#i hope to GOD this isnt gonna be a concept album about 'the death if the self while trying to be normal and fit in'
rose-skunk · 1 year
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the new Mother Mother song? Ever since Inside Deluxe version came out with Hayloft 2 (and even a bit before that) there's been a change to their music that I'm not a big fan of. I feel like they've gone the Weezer route, the lyrics themselves used to portray how quirky, charming, and different they were but in their current songs they just spell that sentiment out for you instead of letting you infer it from the lyrics. ESPECIALLY with a new song thats basically just "look at how abnormal and out of the box we are", what made O My Heart so great was the same sentiment but it wasn't spelled out explicitly, the entirety of Eureka does the same exact thing as Normalize but way more effectively.
This isn't to say that the song is bad! Musically it's great but the lyrics on their newer songs and albums leave something to be desired that their past songs accomplished. The bridge or hook or whatever you want to call it is so grating on me, a word shouldn't lose its meaning because it gets repeated so many times in one song. Musically the song is great but it's also overproduced, I can hardly hear what they're even singing in the verses because of the mixing of audio and all the effects put over their voices. The music is good as I keep saying but it also sounds like 3 different songs smashed together and sometimes it works but other times it's like "what are you guys even doing here?" It goes from alt pop rock to horror soundtrack, I like the horror soundtrack vibes, I wished they leaned into that more.
And the part at 2:28 when Jasmin screams "Die!" sounds so awkward, it picks up pace so suddenly like it's going from a 25 all the way up to 100. I wouldn't mind that if it wasn't such a sharp jump from one part of the song to the other, it just doesn't really work. (Don't even get me started on the fact that they used the word "unalive" in this song. Tell me you're writing for a tiktok audience without telling me you are) It just feels like they went from writing songs for themselves, or people their age, to writing songs for teenagers going through puberty. They used to sound so real and relatable but it doesn't feel natural anymore. It feels to me like they're trying to capture the resurgence of success O My Heart had in 2020 with their new albums. We will never have another OMH because it already exists and they made it! I really liked the use of violins and horns in OMH because you don't hear that in many rock songs, I just wish their use of it in this song didn't sound like they were trying to make OMH 2 (like they did with a certain song off of OMH.....)
It feels to me like MM is trying to capture the past and live it differently this time rather than moving on with the future. One of their older albums that reminds me of OMH a lot is The Sticks and that still sounds different! A lot darker and more mysterious, I wish they'd reinvent themselves rather than reinvent the past. I'm still a fan of them and I always will be but I'll be a fan of them the way Weezer fans still like Weezer: I'll listen to stuff past Pinkerton but the first two albums are the best. Which album of MM's is their Pinkerton? That's debatable but most tracks off Dance and Cry are still a hit for me, Inside and beyond has me cringing a bit
If you disagree then please feel free to have a convo with me about it! I'd love to talk about MM in depth with someone else! I don't mean to say these things in a needlessly pessimistic way, when MCR came back from their hiatus they managed to make a song that sounded like their old songs while feeling fresh, creative, and new. I know MM could do that too, I'm not opposed to bands changing up their sound from album to album either, The Sticks, Eureka, and Touch Up are some of my favorite albums by them and they all sound so different from each other, the newer songs and albums just sound like most of the alt pop stuff playing on the radio. I don't want them to make a radio hit, I just want them to make songs I like again
Who knows, maybe the new album will come out and I'll change my mind but I have a feeling this will be like the release of Inside for me: all the good songs will be put out as singles
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talk-refined · 6 years
5 0 s asks All of them
This isnt all of them but h e r e
billie jean: what do you notice more in a song - the drums or bassline?
Hmm really depends on the song.Usually the bassline though, especially in my favourite songs.
africa: favourite 80s music video?
Probably Take On Me cause I saw ita lot on rage as a kid and I thought the mixed style was really cool.
every breath you take: who’s the first person your mind goes to whenyou hear a love song?
Whoever I’m too far gone on at thetime when I hear it akbsfkd
should i stay or should i go: how many languages do you speak?
Just the one fluently. I’ve learntItalian in the past, and still have a semi working knowledge of Indonesian forbasic conversations. I hope to get better in Indonesian at some point in thefuture.
don’t stop believin’: what’s the longest journey you’ve been on?
The car trip from my home town towhere I live currently. It takes roughly 10 hours to drive, depending onroadworks, and I travelled it often when we were in the process of moving. Thatwas staying in the same state, but it’s the longest time wise. I travelled through(over?) two states for another trip but it was only about a two-hour plane journey.
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me): who was the last person youdanced with?
A friend of mine at a bush dance Iwent to with a small group of friends! It was very good fun.
maneater: where did you spend your last friday night?
At home working on an essay andthen cooking myself dinner to celebrate submitting it
jessie’s girl: what would you do if you found out your best friend wasseeing your ex?
That wouldn’t happen so I’m goinghypothetical, I would be fine with it unless there were specific circumstances.
born in the u.s.a.: what’s your home town like?
Hot weather, familiar, bigass riverin the middle of it. I haven’t been back in a while now so a lot of myperceptions of it are the thoughts of a child distorted from time. I identifymore with my current town sometimes, as I’ve been here since I was eleven. Butwhere I was born & spent my first eleven years is still an importantelement of my life to me.
wake me up before you go-go: how did your last date go?
Ask me on one and I’ll let you knowin real time lmao. I’ve never been on an official date.
never gonna give you up: how old were you when you joined the internet?
Uhh… I know I was thirteen when Ijoined Tumblr, but I was on the internet via other platforms long before that.Maybe eleven? That’s as far back as I can remember being on the internet butidk.
faith: when was your first kiss?
Bye I haven’t had it yet
i’m so excited: where was your first kiss?
See above lmaoooooo
take on me: could you reach the high note?
I have bad singing habits when notpaying attention, so I often sing from my head and let it get too high. When Itry I can get my voice up but it cracks all over the place on high notes.
footloose: favourite musical?
Ooooo maybe Rocky Horror? Or LittleShop of Horrors. I’m a softie for Grease too though.
9 to 5: do you like country music?
See I’d normally say no to this,and I don’t really actively seek it out in my listening habits. But my sister likesit and played it a bit when I was growing up so there’s a nostalgic elementbehind country music. I do genuinely enjoy a lot of country songs. There I saidit.
material girl: are you sentimental?
Extremely, yes
you shook me all night long: are you seeing anyone at the moment?
Nope. I’m crushing pretty heavily though(please ask me about him if you want before I talk my friends to death sdsbgdbf)
i want candy: chocolate or sweets?
Chocolate. I don’t eat sugar orprocessed stuff very much but I do love chocolate (then again… those fruit chewthings could sway it to sweets dsgdfb)
the power of love: does true love exist?
I think, through respect andcommunication, true love can be built. I don’t hold fantasy concepts of truelove because I don’t think people only have One Person and One Chance at it.But I believe in that deep & true love can exist in relationships. I’m rightinto forming meaningful human relationships of all kinds cause we’re socialbeings and it’s crucial to our wellbeing.
hungry like the wolf: what’s your crush’s favourite music genre?
My last crush (who I’m good friendswith) likes sorta indie folk music. I haven’t gotten to know my current crushwell enough yet to know his though.
walk like an egyptian: favourite song currently in the charts?
I don’t know what’s happening inthe charts rn but as for new music, I really enjoy Humanz. Strobelite is one ofmy favourites off it, brings me back to the heavily creative space I was in atthe end of 2017 :D. (and ofc if I’m speaking of new music I gotta mention how much I love Cool Patrol)
i’m gonna be (500 miles): how far apart do you and your best friendlive?
15,235 km
you spin me round (like a record): favourite modern cover of an oldersong?
Both Under the Covers albums gottatake this one. If I had to pick one song from them I’d probably go with WishYou Were Here cause Pink Floyd is damb hard to cover but they sure did that.More Than A Feeling and Rocket Man deserve mention bc of childhood reasons, andhell just. All of both albums. Thanks for tuning in I love NSP. Oh also though!I forget their name but I found a band who did a very very clean cover of OneOf These Nights that I appreciated so much cause I fucking adore the intro onthat.
how will i know: do you believe everyone is deserving of love?
Coming from my social work studentperspective, yes. Everybody is inherently worthy of respect and love. However.....my angry little protective heart would sometimes argue that a lot of people inthe world don’t deserve love.
come on eileen: have you ever written a song? if so, what was thegenre?
Well I wrote several songs withlyrics & sheet music when I was learning piano. I was only young so theyweren’t super long but they were sweet and very nature focused. I preferwriting poetry now.
living on a prayer: which was the song of your childhood?
God there were so many. Music is asuper integral part of my life, the stuff I grew up on and what I listen to(pretty much 24/7) now is something I could go on about for paragraphs. HorrorMovie was one of my favourites when I was little, the Skyhooks are one of me& my mums favourite bands.
eye of the tiger: favourite 80s movie?
I have a lot but lets go with Backto the Future
in the air tonight: do you enjoy flying?
I don’t love it but I’m not scaredof it or anything. I enjoy the excitement of new destinations it’s associatedwith, and I haven’t had bad flight experiences. I do love looking out thewindows! I think I’ll always be a bit of a kid pointing at shit I can see.
tainted love: thoughts on synthesisers/electronic drum kits/technologybased music?
I like it! Not my favourite genre,but I don’t have the strong stance against it some people take. It can producesome really cool sounds.
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