#i hope i go through a loz phase again that was my favorite phase honestly
starlitdumbass · 1 year
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I've been getting into dragon ball again which is probably not gonna be good if it continues
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arceus-ex-machina · 8 years
@quinintheclouds tagged me in a thing!
(Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.) (lmao sure)
COKE OR PEPSI: depends on my mood, but I honestly find myself craving Pepsi more… 
DISNEY OR DREAMWORKS: Both, but I’ve gotta go with Dreamworks because voltron (pls don’t disappoint me dw) 
COFFEE OR TEA: Both, but tea is literally my replacement for water 95% of the time whereas I actually crave coffee. So, coffee. 
BOOKS OR MOVIES: movies only because they can be musicals (I can’t concentrate on either very well alone, but music in a musical helps me focus) 
WINDOWS OR MAC: Windows computer with an iPhone 
DC OR MARVEL: Pssh, I’m my own superhero (can’t actually relate but I left Quinlyn’s answer because I liked it) 
XBOX OR PLAYSTATION: Uh, Gamecube and DS, yo (again, Quin’s answer) 
DRAGON AGE OR MASS EFFECT: haven’t played either 
NIGHT OWL OR EARLY RISER: I’d love to be an early riser but I’m a night owl right now 
CARDS OR CHESS: Cards, I never learned how to play chess so it intimidates me 
CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: Depends on the thing and my mood but probably vanilla overall 
STAR WARS OR STAR TREK: I don’t know either, but Star Wars appeals to me more 
ONE EPISODE PER WEEK OR BINGEWATCHING: One episode per week, even though it drives me crazy and I engage in binge watching more. 
STUDIO GHIBLI OR MAKOTO SHINKAI: I honestly have no idea who or what Makoto Shinkai is, but I have enjoyed all the SG movies I’ve seen! 
HEROES OR VILLAINS: Villains who redeem themselves :) (quin is just owning this thing…or reading my mind) 
NOTEBOOK OR PC TYPING: I totally do both and make myself less organized before (quin you’ve gotta stop stealing my answers it’s making me look so unoriginal) but I have to choose computer for practical reasons 
THE X-FILES OR SUPERNATURAL: Haven’t seen either 
SCI-FI OR FANTASY: My preference is a balance of both within the same medium 
VAMPIRES OR WEREWOLVES: I guess werewolves since it’s more feasible that one could refrain from killing or harming others 
ROMEO AND JULIET OR HAMLET: Probabky hamlet? The miscommunications in R&J piss me off too much (*crosses fingers that there aren’t too many in hamlet or else my inner uncultured swine will be revealed because I don’t remember hamlet very well*) 
DISNEYLAND OR DISNEY WORLD: Never been to either…whichever one has Harry Potter world 
FAVORITE HAMILTON SONG: Right now it’s probably Take a Break 
GLITTER OR CONFETTI: Glittery confetti!! 
WHAT IS YOUR GO-TO SONG NO MATTER WHAT: I go through phases of having these sometimes. I think I’m exiting the phase of Everything Stays from adventure time. But it’s hard to say since I’ve had Armed and Ready in my head for the past 48 hours straight 
Ya like jazz?: It’s growing on me, but it’s still what you’d call a love-hate relationship. LEGEND OF ZELDA OR UNDERTALE?: Undertale! Never played LOZ though My question: MBTI OR ASTROLOGY? I tag: @poppliocrossing, @squishable-amethyst , and @ Quinlyn’s tags I sure hope irl friends count because A) you tagged me and B) I’m gonna tag @sing-a-song-of-geekness so I can bring my number up to a solid 3 (hi Rachel…it’s Nina…sup)
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