#i hope that id is satisfactory!!! i might go back and edit it on desktop later but for now. yeag
thehollyraven · 5 months
Fitaphim Qafotix
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Name: Fitaphim Qafotix (“gift of light”)
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Notes on Personality: A kind and thoughtful, if naive child, they’re often quite quiet and content to hang out near the back. Still, if approached they will be more than friendly… or at least try to be.
Backstory and Lore: Wished into existence by Twinkle Popopo and Phinumiti Qafotix, this little guy hopes to follow in the footsteps of their grandfather Albanis!
Eventually, they grow up to be a fortune teller, but that time is most certainly not now.
(They have a dream matter overflow! Which can be… quite overwhelming at the best of times, though their grandfather is helping with training that power, considering he Also Has That.)
(Not pictured: the cloak they wear! It’s a deep blue hood patterned with stars and constellations. It’s quite big for their current size, but as time goes on they eventually grow into it.)
(second image by @blue-jester! all else is by me, go give her a follow she’s real cool)
@kirbyoctournament god i hope im doing this right lmfao /silly
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