#i hope you were all briefly deceived into thinking this was official art
stardink · 2 months
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Waiting for stardust to get killed by the king again! There is no way he'll ever beat him-
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lemystical-puffle · 3 years
*kicks down door*
It’s my tumblr and I get to choose my content
So here we go
Assigning the Kagerou Project Songs to each group from Project Sekai
(VBS gets 1 less from everyone else because they have Yobanashi Deceive already)
(Songs are in no order)
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Lost Time Memory: The style of songs I’ve been seeing in Leo is this kind of indie rock, songs with a lot of instrumentals and guitar, along with being on a more darker side. I feel like Lost Time Memory perfectly fits this description and wouldn’t be surprised if it gets assigned to them in the future.
Headphone Actor: Like LTM, this song fits the aesthetic of indie rock to a T, but I feel like the lyrics fit as well. With the song being about running towards a goal, discovering feelings, and: well honestly I don’t have anything else I just feel like the style fits and I like the song leave me alone
Toumei Answer: Another one I can’t really explain, it’s just a gut feeling. There’s not much I can put here, I just... I don’t know man I just feel like this song goes here
Summertime Record: I love summertime record, way to much, and I love the voices of Leo/Need sooo.... (Jkjk this isn’t biasy I swear. Plus my favorite is wXs but no one asked), yet again, I feel like it’s the vibes here that makes me put this song here. Just the idea that the ending being with the beginning, if that makes since, I just... I goes here.
(There was going to be only 4 for each but I feel like I should give Fireworks at the Summers End an honorable mention here)
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Kiseragi Attention:wow look at that the idol characters song goes in the idol group, who would have guessed. Well you know what, it fits. A group of girls who quit being idols, a song about a girl who’s an idol and hates the attention, It just feels perfect. Not to mention the vibes are fantastic
Yuukei Yesterday: listen, out of context, this song is nothing more than a cute song about a Tsundere wanting to tell her crush she likes him. And I feel like the up-beat vibes fit in with MORE MORE JUMP perfectly :) Also I mean- Airi-
Imagination Forest: I was debating putting in this song, with it being so plot heavy and since project Sekai shortens the songs, it may feel weird, especially since the song itself has very different vibes than the other MORE MORE JUMP songs, but I feel like if cut right, then it could be seen as a simple cute story song. Now I don’t think this would be a song to get a PV or be an Event Song, but more one of those songs that just appear in the shop that you vibe to occasionally.
Lost Day Hour: or as I call it, “summertime record but I don’t want to cry as hard.” I feel like this song is one of those where it sounds so chirpy and the music doesn’t fit the lyrics, and I feel like that works so well with MORE MORE JUMP, so uh yeah it’s here now. Shut up I never said this was going to be a good list.
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Outer Science: I know, shocking. Okay okay sorry, I know a lot of people have said this before, but I mean come on. Outer Science in VBS, please. Let them scream the womb. Though my one thing is I don’t know who would sing it. I can’t imagine any VS other than IA singing this song, but I don’t want it to feel to similar to Yobanashi Deceive. Maybe a girls solo? Maybe a group song? I don’t know but I know it needs in.
Kagerou Days: Yes VBS gets both iconic songs I’m sorry but where else could a song about death go??/j I feel like VBS has the right vocal range to do this song justice, maybe make it into a duet for both Hibiya and Hiyori, though I don’t know if this is the type of song to get a MV or not, because while it technically has an official one, the fan made one is more well known and the official one could distract the player with the fast text.
Children Record: I have 3 main reasons. 1) VBS is a mixed gender group and so the lyrics “boys and girls.” Don’t feel as weird. 2) A rock-ish song about a group of people with powers with an aesthetic of street art and graffiti??? 3) Daze isn’t an option so this is my second best choice. (I would totally make them do Daze, they could do Daze so well and I would kill for it, hOwEvEr I don’t know how much it counts because it was originally sung by MARiA and the IA version is only a cover.
There’s no 4. They have Yobanashi Deceive
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Otsukimi Recital: I was struggling with wXs, with both the group and Kagerou Project having such different vibes that it was hard to figure out what would go here, but I feel like this song is one that definitely belongs. While yes, it’s an idol song, it has the right about of cheerful vibes, those of wanting to make people happy, that I feel like it fits right in with the bright wonderland group.
Konoha’s State of the World: Okay listen, I know this song is really hecking dark, but you know what? wXs has some dark songs, so they can have some Konoha No Sekaijijou thank you very much. I feel like this could be a a Tenma, Rui and KAITO song, simply because I can’t see any of the girls singing this song.
Shonen Brave: Listen, a song about a scared boy who finds courage in helping a scared girl, thats what this song is (leaving out the whole eye powers and dying and medusa bits), and I feel like this could be a Rui and Nene song, since Rui had made the Nenerobo since she couldn’t talk to people, and the song is about finding courage, but then again I’m not all to familiar with the story so I could be wrong.
Imaginary Reload, Shissou World, or My Funny Weekend: I feel like either one of these songs has potential to be a wXs song, but I don’t really have any reasoning behind it, hense why there are 2 songs here but nothing else. Oops 
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Jinzou Enemy: This song just screams 25-ji to me. The dark yet somehow hopeful lyrics, the dark aesthetic, I feel like this is the second most fitting song for this group (we’ll get to the first in a bit), and I also feel like this song is criminally underrated, so having it be reborn and covered would just be amazing in its own right. 
Additional Memory: Now the most fitting song for 25-ji is Additional Memory and I will not be taking criticism. The lyrics of Additional Memory talk about being trapped in some unknown world, being lost angry confused, and living with regrets. I am sorry but if that doesn’t just scream 25-ji then uh well I don’t know the story so don’t tell me and ruin my fun. I feel like the Daze and their Sekai have a lit of similarities in just vibes alone, so having a song that takes place in the daze feels just given. Please let them sing Additional Memory.
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness: Okay okay, I know this sounds weird. A song about sisterhood where only one character is a sibling and their relationship doesn’t mirror Ayano’s and her siblings at all, but here me out. I feel like them singing about these kinds of connections, songs about self sacrifice, regret and dreams, I just feel like it fits. I really have nothing else to say here.
I know I already used Lost Time Memory but you know what screw it I’m using it twice because I absolutely can. I feel like if Shintaro were to go in any group, he would be put right into 25-ji despite being a male and I think his song deserves to be mentioned here. I really don’t have much to say, other than Kanade is also a Hikikomori so she should get center.
Not really a 5, just briefly mentioning Marry’s fictional world here because I feel like I absolutely should.
Afterwords: This is 100 percent not a “songs that should be in project sekai” post. As you could see, a lot of the songs I had mentioned were based on vibes alone and don’t really fit. This post was simply me sorting Kagepro songs into Project Sekai because I thought it would be fun, and needed somewhere to put these thoughts I’ve been having. In conclusion, let 25-ji Night Chord de sing Additional Memory.
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