#i hope ur doing ok !! feel free to send me more recs / aks if you want !
ain · 3 years
Hello! i sent you russian recs before and i hope they helped you! this is like the first time i see someone be so enthusiastic about learning russian, im sure your mom will come around and if not the most important thing is what makes you happy, i hope you're feeling better
Утро is so good!! im so glad you liked it! 🥺 and i got more for you
Кино is a legendary band, even though I'm not that big of a fan, you might like some of their songs
there are bands that are generally well-known, like Нервы (i think some of the most popular songs are Самый дорогой человек and Слишком влюблен) and Би-2 (they're not necessarily in the same category though)
the hatters have some good songs but im not sure which ones really to recommend tbh, maybe Танцы or Да, со мной не просто, they're pretty funky
Аффинаж have a unique sound id say, i recommend their songs Солнце and Звездолет
some random songs from my playlist: Черные очки by Комсомольск, Молчи by кис-кис, Не спеши performed by Анна Герман (or Муслим Магомаев, his version is very beautiful too)
also i recently revisited some artists that were popular way back then, so if you want a song to be super sad to Бесполезно by Валентин Стрыкало is perfect
lastly seeing that you like Аквариум id recommend checking out songs from old soviet movies, they all unlock never before known emotions, songs like Нежность, Со мною вот что происходит, Последняя поэма
this is kind of all over the place i apologize hsjakam
Good luck with your studies btw!!!! you're doing great from what i saw on your blog <3
hi !!! i know this is literally months late but i was keeping it bc i wanted to listen to the songs in moments of crisis TM to keep me warm ! that sounds so silly but like the romanticism of listening to new songs recommended by a stranger askdjfh thank you so so much for these !!! i’ll tell you what i think of each of therm !
Кино - theyre not necessarily my style either but Бездельник (the first one) is so good honestly !! i think theyre one of those bands you have to listen to the whole discography of to get to the hidden gems sdhf also i read some of their history and Oh My God ok i get why theyre legendary now sdkhd
Нервы - this isn’t really my style :( i think the voice is too nasally ? idk it’s just not my thing but i can see how it would be appealing !!
Би-2 - sort of similar to Кино sdhds like they have some really good things but not a lot which makes me think i have to go through their songs and find the rly good things !!
the hatters -  Танцы sounds like it has great music video potential omg it almost reminds me of caravan palace by lone digger ? same vibes ksdhf .  со мной не просто is rly good i genuinely like this one !!! it has supervillain vibes in the best way !! it cheered me up a bit :) it’s so upbeat 
Аффинаж - the intro for Солнце is so good + it’s so atmospheric !! the lyrics are so poetic too !! Звездолет too !! it has poetically dystopian vibes sdkhf i think in terms of actual sound and lyrics they’re really good !! the неееееебо плечом задев на землю просыпал снег ~ и еееей на снегу пишу - то, что, боюсь, не скажу bit is physically healing me for some reason sdjfj ill add this to my playlist !
Черные очки by Комсомольск - i genuinely dont know why this hits but it does !!! 
Молчи by кис-кис - this is very sad and the lyrics are so well written but it also sounds ,, politically charged ? it kind of sounds like what the youth people in my country would sing if they were allowed musical freedom idk how to explain it sjdf
Не спеши makes me wants to dance in the kitchen tenderly with a lover at midnight with it on a record player asjdhf i am having feelings !!
Бесполезно by Валентин Стрыкало - i actually listened to this before ?? omg i didnt realise sdhf i have it saved !! but anyway без меня всё будет так же так же как со мной осколки звёзд сорвутся с неба и исчезнут king im going to cry valentin did that <3 valentin strykalo handshake claude debussy : beat drops !
also this is completely absurd but im listening to Последняя поэма as im typing this and i dont know why but im literally in tears !! like physically i am crying maybe its pent up emotions ?? either way i just ,, im feeling things dkshf its os gentle i want to tell this song “thanks for the hug”
thank you so so so so so so so much for everything !!!! im sorry i was so late w responding :(( i love asks like this so much !!! i appreciate it a lot :) 
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