#i hope u enjoy maky and the bugs <3
creepiefarm · 1 year
i walk into the creepie farm and i am welcomed by so many bugs and a tiny masky. this place Is creepy :)
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their touys [offering to play with you]
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
hello friend 😌
i would like a ruby from the beloved vault pls for jujustu kaisen there’s not really anyone i would hate to get
my personality type is entp and i’m a sagittarius (but i’m really not a horoscope person so i have no clue what that means) i’m a cis straight female (ik boring 🥱) so my pronouns are she/her
uhhh what else
i love dogs i’m totally a dog person no question abt it
i have the worst entomophobia and arachnophobia i’ve ever seen in a person (literally break out on psychosomatic hives when i see a bug)
my main hobbies are dance, singing, acting, lifting, and fighting??? like training
i am both a meathead and a theatre nerd 😌
it’s really hard to pick a specific music genre i like but i think one that i like pretty consistently is like classic and alt rock
red is my absolute favorite color im almost always wearing it or i have something that’s colored red
ik its weird but the idea of bugging my partner all the time and them like clapping back at me is so fun someone who is on the quieter side (not shy just relaxed cause i never stfu) but has a great sense of humor is just *chefs kiss*
my love language is without a doubt quality time
my family is always either telling me that i talk too much or straight up ignoring me when i try to hold convos with them
so someone who WANTS to listen to me ramble just warms my heart
i am so stubborn
if u suggest something to me and u think i can’t do it i will kill myself trying to prove u wrong
that might be from the competitiveness of growing up with brothers but i think it’s cute ☺️
i think that’s really it i hope i didn’t forget anything and i can’t wait to see who u choose for me
kithes 🥰
Personality Matchup
One 𝑅𝓊𝒷𝓎 coming right up for @lmaosupertuff
A/Note: Hey! Hey! Hey! Thank you so much and of course, you can. You’re not boring for being straight and a cis female hun, it’s just who you are and there’s absolutely nothing boring about that. I hope you like the match up :) Love <3 ~ Sar-chan
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I match you with...
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Runner Up: Itadori Yūji
Did I base a lot of that off the dogs and the quiet person part, maybe …? But it helped me decide between Itadori and Megumi because originally my first thought was Itadori but reading a little more I opted for the latter.
Here are some HCs:
Megumi originally makes a fuss about summoning his shikigami just for you to pet, it takes a bit of grumbling from him but he does it.
When he sees the way your eyes light up, and how happy the divine dog is around you he’ll summon them more often, but with an exude. He’ll say something like, “I’m training my cursed energy and plus they need to stretch.”
The truth is he likes seeing you happy but he isn’t going to admit that, he has an extremely soft spot for you and sees you as a bright spec of goodness, in all the evil the world contains.
I think Megumi often comes off tense but he doesn’t like showing weakness in front of you, that’s why he fears showing his softer side.
Maybe the first time he sees your reaction to buys he’s confused until he actually sees why, from then on he kills and keeps you away from any bug he sees, if he leaves you with Yuji, he makes sure to advise him of it. But on any occasion he will leave his Divine Dig with you, just to be careful.
Maybe when you’re training or working, more than often I think Yuji comes along, or sometimes Maki will take you up for a challenge just to test her and your strengths.
I think Maki will complement your capability in a sort of nonchalant way and if Megumi is there he’ll say, “I know.” This is because I think when he gets to know someone; he knows knows them and has a rather good read on people.
He’s confident in your ability and seeing them spend time with you training he’ll not visibly get jealous but want to train with you more, and try to spend more time with you. I think he’ll be possessive of you but you’d never notice it, it’s not in a toxic way. Sometimes it ends with you being pinned to the training mat and it's one of the few times you’d get to see him smirk.
Nobara will definitely comment on it, causing him to flush red and quickly help you up.
I don’t think Megumi is into theatre that much but he will always watch you, if he’s busy he’ll try to make time for you and will manage to make him laugh if you pull out a line from a script randomly.
Megumi is the type to secretly listen to you while you sing, like by the doorway or behind you, your voice will become his favourite thing. One time he will work up the courage to ask you to sing him a lullaby because he’s having a hard time sleeping.
If you want to dance with him he’ll refuse but if he sees anyone else dance with you he’ll give and find himself enjoying it much more than he thought. He asks you to dance with him more often.
Megumi can get annoyed and will snap at you but he will apologise after a while.
He loves silent quality time with you; maybe he’ll lay his head on your lap as both of you read a book or naps together.
He’s more of a listener and will not really give his input unless you want it, he admires the way you are passionate about something and wishes to be that way with himself.
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I hope you like your 𝑅𝓊𝒷𝓎 dear :) *kithe kithe*
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bluekitsune · 8 years
late DRV3 Ch2 impressions
So...... Did Kaede die in an accident or incident? People’s simultaneous translations can only go so far. But I’m guessing it’s either related to the kidnapping or the hunt/lockup of talented individuals, and the couple (parents?) talking seem to hint that they handed her away
real question: if there’s nothing to polinize the greenery then how is there so many plants around the school???????????????? Gonta plz answer me that
Spoiler: Ahoge hidden under cap lmao
Cannot handle all the references
As I expected the research rooms are all pure fucking gold 
Oh man, a flashlight? Didn’t the Mastermind have time to think of anything cooler lmao
Ok, so there’s that. Everyone was chased for having a talent? Is it because of the Most Terrible Incident still? Talent started being seen as something that could create equally great and terrible things so they were being chased? So how did people get talent brands of SHSL in the first place?
(was it on this chapter or on the previous one that Momota mentioned something about the killing game being an issue because it would turn up against his kid or something? That raised me so many timetravel flags. I keep thinking the time travel will be something with Momota with him acting all over Kaede and Shuichii but I can’t be certain)
Tense atmosphere feels a lot more palpable, maybe even more than on the 1st game. Without the talk of Despair x Hope as well, the Killing Game brings out a much different tone of dialogues! I really like the character dinamics so far
(I feel really bad for Kibo, he just wants to have FUN AHHH)
SHIT these motives and everyone trying to avoid it, its like Twilight Syndrome all over again X_X
Momota yamete
Shonen bonding moment; they should’ve started shouting “My name is Saihara Shuiichi and IM FINE” /shot
Yes Shinguuji, please lecture me more about the implications of supersticion T_T (OMG him telling Iruma to stfu amazing)
Sayan Gonta
Also, Gonta, the only SHSL that doesn’t need to Gullible disease to blindly follow anyone’s instructions
KIBO IS SO PURE WTF He’s so proud and feels so awesome about the recording function omg He is too good for them.... Mr utility belt robot
That was kind of hilarious..... Everyone should be swollen with bug bites TBH
HAHA God I wish they had shown Ouma x the bugs
I was expecting a death right off the bat, so the suspense during the Magic Show was eating me alive
And then when Gonta climbed up the tank and the piranhas fell, I paused the LP and immediately thought it would be Hoshi :C  He’d be the only one small enough to fit in there
“They played us like a damn fiddle” UGHHHHGHHHGFHG I was actually really enjoying his Hardboiled BAMF attitude OH WELL
Did not foresee that comic relief. POOR KIBO stop being so mean to Radio-kun! He just wants to be loved!!!!!! Also what a fucking stupid way to “preserve the crime scene”, you guys totally washed the entire Gym in bloody water U dumb fucks
:C Oh man thinking about Hoshi struggling and drowning makes me so sad. And then I think, the culprit separated him from the piranhas with the glass lid?
Momota shielding Saihara from his guilt and his feeling of failure is kind of endearing
SHSL Detective: Misses a completely fucking obvious trap door by the staircase I stg
Shinguuji if u were leaving my city I would cry too
Shirogane stop calling yourself plain you’re amazing
I think Maki is either really embarassed/ashamed/bitter of the idea anyone else will see her Research Room because she doesn’t like her talent, or they’re gonna pull a big stunt and there’ll actually be a baby in there or some shit
I just laughed for 5 minutes straight when they entered the “shower room” JFC
Actually I thought I’d care a lot more for Purple boy but he’s... He’s cute, and interesting, but I feel like they were trying to hard to put an unpredictable factor after Komaeda, and it’s not cutting it for me  I do like his voice actor tho, he’s doing a great job
I feel sort of bad for Tenko omg... (she’s not as terrible as discourse was expecting her to be. Despite all her remarks, she still treats the boys by their name and acts relatively open to interacting with them)
Idk what to make of this trial so far. I feel like they’re going to lead us in a big circle like YES it was the first/ish suspects all along MWAHAHA???
Iruma officially the horny fanservice girl huh? (Gonta is too good for this world omg)
AHHH Shinguuji called Tojo beautiful i_i If I shipped, I’d ship it
Saihara risking his neck for Harukawa is so out of place? Idk, but I guess this is the DR equivalent of ‘thinking outside the box’ aka pulling bullshit moves out of your ass like Ace Attorney would do
Ugh and then after running around chasing their tail for 3 hours they finally go back to the evidence
OH NO :C Tojo cries and I cry with her..... Did someone do the do and make her arrange the things? Dang
So far I think being drowned in a sink is one of the most brutal murders in DR..... Before we had a bunch of insta-kills with blows to the head. Ibuki slowly choked while she was unconscious? And Komaeda died slowly with poison, but I feel like this is the first real bodily struggle except for Maizono :U
Oh mann
That’s so messed up (Also the irony to have both a Shadow!Prime Minister and the Supreme Lider in the same spot? LMAO)
Damn the stakes are so high on this game. First you have the MC be excecuted and next the Prime fucking minister 
Tojo is like a Fusion of Pekoyama and Sonia in motivation, and of Celes and Peko in looks :C I really liked her
Gonta too good too pure too dorky for us
That excecution was fucking awesome. It makes a lot of sense (somewhat) if you consider the Spider’s Thread parable
So is the Twist now going to be that there was the Hunt and Talented students were being hunted and were so miserable they prefered to be put to death? That’s what Saihara’s reccuring flashback seems to point towards
AND THAT FUCKING MIC DROP DAMN So that’s why she was guarding her Research lab like a hound dog
:C Oh man While the trial felt really convoluted it also sort of makes sense, there’d be nothing pointing to the culprit except the floatee and the gloves because Tojo is such a perfectionist.... SORTA
I feel like the debates are running already a lot deeper than the first two games, specially without the coating of Hope x Despair talk
:C I cant wait for Shinguuji to take the spotlight
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