#i hope yall arent my twitter mutuals
missmcbling · 1 year
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IVE’s jang wonyoung, my girlfriend ☆彡
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rainbat · 5 years
"Like, if you know it isnt happening, why are you still teasing that it could? that’s only gonna lead to MORE disappointment." Honestly I think "this whole ‘not saying anything’ air" is because Josh and Disney KNOW EXACTLY THIS. That it will lead to disappointment and less people watching. I don't want to call it baiting cause we will get some form of canon gay BUT it touching very closely as it feels like they are not doing it to create a genuine hope, they're doing it to protect advertisers
Yeah it’s all about ratings for sure but like,, heres the thing:
Andi Mack “andimackers” the “friendom” whatever you call it, its literally 1% or less of the total viewership. there might be more on instagram but most of them are jandis and tuffys anyway lol. this news, which would reach MAYBE 3k people, while would upset us, all those people will likely still watch the finale. we still know tyrus is canon and who tf thats in this fandom is gonna be like ??they get together but no kiss? nup not for me! ... thats like lowkey weird lol are you REALLY just watching this show for two boys to kiss ??? 😳
so if news gets out that theres no kiss, maybe 10 weirdos out there will ‘boycott’ the finale. the rest of us truly, wholly, love this show. we are here until the end and we’ll rewatch when its over and we’ll support a movie or season 4 until we croak. i have MUCH doubt that ratings would be affected by josh tweeting ‘ there is unfortunately no tyrus kiss, but there is a beautiful moment that will be a first on disney’ (or something to that degree) i do believe he is NOT allowed to say that tho. 
So the rest of the 655000 average viewers? yeah they’re kids aged 8-14 literally just watching the show when they get home from school, when they go over to a friends house, when they see the jandi kiss promo and go :O if youre under 13 you cant be on social media, sure some are, but i can guarantee about 99% of those kids are not in the andi mack fandom. they dont follow josh on any platform besides maybe their moms instagram acct, they arent engaged like we are, they aren’t obsessing over tyrus, they havent been teased about a kiss or not, they probably forgot iris exists. they watch the show and either ship tuffy, tira, or have clued into cyrus having a crush on tj and think ‘omg what if tj liked him back???’ 
that is really the majority of the viewers. like, yall realise there arent 600k people in the fandom right 😭
so there you have, let’s say, 600k people that regularly watch the show that literally would never see any news about a tyrus kiss maybe or maybe not happening, let alone confirmation of it (not) happening. 
you would have maybe 3k (and thats a REAL stretch) people seeing this confirmation, and of those 3k ill be bold and say 100 would decide they dont wanna watch the finale if they heard there was no kiss. 
in ratings thats like,, not even statistically significant. So no spoilers, sure, ok. but why hype it up or down? it REALLY doesn’t affect anything and it just sets those 3k people up to be (a little) disappointed in the finale. 
i get the fandom does exist and has some kind of presence but look: i made an am stan twitter, right? so i use that for my fandom stuff, but i have a different twitter that i use every day and follow no andi mack stuff or people on. i have seen the show pop up exactly ONCE and it was a weird mutual connection of an actor i followed with josh. i dont mean to say anything bad but we ARE a small fandom. its just a fact, i dont think this news, no kiss, could do anything. (if there WAS a kiss, thats a completely different story, i do believe that would blow up) 
if you told someone who didnt watch this show: “andi mack has two gay boys but they arent gonna kiss in the finale :((” they’d go : whats andi mack and you’d go “this show on disney but its really good” and theyd go “gays on disney? like for real? wow thats cool” and youd go “yeah but they arent gonna KISS” and theyd go “ i mean its disney channel...” and you’d go “ya but theyre gonna be official” and theyd go “what WHAt theres gonna be a canon gay couple on disney??” and youd go “ya but-” and theyd go “thats crazy! wow maybe ill watch” “but-” “wow gay teens on disney confessing feelings a WIN” “but-” “and hes SAID the word gay??” “yeah but i-” “wow 2019 is a whole other world huh”
you get me? 
people older than you: watch cos omg gay boys on disney? 12 year old me could never imagine. 
people younger than you: omg do you think jandi is gonna get back together?? omg does buffy like marty now??omg cyrus does NOT like kira :o hey why did ham go to india?
TLDR; confirming a kiss to not exist would likely not affect ratings at all, i get why they dont wanna say anything because its a spoiler, but hyping it up really doesnt do much either. this fandom tends to forget it makes up less than 1% of viewership. the teasing of a kiss only does more harm than good
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satokorra · 6 years
85 Questions Tag
ahhhhh im in the mood to do this so thank you!!! sm @ashinatrashcan for tagging me in this <3 
— what was your last…
1. drink: water
 2. phone call: my mommy 
3. text message: to my friend who i am studying abroad in s.korea with! we’re just talkin about scholarships
 4. song you listened to: sweet talker by twice (it’s addictive!!)
 5. time you cried: i’ve literally like... kind of cried every time i have listened to what is love? by twice so this morning while i was listening to it on my way to school
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: i’ve never dated someone once.. whew
 7. kissed someone and regretted it; haven’t gotten the chance to!
8. been cheated on: nah obvi
9. lost someone special: yea
 10. been depressed: yes. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope!
— fave colours
12. baby pink
13. peach
14.  lime green
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes, my dance team!
 16. fallen out of love: uhhh, fell out of like?
17. laughed until you cried: constantly everything makes me laugh
18. found out someone was talking about you: i dont exist when im not around so uh i hope people arent speaking of me
19. met someone who changed you: nah... unless i can count jeongyeon ahjdhss she makes me weirdly happier even though i dont know her... ajsjhsd
 20. found out who your friends are: i’ve known for a couple of years, i love my 3 bffs
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what the hell
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: like all of them
 23. do you have any pets: 2 bunnies! i love my old ladies
24. do you want to change your name: leslie is my middle name and i prefer it its cuter
 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to an escape room, karaoke, and had some good pho
 26. what time did you wake up today: 6:50 am i believe i hate school
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: writing an essay 
28. what is something you can’t wait for: korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for school to be over
30. what are you listening to right now: sweet talker again absfjdd
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nah
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: fucking school i am so tired
33. most visited website: definitely twitter
. 34. hair colour: dark brown 
35. long or short hair: ugh its at the ugly mid length that makes me wanna cut it but i cant but im tryna get it long
36. do you have a crush on someone: not on my fuckin watch....ok maybe 1,.. also jeongyeon asfdjjd imsorry
37. what do you like about yourself: for the most part i am very open minded and easygoing when it comes to how people act around me? idk if im wording that right. im also pretty dedicated albeit lazy
38. want any piercings: nose ring! also a cartilage piercing 
39. blood type: how do people know this
 40. nicknames: my fam calls me kathy berry
 41. relationship status: who asked
. 42. sign: aries!!!!! and you can tell!!!!!
 43. pronouns: she/her. 
44. fave tv show: will always be a tie between avatar: the last airbender and the legend of korra
 45. tattoos: I HAVE ONE, lil female symbol on my right hip. i want to get raava tattoed on the bottom of my neck
46. right or left handed: right handed
 47: ever had surgery: nah
 48. piercings: just my ear lobes
 49. sport: colorguard!
 50. vacation: not to sound like rich but i like cruises ajsdfdjfj i love the ocean so much
51. trainers: nike!! its tradition
— more general
52. eating: currently? nothing... i ate daeji bulgogi earlier 
53. drinking: water always!
. 54. i’m about to watch: im tryna watch a quiet place tomorrow
55. waiting for: school to be over! and korea!
 56. want: to meet the twice girls :( esp jeongyeon :(
 57. get married: ?perhaps? 
58. career: english teacher then super intendant <3 
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs, its softer. i’ve never kissed tho so??? prove me wrong 
 60. lips or eyes: hm lips
 61. shorter or taller: taller even though im 5′8″ so its like.. impossible
 62. older or younger: older, but preferred? my age or 1 year ahead
63. nice arms or stomach: who cares
 65. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker! i love messy, fun people
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: never kissed anyone!!!!!!! ...
 67. drank hard liquor: yep
 68. turned someone down: perhaps? thats what that was
69. sex on first date: sex never! 
70: broken someone’s heart: ??hmm?
71. had your heart broken: not really, thankfully
 72. been arrested: lmaooooo nah
 73. cried when someone died: yes
 74. fallen for a friend: ???????????not sure
— do you believe in
75. yourself: depends on the day
 76. miracles: jeongyeon dyed her hair pink
 77. love at first sight: not love but some type of feeling yes
78. santa claus: is anything real
79. angels: perhaps
— misc
80. eye colour: hazel
 81. best friend’s name: marisol, dominique, chyanna
 82. favourite movie: mulan!
83. favourite actor: gong seungyeon
84. favourite cartoon: atla and lok obvi
 85. favourite teacher’s name: ms.retherford... she was mean to everyone but me
i tag: @pnkmttrs, @agenderandanxious, @doltn , @elizabethwolf, @lizziemcguire, @staticpalmz and any other of my mutuals who want to do this!!!!! yall dont gotta but here u go
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