#i hope i didn't miss anything thing completely debunks this
measuringbliss · 2 years
Glee Rewatch 1x20. What's the Glee Club all about, in the end?
At the time I'm writing this, I'm half-comatose because today sucks and I never sleep enough so I guess it's time to continue my rewatch!
Thankfully Principal Figgins is just as delirious as I am as he's very scared of colored hair and sick-ass outfits.
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I'm Team Alice by the way. Jasper can join in if he wants.
(Are you confused? This post might enlighten you!)
Figgins's argument against gothic fashion makes just as much sense as my university department's decision to forbid laptops and phones, that is to say, you can easily debunk it and it is mind-numbing that such a person is in charge of, well, anything.
Thankfully this is Glee we're talking, and surely people IRL are much more thoughtful and logical and aren't complete asses, right?
Needless to say, the viewer is supposed to be on Tina's side here and she's absolutely right to scare Figgins away later in the episode by pretending to be a vampire.
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Look at them! Burt and Kurt are on the same wavelength (look at the patterns!). That's good to see. The party is deceitful, just like Kurt's behavior towards Finn. There's lights, mirrors, ~ethnic food~ that is actually just tuna, it's artificial, it's trying to make Finn feel welcome, but it doesn't work because it's *too much*, just as Kurt's actions towards Finn. It's too much and it's not going to end well.
I love how the shortage of red lace and tinsel is a clear sign for the Glee Club that Vocal Adrenaline is doing Lady Gaga.
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This trio is a very peculiar one. Color-wise, Quinn has been wearing red a lot recently. She's giving me Little Red Riding Hood vibes. Who's the wolf? Society, obviously. Society's gonna try to dry up Quinn's hope and faith to make a mindless zombie of her. Thankfully we all know she ends up marrying Rachel so everything's fine. They both wear blue! Mercedes meanwhile is set apart by wearing black and grey.
As much as I'm not into Shelby as a character, the scene where she sings Funny Girl and Rachel understands she's her mother is very beautiful. It's one of those rare, great Glee moments.
I think Shelby knew Rachel was in the room. She had to know, right? Do you think she decided on the Gaga number specifically so that Rachel would notice and investigate it?
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As usual Will and Finn's clothes are very similar in spirit.
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I guess this is the part where I mention I was at one of Gaga's Chromatica concerts? I'm no Gaga afficionado but the music was really good! She was very touching too, although I didn't particularly care about her "I play piano and sing" parts but to each their own, right? I enjoyed the experience. It was essentially a Pride Parade.
Anyway Kurt and Tina are rocking those outfits, and Quinn is jealous. Do we need to analyze those outfits? Kurt's is extravagant, you can't miss the pointy shoulders (a play on typical masculine shoulders that are more rounded), open collar (decolletage), the wig (higher status). Tina's is a bit more puzzling because we generally see less of Tina. The diadem is foreshadowing for season 4 (no it's not) and Tina's general development past S2 (no it's not); she's bubbly in this scene in a stark contrast to her goth persona from before. She's a side character who has multiple sides!
Quinn is all in pink! Suits her well, obviously, she looks like a real princess (the dress, the long gloves, the tights and shoes), if a bit rock'n roll-ish, say Louis XIV's court mixed with Interstella 5555. She tries to seem all girly and typical, but there's a strong personality underneath. Also, her spiky thing next to Tina's bubble is certainly a recipe for disaster. Gosh I love her outfit.
Mercedes's outfit is diva-esque but like Kurt there's an emphasis on the shoulders, mixing masculinity and feminity and exagerating it to the point of burlesque. I'm... not very fond of her look but she does rock it.
(Side note please Mike gimme your entire wardrobe.)
Santana's outfit is very precocious in terms of the show, as she hasn't yet developed much of a character but it's *exactly* the aesthetic she goes for later in the series. Dark, showy, sultry, and exceedingly distingued. Very classy.
Brittany's outfit is weird in that "old sci-fi series" department, the kind that is ridiculous. It somehow works on her. I have no idea what the lobster is supposed to mean. Is it astrology-related?
The scene between Finn, Kurt and later Burt is hard to watch. It's sad for everyone involved, but I think it was absolutely necessary. Kurt needed to be told that his behavior was inappropriate and made Finn genuinely uncomfortable. And Finn needed to hear Burt's talk to have a good look at himself.
And you know what? I admire Finn's courage to try and make ammends the next day. The next day! It's one of his characteristics, he's always trying to do his best, even when he's lost. And here, he knows that he was bad and shows himself as more mature than Kurt, who refuses to talk about it.
"I'm proud to be different. It's the best thing about me." is totally something I would say. You can really feel that the writers knew what they were doing with Kurt, he feels real and resonates in a way a lot of other characters simply don't.
Anyway, the episode ends on a cute note! And I personally feel a bit better. Isn't that what the Glee Club is all about?
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umbralstars · 3 years
I am going off complete on wishful thinking but I don't believe that all of the Nabateans, besides the obvious, who lived in Zanado are dead. Do I have much evidence? No, but I do have speculation from evidence and headcanons. If you're still interested let's go.
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The two pictures above are most likely depictions of Zanado before the massacre. They don't 100% line up with the Zanado/Red Canyon we see in-game, but Nabatea could very well have been spread all over the Oghma Mountains include the snippet we see. The first one can be seen in the opening flashes but Sothis, in her original physical form, is there and the second is from the SE art book but from what I understand it's not 100% confirmed to be Zanado or part of Nabatea. I'm sure most people in the Fandom have seen seen these by now.
My main point with them is that Zanado as a city is pretty big. Due to the Nabateans being dragons one could argue they would likely need to build bigger architecture to accommodate their dragon forms, but it seems to me that the Nabateans are in a more Laguz type situation vs an Archanean Manakete. Where most primarily lived in their smaller humanoid forms, only few chose to be in their dragonic forms most of the time, and this has always been part of the Nabatean physiology with no Cataclysm induced dragonstones. For instance: Indech and Macuil choose to live in their dragonic forms 100% but could likely shift back if they wished, Rhea can go back and forth, and don't ask me about Seteth and Flayn. I still don't know why they can't transform at all as they claim.
I say this because, outside of the Gods, most modern depiction of Divine Dragons or other Dragon races aren't that much larger than humans. Tiki in FE Warriors is big in her dragon form, but she's no Rhea. There's a clear difference in FEH as well with the Manaketes vs Dheginsea, Seiros, and even Ena as the majority of the playable and NPC Manaketes are smaller than the Lazguz not go mention Seiros' sprite who's part of the gigantic club. In 3H the Nabatean dragon forms are consistently sized as huge compared to humans.
The Nabateans living in their own city would likely choose to live in their humanoid forms since they have the choice. They wouldn't need to build structures as gigantic just so they can accommodate people, thus the city could be less spread out, they likely wouldn't need to eat as much, and it would be easier to live with humans in humanoid forms as the Nabateans were want to do in the past. Even Sothis seems to primarily live in her humanoid form as that's the form we see in a very brief flash of her looking over Zanado, and if the Goddess feels safe doing that her Children would as well.
This is all to once again point out that Zanado from these depictions is a pretty big city. Nabatea itself could've ranged from a city-state (with Zanado as the heart with surrounding territory, often farm land and small settlements dependant on the city) or even a small country with Zanado and other smaller cities and towns. The population of Nabateans from this seems to be pretty big even if you think humans lived in Zanado too. I do have a feeling that after the Calamity, which Sothis healed Fódlan from, the population may have been cut down by a lot, but not enough to where all of them could be killed all at once in Zanado.
Even though they could've been virtually trapped within that canyon, I don't believe (and I hope) Nemesis, the Elites, or the Agarthans killed every single Nabatean in that city or any Nabatean settlements beyond Zanado. Given that the Agarthans needed bodies for the Relics (and Nemesis was actually there with his Elites) I assume they didn't use the Javelins of Light but I will admit it's a possibility. If they did not, there is a distinct possibility some Nabateans could've gotten away even if the number is as low as only a few hundred or under even that.
As for where they went, and why the Nabateans we know don't know that some of their kin are still alive is because they likely all fled Fódlan. I believe there is a possibility of diaspora communities in Almyra to various countries across Dagda. All hidden among humans to keep themselves alive.
The most interesting possibility I think lies with Morfis. The Traveller's Journal Issue 1 states:
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(Picture of the text from FE Datamine)
As far as I remember we know next to nothing about Morfis except from this little bit of text tucked away in a lore book. I believe that it's possible Morfis may house the largest community of Nabatean diaspora or may have been founded as a result of the diaspora. Morfis is fairly close to Fódlan, but still disconnected from it via the ocean and so would discourage Nemesis or the Agarthans from pursuing the survivors.
Morfis was also known as the 'City of Illusion' and seems to still be unknown to outsiders despite the trade networks. The Nabateans, as the Children of the Goddess, would be quiet connected to magic and may have know how unknown to mankind. After they fled their homeland and traveled deep into the desert the survivors hid their settlement via illusions and re-established their lives best they could. Zanado is also consistently shown as a rather arid environment, so the Nabateans could perhaps easily adapt themselves to life in the desert using skills they already had from Nabatea.
Any other survivors back in Fódlan wouldn't know of Morfis since they, justifibly, hid themselves and were disconnected completely from the outside world. The Journal also makes it seem like Morfis is still incredibly mysterious with their trade routes only bringing rumors of the city, nothing more. Even if the city or country now is more open to outsiders, perhaps in hopes of bringing more Nabateans to them for safety, they may still be wary of Fódlan. It's possible they know nothing of what has been happening in Fódlan for the past centuries, unaware of Seiros and Cichol's presence, and assume the religion worshipping Mother Sothis to just be a human continuation of bygone days if they even know of that.
I don't think it's farfetched to believe that some Nabateans may yet live somewhere outside of Fódlan. Perhaps I'm a bit optimistic in believing they were able to re-establish themselves in Morfis, but I want to believe it even if the chance is next to non-existent. Also, even if this is a possibility, it doesn't negate the sheer horridness of what happened to them, and doesn't undercut Rhea's continued grief over the genocide.
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