#i hope whoever reads this has a good new years muah muah
tshortik · 9 months
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My favourite art of 2023!! 🥂🎇
Musings under the cut.
Art Goals/Wishes for 2024:
🪐 Finish my graphic design apprenticeship 🪐 Properly start my online shop and begin selling some prints. Hopefully adding more products little by little! 🪐 Start drawing a bigger fan-comic project I've already been outlining since a month or so. (Hint: Purple Wizard) 🪐 Make some concepts for two original story ideas I've been thinking about since years. I don't think I will start them next year but I want to outline a rough pitch and summary. That fancomic project is going to be a way for me to test the waters with something more plot-heavy and to see if I won't just abandon a project like that. 🪐 I really wanna do an official cover for something that is actually printed out. Like a book/comic cover, a poster, a design for something, etc. This might never happen but one can dream haha. 🪐 Play more dnd!!! Draw more personal dnd stuff cuz that's fun!! I love my dnd group waaAH! 🪐 More original paintings! Experiment more with messy brush strokes! I want more sharp edges and texture. 🪐 Long overdue, but I want to finally paint some book fanarts. Looking at you Baru Cormorant and Goblin Emperor/Cemetries of Amalo...
That's all!! I hope everyone has a great New Year! 🥂🎇
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
* You ever hear about the tradition where on the stroke of Midnight for New Years you kiss whoever you want to spend all the year with? What if the UT/US/UF/SF bros' crush invited the skelebro to a New Years Party and said skelebro was told about the tradition after the invite (maybe even at the party or by the crush)?
*Okay, so this was one of the first imagines I ever got sent to me, and dammit, I’ve been holding onto it since February, waiting for this day.  
I only do four characters per imagine now, but since this is a holiday–and a super old ask–I did eight.  
Happy New Year, you guys.  I’ll post a picture up later.  It’s freezing here, so we’re resting before we go finish celebrating.
He heard about the tradition from you, who just so casually mentioned it about ten minutes prior to the ball drop.  He’s had a few drinks and spent most of the party socializing and telling jokes– and you better believe he’s decked out in New Years glasses and a festive hat, though for some reason… his New Years glasses read 2013.  
He doesn’t show much of a reaction to the tradition.  His smile never falters, and he just responds with “that so?”  You’re worried; you want him to kiss you, and yet he’s talking to someone else while you stand beside him, watching the minutes tick down.
The countdown begins.  He’s watching the ball, while you’re watching him.  
It reaches zero, and everyone cheers.  Disappointment wells in your gut, but then–
Sans leans over and presses his teeth to yours.  It’s a quick kiss, but the feeling of magic lingers against your lips.  When he pulls back, he winks, and then he continues whatever conversation he was in as if that was the most natural thing in the world.
In this case, someone else informs Papyrus of the tradition, and he’s intrigued.  "YOU KISS TO SHOW THAT YOU WANT TO SPEND THE YEAR WITH THEM??  WOWIE!“
He seems excited which makes you feel hopeful–especially since he keeps casting side glances toward you throughout the night, whenever he’s mingling with others.  As soon as the countdown starts, Papyrus is at your side, boisterously counting down with you.  When the clock strikes midnight, everyone cheers–
and Papyrus bends down to kiss you.  
When he pulls away, he uses a "MUAH!” sound effect to punctuate the kiss.  His cheeks are flushed a light pink, and he’s grinning wide.  
And then he proceeds to go around, kissing everyone else.  Yep, he wants to spend the New Year with everyone!  
Oh well.
Whenever Blueberry hears someone talking about the tradition, his face lights up a bright blue.  Kiss at midnight to spend the entire year with someone?  Well, he’s certainly got someone in mind.  He keeps looking over at you, and he finds every excuse to be around you, especially as the ball drop draws closer.
When the countdown begins, his bones are literally rattling in anticipation.  He’s not even counting down with everyone, he’s so focused–and nervous!  As soon as everyone shouts Happy New Year and he confirms that people are indeed kissing, he steels his resolve and grabs your shoulders to turn you toward him.  He’s blushing even brighter as he presses his teeth to your lips.  Slowly, he draws back with a soft, self-conscious mweh heh heh, but his eyelights have become stars.  "OF COURSE I WANT TO SPEND ALL YEAR WITH YOU!“
Stretch is chill about the tradition.  You casually mention it, but he already knew.  He’s drinking honey whiskey while he’s kicked back on the couch, and you’re sitting beside him.  "huh.”  He says, his response completely noncommittal.  You can never tell what he’s thinking, but he has an uncanny knack for always being able to read your mind.
Your face heats up.  Can he read your mind now…?  Are you being obvious?  And if so, why is he being so nonchalant about it?
Oh geez, now you’re second-guessing yourself.  You play it off, shrugging and making some comment about how it’s just a thing some people do.  
The countdown begins.  Despite feeling self-conscious, you find yourself leaning closer and closer to Stretch.  Your shoulder presses into his, and when the clock hits midnight, you decide to wrap your arm around him in a hug at the very least.  As soon as you turn toward him, however, Stretch cups your jaw and kisses you.  It’s more than just a peck; it lingers, and you can taste the hint of sweet whiskey and smoke.  
“my new years resolution?  heh, to make better decisions.”
“You?” you inquired, a brow quirked in disbelief.  Red smirked.  
“nah, i’m shittin’ ya.  i don’t make resolutions.  i’d only break ‘em.”
Red already knew about the tradition to kiss at midnight, though he’d been debating whether or not he actually wanted to do through with it.  He’s developed quite the crush on you, and as far as he can tell from the easy flirting that always seems to occur between the two of you, you feel the same.  Normally, he’d go for it immediately, but you were different.  He didn’t want to rush it and ruin everything.  
So, when the countdown began, he chugged the last of his vodka concoction and sucked in a deep breath.
3 - 2 - 1
He turned and kissed you.  It was meant to be a chaste peck, just something he could play off if it wasn’t reciprocated appropriately, but the moment he felt you soften beneath his fangs, he lost his control.  His arms went around you, his fangs parted your lips.  He savored your taste, becoming even more intoxicated on you than the alcohol he’d just shot back.  
When he finally pulled back, you were a little flustered.  You’d wanted him to kiss you, but with his flirtatious nature, you didn’t know how to take it.  "G-good thing you don’t make resolutions, right?“
He looked dazed.  "huh?”
“The resolution to make better decisions.  You would’ve just broken it.”  Geez, why’d you have to say that?  It’s word vomit, and you kick yourself.
Red is unperturbed.  He just smirks and pulls you in closer.  "sweetheart, that was just without a doubt the best decision i’ve made all year.“
You’re blushing so hard that you feel dizzy.  "The year just began,” you tease, swatting his shoulder.
“so lemme make the next best decision of the year…”  And then he leans in and kisses you again.
Edge isn’t amused when you tell him about the tradition–at least on the outside, with his arms crossed and a haughty look on his face.  You feel a little hurt; you were hoping that maybe he would take the hint, but it looks like he’s just that hard-headed.
Or maybe he’s really not interested.
You’re dejected, but you try to brush it off and bring the conversation back to normal.  Edge’s responses seem even more clipped than usual, and although you think he’s just annoyed with you, it’s actually because he’s internally freaking out.  
A kiss guarantees he gets to spend the entire year with you?  That’s a human thing?  It would be a shame to break tradition, even if he did dismiss it.  He was just a bit flustered by the way you so nonchalantly slipped that into conversation, as if it were such a simple thing.  
It’s not.  He ends up thinking about it up until the countdown, when he’s standing next to you while you eagerly countdown the seconds with the others.  He’s becoming more and more nervous, his eyelights watching you from the corner of his sockets.  
Watching your lips, to be exact, move to form each number.
Asgore’s beard, he’s blushing.  Edge sucks in a deep breath and then blows it out.  
2 - 1
As soon as everyone starts cheering, he sees that there are quite a few humans kissing.  He looks down at you again, and you’re beaming up at him, a wide smile on your face and your eyes positively alight.  "Happy New Year, Papyrus!“ you declare, moving to hug him, and he–
He leans down and presses his fangs to your lips.  You immediately go still, your eyes wide in shock.  He barely lingers before he pulls back, his face an even brighter shade of red.  "HAPPY NEW YEAR,” he returns, his voice wavering slightly as he looks anywhere but at you.    
The moment Blackberry hears someone mention the tradition, he’s all over it.  He’s by your side the entire party and doesn’t let you out of his sight.  He wants to be the one to kiss you, dammit, and if anyone else even thinks about it, he’s going to fight them.  
He doesn’t do resolutions, but he does want to spend the entire year with you.  
The countdown begins.  You’ve noticed that he’s been watching you, but you haven’t thought much of it.  Sometimes, Blackberry can be clingy, especially when his brother isn’t around.  
He kisses you.  It’s a lingering peck, one of his gloved hands holding your chin captive while the other cradles the back of your head.  When he finally pulls away, he’s searching your expression for something.  You’re dazed, blushing furiously, and clutching onto the front of his bandanna.  
Whatever he sees makes him smirk.  
Mutt already knows about the tradition, but just as the countdown is about to begin, he’s nowhere to be found.  You panic–you wanted to bring in the New Year with him–and search for him.  Right as the countdown begins, you find him outside, smoking a dog treat on the back porch and looking up at the night sky.
“'rus,” his nickname comes out on a breathless exhale; you’re out of breath from the way you sprinted through the house.  He turns toward you, his face framed in purple smoke, and his brow ridges raise in surprise.  
“shouldn’t you be inside?”
8 -
You shake your head and come to stand beside him.  "No, I wanted to bring in the New Year with you.“
Something flickers through his expression, before he smirks and taps the end of his dog treat over the porch railing.
5 -
"heh, sounds almost like ya wanted a new years kiss.”
2 -
You tip your head back; you’ve got enough liquid courage running through your veins to return his flirtatious response with, “What if I do?”  
Mutt only pauses a moment as the people within the party begin cheering, and then he leans down, kissing you.  It’s a lingering kiss, his sharp teeth pressed against your lips.  You’re still breathless; your lips are slightly parted, and you feel the ghost of his magical tongue trace along your bottom lip, making you tingle pleasantly–
And then he pulls back and clanks his teeth against your forehead.  "happy new year, darlin’.“
(*Imagine Masterlist)
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