#this is not said in anger this is said as a genuine plea. im begging y’all
thehollyraven · 5 months
Fitaphim Qafotix
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Name: Fitaphim Qafotix (“gift of light”)
Reference Images:
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Notes on Personality: A kind and thoughtful, if naive child, they’re often quite quiet and content to hang out near the back. Still, if approached they will be more than friendly… or at least try to be.
Backstory and Lore: Wished into existence by Twinkle Popopo and Phinumiti Qafotix, this little guy hopes to follow in the footsteps of their grandfather Albanis!
Eventually, they grow up to be a fortune teller, but that time is most certainly not now.
(They have a dream matter overflow! Which can be… quite overwhelming at the best of times, though their grandfather is helping with training that power, considering he Also Has That.)
(Not pictured: the cloak they wear! It’s a deep blue hood patterned with stars and constellations. It’s quite big for their current size, but as time goes on they eventually grow into it.)
(second image by @blue-jester! all else is by me, go give her a follow she’s real cool)
@kirbyoctournament god i hope im doing this right lmfao /silly
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yoongiiggles · 6 years
Happy For You, Happy For Us | Part 2
Type: Series
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized Reader
Summary: You have been in love with Dean for as long as you have known him. Wanting to be more than friends with him, you pour out your heart to him in a confession to which he turns you down immediately saying that he has been in a long term secret relationship with a girl named Lisa. Not wanting to damage your friendship even further, you suppress your feelings for him and support his relationship. But when they get married, you become heart broken and leave your life behind to start anew.
Word Count: 1k
A/N: If requested, i’ll be happy to include an extra chapter in Dean’s POV. :)
Song: Saved - Khalid
Part 1  || Part 2 ||  Part 3  ||  Part 4   ||  Part 5 ||  Part 6  ||  Part 7 ||  Part 8  || Part 9  ||  Part 10 ||  Part 11  ||  Part 12 ||  Part 13 ||  Part 14  || End
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You exhale another shaky breath, “Im in love with you, Dean Winchester”. 
          The silence surrounding you both only adds more intensity to the beating of your heart. Your ears almost hurt from how hard your heart is beating and it’s almost as if he can hear it too, with the look he has in his face as he continues to stare at you with a look of disbelief in his face. But you hold on to that lingering hope in your heart that he might have an ounce of reciprocated feelings for you. But the longer his stare lingers with no words to respond, you panic. 
          “Dean...Are you okay? Did i.. did i” But before you can continue saying anything else he beats you to it. 
          “Im seeing someone” 
          Thinking that he might be joking, you release a shaky chuckle to his words, “Come on Dean, what? Look, it’s okay if you don’t know how to respond and Im sorry if I unfairly”
          “Her name’s Lisa” 
          Your heart breaks, “Lisa? I’ve never heard a “Lisa” in my life knowing you. And of all times, now you decide to tell me? After I-i-i....”, you walk back slowly, reality crashing upon you and a wave of mix emotions overcome your entire being, you’re heart broken.
         He reaches a hand out to you, but you quickly move away. “Im sorry (y/n), I was going to tell you tonight, I didn’t mean to hide it from you”. 
          “Does... does Sammy know... about her?”, he winces at your tone on addressing “her”. And this time, he lets out a shaky breath, “Yes... Yes Sammy knows”, you scoff and shake your head in utter disbelief, “But trust me (y/n), I asked him to not tell you anything about it, at the time I wasn’t sure if we were anything serious”, he stops his response as he watches you laughing hysterically. He doesn’t say anything or interrupt you as all he can focus on is the tears streaming down your face.
           “Wow!”, you exclaim, raising your hands in the air for a moment, “at that time? So this thing with her... it’s being going on for how long exactly?”. He looks down, taking a moment to organize the thoughts in his head, “5 years...”. Your world has collapsed. You never stood a chance at all. Everything Sam has ever told you, was a lie. He knew this WHOLE time. Anger quickly leaves you and more tears fall down your cheeks. You try holding your breath, clutching your chest in your hands, anything to stop yourself from sobbing out loud. But as soon as Dean pulls you to him with one arm around your back and the other holding the back of your head, you can’t conceal your emotions and start sobbing in his chest, face hidden from his view. 
          “Im so sorry (y/n/n)...”
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          “So thats why...” 
          Sammy shakes his head, “That’s why you haven’t been sleeping around lately...”. Dean says nothing as a smile quickly graces his face, “Does.. (y/n) know?” As quickly as the smile on Dean’s face appeared, it vanishes, “No she doesn’t know and it stays that way until I know this... this thing between Lisa and I is serious”. Dean stares back at Sam, begging him to not say anything to you, “But why Dean? What’s wrong with her knowing?”. And Dean looks away, contemplating his answer. 
         “I don’t know Sammy... She means a lot to me... She looks up to us Sammy. We’re her only family. And every time I come back to the motel she always looks at me with this disappointed look on her face... I can’t bear her thinking that all Im good at is... Is sleeping around...”
          Sam shakes his head once again. These damn fools. Dense on her part and clueless on Dean’s part. Little did Dean know, he’s wrong about everything. You could never look at him with disdain. You admire his hunting skills, his caring yet tough love he reserves for only you and Sam. Your unending admiration for his brother almost makes him jealous, almost.   
          Sam looks back at him, noticing that his smile is back, staring back at his phone screen. “Well... is it? Is it serious I mean?” 
          It takes a couple minutes for Dean to respond. Finally, Dean stares back at him, “Yeah, I think it is. Im not so sure on her part but... I think she’s the one Sammy”. He looks back down on his phone screen and laughs at something, Lisa, must have sent him. 
         Sam’s heart breaks for you. Knowing how much you love his brother and how you’d sacrifice everything just to see him happy and he knows. He knows that once you find out about his brother’s relationship you’ll suppress your own feelings just so that Dean can be happy with another woman. 
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          And Sam is right. You’ll sacrifice everything just to see Dean happy, and that means forgetting your feelings and leaving your happiness on hold. After your sobs subside and your tears stop, you feel numb. So Dean leads the way to the motel, snow still falling down coldly on your already dried up face, adding to the numbness in your heart. Walks with Dean is rarely silent, always talking about the hunt you accomplished when it’s just the two of you guys or just talking about random silly ideas that you both come up with. So walking next to him with barely any sounds coming from his side seems foreign to you, almost as if you guys are strangers. But you don’t say anything, afraid that you’ll break down again.
          “Im sorry I didn’t”, You interrupt him before he can say anything else, “It’s alright Dean... I get it, I do. I--.. Im happy for you”. Trying to seem genuine about your thoughts and pushing your own feelings aside, you turn to him with a small smile on his face. He turns to you, a small smile gracing his own face. It’s quiet again as you both continue walking to the motel. Just another 10 minutes and you’ll be there. 
          “So... How long have you...”, you sigh, you know where his question is going. “It’s okay Dean, we can... just pretend I never said anything, please?”. Dean ponders on that plea, not sure how to react to what you have said to him.  His heart aching for not reciprocating your feelings. But before he can say anything else your phone rings. It’s Sammy. Silently thanking the perfect timing but also concerned, you quickly answer the call, “Sammy? Everything okay?” 
          “Yeah everything’s good... It’s just been thirty minutes now and it only takes fifteen to get here... Everything okay? Did you..”, your heart breaks, “No Sammy... And yes, everything’s okay, we’re almost there”. It’s silent in his end and you can practically FEEL the pity radiating from him through the phone. With nothing more being said from his end of the phone, you end the call with a sigh.
          “Everything okay with Sam?”. You nod, not in the mood to initiate any further conversation with him. And suddenly, your angry at him. Angry at him for not apologizing more and for not seeming to care about your feelings at all. So as soon as you see the motel, you walk quickly, wanting to be away from him as soon as possible. Dean tries to catch up with you but as soon as he catches a glimpse of your face, he slows down his steps. He’s hurt you. 
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Part 1 || Part 2  (you are here) ||  Part 3  ||  Part 4   ||  Part 5 ||  Part 6  ||  Part 7 ||  Part 8  || Part 9  ||  Part 10 ||  Part 11  ||  Part 12 ||  Part 13 ||  Part 14  || End
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