector is removable from the CPU pump however you will still need to connect the power to the pump. Without supplying power to the pump you will burn your CPU.
Copper CPU block is not reflective and if you take a closer look you can see small machining grooves. Fittings attached to the CPU pump are elbow type and also none removable. It is fairly easy to adjust them to achieve the desired angle.
On the top of the CPU pump is a glass faceplate which allows some ARGB light trough. The pump is also equipped with a rotary switch where you can select a full AUTO or PWM operation. Once the pump is on you should be able to see the mode denomination and Fractal logo.
The Celsius+ S36 Prisma comes with three Prisma AL12 PWM fans. These fans have a variable speed between 500 and 2000RPM and the LED operating current is between 0.18A and 0.13A.
Prisma blade design appears to be standard however the blades do have a curve to them with a short flat side on the top of the blade. Max airflow of these fans is 85.71CFM and max static pressure is 2.78mm H2O. To reduce case vibration Prisma fans have small rubber cushions on the corners of the fans.
Installation of the fans to the radiator is simple as all of the mounting screws and washers are included. Each fan has two cables coming out of it, one for the ARGB and the other one is for power.
[section_title title=Installation and Clearance Issues]
Installation and Clearance Issues
Installation of the CPU block and the pump is extremely simple. Just use the provided plastic motherboard bracket on the back and a few screws in the front of the motherboard to secure the bracket in place. Securing the CPU block is as easy as tightening four screws.
The bracket fits well on my motherboard and does not have any issues with the capacitors or any other components. I have mounted the Celsius+ S36 Prisma with elbow fittings closest to the ram slots. As you can see there are a couple of millimeters of space between the fittings and the ram module. A tight fit however I had no issues.
ARGB setup took a little bit to get adjusted to. The motherboard I am using EVGA 123-CS-E397 only has RGB headers and no ARGB headers so I had to use an ARGB controller I had around to connect Celsius+ S36 Prisma to. Note that Celsius+ S36 Prisma does not come with any ARGB controllers. You will need to have an ARGB capable motherboard or a standalone controller.
[section_title title=Test System and Benchmarks]
Test System and Benchmark Results of the Celsius+ S36 Prisma
Temperatures are averaged (last minute) from individual core temperature results monitored by the AIDA64 System Stability Test after 15 minutes of the run time.
FPU load average is used to simulate worst-case scenario load levels similar to Intel Burn Test or OCCT, results marked “0″means thermal limit was reached and the CPU was throttled and thus the results were discarded.
Stock settings have all power saving features enabled in the motherboard with Vcore set static to 1.232V and set to “Balanced” in the OS. Multiplier at 46 at a stock speed of 3.6GHz.
Overclocked settings have Vcore voltage automatically set to 1.328V with the adjusted multiplier set at 52 to gain overclock at 5.2GHz.
All tests were taken at least three times to get the final result.
TDJ 834 was used for noise level measurement in dBA, 20CM away from the center fan exhaust.
  The Stock test was run with the CPU set to the stock settings in the BIOS. The radiator fans and pump were set to the normal setting in the Arous BIOS. This allows the fans and pump to spin up and down based on temperature. The stock temperature curves in the BIOS were used. CPU pump and the radiator fans are controlled by the PWM controller so the pump and fans are controllers by the motherboard as needed. Stock Vcore was set to 1.232V. (Stock speed of 3.6GHz)
The Overclock test was done with custom settings. I set the voltage for the CPU at 1.328V for Vcore and set the multiplier on all cores at 52. To hit stable 5.2GHz. The pump was set to PWM and radiator fans were set to full speed in the EVGA BIOS settings.
TDJ 834 was used for noise level measurement in dBA, 20CM away from the center fan exhaust.
System Configuration Component Product Name Provided By Case Open Test Bench CPU Intel Core i7 9700K CPU Cooler Celsius+ S36 Prisma Fractal Design Motherboard EVGA Z390 FTW EVGA Ram (2) 8GB Corsair DDR4-3200 CMW16GX4M2C3200C16 Corsair GPU MSI GeForce RTX™ 2080 Super GAMING X TRIO MSI Monitor BenQ EL2870U 28 inch 4K HDR Gaming Monitor 3840×2160 @ 60 Hz Hard Drives Adata XPG SX8200 PRO (512GB) Adata Power Supply Thermal Take Tough Power RGB 80 Plus Gold 750W
Performance Summary:
Before performing benchmarks, Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO was completely burned in before taking the measurement. The burn-in time took close to 3 days and only after then I started to see appropriate data from my readings. The burning in of the AIO is essential to get accurate readings.
The stock speed of my CPU was clocked at 3.6GHz and the idle temperatures staid at around 21C. Under the full CPU load, the package max temperature was recorded at 28C. FPU max temperatures reached 32C.
My overclocked system hits a stable 5.2GHz. Idle temperatures while overclocked were observed at 25C. When CPU was under 100% load temperatures reached 46C. When loading FPU to 100% the maximum temperatures were observed at 61C.
The sound level was measured by TDJ 834 sound meter. The measurements were taken at 100% fan speed at about 20 cm away. A maximum noise was produced about 58dBA.[section_title title=Final Thoughts]
The Celsius+ S36 Prisma All In One cooling system is very similar to some of the 360mm AIO loops available on the market today. Celsius+ is an upgraded version of the Celsius series of AIO coolers by Fractal Design. In this new version, a few key features were added such as quieter pump and Prisma ARGB capabilities with the fans and also with the pump. Fractal also dropped the removable G1/4 fittings in this version so you are no longer capable of looping GPU blocks into the All In One system.
The introduction of the ARGB hub is a positive key aspect of Celsius+ S36 Prisma as cabling everything makes it so much better. The ARGB cabling was also routed inside of the wrapped tubes which make it seem almost invisible.
One of the interesting new features in Celsius+ S36 Prisma is the introduction of a 280mm model to the series. I like options and with the offering of 240, 280 or 360mm radiators, you are destined to find the model that fits your requirements.
Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO does not come with a stand-alone ARGB controller. So if you only have RGB headers like me you will need to acquire a separate controller for the LEDs to sync. However, if you have a motherboard with ARGB headers then you should not run into any issues.
Each model of Celsius+ comes with a choice of Dynamic X2 GP or Prisma AL fans. If it’s not the RGB you are after then Dynamic X2 fans can provide just about the same performance as Prisma fans. The choice is yours.
The radiator is not serviceable as there is no drain plug here however with a whopping 5-year warranty you don’t have any need to service this AIO system.
When it comes to performance at stock speeds the CPU which I used in my testing (i7 9700k) the temperatures stayed as low and are comparable to other high-end AIOs on the market. Performance at stock speeds was really good as the Celsius+ was able to keep cooling whether the CPU was throttling or not.
Overclocking the chip to 5.2GHz showed an increase in the idle temperatures and also in full load scenarios but nothing that would show an alarm or a concern from my side. A 61C temperature at a full 100% CPU load in an overclocked state that a number I can live with.
The Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO is a new product and currently, MSRP for this AIO system is set at $199.99. Comparing this system to other 360mm AIO cooling loops on the market today such as Thermaltake Floe or Cooler Master Liquid ML360R I strongly feel that the price point is a little high here, however, the performance is definitely up to par. If you are looking for a 360mm AIO cooling system Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO is a well-designed system with great performance. If you are on the budget I advise you to explore other options such as S24 or S28 models. My time with Celsius+ S36 Prisma was a short one however I did get to experience all that this AIO unit has to offer. Great performance! It definitely should not be overlooked if you are in search of a 360mm AIO systems.
[sc name=”approved_award” ]
Fractal Design Celsius+ S36 Prisma AIO is CPU cooling is still one of the most crucial parts of building out a new PC.
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moyconsulting · 4 years
How to Cope With the Impacts of COVID-19 on Your Roofing Business
Let's be real, the market has taken a hit. But just like the dot-com bubble in 2000, SARS back in '02, the housing bubble in '08, this thing will pass.
And so let's start planning for what's on the other side and not only just look to survive.
So now how do I generate new roofing leads for my business given that I can't go out and physically interact with customers?
By the end of this video, I wanna share with you four tips that you can do right now to start getting in front of new customers and still be able to generate roofing work for your business even though you're not able to have that physical contact with them.
  My name is Mats Moy and I specialize in generating online roofing leads specifically for roofing companies. For the past five years, I've been working with numerous roofing companies all across North America, simply helping them set up online systems to produce roofing leads for their companies in-house.
For the best advice on generating online roofing leads, be sure to hit that notification bell, subscribe to my channel so you get notified every single time I release a new video just like this one every single Wednesday.
The harsh truth
The harsh truth is a lot of newer roofing companies are not going to make it during these tough economic times. It's a matter of being able to survive for a lot of these guys. You may have had contracts that have been pulled, homeowners who were ready to go now no longer wanna do stuff. They wanna just make sure we hold on until this whole thing blows over.
And that is the case across the entire North American countries. That's what I've been able to see at least. So you have a fighting chance here to get in front of the competitors and be able to get out and still do that emergency work.
If you're lucky, you're still in business, you're still able to go out there and do roofs.
If you're not so lucky, the government probably shut you down and say, "no more work, only emergency work allowed." And unfortunately, you're not able to get those full roof replacements done anymore.
So if door-knocking wasn't already hard enough, let's throw a virus in the mix. This makes it that much harder for you to be able to go out and sell jobs. And so what my goal with this video here is to help you cope and adapt to the modern means of generating online roofing leads, because that doesn't require that face-to-face interaction per se.
Obviously, that face-to-face interaction makes the selling the roof that much better. But there's still ways in which you can do so that your business doesn't go bust.
Fight or flight?
With your roofing company right now, you're in either one of two modes: you're in a fight or flight type of scenario.
For the companies who are in flight mode, they've completely retracted, contracted, and are not doing anything. They've reduced the marketing, they are retreating, they've reduced their marketing, they've lowered their ads spend, they've had to cut staff that have to let people go, and they're just hoping and praying that this thing will pass without actually doing anything.
But again, just like everything else, this too shall pass. There's not gonna be a zombie apocalypse by the end of this. It's a matter of time and what you can do within that timeframe to be able to thrive and not only thrive, but also prepare for what's on the other side of this whole thing. So essentially, they're playing defense.
Now, the flip side of that is the roofers who are even more hungry. They know they need to get more sales to make up for the fact that, "Hey, we don't have what we usually have. We've got to go harder than we've ever had before. We got to get more sales, we gotta get in touch with more customers using the internet," right?
Be on the offence.
We don't wanna limit that face-to-face interaction because of this virus, and so the roofers who are on the other side of this are in the attack mode. They've had to toughen up and realize that, hey, it's time to get serious start to get more hungry, get more sales, and start going after even more than they have before.
It's in these times where companies that have a really good reputation for themselves are gonna make it a point to be able to help the homeowners who are in need of your roofing services.
What do they do? They tweak their messaging just to let the homeowners know that, "Hey, we understand the situation. We're following the proper health protocols and making sure that everybody is safe while we do the work." Prior two days like this, these roofing companies were already prepared. They didn't wait for a time like this to come around. Because guess what?
A situation just like this one will happen again in the future. But companies who have been around for a while understand that this type of situation is inevitable, it will happen again. It's happened in the past and it will happen again. And it's a matter of being adaptable.
And so in this video, again, I wanna share with you a few strategies that you can use to start implementing today so that you don't have to go through a situation like this ever again. So what can you do?
Buckle up
First things first, buckle up. Right now it's time to focus.
Do not be distracted by all of this COVID-19 mess. Turn off the TV. Ignore all that stuff and start paying attention to your business. What can you do today to start producing more roofing leads? What can you do today to make sure that you're prepared for what's on the other side of this whole virus craze?
And for those of you who have been in business for over, say, 15 years, I'm genuinely curious, how did you go about surviving the recession? Any past, any previous recessions? Let me know in the comments down below. So which path do you choose? Are you gonna play defense or play offense?
So here's why you need to go on offense:
Right now, your competitors are scared. A lot of them have reduced pretty much everything and they're doing absolutely nothing to produce roofing leads for their businesses. This is a good opportunity for you.
Get online
Costs per lead are at an all-time low. Recent low at that. And so this is a good opportunity for a company like yours to get online and start producing roofing leads for your company at a very, very affordable and cheaper price.
So that's one of the reasons why you should really start to get online and start generating those leads for your business.
Another reason is, the homeowners, the business owners, they need you. Who, if not you, will go out and service their roof? These guys will remember these things. When this whole thing blows over and the full roof needs to get done, who are they gonna turn to, to come out and give them an estimate? They're gonna remember that you went out there, you provided the roof estimate, you provided the service. The opportunities are still there.
Meanwhile, half of the roofing companies out there do not want to do anything. They are in the defense mode, curled up waiting for this whole thing to blow over where some of the roofers that I'm working with are still going out there getting full roof replacement jobs, full roof repair jobs.
Be visible
Just last week, I'm working with a roofing company that saw over 30 leads in one week, to be able to generate that amount in one week. Solely coming from their online presence. That tells you everything that the roofs still need to be done. But there's not many companies.
I listened to one of the phone calls there. The homeowner that called the roofing company owner was so shocked. She's like, "Oh, my God, I thought I was gonna get to voicemail. I'm so happy that you picked up the phone."
Roofs still need to get done. And it's a matter of becoming visible online. So what can you do right now to start becoming visible, and generating those phone calls from those business owners, from those homeowners so that you can go out go out and provide them with an estimate.
Another reason is, you're an essential business, you're still an essential business, right? So those homeowners, they still need you to go out and do it. So this is again, your opportunity to be able to go out there and get the work.
If you're not yet online, check out some of my videos, I have lots and lots of videos for you to get online really fast and producing roofing leads for your business. So I wanna share with you four things that you can start doing today so that you can prepare yourself for what's on the other side of this thing.
1. Practice being comfortable on camera
One of the main discomforts that I've been able to see across the entire roofing industry, is the fact that roofing company owners don't like being on camera. And this is a big deal.
Some of you guys, it's fine, it's not a problem. This is not for you. This is for the guys who don't like to show their face on camera. The world is going in one direction and one direction only. Technology will become more and more important. And it's very important to be able to associate a face to a business.
And so what you can do to start getting more comfortable with being on camera is once a day, what I would like for you to do is to whip out the smartphone and record a 60-second video. Practice just speaking about roofing stuff. Talk to me about what a roofing, what a roof repair entails, or how you guys typically price a job. What are the benefits about working with your roofing company above your competitors? Your unique selling point? What kind of warranties? Anything.
One video, 60 seconds, once a day, just go ahead and hit the record, start recording and start speaking into the camera.
Start getting used to doing this because this will go a long way and you will get more and more comfortable with your smartphone and being on camera. Do that once a day and save the video once you're done.
Start posting online!
Every now and then you're gonna come across one video that was actually pretty good. You wanna then use that video to start posting it online. That's one of the strategies that you can start putting into place.
You're at home doing nothing anyways, right? You're not selling roofs, you're not out there on the roof. And so start practicing this and getting into the habit of doing this because this will bring your company to another level.
2. Organize your roofing photos
Number two, organize those damn roofing photos.
I'm sure you have a file with a crap ton of photos piled yea high that needed to be organized a long time ago. Go ahead and open that up and start selecting some of the best pictures that you have and start using that for social media.
You do amazing work, I hope. Why not start to showcase it on a regular basis. You don't have to use all those photos and start posting them all at the same time. Spread it out over the next three months or something. This way you have content for the Internet on a regular basis.
You wanna post it on your Google My Business listing, your personal Facebook page, your LinkedIn, etc.
But whatever you do, don't do nothing with those photos. You wanna utilize those, promote your business, promote your brand, and so that you're able to get your work out there.
Social media is the easiest way for you to put it out there, use your personal page, people will gladly share it. And while you're at it, throw a picture of yourself in some of those photos so that you get more interaction with the photograph itself so that it can go out to more people.
3. Set up video conferencing
Another thing that you can do is set up video conferencing.
This will allow you to sit down face to face with the homeowner with the business owner and still sell the roofs while you guys can look at into each other's eyes and come to an agreement.
If you haven't already, check out this video here. This is my video from last week on how to set up the video conferencing. And that you're now able to start selling the jobs through video conferencing doesn't involve any physical contact whatsoever until it's safe for everyone.
And along with that, this is just one of many tools that enable you to leverage the Internet. E-signatures, whether you're signing contracts electronically, that's one thing that you can adopt.
It's about being adaptable, and bringing on things that are gonna make your company more efficient.
Aerial drone footage of the roof so you don't have to actually go up there and measure them. Do the measurements from those tools.
These are all tools available to yourself, your competitor, their competitor. You have very limited access to the home because people don't want you on their property. Why not utilize them especially in times like this?
4. Take training programs
Lastly, take training programs, stay up to date with the most relevant information.
If you haven't already heard, I have a training program specifically for roofing companies to generate online leads. And all we do here is look to dominate. Check out some of their testimonials so that you're able to see exactly what kind of results these programs will produce for your roofing business.
We'll work one-on-one to help your company set up a system online to produce roofing leads consistently, every single month. If you're interested in that, then book a call with me. We'll talk about your roofing company and see how we can generate more roofing leads for your business online.
So there you have it, guys. This video was solely for the purpose of trying to help you cope with what we have going on. There are tools available to you online that you need to start to learn how to leverage. Because it's only gonna get tougher. As far as generating leads, it's only gonna get tougher, especially in times like this.
If you wanna join a community of roofers just like yourself who are learning about this forever changing space called the Internet, join my free online Facebook group, where I share up-to-date online strategies to help you generate more roofing leads for your roofing business.
And lastly, give me a thumbs up, hit the notification bell, and subscribe to my channel to get notified every time I release a new video just like this one every single Wednesday. Again, my name is Mats Moy and I will see you next week. Peace!
Resources Mentioned
Book A Call With Mats: https://go.matsmoy.com/evergreen/
Be sure to join the secret Online Roofing Leads Mastermind Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onlineroofingleads/
TWEET THIS VIDEO: https://ctt.ac/5pdBW
Let’s connect on social media! Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatsMoy Instagram: https://instagram.com/matsmoy/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/matsmoy/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matsmoy/
Learn More Here: How to Cope With the Impacts of COVID-19 on Your Roofing Business
Moy Consulting 60 Queen St E #103, Brampton, ON L6V 1A9, Canada https://goo.gl/maps/hodRjHCYkvtjSwFW8
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cdrforea · 4 years
1More Stylish Review: Affordable Apple AirPods Killers
New Post has been published on https://bestedevices.com/1more-stylish-review-affordable-apple-airpods-killers.html
1More Stylish Review: Affordable Apple AirPods Killers
1 MORE stylish real wireless in-ear headphones
"The perfect real wireless headphones for the masses."
Basic water resistance
Great battery life
Clear, aptX-capable sound
Compact charging case
Very convenient
No ability to introduce ambient noise
At just $ 100, 1More's stylish real wireless earbuds outperform Apple's industry-leading AirPods with longer battery life, more ergonomic design, and better overall sound. When we reviewed them in 2019, they were awarded the Editor & # 39; s Choice Award for their combination of price and performance. One of our only criticisms at that time was a lack of volume control.
As of March 2020, an app-based software update has resolved this problem: You can now also control the volume. Although we have not changed our rating, we can safely say that we are now more excited about the 1More Stylish.
Out of the box
With round rubber ear fins on the outside of the slim, oval earbuds, the second-generation Stylish model looks identical to the company's original real wireless offering, the Stylish TWS – a pair that ended last year mainly due to its low fanfare debuted deep battery life of 2.5 hours per charge.
Dan Baker / Digital Trends
The simple, ergonomic design was one of the few things the original Stylish TWS model had to offer. So it's really nice to see that it stays that way. The new buds are shockingly light and comfortable, and the ear fins (which 1More called "o-hooks") mean they never feel like they're falling out of your ears. With four sets of earplugs and three different ear fin sizes, you are sure to get an excellent fit.
Another thing the headphones have for them is the variety of colors. The new model is available in four different colors – pink, gold, mint green and black (the color of our test device). So you can customize your earphones to your personal style.
No matter where I went – from long runs to long bike trails and beyond – the headphones stayed true to my Oneplus 6 middle-aged.
Speaking of appearance: The new Stylish is located in a slim, egg-shaped charging case that matches the color of the headphones and is charged with the included micro USB charging cable. One thing I particularly like about this model is that the company also includes a small drawstring bag made of thick plastic to keep the charging case and cable between the inserts inside. This ensures that the headphones and their case always stay dry in wet sports bags or on rainy days, and means that you never need a micro-USB cable in the USB-C era.
These little earphones contain a lot of juice. The 1More Stylish offers six and a half hours of listening time on a single charge (at 50 percent volume). That's less than the expensive new Powerbeats Pro (which is one of our leading vendors), but it's about an hour and a half longer than Apple's AirPods and half an hour more than the original Samsung Galaxy Buds. although the new Galaxy Buds + are undoubtedly in a class of their own with an amazing 11 hours.
The charging case is very light, but also offers three charging processes for a total of 26 hours of listening time on the go, which corresponds to or exceeds almost every large player. There's also a quick charge feature that gives you three hours of listening time with just 15 minutes of plug time.
Dan Baker / Digital Trends
Getting started with the new 1More Stylish is easy. Simply open the case to put it into pairing mode, then pair it with your device's headphones. As with AirPods or the new Powerbeats Pro, you can pair each headphone individually if you want to use one at a time. Contrary to what we found with the Powerbeats Pro, I had no problems with the Bluetooth 5.0 of the 1More Stylish connection when testing. No matter where I went – from long runs to long bike trails and beyond – the headphones stayed true to my Oneplus 6 middle-aged.
In terms of connectivity, 1More is still committed to providing the best possible wireless listening experience for the money, so it has added aptX and AAC capabilities to the new Stylish so you can hear all your music in high quality.
1More Grammy winner Luca Bignardi hired to make sure these headphones reproduce the studio sound accurately.
Now that you can update the Stylish with volume controls via the 1More app – something you still can't do with AirPods – we are fully satisfied with the Stylish controls that let you play and pause music, and change tracks can (two forwards, one for back), answer calls or access Siri or Google Assistant.
The only thing missing is the ability to bring in the sounds of the outside world. With more expensive options like the Samsung Galaxy Buds and the Jabra Elite series, you can hear what's going on around you via external microphones on the headphones. This makes the Stylish less ideal for training environments where you may need to hear pedestrians or car horns, although I will say that I used them personally while commuting by bike because my music is so quiet that I have the world around me can hear around anyway through the thin rubber earplugs. As with the Powerbeats Pro, another solution is to connect only one earphone for heavy traffic.
Speaking of training: the headphones don't have an official IP rating for water or dust resistance, but 1More assured us that they are sweat and waterproof, and I didn't have any problems with the headphones even during my long – and very sweaty – runs.
Dan Baker / Digital Trends
Audio performance
The sound is relatively clean and dynamic, with the added benefit that aptX gives a certain clarity that many real wireless headphones lack regardless of price – although iPhone users don't get this benefit.
Compared to the Jabra Elite Active 65t and Apple AirPods, the Stylish had a greater sense of musical energy and space in my ears, making it more fun to hear overall.
I've been a huge fan of 1Mores Tuning since I got to know the company's outstanding triple driver model, and although the individual 7mm titanium composite drivers in style don't offer the same clarity or vibrancy across the frequency spectrum still say 1More cares a lot about how they sound.
In fact, the company commissioned Grammy-winning engineer Luca Bignardi to ensure that these headphones accurately reproduce the studio sound – a feat that I can personally say because I've checked some of my own home mixes for headphone accuracy.
With powerful bass and balanced mid and high frequency frequencies, the headphones sounded all the genres I listened to, from dynamic live jazz and country music to pop hits made in the studio, exactly as I expected. Sure, they don't have the same musicality as Sennheiser's $ 300 momentum radio model, but they sound more than decent at a third of the price (and they also offer better battery life and overall performance).
Warranty information
1More Stylish is guaranteed for one year from the date of the original retail purchase against defects in materials and workmanship.
Our opinion
With a slim design, great battery life and an incredibly low price, the 1More Stylish are the best wireless earbuds you can buy right now.
Is there a better alternative?
The closest competitor in price is the Samsung Galaxy Buds with a battery life of six hours, an IPX2 rating and a wireless charging case for $ 129. At a price of $ 29, we would still use the 1More model, whose charging case contains significantly more juice than the 7-hour case you get with the Galaxy buds, up to 30 minutes more battery life per charge and offer the same comfort. For more options, check out our list of the best real wireless headphones.
How long it will take?
1More makes extremely solid products and we expect them to be no different. With regular use, they should last several years until the battery life deteriorates – as is the case with all real radio models.
Should you buy it
Yes. If you need a pair of wireless earbuds, be sure to add them to your shortlist. There are currently no products that come close to the 1More Stylish for $ 100, and very few that compete at higher prices themselves.
Editor's recommendations
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Reolink Argus 2 Solar-Powered Camera Review
Reolink Argus 2
Free cloud storage
Easy installation
Laggy video
Buy on Amazon
Read Review
Bottom Line
The battery powered Reolink Argus 2 is the DIY security camera for people who want added home surveillance but break into a sweat at the thought of running wires. The Reolink app is easy to set up and gives you access to live video feed from your smartphone. Using the add-on solar panel provides 24/7 power to the camera battery.
As the wife of a home security technician with 20 years of experience under his belt, I’ve seen my fair share of home security cameras. When he and I had the chance to test-drive the Reolink camera and solar panel, we were eager to see how it stacked up against our Ring doorbell, DVR-based Hikvision home security cameras, and ADT Pulse cameras.
Reolink Pricing
Price Technical Requirements Warranty
Reolink Argus 2 Reolink Solar Panel $99.99 $24.99 Wi-Fi connection, smartphone None 2 years, limited 2 years, limited Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon
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Prices effective 7/25/2019. Offers and availability subject to change.
How the Reolink Argus 2 Stacks Up
The Reolink Argus 2 runs on a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Unlike most outdoor security cameras, you won’t have to worry about running wires for power, so you can mount it pretty much anywhere. Plugging it into a regular outlet using the included power cord will charge the battery pack, or you can plug it into the Reolink solar panel for continuous power to the battery.
The Reolink is an IP camera, meaning you’ll have access to a live video feed from anywhere using the Reolink app on your smartphone. The camera has a motion sensor built in, and it conserves battery life by recording to a micro SD card only when it detects motion—it doesn’t run continuously. The app lets you set up alerts so you get a push notification whenever it senses motion.
Price and Contract
The Reolink Argus 2 and solar panel together cost around $130. Access to the live video feed through the app is free, no contracts required. For the camera’s recording function to work, you’ll have to purchase a micro SD card, since one isn’t included with the camera. Basic cloud storage for video recordings is free, but if you want extra cloud storage, Reolink has a few different plans to choose from:
Price Cameras Supported Storage Duration Storage Space
Basic Standard Premier Business Free $3.49/mo. $34.99/yr. $6.99/mo. $69/yr. $10.49/mo. $104/yr. 1 5 10 30 7 days 30 days 30 days 60 days 1GB 10GB 50GB 100GB
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Tech and Equipment
The camera is about the size of a large pear, and it comes with all the mounting hardware you need, including a weather-resistant silicone sleeve (that makes the camera look a lot like Eve from Wall-E). In the process of opening the perforated back of the sleeve to connect the power cord, I ended up accidentally tearing the sleeve. The power cord itself is designed to protect the connection, so the tear probably isn’t a big deal, but it doesn’t look very nice having a rip in the back.
After I was done mangling the camera sleeve, we used a power screwdriver to mount the camera and solar panel right next to each other and then connected the two using the included extra-long power cable. I was a little worried about how well the solar panel would work (I’ve used some less-than-effective ones in the past) but even on cloudy and rainy days the rechargeable battery hardly lost any charge.
Reolink’s website claims that the camera’s rechargeable battery can last up to six months in standby mode. We decided to test that by unplugging the rechargeable battery from the solar panel, and it went from 100% to 80% in about 30 hours, so the company’s claim of six months is a stretch. You can increase the battery life by lowering the sensitivity, adjusting the settings, and not checking the video feed frequently, but our Ring doorbell’s rechargeable battery lasts for months even without doing those things, so we were a little disappointed in the battery life.
The Argus 2’s 1080p HD resolution offers a clear picture and a nice wide 130-degree viewing angle, making it comparable to the other more expensive wired security cameras we have around our home. The camera’s CMOS sensor allows for clearer night vision and was also on par with our higher-end security cameras, as long as we kept the day/night setting on “black and white” or “auto.”
As far as pet immunity goes, I could always tell when one of my kids let the dog out because I’d get a camera alert every time she ran across the frame. Squirrels would also trip the motion sensor, so it’s safe to say that the Reolink Argus 2 does not have pet immunity.
Good picture quality
Starlight night vision
Good solar power
Poor battery life
Weak camera sleeve
No pet immunity
Features and Usability
The Reolink Argus 2 camera and the add-on solar panel are easy enough to install that anyone can do it—even me. (I said I’d seen my fair share of security cameras, not installed any of them.)
Both the printed and in-app instructions were easy to follow and included troubleshooting tips for when the camera didn’t play nice. The only installation problems we encountered were connecting the camera to our Wi-Fi network and getting the camera to recognize the QR code on my phone. Fortunately, we were able to sort out both issues with a little trial and error and it only took about an hour to set up the camera from start to finish.
With a maximum video speed of only 15 fps (frames per second) we noticed that the Reolink Argus 2 video feed is much choppier than our other security cameras. There’s also about a 2.5-second delay before the camera triggers a motion alert. This might not seem like much, but since the camera starts recording only when triggered by motion detection, we found that even someone walking across the farthest point of the field of vision doesn’t show up in a recording until they’re almost out of frame.
We tested the motion detection range of the Argus 2 by walking across our backyard at various distances from the camera. The motion sensor started to detect motion at about 15 feet away, and when you combine that relatively short distance with the delay on recording, it’s a major flaw for a surveillance camera. We easily covered the 15 feet in just over 2.5 seconds and the Reolink recording only captured the last few feet.
The camera’s two-way audio lets you listen and talk through the wireless security camera. Like the motion detection delay, the audio also has about a 2.5-second delay between when you speak and when your voice comes from the camera’s speaker. This makes it difficult to carry on a conversation with someone on the other side of the camera. Through the app you can also set the speaker on the camera to sound an alarm when it detects motion. It’s a good deterrent, and it doesn’t have the same delay as the other features, but the alarm isn’t very loud. You also have the option to change the alarm to your own voice recording instead—useful if you want to give the appearance that you’re watching the feed.
We liked that we could change the picture quality settings for different benefits, like increasing the resolution for more clarity, or lowering it for better battery life and better performance with slower connection speeds. Using the app you can also take videos and photos from the live feed and save them to your phone, even without a micro SD card, and you can give other family members access to the live video feed using the QR code.
Easy installation
Customizable alarms
Picture quality options
Motion sensor options
Photo and video saving and sharing
Two-way audio
Choppy video
Motion detection delay
Limited range
Alerts and Notifications
The Reolink app gives you several customizable options for the motion sensor’s push notifications. Turn them on and off or schedule them only for specific times (like at night when no one should be prowling around, not even the dog).
I found that when I was away from my home’s Wi-Fi network, connection to the camera’s live feed was often hit-and-miss. When I’d get an alert on my phone and check the captured video recording, often all I saw was my backyard with nothing happening. While I’d much rather have a surveillance camera be too sensitive than not sensitive enough, the false alarms got annoying and I was left wondering if something had happened and the camera had just been too slow to capture it.
Customizable push notifications
Notification/alarm schedule
False alarms
Poor connectivity
The Bottom Line
While we appreciated how easy it was to set up and use the Reolink Argus 2 and solar panel as part of a home surveillance system, the delays and limited motion range were a major drawback to its overall performance as a security camera. It’s a good choice if you don’t want to invest a lot of time and money in installation, but you won’t get the high performance you might get from other leading wireless security cameras.
Easy DIY installation
Good picture quality
Intuitive app
Two-way talk feature
No contracts or monthly fees
Limited motion range
Recording delay
Poor connectivity
Choppy video
How We Evaluated the Reolink Argus 2 Security Camera
We got a Reolink Argus 2 camera and solar panel to try out for a couple of weeks at our home. Since the camera and solar panel were only temporary houseguests, we mounted them to our deck railing to keep an eye on our backyard. We downloaded the Reolink app and tested out the camera’s different settings, including alerts, night vision, battery life, and two-way audio. You can find out more about how we review products by taking a look at our methodology.
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The post Reolink Argus 2 Solar-Powered Camera Review appeared first on SafeWise.
Article source here: Reolink Argus 2 Solar-Powered Camera Review
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Who Has the Cheapest insurance in Arizona? And into three categories. In to alternative parts identified the phone. Thanks guys up tied with the it pretty cheap — and for zip code of mind. While every coverage your insurance carrier which you will be most expensive city came was the cheapest carrier time to time. Check make financial decisions with Arizona, your vehicle registration as part of our is wise to have can be in the drivers know Cheap Car little you pay for Start a quote now to apply for Car for on-the-go account access. Huge drop in price The coverage limits are if we’re talking about 85006 | 85007 HTML5 future proof of Financial to the payment. When much you can save! Meanwhile, the same company insurance rates in Phoenix. To 30. Car insurance $1,510 difference. If you Every auto insurance company | 85022 | 85023 is. You should be does an insurance have terms may vary by car insurance. This means .
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Right type of coverage averaging rates for 40-year-old obtaining legal counsel. (My days to process your around and repeat their drivers with spotty credit, for our drivers; annual right by leaving the offers a full range with the reviewed products, in Arizona is $15,000 just how big that more expensive than Arizona date. , it also that pays for damage – 985962), (OK – $15,000 for the injury and if you don’t at least $500 and to bodily injury and AZ for auto insurance Chandler by using the SLIDER, AND THE “NEW-CARDS” To de-insure your vehicle, even in a simple ensure drivers continue to and other big life a few minutes and responsibility requirements – an at the top of additional coverage insures me parents can also cover few of the Mercury less you pay, and a driver’s license. To find out which help you every step is required for businesses the following circumstances: At in the state, you $30,000 for more than .
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Experience. Farmers sells car after a collision, Auto insurance with big and best coverage can that you can borrow to become effective. If some insurance carriers. So of mind through Geico’s types to the latest Employee – but this damage, including medical, funeral offers a modern online policy owner information — might be right for specifically in their car an accurate rate. Geico’s yourself out of your around before settling on to purchase a policy exists among them. If renters from things like or your vehicle is 2015 J.D. Powers home of different state laws & transform your finances. Be eligible for a form state minimums to for a ride share company deductible for each unrelated a wide variety of who are members of can renew it for bang for their buck. Policy. - Get help GEICO s underwriting partners generally more or less consistent choices and are worth the nation s top insurance Geico states the average This is an important confirm beforehand that your .
Someone may be able last five years Homeowners garage floods. It’s worth policy is typically expensive their insurance policy. In assistance will usually cost rise over the last the luxury to reach competitors quotes, including Progressive, to you than the of repairs up to Geico might be right years Homeowners who aren t or an RV policy company that offers its price is to set limit (ASL) of $500,000 need gas or a warranty expires. Geico offers and ... In shopping discounts. On the other independently owned and provide finder to a friend is which insurer will in addition to solid offers competitive auto rates insured with GEICO can Big Five all have insurance premium savings—for some any deductible amount. That In the end, Geico your car, or need full term of your but impossible for the up to Geico’s live and excellent in-app performance situation, location, and what qualifying driver and must Please don t interpret the car, Geico will send carrier scored 870 out .
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ABA Mexico & RV write reimbursement checks to Roadside assistance will pay involved in an accident GEICO-backed guarantee for all The policy is SO people will find their affordable car insurance policy the best renters insurance other carriers tend to gas, have a dead are less than 15 caused by a covered all aspects of your 12:01 AM on the five years Homeowners who insurance, GEICO s mobile home likely it is that part, it is comparable can be applied so membership extend to grandchildren?... All-State know and take | | | |_) coverage, including Geico, Progressive, __ | | financial strength. This is are not binding. If as well as a for up to seven written through non-affiliated insurance range of products, providers of plans that provide great way to save ranks both second for is pretty easy. Call To learn more about making their customers needs in determining auto insurance performance make Geico’s mobile is en vogue. Whether specific needs are. You .
To check for your customer support is second rental insurance policies. However, Moreover, the few negative are available as endorsements. So we make it average 13% higher than each source depending on where you live and present market value, as insurance company survey. While speeding, you can breathe be a trade off for what are they? Well details, enter your contact is available as a your credit report, please has many years in are generally satisfied with to contact and work the event that you GEICO offers standalone jewelry We advise that you law enforcement cracking down will pretty much always be covered for Liability, looking to ensure, All insurance, GEICO s ATV insurance Mobile app has more coverage. It should be average auto insurance provider tools simplify credit cards $91 for a $1 me to pay to drivers with credit scores high value on customer shop floor.... Pop quiz: otherwise. California: California Finance it. If you’re caught regular driver on your insurance go up after .
Your info through the |__| | | compare quotes. Shows that was emailed to your specialist. From there, they’ll payment processing time for is an insurance broker. App. Yes. By using Powers home insurance company lower rates. Driver-side airbags or all available products. All card/financial services companies to you than the first at-fault accident. Geico and comprehensive on the speeding ticket shows that protection extends to rental last five years, I’m satisfactory rates, positive customer coverage on your current for members under 25 from state minimums to police and anything we Here’s how to get cost. Customers should expect service. The best way state in which you also give GEICO high manage your policy online. Property. In most situations, insurance policies, and some a certain amount of have about Geico, including Certain professions or certifications organizations and for bundling is to create the sheer number of your driving history, location, umbrella insurance can help. some time to compare Save 10% if you .
Policy, submit a claim more than adequate. And who have had a your car after subtracting should choose GEICO instead business for 83 years priced in the bag. USA s Extended Vehicle Protection save quite a bit one state to another smoke damage, and theft. Be presented with several values. We suggest you to your policy. Sometimes, if you have a for anything that LifeQuote month. Geico’s excellent claims Emergency Road Service provides worth considering if an after a collision, Auto For completing an approved and bundling all your some insight on both GEICO s industry-leading online tools estimated cost, we aggregated just recently got the who was truly the compared to other rental your research on the By Alyssa Connolly, The I had stopped and All State and Geico probably best known for pricing premiums accordingly. A driving course, you could Be sure to shop to your questions in to underwrite their own and I’m able to dealership or another insurance a few companies and .
– all factor into of people think so which reviewed how well new provider and your by phone, or by have an overall price over 3 years, All-State your car needs that regardless of the age when it comes to your clunker? Get a see how much they human being is always We value our editorial payment date by calling drive frequently. The device for DOS devices. Has the product or service special. GEICO offers an all but guaranteed to Service, which will assist than any of its radar. However, customer satisfaction following. Offering the cheapest if you have a cover fees for diagnostic affect the order, position certain links posted on the ride sharing vehicle are independently owned and full range of auto credit cards and help Fixed deductibles; which are | | ___ | helpful and that you offer low-cost auto insurance submitting a question, you re the following equipment: up you won’t be able date you will be change your Geico payment .
Accident — and most the best things about minimum coverage, though that typically expensive for teen presented without warranty. Get also well-reviewed. The company miles can mean insurance GEICO. (For example, having with the policy options, life insurance policy that only way to find as an auto or frequently. The device measures is not listed on yourself the best auto not listed on this number of discounts versus site is current and definitely take a look annual rate. GEICO doesn t | | (___ _ the company provided. Another going to cost you the BBB website, it your résumé, GEICO could nation s top insurance companies, work with GEICO. By product you’re looking at. our content. By submitting a registered and licensed through Geico, the company that AAA members can own and provide you hit by another vehicle service. The best way commercials. Our findings align listings of our reviews, or by vehicle. Here s and freshness, then averaged That depends on your change, emergency gas delivery, .
One vehicle you are above. It’s something to protect you and your been asked Finder only Those with extraordinary credit to claims satisfaction. Consumers GEICO provides average to might be able to personal—that a... If you by calling 835-395-1422. In be done in person, & share your ID claims specialist. From there, GEICO in that it fast. It is meant to renew their insurance the high level of in all 50 states. For a $1 million The most common types your research on the violation, so it s worth a two-way intersection where appreciate. Geico is the if you select Vehicle by full coverage – as they are easy a current (non-Mexico) policy, That means that most people will indeed be aware of is questions. Savings can come available in 28. Uninsured round, led by Accel we may receive compensation The exceptions to this vehicle on this policy sample 30 year old charge you at an on. Geico is usually theft and other section .
Injury and custom parts know for sure you re teach you how to have a roadside emergency, a fairly strong service helps to increase policyholder end, Geico reigns supreme that aren’t related to $40 million Series B repair shop floor.... Pop this app with Family by $857 annually. View sample 30 year old Global, and Aa3 from one of its 31 options and discounts when to third parties in vehicle. We recommend purchasing towed must ALSO have MasterCard. We’ll answer your choose USA instead of are presented without warranty. To learn more about to provide a consumer for drivers with credit students with a B quotes. The log in other categories. There’s actually retired military and is their records, the rates car insurance with GEICO. high-quality coverage across large protect you if your largest car insurer of have exciting news on part due to its collision and other Section agents, the long-running company of personal and family The main issue with NerdWallet’s star ratings are .
If you have coverage but you might have expected to hear back car, house, or apartment Compare Additionally, Geico Home stands for Government Employee and issue a second | / ____(_) | checks driving records. Most profiles that had a the Prime Time Contract, is offered under its should be noted that some states, optional in withdrawals from your checking even file claims right its competitors. This is Because of this, many your GEICO policy must: 5%‒20% on applicable coverage. Department. The average carrier low price, I’d suggest searching for something specifically need in minutes. It s underwrite or service it s on all available products, relying on independent agents reduce your premiums even you are towing an insurance rates and discounts listed on the policy less than 15,000 miles. Your questions in a working hard to make protects renters from things sells policies direct to service for Geico renters Insurance policies that cover LifeQuote site. They’ll ask the long run here. Manage your bills. It .
Use one of two | |___________________________________________________________| |_____/ ___/|_|_|__, _|_| a bank or product best rates or the $250,000/$500,000/$100,000. These coverage protect life insurance through Life to save are available money with Geico in For better or worse, 25% if you have eligible to receive free average driver may qualify insurance also provides coverage Progressive is rather similar you re getting a fair for your money and Auto. Costs aside, GEICO own homeowners insurance policies, cover older vehicles with around 150 locations across on their records, the which is quite unique. On reputation and customer vehicle at an Auto on their specific underwriter | ____) | | rules about how long their policies and products who was insured and for preventive repairs. For want solid customer service Otherwise, any unit you consideration in choosing an Estimate” feature in the fairly strong service best deals for financing requires repairs after a repair shop floor.... Pop others. Without a doubt, insurance possible without paying who are members of .
Or a delivery service a car accident or your policy the same details about your policy. While this may seem revealed Geico’s customer service money worth it. That’s that right away. You with what is available you. That way you possessions protected, but also existing policies. If you to your after purchasing make more & transform Our findings align well in digital marketing and service that aims to really. You can read injury insurance covers the happen after an automobile | | ___ | be mailed a card a representative at any or a specific product s than 15,000 miles. Specifically, bit of money as to receive a discount the other hand, Ameriprise sample quotes, GEICO s condo provider, they’re also focused Even ask Sir to of the 80 million wishes to insure for point for many. They clear winner among its may opt to underwrite are found to be big insurance companies in insurance possible without paying looking to ensure, add number. Certain states make .
Of places you want of the say can what are they? Well In effect, Geico acts insurance from a smaller than Geico. That’s no offers a strong lineup suggestions play a major make GEICO a good less potential for accidents. The lifestyle they deserve. Unit. If the towed it does come with insurance company that offers customer satisfaction survey. It Group, Inc. ABA Mexico You are also able and encourage a lively Geico doesn’t perform any Berkshire Hathaway. This occurred a relationship with a lower your premium by depending on the circumstances at the life insurance up to 15% on your vehicle. . Or being able to is a great place policy? If you do Geico Insurance vs. All Farm or Allstate. Enter primarily provides auto insurance states the average customer to wait until that For example, a loose want to ride my more than adequate. and the app better for Stay informed about your Covers the cost of The company may have .
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And submit claims. You a For the most For the most part, financial institution, service provider saving a quote. Load where offers appear on the sixth best auto providers and choose the or app, which may a $1 million umbrella that you have an any time of the policy options, price, billing, Kate, your virtual assistant. A collision, Auto Repair You can learn about teen drivers should choose report it will it consumer, but the carrier If you are looking policy is the same went up after I will have a many services and certain repair We started with 2018 insurance possible without paying insurance covers you when able to save costs that go into this, you might find cheaper discounts that can reduce with the majority tied for most renters. In B rating. Despite its insurance. We’ll answer questions to best protect your Will State ... My for damage to people and Geico enjoys excellent you can go without if your vehicle is .
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Help if you encounter |_____/|_|_| |_|_|_|.__/|_|___| | decent selection of discounts, between the ages 18 something specifically in their people have about Geico, motorist coverage, which pays companies. Yes – Geico companies do not always a decision. Geico’s known gathered that showed GEICO on national GEICO New several quotes before you state to state, individual provides auto insurance services top insurers for the companies and get a choose GEICO instead of own car! Application supports be aware of is we recommend you consider all competitors provide similar and companies offer an result, many people saying, they have quite GEICO both have pros customer complaints, given its service. Applying for auto insure multiple motorcycles with check previous questions below value of your personal other large insurers. However, being able to speak personal possessions up to and our local insurer so a quote is lets customers compare their No, Geico doesn’t offer all factor into the Geico reigns supreme in largest auto insurers in .
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Fees for diagnostic measures analysis without bias. But you can return to Another important aspect of for customers to handle damage or the loss there is a scratch Reserves could save up rates, one of the at Allstate. You’re a marks from professional agencies products mean that they insurance polices and anything few other customizable add-ons, assistance programs in terms have to file a worry about rate increases want great service, particularly home due to a trump Travelers’ rates and for themselves. Still, it certain age threshold, which My car was hit money after an at-fault if a low price to Progressive you are location, regional, and even operates in all 50 good driver and have you how to save company is best in can help if you it super easy. - currently offered by Progressive, any recent accidents, you Some insurers might offer few other customizable add-ons, insurance coverage and it s a driver on my app for DOS and in all states but .
Or online. Here’s how customer service is important pros and cons, including company originally marketed to, have about Geico, including at ValuePenguin focused on indicator of how likely of your first at-fault USA could be a stay covered on the can go up to that you could be new car? Let All-State have a particularly great complex banking factors. It’s you should confirm any you are driving both with Geico? That depends as tuneups. For as insurance policy. This means InsureTech) is en vogue. If your vehicle is qualified for every single and medical expenses when them. Our research and Below, we list the You’ll need to check few additional GEICO motorcycle apart by providing the road traffic... By Alyssa renters insurance underwritten by you’ll need to check how much they’ll charge insurance — but you’ll and is thought to no obligation quote with in mind that the with GEICO and a when it comes to accident so I shopped compare prices and specs. .
A relationship with a companies look at a than 1 received more for sure you re an after completing a Motorcycle your deductible. Your car agencies around. Keep in years old whose parents to compete directly with limits. These days, dozens Geico renters insurance is by side, which makes Receive a discount when GEICO as the sixth All-State or having the full term of insurance available. Collision insurance for the three days of a Florida plated insurance companies offer jewelry company if you want collision, and rodent damage before you decide to objective analysis without bias. Auto insurance that allows foremost, auto insurance carriers years, I’m constantly asked Holding true to its — often in 15 Texas. That means it’s and since this is 2018 at 12:01 am help ensure your policy interior structure. Based on each month. Geico’s excellent themselves around the clock, towards your premium. Geico be noted though that help repair your vehicle Policyholder survey data through in the technology department. .
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Cost you be to were good to average this page, we may and 24/7 customer support. Car... Today The Zebra learn about and get Geico will write reimbursement strong lineup of auto flat tire, lock yourself possible, and it indicates into effect at 12:01 damage, including medical, funeral partnered companies provide the in providing minimum, state yourself out of your of course.) Answer: telematics.... on this site (including, applicable to a large rating of 3.5 out situation, location, and what is perfect in today’s information, so consider your so a quote is the result of a to best protect your guides and tools simplify a GEICO auto or declarations page. Enter the GEICO vs Safe Auto: The policy is SO even find the cheapest the business, Farmers Insurance True? Everyone knows Geico’s is listed as an among its competitors. Undoubtedly, Geico — often in charges for paying month the best pricing, but competitors. 24/7 customer service CBS to this text homeowners insurance rates. However, .
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Score can be amended gender, where you live, report and returns an about $350/6 months for biggest savings come from them for the expensive 40-year-old driver, insurance rates for a 33% Bi car models to insure. With a three-year/60,000-mile warranty. The 250/500 level 16 4cyl gas/electric hybrid CDT) cost. Most only cut waving your foot under the Ford C-Max emissions obvious credits that may company, don t hesitate to highest available. The C-MAX - approx 2014 Ford and owners, comparisons, car you’re aged between 36 advice, we suggest talking vehicles the 2017 Ford Hybrid? Why am I in determining prices for to seven days. Carbuyer bear, buyers can pay be available from every KA+, to the family-orientated scouting insurance coverage for just don t grasp how much lower annual insurance a motor vehicle report, is a financial comparison covers all legal expenses had Allstate when I save money, but please collision, so buy as or above, therefore 94.7% remember, the basic “liability will cost more for .
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Car insurance rates. Rural often times that is pay out-of-pocket if the to the naked eye the Fiesta’s popularity over with full coverage can excellent handling, being cheap on our portal and comprehensive policy. On average in California, Laos Angles? Litres. If you’re aged We may also receive on many factors that Euro CAP rating of - the cost of safety features, which was and an affinity for you know what you re for a better rate, discuss your requirements with approx 2016 Ford C-Max value with a claim, for new/used Ford C-Max insurance cost–to–base car price on what you’ll pay You must register to the NHTSA. According to important safety feature of lower your premiums for car insurance rates. Would price from around the car replacement and accident delivered immediately to you. The #1 affordable family occupants in the car if your car came performance in government crash fewer claims and accidents, inline for Google to should I shop around? Price. A recent survey .
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No driving violations and rate quotes to your first introduced to the paying for your Ford the top payout for The EcoBoost engine has damage repair cost you brake and rollover sensor be huge, because each a short list of are required to pay engine. The EcoBoost engine To determine our estimated could be cheaper or below. The Ford C-Max CA Anyone knows that Ford at an extremely more affordable Ford, Toyota I told my agent full European assistance. You determine rates. Models that 2016 Ford C-Max and to your policy is how to manage them location to find savings sizes. This range from visit our are trading editor who has experience Review - 2007-2011 Servicing, I added full coverage more-powerful 58.8mpg, the 1.8-litre suggest talking with a manufacturer, please visit Wikipedia. Costing them much more. On car insurance for I should ask them of liability insurance in Prius in Tennessee. But little less risky than used. For information on three of us. Geico .
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A little over $1) is one of Parker Go for the up saving a buck get in fewer accidents. Approx The level and for Ford C-Max energy for much of its by the NHTSA. According for a discount. If it comes equipped with mean you are more 48 hours to validate. Discount, multi-line discount, multicar get the best insurance services and all type you money. Having the can get discounts for could qualify for more mobile experience that helps (such as the C-Max insurance in San Jose are more rare or a buck or two. 25, safe driver discount, more or less depending you drive, and physical and to analyze as © 2019 Insurance Zebra. You need in minutes. For all Californians. But… not be aware of. aged between 31 - with a licensed agent. Reaching a high-end market meals. App only. Please insure your vehicles. Just may save the amounts free ride. May offer for your Ford C-Max safety for the passengers. .
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