#i hope you like it fhjkdshfjksd
staal-eric-archives · 2 years
May I request another Suzufield drabble please? This one with “ One of them gets sick on the trip and the rest drop everything to take care of them”. Maybe it’s Nick that’s sick but he tries to hide it so he doesn’t ruin the fun?
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They had planned everything before hand because they knew that even if they had all the summer, they would’ve wanted to do everything. Nick and Cole decided to go to France for a week and to come back right after to settle down a little bit, going to London then to Wisconsin.
It was supposed to be perfect.
And Nick thought at this time that his body could handle it. These are vacations, it’s not that much of a big deal, right? He’s going to be with Cole, they will visit a couple of cities, travel to see their families and meet each other, it’s going to be all right?
Not really. Nick didn’t play all the games to just crumble to the ground and feeling unwell on his way to Paris? Absolutely not! The six hours trip actually almost killed his back. And there he is, on their superb hotel room where you can literally see the Eiffel Tower, a surprise that Cole made for him. But he doesn’t feel really well. Sitting for so long literally pained him but he doesn’t know how to tell Cole because he knows that his boyfriend would drop everything.
But they are supposed to have fun. It’s their only solo trip this summer and he would’ve wanted to be able to enjoy with Cole so badly.
“I know something is wrong, Suzy.” Cole affectionally calls him out. Nick is looking at the window where he could see the French emblem but also his reflection and Cole’s. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Nick sighs. “It’s our only romantic getaway.” He then approaches Cole to take him by the waist. “We’re in Paris, it’s supposed to be romantic, we’re supposed to eat some patisseries françaises in a cool café or something. Or better? Take a bike around the Eiffel Tower or the Champs-Élysées.” He brings Cole’s body closer to him.
He’s disappointed of himself because this was supposed to be the most romantic trip together before spending their summer with friends and family. Of course, they are going to spend a lot of time as a pair, but with some other people. This time, they were only the two of them and Nick knows that Cole is about to do everything to make him feel better. Even worst: he’s going to drop everything they had planned to take care of him.
“As long as we’re together, I don’t care where we can be in this damn world.” Cole says softly to him as he gently caresses his cheek. “Look, let’s just hang out here? I’ll go take the groceries and stuff. Prepare the balcony. Or I’m pretty sure we can make a bed with this sofa and...” He makes a gesture towards the view of the Eiffel Tower. “... And have our own little romantic dinner in bed in France. In the most...” He steals him a kiss. “... romantic city of all time, ok?”
Nick has a little smile beneath Cole as he kisses again before pulling him closer to give him a long and big hug.
When Cole comes back, he brings some baguette, some cheese, grapes, fruits and other usual stuff they find in they grocery stores. He also has some French wine and he even bought some flowers and some candle to light up. Nick tried to help him but Cole is doing most of the work before they cuddle in the bed in front of their view of the Eiffel Tower that starts to light up as the sun goes down.
Yeah, there’s no other place where Nick would want to be right now than in Cole’s loving arms.
send me a number (first meeting) (or anything else you can think about) + an otp and i'll drabble around it
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