#i hope you don't mind the monochromatic style?
gyroshrike · 1 year
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Miraculous holiday gift exchange for @supergirl9130​ ! Heard you wanted some Marichat >:3c Hope you don’t mind a little bit of hurt and a little bit of comfort.
Marinette doesn’t know much about Chat’s home life—she doesn’t let him tell her details—but she does know his relationship with his dad is... difficult. When he shows up one night, reaching out to her when he needs it most, on the edge of breaking, all she wants to do is hold him.
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works-of-heart · 28 days
hiiiiii ❤️ I love your art but i wanted to ask if you use AI or not? It’s getting harder to find who the real artists are and who keeps faking it I’d love to see how you start your drawing process and wips!
Hello Anon and thank you for the ask!
I understand the concern of not knowing whether any piece uses AI, but I assure you, none of my art work uses any form of AI. I use Clip Studio Paint to do all of my artwork and everything is sketched, inked, and colored by hand. I have shared many of my WIPs with a few friends of mine, but I'll share them with everyone now, as to put any suspicions to rest! =D
These are wip and sketches, so please don't mind the messy process I have lol! At some point I was thinking of streaming my process, so people can watch me work, if they are at all interested. I'm still working on setting it all up.
Below are my WIP for some of my popular Elucien art!
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The Elucien kiss, this was just putting down some shading before I worked on the lighting and coloring over the sketch.
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My 'anime' style lucien. I had just put down flats and brief shading on his skin. I used the CSP background of a sunset here, adjusting it later and adding some glow.
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My Lucien in Illyrian leathers! I was trying out different brushes and mood painting. A lot of this was attempting some monochromatic base painting before adding colors on top.
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The sketch and painting of my Elucien garden. I had the HARDEST time trying to get Elain's head to gently touch Lucien's!
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I painted the colors down, and started to get into the flow of the tone I wanted, and bigger shapes of Elain's hair. Like AI, hands are the BANE of my existence! I need a lot more study and anatomy practice. Perhaps I can post some of that here too! (I'm just always embarassed of the messy looks and weirdness of the process)
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The base colors for my Elucien mother's day painting! This one turned out so pretty, I LOVED How Elain's hair came out in the end, I was pretty shocked! The sky looked sunny too!
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Lucien and his wet shirt! This was the first time I've ever tried to paint a wet shirt effect before. I had no idea what I was doing, and had to try and find many different references.
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These are the sketches I had done for Lucien and Elain's Final Fantasy pictures I made. Again, I need more anatomy practice, but doing these were so much fun! I listened to Final Fantasy music too to really get me in the mood. ^-^
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And this is Elain of that series, in her flat colors!
There ya have it Anon! Here are just some of the WIPs I could find from my painting/drawing process. A lot of it is messy, chaotic, and just ugly looking at the start, but as they say "trust the process!" I certainly hope this helps ease any thoughts or suspicions. I understand its hard to find good work out there that is done with legitimacy, but all my work has hours of blood sweat and tears in them. =D
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solar-serpent · 2 years
𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜?
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𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟷 → 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟸 → 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟹
Disclaimer: my guts are telling me most of you already know the extent of your own capabilities, so this reading will hardly contain surprises for you but information that would help you to acknowledge your talents and find out how profitable they could be for you.
𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟷
You’re a natural money maker and manifestor. I see two remarkable yet different paths for you. The first invites you to connect with your body and use it as a tool. You might not know yet the limits to your body's strength or all the marvelous things you can do with it. Your movements are very graceful, like those of a cat or mantis. You have a talent for dancing and it would be convenient if you go for something slow paced as people is expecting to see the patterns of your moves. You could excel at yoga, taichi or another martial art as long as you can show off your body's flexibility and control. You have strong legs or that option is open for you.
Second path addresses your intellect and what you could do with it. You might be an Earth sign (rising, sun, moon or stellium) as I can tell you’re a sensory person. You like touching things, feeling their textures between your fingers or against your skin, and you would go only for whatever gets you to feel safe/comfortable. Nobody can make you change your mind when it comes to your preferences and you have a tendency to shelter in your own knowledge. You could become a prestigious university professor if you pursue an academic career.
You also have the gift of teaching and expressing your ideas in a clear and straightforward way.
Hi! I hope you liked this collective reading. Interested in getting a personal service? I'm offering these readings in honor of spooky season and their purpose is revealing the hidden aspects of your person, including talents, charms, beliefs and secret lovers.
𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟸
I see someone with great potential for the fine arts that unfortunately had been repressed. Perhaps by yourself or it was your parents. It doesn’t matter now, but it’s time you check whether you had the same self-limiting mindset from the past or not. You could've had high expectations on everything you did and wanted to, or you could have honestly believed all artists were poor and lunatic. Some of your skills remain hidden, unexplored for who knows how long. Your fear of failure is stronger than your love for the crafts. Unbelievable! When I am addressing a legit craftsman. Don't be afraid of challenging your abilities and discovering who you are. I see that some of you are dying to dye your hair of fantasy colors, and congratulations to those who did it already.
You have many interests as it is reflected on the cards, pile 2. You could do well with pottery, clay, wood carving, and sculptures. Goldsmithing could awaken in you a new interest in stones and minerals. I can tell witchery and the occult have also caught your eye. Not sure if you would devote yourself to witchcraft but the paintings or literature that allude to the obscure and ancient myths are definitely your jam. Your artworks could portray bright colors, and you might occasionally shift to colder colors or a monochromatic style. Your imagination is unstoppable, your creativity does not know of limits. You only have to overcome your fears and have faith on the process. Your art might not be able to pay your life expenses if you pursue an artistic career but this could be a fulfilling side job instead.
Hi! I hope you liked this collective reading. Interested in getting a personal service? I'm offering these readings in honor of spooky season and their purpose is revealing the hidden aspects of your person, including talents, charms, beliefs and secret lovers.
𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟹
Here we got someone that was serious about keeping their talents to themselves, lol. I see it’s not a matter of being ashamed about what you can offer or not, but you’re an overachiever and you won’t perform for the world until you have practiced a thousand times and you can deemed your technique as perfect! For another group you might only display your talents before the people you think as deserving of such honor. 
You are a jack of all trades and have many interests. You could be good at singing, dancing, and acting. Even at cooking! You've thought about making a living out of your not-so-hidden talents before. You also know how to identify patterns quickly, you might have a mathematical mind that you can keep cultivating, and for this reason you could excel at astrology or languages.
You are beyond charming and could work as a host or providing entertainment for others. If you are a woman, you have the energy of a seductress or female fatale. If you are a man, your energy is dark and alluring. You tend to get away with anything by using solely your words.
You have multiple ideas bombarding you all time, so you could have frequent headaches given the dark thoughts you get about failing to be successful at your dream job. You worry you might not make a living out of your talents and got to settle for an average job. The idea of having a boss that is not yourself makes you go sour. If you dare to take a leap of faith, there won’t be a point of return and from then forward you would focus on your career.
Hi! I hope you liked this collective reading. Interested in getting a personal service? I'm offering these readings in honor of spooky season and their purpose is revealing the hidden aspects of your person, including talents, charms, beliefs and secret lovers.
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insomniac-jay · 7 months
Well, Here Are Things You'll Never Know
The Gotham rogues gather at an estate for a party hosted by the mysterious Madame Nightshade.
Only, their host has no intention of being a good one.
Title taken from XS by Rina Sawayama
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The sight of the estate's grand entrance was enough to make Penguin jealous. With its green, manicured lawns to the African blackwood doors featuring carved scenes of an epic battle to the statues that overlooked the fountains. It wasn't a stretch to imagine Gotham's newest rogue sat on a pile of gold.
And the interior was just as grand as the exterior. Scarlet velvet drapes hung above the windows and doorways. An expensive, intricately designed rug laid on the floor of foyer while a chandelier made of real crystals hung above.
"Looks like Brucey boy has competition." Penguin stuffed his cigar in his mouth, hoping to avoid any further jealousy.
Catwoman simply looked around, looking for anything she could grab and make off with once the party was over. What kind of person was the host? Who could afford for so many luxurious treasures to be in just one area?
"Cool, isn't it? I neva imagined walkin' into a place like this!" Harley Quinn took her spot alongside the feline thief. Poison Ivy was not too far behind.
Riddler kept his eyes on the chandelier, studying it. Surely the hostess wouldn't mind if it went missing. His sidekicks Query and Echo chatted amongst each other before noticing a familiar face from across the room.
"Eddie, don't look now, but Monochrome's here," Echo whispered.
"Mon lapine." Riddler was already giddy and the party hadn't even started.
But Riddler looked anyway. Sure enough, the mysteriously alluring Monochrome was there with her henchmen.
Her monochromatic hair was styled neatly, giving her a smooth, clean look. And how could he ignore the beautiful black and white dress she wore?
Two Face quietly stood off in the corner. He wasn't too happy about being called out of work to attend the event--even if the invitation did say attendance was mandatory. His plan was just to come, drink a bit, then go home. Simple and easy.
The clicking of heels caught the attention of the guests as a woman came out into the foyer. She had brown hair with sleek gray streaks and green eyes. Her dress was navy blue with matching gloves.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Penelope Richards," Penelope greeted. "Madame Nightshade has been expecting you. Please follow me."
Penelope led them to a large room lined with covered tables full of food on silver platters. On the walls were paintings that would rival those found in the Sistine Chapel. Crystal glasses of champagne and wine awaited them as well as a chocolate fountain. Servants dressed in pricey Italian suits stood off to the sides, ready to meet the demands of the guests.
The other rogues looked around in awe. Just when they thought they'd seen everything.
"Madame Nightshade will be with you shortly. For now, why not enjoy a drink?" Penelope snapped her fingers and servants brought around trays of drinks for everyone.
Riddler kept his eye on Monochrome. The suit he wore was much different from his usual style, but he hoped it would impress the always stylish art thief.
"You know she finds your staring weird."
"Two Face? I never thought you'd come here."
"Don't got much of a choice when the invitation says it's mandatory." Harvey took a sip of wine. Probably one of those super expensive brands no one knew the name of, but damn did it taste good. "What do you suppose this Madame Nightshade wants?"
"Must everything be a conspiracy? Why not it be a simple party?" Riddler turned his attention back on Monochrome, who was talking with Catwoman. "Must there be an ulterior motive to everything in that mind of yours, Harvey?"
Two Face rolled his eyes.
Slow heels walking down the steps caught turned everyone's heads. Three more women descended down a grand staircase.
On the left side was a woman with dark brown skin and curly black hair done into a neat bun. Her dress was purple with a diamond necklace.
On the right was a brown skinned woman wearing traditional South Asian wear. Her hair was black and flowed freely down her back.
In the middle was a woman wearing an elegant scarlet dress with a black fur shawl wrapped around her. Her hair was styled into neat curls. If her appearance told them anything, it was that she's the boss.
Onyx eyes looked down at the guests from the balcony of the staircase. They examined each and every person present; likely making mental note of who's who. Then, they shifted to Two Face.
When Two Face saw the woman's face, the glass in his hand was crushed. Why his days as a DA flashed before him, he couldn't say, but he knew that face the moment she came downstairs.
"You!" He yelled out in anger.
The woman stood tall, not flinching under the anger of his voice. "Hello, Harvey Dent. I'm not that surprised you still remember me."
"Course you're not, Marjorie!" Two Face growled. While the whispers of the others about how they possibly knew each other filled his ears, he blocked them out. Instead, he reached in his side and pulled out a gun.
"Tell the-"
Bang, bang!
Two Face screamed in pain as he felt two bullets enter his shoulder. But he had no time to nurse it as two more bullets entered his other shoulder. He writhed in pain on the ground.
In the woman's hand was a smoking gun. Despite the attempt on her life, her face remained stoic, cool, calm.
"Too slow yet again, Harvey." Frost laced her voice. So calm as though she hadn't just shot a man twice in both shoulders. After returning the gun to its place, she fully put her attention on the guests.
"Welcome. My name is Madame Nightshade." Madame Nightshade raised her head like she were a queen. "I'm glad you all accepted my invitation and graced my home with your presences. However, this is not a party."
Gasps and whispers emerged from the crowd.
Madame Nightshade made her way down to the floor, followed by the other two women. Her eyes shifted from side to side, taking in just who walked into her home. "You may not know me, but I know all of you. Or maybe you do, but do you really know me?"
"What do ya mean by that? What are you getting-" "Oswald Cobblepot. It's wise not to further increase your debt."
Penguin was taken aback by the newbie knowing his real name. She hadn't even turned around when she said it. But his shock quickly turned to anger.
"What debt do I owe you? You just got here!"
Penguin's eyes widened. "The Iceberg Lounge? What's that got to do with you?"
Nightshade's gaze stung the crime lord, forcing him into silence.
"Yours is one of the lengthier ones. But since you wish to test me, fine. Relinquish the Iceberg Lounge to its rightful owner. It's just enough to clear your tab."
The guests were speechless. Madame Nightshade built the Iceberg Lounge? Since when? First Two Face knowing who she was, now this. Just who was this woman?
"Who do you think financed its construction? The workers? The merchandise?" Each word was laced with venom. They sunk their teeth into Penguin, making him uncharacteristically quiet in minutes.
Nightshade went on. "It was my money that built your precious lounge, and I'll have no problem taking it from you--should you wish to see how far I'll go."
Nightshade picked up a glass of wine from a tray. While nonchalantly taking a sip, she looked out into the crowd.
"Come hither, Edward Nashton. "
"Your recent stunt as increased your debt to me. Meaning you owe me over six hundred million dollars." She looked down at him with contempt. It transported him back to his childhood. "Does someone like yourself even have access to the needed money?"
Riddler walked up to her. He did his best to hide the trembling in his body. Once near, he bowed best as he could.
"Y-yes, ma'am?"
"N-no, ma'am."
"Figured," Nightshade hummed. "Especially when I can see all the poor financial decisions you make everyday. How do you expect to have a woman like Mona Lisa Beauvais when all you can afford is Ramen and crackers?"
Monochrome froze when she heard her name. Becoming a target wasn't what she had anticipated for the night.
"For all your genius, money is your weakness. That's such irony." Nightshade continued her lecture.
"I-I can come up with the money by tomorrow afternoon." Riddler sweated. His heart pounded against his chest from feeling her venomous gaze on him. Riddler's knees had been threatening to fail him ever since she called him his birth name.
Once Riddler found his place back in the crowd, the spotlight was placed on Monochrome. Usually she'd be reveling in it, but it felt like she'd been put on trial. Even more embarrassing that she'd just been called Riddler's girlfriend.
Nightshade only hummed in response. While she didn't doubt his capabilities, she surely knew that the task was impossible.
"Of course you will. Return so that I can give my attention to your novia."
Just as she did to the other three rogues, Madame Nightshade set her gaze in on the art thief.
"Just because you're a widow and a mother doesn't mean I clear your tab. But, I do believe yours will be relatively easy to pay since your finances are more sound than your novio's." Nightshade set the glass on the table.
She then took the rest of the time exposing the other rogues and informing them of their debts to her. Honestly, it made her laugh how much these fools didn't know how she'd woven herself into the very fabric of Gotham. No one could separate their money from hers without risking death or financial ruin.
Suddenly, a noxious gas was released.
The air became so thick that it caused the guests to start coughing. Madame Nightshade, however, was perfectly fine. Like she'd experienced conditions like this before.
"Listen closely and listen well: I'm not just a boss in Gotham, I am Gotham. So every bank you steal money from is my money. Every hitman you hire is my hitman." She walked over to an unconscious Two Face and rolled over his body with her foot. Shaking her head in disappointment, she went back to the other rogues. "I own everyone in this city, including all of you and the Batman. I don't expect flattery or worship; but when you are in debt to me, I expect my due."
The ice in her voice sent shivers down the spines of many. She then walked towards a pair of doors leading to an outside balcony. The night air flowed through the room once open, giving the rogues some sense of relief.
"Take this as your first and final warning: Deceive me and you'll never get the chance to do it again."
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy
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tinkabelle24 · 3 months
You're Just As Sane As I Am
Val showcases her tattoos.
Universe: TMNT (2007)
Relationship/s: Raphael/OC Val Scott
Tag/s: Awkward Flirting, Sexual Tension, Banter, Fluff and Humour, Tattoos
A/N: I've had this in my notes since December 2022. After showing it to a friend of mine @miss-andromeda I decided to add it to my TBaH AU as a quick Harry Potter themed one-shot... Hope you all enjoy!
TW! No trigger warnings, just some tooth-rotting fluff. 🥰
"No, no, no! Don't do that!"
Raph felt Val's hand on his shoulder as he prepared to drain their fettuccini.
The red-banded terrapin gawked at her. "What?" He asked, carefully relinquishing control of the hot pot. "It was just sittin' there on the stove."
"You don't throw out pasta water, silly," the brunette chided as she returned it to the stove. Turning back around, she shot him a playfully stern look. "Pasta water is liquid gold; you don't pour gold down the sink."
"What're ya on about?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "It's just water."
"Just-" Val scoffed, feigning offence. "What?!"
Raph quirked an amused brow ridge at her.
"My goodness... Alright, lemme show you something," she beckoned him to join her at the stove. He obliged.
"See this?" The woman gestured to the pan of sauteed mushrooms, pork sausage and pesto. Raph hummed distractedly. He was trying to listen, truly. But his mind was fixated on their closeness.
The pair were packed together like sardines in her tiny kitchen. They typically occupied different areas (e.g., one at the stove, the other the counter) to avoid inadvertently feeling one another up.
Well, it was happening.
They stood adjacent to one another, with Val positioned slightly forward so they were not constantly bumping shoulders. Only problem was she had nowhere to go but toward him.
Raph kept his hands above his hips; one braced against the edge of the stove, the other at his waist. If he let the latter hang naturally, he'd certainly end up touching her ass or, at the least, her bare legs.
Her citrusy-sweet perfume blessed his senses, ushering his thoughts to those summer afternoons he and his family spent at the farm; chowing down on fresh fruit and sculling homemade punch. It brought him great comfort.
He stole another glance at her partially visible thigh tattoo. Tonight was the first time he’d seen it, as she almost always had it covered by either jeans or sweatpants.
It was about the size of a dinner plate and depicted two Koi in a Yin-Yang setting. It was beautifully designed and provided a splash of colour to her mostly monochromatic style.
Raph noticed it as soon as he arrived. He already knew what the Yin-Yang and Koi symbols typically meant, but he was curious to know what they meant to her.
"I'm a Pisces," she explained, raising her red-black tartan pyjama shorts to reveal the entire tattoo. Had she gone any higher, he would’ve needed to look away. "The dark-light Yin-Yang concept always resonated with me, so I had that implemented as well. I wanted my next one to be a little more, well... not personal, just-"
"-Wait, wait, wait..." Raph's interest piqued. "Are ya tellin' me you've got another tattoo?"
Not just any tattoo-
"A tramp stamp?" He couldn't help laughing.
The quote: 'You're just as sane as I am' was etched in cursive across her lower back.
Sweet saying. Unfortunate placement.
"It's not a tramp stamp," Lowering her shirt, Val turned to him with a frown; slender arms folding across her oversized Metallica shirt. "Haven't you heard of Harry Potter?"
Raph smirked. "Ahh, so you were one of those kids?"
"Whattaya mean by 'those kids'?" She dared him to elaborate.
"Ya know, the ones who make it their whole identity? The ones who took the quizzes to see which House they'd be in; which Patrona-thingy they'd get; which wand they'd get..."
"Alright, firstly, it's called a Patronus, m'kay? Secondly, I'm not ashamed to call myself a Potterhead, and neither should you. You're the same generation as me; there's absolutely no way you haven't taken at least one of those quizzes at some point in your life- ah, ah, ah! Don’t you dare try denyin' it, Raphael; I can see it on your face – you have done it!”
Ohh. Usin’ my full name now, are we?
Yeah, okay, fine. He had. Once. Once! Years ago. Leo initiated the trend, believe it or not. The lucky bastard got Gryffindor, Don got Ravenclaw (no surprise there), and Mikey got Hufflepuff (again, no surprise). As for him...
"I'll tell ya mine if you tell me yours."
She's a Ravenclaw. Surely. She's too much like Don not to be.
Val grinned triumphantly. "I got Gryffindor House."
"Aw, what? I don't wanna tell ya mine anymore..."
"Now you have to tell me. C'mon, spill."
The terrapin heaved a defeated sigh. "Fine," he grumbled. "I got... Hufflepuff."
"Aww!" Val swooned. "Really??"
At that, Raph groaned and averted his gaze. You walked into that one, buddy.
"No, please. I’m sorry..." Val implored, trying not to laugh as she touched his forearm. "There's seriously nothing wrong with being a Hufflepuff. I actually think it's quite sweet. It suits you."
He eyed her quizzically.
"Sure, Gryffindor sounds cool. You've definitely got some of the traits. But hear me out, okay? You, the Nightwatcher. You went out, alone, and did your part to protect this city. For no other reason than that - to keep us safe. Another example..." She smiled tenderly, continuing. "I never thanked you for not telling anybody about how we met. You could have, but you didn't. For that, I'm incredibly grateful..."
He felt it, again; that fluttering sensation in the pit of his plastron. He equally delighted in and resented that feeling...
"You're welcome," he murmured, returning the smile.
"Hufflepuffs, at their core, are fiercely loyal, just, and protective people. You can't possibly stand there and tell me that doesn't sound like you... Wear that badge with pride, goddamnit!"
Raph chuckled and shook his head, fighting to conceal the absurdly large grin that was pulling at his lips.
Damn you, for makin' me feel things!
"Hey, you with me?" Val bumped the terrapin with her hip, snapping him out of his reverie.
"Hm? Ah, right - pasta water."
She playfully rolled her eyes, before continuing. "The starch in the water acts as a thickener for the sauce," she explained, adding then stirring in a few tablespoons of the liquid. Lo and behold, a sauce started forming. "See what I mean? Water alone wouldn't do that."
"Well, whaddaya know..."
The brunette side-eyed him. He grinned. "Aw, piss off!" She laughed, elbowing his plastron.
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furipasart · 1 year
Aye Furi, long time no see
Wanted to ask you an OC related question this go around (hopefully not a repeat of anything I might've asked before): When it comes to creating characters, what're some inspirations that come to mind for you? Could be for their designs or for their personalities, etc.
For me, my brain tends to operate on fighting games and thus I tend to create characters based around specific archetypes - I.E. my OC Amara is designed around being a grappler.
Ahhh this is such a good question! But I feel like I suck at explaining my own process but I will try my best tho! I don't really necessary have a big process on how I pick ideas to create characters, but I just try to think of what they could be and play around with their designs and personality a bit. I could just go off with a tiny idea for them and expand as much as I can. I will give an example of my oc Neva, who is an Icejin. I am a sucker for good Icejin characters, especially after the whole Frost character from Super. I really wanted to have more nicer or good intended Icejins but he kinda ruined that. So I just wanted to do something different. I wanted to create a character that wasn't really a fighter. They can fight but they are more of a pacifist. And I wanted someone who would dabble in inventing or be an inventor. I also wanted to make them cute and small too. For their color, I tried to do a soft color palette, I always try to pick either a monochromatic palette or a more complementary palette and just play with the colors a bit until I think it looks good. As for their personality, I try to make both good and bad attributes that can complement eachother. For example, Neva is a inventor, she loves creating things, but she can be a workaholic so she tends to forget how to take care of herself sometimes until her work is finished. I just try to go with types that would feel good for that particular character. It will really depend. As for clothes, I try to look up styles on pinterest mostly, and try to create a moodboard based on them. For example, my oc Goshi who is human and goth, I tried to look up some gothic attire and try to pick things I liked to put together, like for a more puffy type of shirt with a longer type of skirt and so on. I try to use real clothes for inspiration to build up clothes that I think would fit in the world the series happens in. And this is the type of process I use! I don't really have much more else to say but I hope it helps!
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cisthehuman · 10 months
CisLunar Dev Blog #1: Lunar
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The first of many Dev Blogs on the projects I'm working on. This is all focused on CisLunar, my streaming/vtuber/pngtuber lore and storyline.
I got into the vtuber world maybe a year and a half ago. First it was me just trying to understand this new niche form of entertainment, which really blew up since then I feel, and now I'm a fan. As someone who wants to share something without actually showing my face, I really wanted to try it out!
With that being said, as someone who was raised to make every project/assignment the best, it's taken some time for me to get everything together. I also don't have that much disposable income (at the time i first started developing this, i was paying my way through grad school) so I know I don't have the fastest internet/best specs for streaming.
But! My computer doesn't mind a little bit of drawing streams here and there! So I hope to make some fun drawings on stream~
With that said, I noticed that a lot of vtubers create a persona that may or may not be similar to them. The lores of some of the characters they have can be quite extensive. As someone who enjoys creating a new world, I thought it would be cool to make my own little world.
Let's start with some characters shall we? This post will go over one of the titular characters: Lunar!
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Lunar Sun
Age: 30
Chaotic Good
A mischievous radio host who plays the newest & hottest music on Planet GJ504b. Underneath their fun day job, she uses her connections and gossip loving nature as an informant in the underworld. While she used to freelance her services, she now only works for the Nebula Mafia Family. Her boyfriend, the Nebula mafia don's son, is her usual customer.
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When first creating Lunar, I was actually going to go the full Vtuber route when I decided to take a stab at streaming part time. Her first iteration came from a Halloween design challenge i gave myself the previous year.
Fun fact: her skin tone is actually color picked from mine! I wanted her to be a reflection of me, so I decided to keep the mushroom hairstyle I drew as I used to rock a very good mushroom/pageboy haircut when I was younger.
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Soon after I decided to change up her look. You see I tried to go in the class vtuber design route--cutouts and asymmetry. I then wanted to change her hair length as well. I wanted to get her away from being too similar to me and into her own person. At one point I thought this was the perfect length, but I liked swoop I gave it.
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After a couple of passes of her clothes, it was then I liked the idea of giving her a catsuit with tiger stripes. I went through different color ways hoping to keep up with a certain identity color scheme, (two of the colors are featured in their eyes), but I rather liked the combination of these bright colors. This is where her playful personality began to take shape in my head. The bright colors of her clothes reflected her zany personality.
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And thus her yr 1 design was born! I used it for the first year I started streaming! At this point, her story was pretty messy as I knew I wanted her to be an informant. I didn't think too much about it, as I just wanted to make things so I can began dipping my toe into streaming.
After a year however, I believed I could push myself and redesign Lunar. While I liked the concept of her design, I thought it was a bit bland. As character from outer space, something about her seemed very regular to me for some reason lol
Due to school, my poor internet, and my own mental health, I couldn't stream much and often. I set a goal for myself to use the next time I began streaming, I would put more creativity in Lunar and the world she resides in. The first step was redesigning her.
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First I thought maybe I could keep the catsuit and do a different style of cut and change the colors. While I liked the monochromatic idea of the pattern, the clothes was still not hitting it for me. I then thought about giving her more skin. I was getting on the right track!
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After more trials and doodles, I finally made a good design! It is reminiscent of her original design, but a bit more in line with her character. I was so happy with this design that I decided to give her more outfits for me to choose from. I like to think she has a massive closet. She has some style rules though: arms covered, prefers to show off their belly button, always wears shades.
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I actually started on some illustrations! I'll finish them at some point lol
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And that's it!
I'll touch more on her story when I discuss the Stream Lore a little bit later! Thank you for reading~
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nemo-in-wonderland · 3 years
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"He takes on the world all in a stride And your wounds will be his scars So won't you remember when the night comes He will need your open arms For to be invincible He needs your love"
"The Ballad of Jeremiah Peacekeeper"- Poets of the Fall
Evening evening, my dear folk!
Not much to say about this piece, aside from me trying new techniques (I have been dying for ages to try an artwork in a toned paper-style) and drowning in feelings for my two lovebirds.
Don't mind me, I could draw Jacob and Dorothea together each day of my life and be a happy woman! <3
I couldn't decide which one I loved the most, so I decided to upload both the monochromatic and the coloured versions.
And yes, Jacob has freckles. That's the only truth I know.
Well, I hope you will like it!
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Let's do a style analysis of HBO max's gossip girl,shall we?
Hey upper east siders!! All I have to say is the outfits are *immaculate*
Note: The points I make are solely mine and I am trying to be as straightforward as possible in this post so kindly ignore any inarticulateness this post may convey😁.
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The amount of vibrancy that the above photoshoot is radiating is something really refreshing, with people all around me dressing in a usual and similar manner (blue jeans and white tank top duh!), the extravagant yet not extravagant clothing that these wonderful people are donning is something that caught my eye instantly. Yes!! from the moment the first picture came out I looked forward to more behind the scenes pictures of the cast and of course its fashion(actually I looked forward to ONLY the fashion, not because I don't trust the storytelling or the future plot but because the uniforms like these shown below made my inner fashion enthusiast *shake* to her very core.
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● Now clothing or a style statement is very necessary for a film or any cinematic art form because in a lot of cases it is something that makes the show stand in the future or something which shares the iconicity of the art itself. The particular fashion becomes something exclusive and a trendsetter for that show or a movie. Yes! it does happen because the first thing that pops up in my head when somebody talks about clueless is the Cher and Dionne's plaid outfit or when i am reminded of mean girls one of the first things that comes up in my mind is a pink skater skirt or just you know pink outfits in general.
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● When we as an audience are mesmerized by the "attractive" outfits or statement pieces our favorite characters wear onscreen we are influenced to wear similar pieces too. Such a thing happened with Blair Waldorf's iconic headband which made a lot of people wanting to don that too.
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00's Vs Present
What I primarily want to do with this post is compare gossip girl's iconic fashion moments with the upcoming gossip girls' fashion and eventually compare 00's fashion to the fashion we have seen emerging in the past year, basically fashion 2020 onwards.
● There was this "rule" I learned and tried to follow which is no outfit should have more than 3 colors together , I did try to religiously follow that but it seemed a bit difficult so I increased the max number of colors I could have in my outfit to 4 .
● My biggest pet peeve regarding fashion would be too many mismatched colors in an outfit or simply lots of different colors in an outfit unless its a multicolored outfit. The example is given below.
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• Outfit 1 above aesthetically looks good but if the handbag were of a pastel color(pink or even yellow to match the shoes) the whole outfit could have looked way better.
• Outfit 2 strains my eye at the very first instant I look at it, was that necklace really necessary? I am confused whether it is a athletic outfit or a casual one?
Not very recently we have been obsessed with and have been looking out for this style in fashion. Kuwtk also played a role in promoting this form of styling which is minimalism because they are donning outfits of neutral colors like white,khaki,brown,beige,cream and mostly they happen to be monochromatic. Also with tiktok( I am saying tik tok because I have seen many tik tok videos with most people wearing this staple outfit),the easy and comfy outfit consisting of a white tank/crop/shirt or a T-shirt paired with blue skinny/wide legged Jeans and compulsory white sneakers. I honestly thought the new gossip girl would show include current elements of pop culture fashion elements like minimal jewellery ,claw clips or tie dye outfits but seems like they are trying to set up a fashion statement of their own in their own creative way ! which is very great.
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● But after looking at the behind the scenes of gg reboot and the promotional pictures,it seems they are approaching a more "colorful" approach to the outfits and I hope they are able to set new style standards too as the og gossip girl did. The new gossip girl has fashion inspired by the 2000s and subtly the 90s but yet feels modern?The outfits look formal yet very practical and easy to recreate?The outfits look smart yet not very extravagant(of course barring the fact that all the products are high end but nothing thrifting and matching our outfits cant solve) ? a big YESSS!! to all the questions raised! It's really refreshing to see how well put together and actually comfortable the outfits look . Although the huge bags that blair and serena used to carry are making a statement in this show as well as can be seen from the pictures. In the upcoming show the jewellery is not exaggerated nor the colors mismatched,basically they are beautifully following the notion "less is more". I had an aversion to blue colored clothes and I always gravitated towards black and white while wearing formal but the actors and ofcourse the characters wearing blue formal outfits(to school I know) is making me think differently . 👀
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Make sure to comment down below and hit me up with your expectations regarding the show set to air on July!
Xoxo, gossip girl💋
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moonlight-yuyu · 3 years
hi!!! can i request an written enhypen ship? and if you don't mind, i'd love to hear your explanations :))
looks wise, i'm 5'8 with medium length black hair and brown eyes. my wardrobe mostly consists of monochromatic clothes and statement shirts, though i do have some with brighter colors and fun patterns, i prefer wearing simple and dark colored clothes. overall, i'd say my style is more of a casual comfort, but i like to experiment and wear other things once in a while just to see what works on me.
personality wise, i am an infp-t capricorn.i'm usually shy around strangers but i pretty much do a whole 180 as soon as i get comforable. i'm a pretty impulsive person which honestly doesn't go along well with my indecisiveness and i guess i'm a somewhat extroverted introvert in the sense that i like being around people that i'm comfortable with. it also does take me a long time to be completely comfortable with others, too.
in my free time, when i'm not doing anything school related, i like to sleep, eat, read, write, sing, dance, listen to music, or play video games (i especially enjoy games like pokemon, god of war, and tekken). i play the guitar too, but not so much so now because i still haven't gotten to replacing the strings on it.
ideally, because i'm a pretty intellectual person, i'd like to be with someone who won't be annoyed by my hermione-like attitude and i'd like for that person to be open minded and be someone i can talk to about the randomest of things and have playful debates with about whatever.
i don't think i have anything else to add so, i guess this is everything :)) thanks for your time and effort ❤️ stay safe !!
Thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨
Jay🤍 The first thing that came into my mind was that Jay would LOVE to help you trying new clothing styles and especially how to style the clothes you’re already having!! In my eyes your clothing styles would also match so well! I also think that Jay would adore your hermione-like attiude especially because he likes to learn new things about the things he loves as well (isn’t he learning french because he’s into fashion?! what a king lol). AND you like to eat an we all know that he likes to cook and when this isn’t the perfect match I don’t knwo what is 😂) all in all I think that Jay would have such a soft spot for you and would give you all the time you need to get comfortable around him! ❤️
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(I just love him lol ❤️)
I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 💙🦋
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