#i hope u all don't mind i bit of art spam
missr3n3 · 1 year
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"This is too horrible to have happened to Adam. He didn't deserve this." "Eyes up here, okay?"
so i finally figured out how to do a vhs effect :)
bonus full color version under the cut:
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mcyt-parodies · 4 months
'its not like i like you' but boat boys lol joel is a tsundere or maybe its etho idk but they fit...im so sorry for spamming u with boat boys stuff lol hoope u dont mind
I don’t mind at all! I absolutely love them! This was super silly goofy. I hope I did the song justice? Sorry this took so long, I’m back on my grind though! Enjoy! (Also, the veil I refer to is a veil typically worn in Japan for women who work in the night life scene, I’ve seen some art of Joel with one and I absolutely loved it)
It’s Not Like I Like You: Boat Boys
Etho: "Hey! That's pretty good!"
Joel: "Wha-! No one asked you! !!!!!"
I've got myself just a little bit of love
That I wanna spend on you
But love, I'll never get that chance
To dance that romance with you
Oh, No, cause
You're always hittin'
And kickin' (HUGH)
And putting me down. [giggle]
I hope you don't mean what you say
[Etho and Joel] But I keep seeing you-
[Etho] stickin' around
[Etho and Joel] Like you/I can't get enough
[Etho and Joel] So I stay and I wonder
[Etho and Joel] How my hand would feel
[Etho and Joel] intertwined with yours
As of now though
Joel: "What are you doing?"
Nothing but closed doors
My boy’s a Dere
A Tsun-Tsundere
Just saying hi gets me a punch in the face
And if I should compliment him, he starts to chase
Joel: "Hey! That was a direct attack!"
Etho: Oh, no! The wild ogre found my hiding place!
Joel: "Stupid fox! Take it back!"
Etho: "So, uh, how’s it going?"
Girl: "Why are you talking to me!?"
Boy: "Wow, I see how it is."
Girl: "Go away!"
[Joel and Etho]
Can we get along? You're so headstrong
There's no way, go away, now so long!
Just talk to me and you will see
That's not fair, soulmates don’t matter anymore
I've got myself just a little bit of love
That I wanna spend on NOT you
Cuz Etho, I'm afraid you'll say
That it's not okay with you
Oh, Oh, cuz
You're always laughin', [chuckle]
And jokin';
You look like all washed up
But I hope you mean what you say
Etho: "I do."
And I wonder what you would think
If I let my pride down, let it sink
Could we hold hands, kiss?
Live our lives in some form of bliss?
Etho: "We could."
Joel: "Ah! I'm not talking about you!"
You're not my lover in this
I'm not a Dere
A Tsun-Tsundere
I have a heart, I'm not that mean!
I'm not blushing, I was just rushing and forgot the sunscreen!
Etho: [laughs] "Your smile is really cute, though."
Joel: You'll never see it from underneath the veil I now wear!
Etho: [sigh] "Alright. I just wanted to let you know."
Joel: "Uh-um hey..."
Etho: "Yeah?"
Joel: "Um-"
Etho: "Are you okay?"
Joel: "Yeah, um- well heheh."
[Joel and Etho]
Hey, hey are you free-free today?
Oh ho ho. Why do you want to know?
It's not like I like you okay!
Alright cool, where do you want to go?
We could go out on a boat and sail
Find a fox and
Feed it some juicy sweet berries
Joel: "No that sounds really stupid."
Okay well how about a;
Classic dinner by candlelight
Or scary stories til midnight
So then I could hold you tight
Ba da ba da ba
Joel: "And get bread crumbs on me?! No Way!"
Ooookay I think you're a little dense
I really don't like all this talk
You and I in the present tense
Ba ba da ba da
So listen here, boy
It's all just a big fantasy
You see inside of your head! No!
So just say goodbye!
Etho: [sigh] "Eh-whatever."
Ba ba da ba da!
[Etho and Joel]
I'm not a Dere
A Tsun-Tsundere. (My boy’s a Dere a Tsun-Tsundere)
Hey! I can kick your butt even in this dress!
UH! I digress! So let's just go to the park I guess
Joel: "Pffffft!You wouldn't even know what to bring."
Oh, come on, will you please just say yes!
Joel: "Ugh geez fin. It's not like I'll enjoy it or anything. You’re so obsessed" [giggle]
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powderblueblood · 4 months
sending you another one that isn't related to tv and movies because i like ur opinions and i think its helpful to talk about a variety of things and also i like talking to you and hearing you and this time i'm adding what i think a little bit and i hope you don't mind that <3
-death of the author (i swing back and forth on it but largely do agree but prefer toni morrison's the author is holding your hand and reading is an active thing)
-veggies like as a meal (i eat veggies strictly medicinally)
-contemporary romance as a book genre, and also larger, booktok (i largely enjoy contemporary romance and i think if u look for it, it's possible for romance to be just as meaningful and thematic as any other genre, and i do think some of it's heavy critique is sexist, but i do think there's a real marketing problem where authors are pushed to use those stupid ao3-like tags to sell their books like their made for consumption. like, there are all sorts of romances out there that are really good outside of colleen hoover and booktok, and i think booktok is a larger marketing problem in the publishing industry than a writing problem? while i myself don't enjoy those books, i don't think its THAT out of the blue and different from what popular books have always been)
-failmarriage (i love it so much, more interesting to me than any extramarital affair could ever be)
-i forget if you've watched succession but you seem like you have so: tomshiv, kenstewy, kenrava, (i love kenrava tragedy era and at one point was rooting HARD for them to get back together until they couldn't anymore, i love tomshiv failmarriage icons i hope they never get divorced and stay messy forever, i like kenstewy enough and find it beautifully tragic that kendall had two separate people who were rooting for him to get out of his dad's bubble and fucked it up both times to some extent. eldest boy indeed)
i think that's enough for now! thank you in advance and apologies for the possible spam
i don't mind that at all and i love when you drop by to chat!! you always come in here with the best observations AND questions and i appreciate u so much for that <3
death of the author
makes sense, compels me - i think anyone who partakes in fan works is generally a believer in this, because in canon we have our root but it branches out forever. it is incredibly important to be open to interpretation because to exist in a world where you can only accept things at absolute face value is to exist in a world without chewing and thinking on things. i can't agree with absolutism in any kind of art because you know what, it's BORINGGGGGG
veggies, meal
makes sense, kind of compels me - i like to cook so i would be lost without them I SUPPOSE. i love the endless pickling one can do with a vegetable, that's always very interesting to me because i like to live my life with a certain level of TANG to it, but i also feel constantly defeated by the vegetable industrial complex and i never feel like i'm eating enough of them. even though i do be trying!!! but christ for some reason it's hard, and then there's the whole thing of them never keeping in the fridge. you've really got to approach vegetables with a plan which i guess is good but also stressfullllllll i'm so tired. also i only really like vegetables that crunch, except for mushrooms, but like a steamed vegetable.... fuck off. fuck off. fuck off. hell texture
contemporary romance: the booktokification of book
makes sense, doesn't compel me - i mean 'chick lit' as it was once called has been with us from day dot, think mills and boon, think joan collins, all that stuff but i personally cannot vibe with the flatness of this era of contemporary romance that has been heavily marketed to us on tiktok via tropes-as-selling points as opposed to story-as-selling points. my issue with contemporary romance (and this is from the little i've read because it does bore me and for this reason) is there seems to be less of a focus on character and more of a focus on running through well-trod story beats in order to get to a happily ever after. i enjoy romance in my stories, but i don't personally give a shit about it being the sole focus because when it is, it goes stale quick. it needs to be anchored in the story, otherwise like, who cares about these people getting together? i completely understand the sexism aspect, like sure, let women enjoy things but i'm also kind of over the vapid barbie feminism turn of all things geared towards women cannot be criticized otherwise you're a misogynist. i understand where that reaction has come from, but it becomes tiresome especially in the face of furious swiftie-fied righteous anger. what i would like is for contemporary romance to be a place where we can tell many different kinds of stories (queer ones, for instance) as opposed to tired storylines recycled from like, CW shows. but listen! it's not my genre, not my circus, not my monkeys! i care about literature, but i care about literature in a different way!
makes sense, compels me - YOOOOOOOOOOOOO sanjana i'm about to get back on my mountain goats horse (goat?) again and point you towards their album tallahassee which is written about a couple known in TMG canon as the alpha couple. so tallahassee follows the alpha couple as they move to florida and get trapped in a cycle of isolation, alcoholism, and the continuing rot of the relationship they refuse to leave. i love a couple so in love that they hate each other and cannot leave, even if the door to the cage is wide open. i love going down with one another, hand in unlovable hand and i agree that it's more interesting than cheating BUT i raise you couple that have secretly pined for each other for years, end up wrecking one relationship absolutely scorched earth style in order to be together then they are trapped in a toxic cyclone they can never escape because they've made their beds now! (i've been writing this one story kind of about this for like 10 years now.)
the compendium of succession failships
makes sense, compels me - i was literally about to buy the books of succession scripts last night but then i fell asleep with my phone in my hand. will actually go and do that now. i love succession so much. it filled the void that mad men had left in me for a hot blast of a second there but JESUS GOD do i love some tomshiv!!! because i was rooting for them so hard at first and then i was rooting for them to crash and burn (again, hand in unlovable hand). there's no way they'll ever get divorced. because what would shiv do without being in touching distance of the throne, and what would tom have that would keep him anchored to the illusion of being the cornfed boy done good that i think he still keeps in the very back of his mind. kendall is SOOOOOO tragic on both stewy and rava counts, i agree, but god i hope rava gets a full tilt restraining order against him. stewy would never because stewy is too down bad rest of his life death row for him. ken and stewy could do leopold and loeb if they really wanted to. ken kind of already did!!!!
thank u so much for sending these, i really always enjoy chattin with you so much
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delta-gambit-au · 3 months
I got somewhat emotional today
To be honest, when I joined for the first time the Art Fight of this year, I only expected myself to do the first attacks and get some kind defences or revenges, to hone my art skills and make some new friends in the process with any luck. But because of my sad situation with the computer that disables my tablet that I also used as screen, I can't do art properly. You don't know my surprise when I was checking my socials and I saw that someone made an "attack" on me on the website today, and when I saw what it was, I couldn't contain my tears.
Perhaps I'm a softie or something, but really, I didn't expect someone I barely knew to draw something for me without me doing the deed first 👉👈 And to top it all, as how things are going, it really is the first "fanart" I get of the characters of my AU, so the surprise was deeper for me, and I melted in the process, because it was not a single character but both of them in the same picture which is really optional but 🍏(hope you don't mind the ping @indecisive-vermin ) just made my day (or even my entire month) by drawing Spam and Sears together and... asdkjhfgkdajgfshfdgñ I don't know how to express my gratitude for that 💝
Because I'm waiting for the original author to post it on his blog first so that I can reblog it and give the credit accordingly, I can't upload it directly here. His style is loveable and colourful, a nice treat for the eyes 👁️
And well, bear in mind that all fanarts I receive of my AU will be featured in the gallery inside the game when it gets done. I'll reach to the authors by then to ask them for permission to be added to the game as special mentions.
And as for other updates, the tracker says the new PSU will arrive around the 10th, but I'm afraid that Customs will withhold it for a little longer because of the category of item and the price. I'll just have my fingers extra crossed that nothing blocks me from that replacement for this old computer.
Also, no news about our employer. The 3rd another test was requested and completed, but I believe because of the 4th of July, maybe we'll not get any news from them until next Monday. The waiting is killing us... like, we're awaiting for any response from the 3 employers to see if we're any lucky to land on any of them. Feels like we'll spend this weekend job hunting again because one should have always something in the backburner just in case the current 3 fails to contact us with a "YES U HIRED" by Monday. The interviews and the tests are long so, the quicker you get them done, the better. Man, being an 🦄 is hard in this industry...
Yesterday I got to ponder on the designs of the Tasquelings. What it's giving me a bit of headache is the design of their parlourmaid suits and how that will interface with their bodies -- if to give them the classic uniform like the Swatchlings has their own butler uniforms, or to give them something unique... I had a mind of adding a Roomba companion to them for floor cleaning, while the Tasqueling works on something else in the guests rooms. Should I add cat ears to the Roomba? Decisions decisions 🤔In a sense while encountering the Tasquelings you should "fight" against the Tasqueling and a Roomba. I think I should stylize the name of the Roomba because of copyrights... Purrmba? HAH, I think that fits if I add the cat ears to it 😁
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Hi🥰! Sorry for the like spam😅 but I just found your blog and im literally IN LOVE with your artstyle??? IT'S SO FREAKING COOL WTF??? And the way u colour too!!! And on top of that, u also draw a lot of my fave bois Naruto and Sasuke🥺. I feel like, just looking at your art im learning so much! (Im a begginer artist). Would you have any tips on drawing Naruto and Sasuke for newbies? Or for drawing in general?Either way, have a lovely day/night💜! (Sorry for this random ask but I saw your bio and figured why not lol)
I don't mind the spam at all, its flattering ^^
In terms of tips for drawing Naruto and Sasuke, I feel like some small details really solidify their looks:
•the most obvious thing is practice, do character studies of them from many different angles, use reference images to see what they look like from different positions.
•Naruto has a very square/boxy shaped head, his chins flat and his heads wider than one would initially think.
•his sideburns never extend past his ears and his eyes are more rounded on the upper lid than Sasukes.
•his brows are also thicker at the ends
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Sasuke is very much the opposite of Naruto visually and personally I find him much harder to draw than Naruto, mainly because his look is very easy to get wrong, so again a lot practice and studies are recommended.
•Sasukes head can easily be mistake for long and slim when in reality it's similar in size to Narutos, its rounder and wider than you would think.
•His chin is round which can be easily mistake for a sharp chin because of his more angular features but it's really not.
•his eyes are more cat eye, his upper lids have a very small curve to them so they aren't just straight lids.
•his bangs change a lot throughout the show, because they're longer you do have some liberty in how to lay them but he always always has three bangs that cover the forehead, one in the middle of his face and one on either side.
•the hair that comes down the sides of his face always extends past his jaw but never touches his shoulders.
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I hope this helps a bit, they're designs are deceptively simple at first glance but it's the small details that's really make a big difference.
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sketchysketchiness · 3 years
Hi! I just saw you at fanX!! (The table acrossed from you) You're art is amazing and I love all of the dresses and outfits so much. It's all so pretty. (Now imma spam like/reblog u hope u don't mind (i queue things if u don't see them for a bit))
Hi!! It was so great seeing you and thanks for all the love!! BTW your cosplays were amazing!!!
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