#i hope siffrin has a home tho....
prism-empurress · 4 months
ISAT fic idea
So the gang goes to get Siffrin a cat. Vaugaurde has a pet shelter somewhere now.
Siffrin is humming while admiring all the cats and kittens in their crates, while Bonnie is like :O at all of them, all twinkly eyed. Isabeau is offered to help bottle feed a kitten, and during...he absolutely bawls because the kitten is wiggling it's ears.
Mirabelle is telling everybody about the importance of cat's hunting skills, while also spouting off some other cat facts. She's offered to play with some older kittens, so she gets some dangly cat toys and encourages the older kittens to get the dangly!
Siffrin meanwhile...spots an old, sad white cat that is absolutely fluffy as all hell.
The staff tell them "oh no, you don't want this one, it's old, has some medical issues, yaddayaddayadda" But Siffrin says "I want that one." So the staff gets the old white cat out, and Siffrin takes it into his arms, being absolutely smothered in the fluff. His heart is set, this one is coming home with them.
Bonnie asks why Siffrin chose an old cat, Siffrin holds the cat out and simply says touch it. Bonnie touches the cat, gasps, "IT'S SO SOFT!!!" Bonnie is then hushed, so they repeat what they said really quietly.
The papers are signed, Siffrin gets the cat's medical records and needs, and the gang walk to Siffrin's home, gushing over how cute and fluffy the new guy is. Mirabelle asks Siffrin what're they gonna name it. Siffrin shrugs and says "dunno yet, probably Minion or Ultra-Most-Bestest."
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