#i hope theres some good shadow/tails interactions
ok im gonna make food and watch more sonic prime
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Bakis personality ( and maybe a little bit of backstory) and Relationship with the other Titans/Kaijus
I purposely forgotten to put in baki’s personality , relationships and backstory in my introduction of her , so i decided that i should post it here!! 
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Personality Baki is a silent titan  who keeps to herself and isnt a very social titan ,but she makes it up for it for being a honest and loyal friend (if you get to be) she is very social with titans she is friends with like mothra and rodan (and maybe godzilla who knows) and will sometimes act like a mother figure to them because of her past experience , she will hide the secrets you tell her , she’ll give you attention and the comfort you need and will have a casual titan stroll with you as you both chat on whatever you want. She could eve share abit of wisdom as one of the oldest titans if she wants to.. She can be clingy at times or protective but she does it for the sake of keeping her titan friends safe and make them escape out of danger with no harm  , she choose peace over violence causing her to easily back down in a fight, but if she needs to be violence then she’ll choose violence!
She respects every other titans , including humans the others might think theyre a waste of earth space but she sees value in them , but is actually rather shy around them . She respects every other titan but she respects the queen and king the most wherever they go she follows if they command her to do something she’ll do what they say. Backstory: Little is known of the bakunawas past  and by that she likes it that way , she doesnt like talking about it and never will. The only thing she can  tell about the past is that she did eat seven or six moons (she lost count) but she’ll never tell how , after she ate the moons she eventually found a mothra egg lying around , knowing theres still something inside it , she ended up taking the egg as her own and when mothra hatched she eventually acted like her birth mother when mothra clearly knows shes not after for a while of mothra staying in her larvae form and baki not knowing at the time mothra was the queen, mothra eventually told the truth to baki but baki embraced it and still considered mothra her child so eventually for many years whenever mothra laid an egg and dies baki was always there waiting for her to hatch and try to take care of her. but it all changed when ghidorah attacked , as ghidorah entered the earth and  baki spotted him , she immediately ran away tail between her legs as ghidorah chase her , she eventually found a hiding place  full of hills ( which eventually became the chocolate hills) she planned on hiding under the hills until everything dies down but it all failed when eventually when she took a nap and the nap eventually turn into hibernation. Relationship: Mothra Like what is mention in the backstory , mothra and bakis relationship is a mother daughter type of relationship , they both respect each other and love each other platonically , both will ask advice on each other and seek comfort to each other , but during the time mothra and godzilla became mates they both eventually only have little time for each other which baki is ok with , baki will sometimes ask of how the two are and will act like a nosy friend wanting to know the details of what happened yesterday , overall theyre relationship is good Rodan Baki and Rodan met in the end of kotm  she previously hated rodan for almost killing mothra  and also fears him abit since he almost killed mothra but after learning him being immediately defeated by ghidorah and him ended up switching sides when godzilla became king her  fear of him went away but the hatred still lingers , despite this rodan will often visit baki as they both interact baki as a antisocial titan she is will sometimes avoid rodan immediately and leaves some of the times it is not successful and she has to talk to him , but over time theyre relationship grew and grew until they eventually became good friends , rodan will occasionally go meet and talk to baki about the things he did and baki will in return talk about what she did both of them are in a good mutual  relationship now but she still pissed at him for almost killing mothra. Godzilla Baki  respects  godzilla to the bone , since he is the king and alpha she will do anything as he says , thou they rarely interact , ever since mothra and godzilla became mates she and godzilla had theyre moments of interaction , hell one time she made the king laugh  which is rare for the queen can only make him laugh , but during the coming the days they get to interact abit more thou not close they are aware of each other and are good friends. Ghidorah She fears him , ever since he enter the earth and roared , she still remembered the fear she felt when she saw his shadow looming over as his big wings  covered the skies  , when she eventually woke up from her hibernation she expect to see godzilla but when ghidorah appeared as the alpha and not godzilla the fear of him eventually made her skin go cold , she tried to ingore his orders to destroy the cities of humans  that eventually turned into a fight where she was injured greatly and by that she yield and ended up doing what he asked . Whenever she thinks of him all she could feel is fear.. AND THATS IT!! I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED !!
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rouge-the-bat · 5 years
hey i just wanna put this out that im making a sonic fanfiction alongside my girlfriend, who was @megalo-station before she got off tumblr for a while!! some may recognize her bc her blog was pretty well known in the fandom! she's an amazing writer and has written sonic things before (heres a full Sonic Adventure adaption she wrote a bit back that i highly suggest reading!!!) this fanfiction were making together was my idea i had for a long time, and when i told her about it she liked it a lot and wanted to help me with it and ghostwrite it !! and we decide to start up a blog for it to talk about the fic while its still in development !! so id love it if you see this that you go to @rubyllusions and follow !! the blog is very wip rn but imma set it up more sometime soon !! for what the fic will contain, its going to be:
containing a plot thats more serious, kind of in line with how the adventure games were ! dw tho its not going to be serious the whole time lol, the plot is very character focused so theres a lot of silly and fun interactions with everyone! but its not going to shy away from serious and emotional things either tho >wo
sort of a different take on sonic forces ! its not going to be following its plot a whole lot, but when the game came out i realized it had a Lot of details in it that would fit extremely well into our story, so things like Infinite and the phantom rubies are going to appear in it!
having shadow and rouge as the primary characters of the story, and while itll switch between different character povs over time in different scenes, it will most of the time be following them !! theyre dating in the story so there will be lots of cute shadouge goodness :3
this story will also contain multiple ocs of mine that ive worked on a lot over the years! ive put a lot of thought and love into crafting their personalities and everything and i hope others will enjoy them as much as me and my girlfriend do!! their situations and actions will be the driving force of the plot!! ill go into more detail on them over time on the blog!!
generally having a variety of characters showing up over the course of the story, so ofc its having team dark mainly, but others like the general main cast (sonic, tails, knuckles, amy), the chaotix, and others will become involved at different times! like some characters that dont show up in the games canon much or at all (e.g. honey the cat) will be around in some scenes!
and a side note that my girlfriend's actually back on tumblr on a new blog @mobius-prime thats a wip too !! shes going to be rereading the preboot archie sonic comics and posting all about and analyzing stuff (which shes really good at !! she always had such rad posts on her old blog with analyzing things in the series!!!) and doing other things on there (like posting silly images she finds in the comics) so i suggest following that blog too since shes going to be starting that sometime soon !!!!
also i would love that anyone who sees this and is interested would reblog this post so it can spread to more ppl!!!
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