#i hope you‘re having a good day and a song stuck in your head now
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„Hey sexy lady.“
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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-„girl hurry up!“
-you had spent the last week in Amsterdam to do some research for college and to take some pictures for the magazine your class was currently designing for a project
-and now you were at the airport waiting for your plane to Italy to take off
-it was new years eve tomorrow and you had promised to come to your friends‘ huge party she wanted to celebrate in Sicily
-you were wearing a warm coat and a scarf since it was super cold out and its been snowing for the past 2 days
-„What am I supposed to do? Fly the plane myself?“ you joked over the phone
-„whatever. I cant wait!“
-you then hung up and leaned back in your seat, looking around
-there werent many people here, probably since no one is crazy enough to fly somewhere in a snowstorm
-but the airport people had told you there wouldnt be any problems due to the snow
-you noticed two girls sitting together, talking
-they looked excited about something
-and there was an older woman talking on the phone
-she was wearing a super long red fur coat and some black lace gloves
-rich bitch you thought to yourself
-you wish
-a couple of others were sitting nearby just talking to each other or scrolling through their phones
-you then decided to listen to some music because you had about 30 minutes until boarding started
-25 minutes later you headed towards the gate but a woman stopped you and spoke:“we are so sorry, the plane cannot start right now, the storm is pretty drastic and it could cause some problems.“
-you just stared at her and then asked:“And when will the next plane to Italy go?“
-she shrugged her shoulders and replied:“I‘m sorry, we dont know that yet. But of course you will get a full refund or a rescheduled flight.“
-you stumbled back a little
-they had promised the plane would go
-and now you were stuck here
-you had already cancelled your hotel because you were sure you‘d be able to get to Italy tonight
-„is there nothing you can do?“
-she shook her head and said:“I‘m sorry, we had to cancel all flights.“
-you nodded and then slowly made your way back to your seat
-the first thing you did was call your mom
-and you asked her what to do
-she just told you to either stay at the airport or go back to the hotel in hope of getting your room back
-but since you didnt have enough money with you you couldnt
-so you just stayed there
-you hung up and leaned back in your seat
-„fuck.“ you muttered to yourself
-the other passengers had found out already as well and some were leaving the airport and some just sat down and pulled out their headphones
-after sitting there thinking about what you should do, a guy made his way up to you
-looking just as pissed off as you were feeling inside
-he sat down close to you and put in his headphones as well
-over the course of the next hour you guys kept glancing at each other every now and then
-he was cute, you thought
-he was wearing a brown jacket and a black beanie to keep his ears warm
-and he had chocolate brown eyes that you caught looking at you
-at some point he pulled out his headphones and just looked at you
-so you removed your airpods too and looked back at him
-„i like the 1975.“ he simply said
-his voice was deep and raspy
-you had a thing for such voices
-you then realized you were wearing your 1975 sweatshirt under your coat and you looked down for a second
-„thanks. Really? I thought you were more of a drake kind of guy.“
-he chuckled and then replied:“Maybe i am. But id say I‘m more of a Gregory Palencia, Kanye West kind of guy. You know i like some good rap, not that basic shit.“
-you smiled and answered:“Alright makes sense. So whats your favorite song by the 1975?“
-he laughed
-then he unexpectedly grabbed his suitcase and sat down next to you
-„honestly, i dont listen to them. I just said that because i needed a reason to talk to you.“
-you couldnt believe him
-so you scoffed at him before giving him a playful grin
-„alright Mr Kanye, great first impression check. Maybe wanna continue with some bad pick up line?“
-he grinned at you
-seeing him from so close made you realize that he had some golden specs in his brown eyes
-„actually thank you for mentioning it. I got some great ones. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?“
-„oh god no!“ you exclaimed and looked at him in disgust
-he started laughing and replied:“wait i got an even better one. Do you believe in love at first sight or do you want me to come in again?“
-you started laughing in his face before answering:“thats funny though.“
-he smiled and started again:“Okay my last one, in my opinion the best thing a guy can say to a cute girl like you. Were your parents beavers? Cuz damn.“
-you hid your face behind your hands while laughing at his terrible jokes
-„so do you think im funny now?“ he laughed
-you turned back to him
-„u know what, yes i do.“
-he laughed with you
-„Arón, encantada.“ he held out his hand
-„Oh hola. I‘m Y/n.“ you answered
-„Hola.“ he just joked
-„so tell me, mr latino. Where were you going?“
-arón started laughing again and then said:“I‘m from Spain, not a Latino. And i was heading back to Madrid actually but since this wont happen tonight im here, like you. Where were you going Ms... where are you from?“
-you told him where you‘re from just to get a:“oh ya i figured.“ from him
-„right. You already knew huh?“
-he looked at you, grinning
-you looked back at him and he smiled
-in his eyes you could see something you hadn’t seen in a man‘s for so long
-passion, emotion, maybe even interest on a larger scale
-and he made you feel good even though you had just met him
-his eyes smiled with him
-„tell me something about you.“ he then spoke leaning back
-„what do you wanna know?“ you replied just as cocky
-„well we got time. Everything.“
-and it felt like suddenly it wasnt too bad you were stuck an airport on a cold December night
-because you met him
-you didnt know what would happen once you got a new flight but you sure as hell knew you wanted to see this guy again
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ecofinisher · 5 years
Secret Santa - Day 11
Day 11 - Secret Santa
Pairing: NathanielxLila
Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you’ll have a fantastic evening with your family and loved ones. 
„Dear class next week, we‘ve got our last week before Christmas eve and Rose asked me if we could again like last year do a Secret Santa between all of us again“ Miss Bustier announced as she got up from her chair with a bunch of small post-it notes, then took a square-formed pencil holder and dropped the writing utensils on her table to put the notes inside it, then she placed her left hand over the hole and shook it to shuffle all the notes in the holder and walked forward to Chloe and Sabrina, then Chloé stuck her hand in it mixing it with her hand while sticking her tongue out.
Afterward, she picked a name out and she looked at it.
„Ugh for real?“ Chloé asked annoyed, then Sabrina opened her note too and looked at her best friend.
„Who do you got?“ Sabrina questioned.
„Dupain-Cheng“ Chloé answered.
„I‘ve got Ivan“ Sabrina responded
„I better keep her, it‘s easier to find a present for her“
„I can help you if you want. I know some things she might like“
„Great and I help you with yours….or I try. I don't know, what he likes thought,“
„We‘ll see it then“ Sabrina responded, then observed Miss Bustier let Max Kanté and Kim Chien Le take out a note from the holder and take a look at it.
„Max, you really need to help me out with this one, “ Kim asked looking sad at the tan-skinned boy.
„Is it Chloé again?“
„No worse…... Miss Bustier“ Kim whispered making Max chuckle.
„I‘ve got her“ Max mentioned rolling his eyes at Myléne, which was showing Alix the note, where he could clearly see the name of the secret person of Mylene, which was Alya Césaire.
Miss Bustier was now at the other side of the classroom at the last desk, where Nathaniel Kurtzberg sat along with his deskmate Lila Rossi. Both reached with their hand at the pencil holder, then Nathaniel stopped before getting in along with Lila, then he pulled his hand back a little to allow the girl pick up first a name. Nathaniel afterward stuck his hand inside the holder picking out the first paper piece he could find and held it closer to his face, then opened it up to see the name of his secret santa. Nathaniel turned a little red at the name he read on the paper, then he rolled his eyes at Lila to see her smirking at the name she‘s got.
„What a coincidence, I‘ve got myself, “ Kagami said, who sat beside Ivan that looked down at his deskmate showing her name on the note.
„You can pick out another one and put yours back“ Miss Bustier suggested leaning the holder closer to the blue-haired girl, which placed her hand again inside it taking another paper out and place the old one back with the other hand.
„Thank you Miss Bustier, “ Kagami said opening her note to reveal the name of the person, she has to organize a gift. „Wonder who‘s going to get my name“
„Me too“ Lila added closing her note, then looked at Nathaniel, who had already put his note in the pocket of his pants. „What about you, Nathaniel?“
„I what…..yeah I‘m wondering too“ Nathaniel added.
„Who do you got?“ Lila asked making Nathaniel wide his eyes in shock.
„I….but we‘re not allowed to tell it“ Nathaniel mentioned.
„I know, but between friends, it‘s okay“ Lila mentioned. „Kim and Chloé asked their best friend about it too and they know it. They won‘t tell it, anyone, else, right?“
„I guess not“
„And so won‘t I and you definitely too“
„Well I guess I could“
„I‘ve got Nino, “ Lila said right after Nathaniel had finished his sentence.
„Okay I got…..uhm…..“ Nathaniel mumbled gazing around the classroom looking at his classmates, then found a solution to cover his note. „Kagami“
„You‘re kidding me, right?“ Lila asked chuckling at his answer.
„N...no I‘m not“ Nathaniel answered rapidly, watching Lila shake her head.
„Her name was given to Kagami before, afterward she had put it back in the cup and it went out to someone else. It‘s either Adrien, Nino, Marinette or Alya. You‘re not on the list“ „Did I say Kagami?“ Nathaniel asked widening his eyes pretending to be surprised at his reaction. „I meant Kim…..I just wanted to make sure you ….would pay attention“
„Don‘t worry, I‘m a great listener“
„Yeah I know“ Nathaniel confirmed earning a nod from Lila, which looked back in front at the interactive blackboard, where Miss Bustier had displayed an essay, that the students had to for the coming Friday. Nathaniel looked in front to see, what Miss Bustier was doing and he took out from his jacket his smartphone unlocking it, therefore he searched on the display for a green-colored messenger app and pressed on it to enter into it, revealing a list with names of classmates and students he‘s on good terms with and he picked the third contact which belonged to a boy named Luka Couffaine.
„We‘re doing that Secret Santa gifting thing and I picked out Lila‘s name. Help!“ Nathaniel typed down followed by a frightened emoji and pressed on the arrow next to his sentence to send the boy the message.
Nathaniel put his smartphone back in his pocket, then looked at Lila, who was writing down on a small block the homework. A few seconds later he took out his smartphone out, pressing the home button to light up the screen to see Luka had replied to the redhead.
„Meet me at my houseboat. We can see, what we can do“
In the evening Nathaniel sat in the living room of the Couffaine‘s houseboat next to his childhood friend Luka, which held a block on his hand noting down with a pen, ideas for a Christmas present Nathaniel could get for his desk mate.
„So I found a few ideas for you, that you could get easily here in Paris in any store for the Secret Santa thingy“
„I know I might have said it wrong, but I‘m not a Christian like you“ Nathaniel mentioned making Luka laugh.
„I know, I‘m just kidding.“ Luka implied looking at his friend, that wasn‘t amused with his jokes.
„Come on Luka, I only got a week and I want to give her the best gift, she can get“
„Why don‘t you draw her as a superhero or something?“ Luka suggested making Nathaniel shake his head.
„No. I don‘t want to draw her anything, cause it would be obvious to her or anyone else, that it was from me. I thought about something she would never expect from me“ The redhead explained.„What about you create something by using your skills you‘re less good at?“
„I‘m not great at maths. But what can I do with maths? Write her a math poem?“ Nathaniel asked a little unsure, seeing Luka shook his head at his idea.
„No, not that kind of skill. Something else, maybe you could cook or bake her something, sew something, write a song or build something with wood or anything else,“
„Sewing or building something seems quite easier for me to not screw up. Building at least. I‘m not very fond of sewing“
„For sure you want to build something?“ Luka asked earning a nod from the shorter boy. „What do you have in mind?“
„I…..uh...I have to think“ Nathaniel confessed, then Luka handed him out the block for him to be able to notice any ideas he would get during the period.
„A star made of wood?“ Questioned Nathaniel looking at Luka.
„Is an idea, what else could you do?“
„I don‘t know…..we could check the internet for more ideas?“ Nathaniel suggested watching Luka unlock his smartphone, opening the internet browser and wrote down wood-made things.
„A box like this one would be good for her to keep things in it“
„Maybe, wonder for what she could need one. I have never been to her house“
„Maybe for makeup utensils?“ Luka mentioned. „My sister has one“
„Okay, what else could we check there, “ Nathaniel asked looking at the screen of Luka‘s smartphone as he scrolled through all the different images on the site.
„Board games?“
„I don‘t know, I feel this is kind of more for kids“
„A board with a quote on it?“ Luka suggested stopping at an image with a rectangular-shaped wood with a quote about faith.
„A little boring“
„Wow look they made a console out of wood. What is a personal object Lila likes a lot, that you could do for her?“ „It‘s impossible for me to make something like that with my minor experience in handicraft.“
„Well maybe not like the console, something else like a guitar“
„I think it‘s still hard, no matter what I pick“ Nathaniel mentioned making Luka chuckle.
„You‘re very complicated Nathaniel“
„I‘m not complicated, I just overthink a little too much“
„Okay I see…..hey what about a bookshelf like this one?“
„And it shouldn‘t be that big, that everyone in the school would note“
„You‘re being complicated, boy“ Luka mentioned making Nathaniel growl.
„Luka, I asked you to help me“
„I‘m trying Nate,“
„I know, looks I pick a picture frame maybe shaped like a heart or a flower and in the end I ask Alix or Rose to paint it with me“ Nathaniel responded as Luka opened the search bar to look for something else, then widened his eyes as he had another idea.
„Hey what about you do something like this hexagonal prism here out from a tree trunk or so, then add on its sides framework, where Lila could add images on it and in the end decorate or paint it?“ Luka suggested showing Nathaniel the image making Nathaniel furrow his eyebrows, then he smiled excitedly as he found out what he could do.
„I think I‘ve got a plan“ Nathaniel announced looking up at Luka, which smiled at him back amused he could help Nathaniel good.
„And what are you planning to?“ Luka asked watching Nathaniel draw the prism on the note block.
  The next Monday after the school Nathaniel ran out of the wardrobe with his messenger bag towards the stairs to the second floor, racing them up, heading towards the last classroom on the end of the level, where the raven-haired boy Luka stood with another boy, which gave him a fist bump before he walked away from the entrance of the classroom. Nathaniel arrived and looked up at the older friend.
„Mr. Bois had ordered a shaped trunk for you to work on, cause none of the machines in our classroom are able to remove the bark and the other rests of it. I find it looks fine for you to start doing your work“ Luka noted entering along with the redhead into the classroom, where two other students were around working on a wooden bench together with the teacher observing them sanding the lean of the rectangular-shaped object.
„Mr. Bois, this is my friend I was talking about, “ Luka said catching the attention of the brunette man, which looked at the musician standing there with the Jewish boy.
„Oh welcome to my classroom Nathaniel“ Mr. Bois welcomed walking towards the two boys. „Your friend Luka told me you wanted to make a special present for a certain someone, am I right?“ The teacher asked watching Nathaniel roll his eyes away in embarrassment.
„Y….yeah“ He responded. „She‘s in my class“
„Have you got any idea, how you‘re going to start with the work or what you have planned to do?“ The man asked watching Nathaniel open the hood of the messenger bag to take out a white A6 sheet with a sketch of the prism, including the details he wanted to add on the project.
„Well, my idea would be all the six sides have on the top a rectangular-shaped frame for her to be able to add an image. Every second side has under it a round frame and the other ones have this type of flower shape“ Nathaniel explained to the teacher showing him his detailed sketch of the gift he wants to create for Lila Rossi.
„You‘re very talented in things as details….oh and what about the head?“ The teacher questioned, then Nathaniel wide his eyes as he forgot to mention that part.
„Oh uh I‘m still not sure what to do there. First I planned the Italian flag, then a fox head, then both and now I‘m a little unsure, what to pick“
„Well you can choose that later, first, you need to work on the body of your trunk, add the frames on it, scoop out a little from the sides, draw the shapes you want on a sheet, so you can use it later to shape the frames and saw it in the correct shape“
„Yeah“ Nathaniel replied, then Luka removed from his arm a hairband and handed it out to the friend. „For what is that“
„Safety“ Luka responded. „You need to tie your hair when you‘re going to use any of the machines here“
„I thought I would have to saw them all by hand“ Nathaniel mentioned seeing Luka shrug his shoulders.
„Maybe you won‘t need to do all by hand, but just in case you‘re going to use any of the machines, your hair and head is at least save“ „You‘re describing it as if I had never had handicraft lessons“
„Elementary school didn‘t have any machines back in our time“
„Well I gotta give you right on that“ Nathaniel admitted, then looked at his plan, then back at his trunk, that was already refined to be processed by the hands of the boy. „I better start now, it‘s going to be a lot of work“
„Good, you‘re going to have a lot of fun on it“ Luka affirmed placing his hand on Nathaniel‘s shoulder.
„Oh and if you see Lila, Rose or anyone else. Tell them I‘m….somewhere but not here, can I count on you?“ Nathaniel asked earning a nod from the Couffaine boy, then he left the redhead alone who walked across the room to the end of it, where there lied on a table couple of woods boards lied in various sizes. Nathaniel grabbed a few boards, making his way to the side, where the teacher‘s desk was and he grabbed a few misprinted A4 sheets, thereafter Nathaniel returned to his table spreading the stuff on the table and he took out from his bag his case to take out a pencil and a small ruler, after that he started to measure the trunk. He placed under the ruler his finger, followed by moving the ruler over his finger, placing it under his finger, again he made that move as he kept trying to measure the trunk with the small ruler while calculating the numbers.
One of the guys, that had stopped with grinding the bench looked at what Nathaniel was doing, then looked back at his own table, where there lied a wooden ruler of 60 cm and picked it up, walking up at the redhead, then watched Nathaniel place the ruler on the side of the trunk and realized someone was standing beside him and he looked up.
„Uh hi“ Nathaniel greeted looking up at the older student. „Can I help you?“
„Hey. I just saw you measuring that trunk and since I saw you had that small ruler, I saw the one from the class here and thought about borrowing it to you, if you were interested“ The tall boy suggested. „So you won‘t need to calculate every time you use yours“
„That‘s great, thank you, “ Nathaniel said picking up the ruler of the classmate from Luka. „What‘s your name?“
„Christoph,“ He responded. „Aren‘t you that guy, that drew that Ladybug comic for the school blog?“
„I read it and I gotta say, you‘re a very talented artist. Where did you learn to draw like that?“ The boy asked watching Nathaniel shrug his shoulders.
„At home by myself“ The redhead answered. „My comics and anime inspired me to it“
„You know, you could draw something anime-like on a sheet or on the wood and we could help you or show you how to engrave it on the wood.“
„Maybe, first I need to see how it will turn out“
„Sure, you can ask us for help, if you need anything“ Christoph responded walking back to the other friend, picking up another abrasive sandpaper to continue helping the other classmate with their bench.
Nathaniel measured up his trunk, then added points for about two centimeters away from the edge, then moved the trunk a little to the side to repeat the same task he did before.
 On Friday during the last lesson in the morning the class had French history class the students sat in their place reading all a different book. Nino Lahiffe lied his book down next to his pad, then unlocked the device, which landed on an open word page with a few pages filled with words and started to type on the screen to resume the chapter he had just read, soon half of the class did the same on their ipads all tapping with their fingertips on the screen.
On the back of the class, Nathaniel had his eyes glued on the book, while beside him Lila had her hand under her chin while she was reading her book with a warm smile. Nathaniel rolled his eyes away from his book to look at the girl, smiling a little at the sight of the gorgeous girl beside him and he looked down at the feet of the girl, in front of the girl he spotted a large unwrapped gift with Lila‘s name on it with a large computer font to disguise her secret santa‘s actual calligraphy.
Lila closed her book, afterward, she glanced at Nathaniel, which had been looking at her, soon he quickly looked away from her turning a little red on the face.
„How many pages have you got until you‘re done with your book?“ The Italian girl questioned making Nathaniel shrug his shoulders.
„Probably 100. I‘m only on half of the book“ Nathaniel answered making Lila nod. „And you?“
„I think about 160. There are at least 300 pages in this book“
„I get easily bored in reading books without pictures“ Nathaniel mentioned making Lila chuckle.
„Explains why you choose a world war 2 book, which every kid in high school has read it at least one time in their lives “
„Why not….it‘s….interesting“ Nathaniel responded. „I‘m not reading it, because I know it or because it‘s not that big“
„Of course“ Lila replied sarcastically, then Nathaniel looked at Lila‘s book and she showed him the cover. „You know that book?“
„It‘s about a young woman, who found a job as a companion for a man, that had become paralyzed after an accident a few years ago. She and the man dislike each other in the start, but with the time they become good friends and they fall in love,“
„I think there is a movie based on it“ Nathaniel mentioned. „Doesn‘t he get euthanized in the end?“
„Hey! Don‘t ruin the book for me“ Lila pouted while crossing her arms, making Nathaniel laugh.
„Who knows, maybe there are more movies with a similar plot“ Nathaniel comforted Lila earning a nod from her.
Miss Bustier placed her book down on her table, then got up from her chair taking a blue-wrapped present, that she had in front of her computer and leaned beside her desk.
„Dear class before I allow you to your lunch break if you want you can open your presents now in front of each other and maybe you can figure out by yourself, who your secret Santa was“ The redheaded teacher declared watching all the students taking from under their table. Adrien, Kagami, Ivan, Rose and Sabrina had their secret gift on top of their desk and they picked it up and ripped the wrapping paper off.
„Hey wow a Ryuko action figure“ Kim revealed excited as he had opened his present. „That‘s the last one I needed to collect for my superhero collection“ Kim mentioned looking at the class, then Adrien gave Nino a fist bump who smirked back at the blonde. Nino and Adrien both unwrapped their gifts off to see their gifts.
„Hey an ear warmer!“ Nino announced. „I‘ve been looking around, but I couldn‘t find them anywhere“
„Really?“ Adrien asked a little surprised. „There were a lot of them at the Hot Bananas store“
„I saw none of these stores“ Nino mentioned checking his new earbuds out and found the tag. „Oh it is from Hot Bananas“
„Hey I‘ve got bath bombs“ Adrien mentioned taking a look on his box and wide his eyes as he saw, what scent it had. „Oh it‘s passion fruit, who knew that?“
„I think I knew who it was“ Alya mentioned rolling her eyes at Marinette, which had looked back at Adrien in surprise at seeing him with the present.
„Uhm I didn‘t have him, I had Kagami“ Marinette answered seeing behind Adrien Kagami hold a red-colored crystal lamp.
On the back, Nathaniel opened his present, which was a blue-colored crystal lamp similar to Kagami‘s.
„Wow, “ Nathaniel said as he saw the gift he received. Lila beside him checked the large gift out, then Nathaniel looked at her and thought on outwitting Lila about the present.
„Oh wow Lila, I wonder, what present is in there“ Nathaniel stated watching Lila remove the paper off her gift, then as she got to see the present she widened her eyes in shock at the gift she had become. The hexagonal-shaped trunk had been colored in three different colors, symbolizing the nationality of the brunette and on the top of the trunk, there was a nearly-well done paint of an anime fox head in the middle of the object. Around the trunk on the top, it had rectangular-shaped frames that had on each corner a fake gold-colored nail to tighten the frame on the trunk. Under the first frames, it had a circle-shaped and a flower-shaped frame but colored in the opposite color as of the site the frame was.
„Is that, what you have been working the whole last week?“
„I kind of had help from Luka and some…..wa….wait…..how did you figure it out?“ Nathaniel asked shocked as Lila figured it out immediately.
„You didn‘t think I would fall for your tries of keeping it a secret, didn‘t you?“ Lila asked with a smirk making Nathaniel sink his head down.
„Well, it was worth trying, “ Nathaniel said looking back at her. „At least until we could reveal it later“
„Aww thank you so much, this has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever received from someone“ Lila thanked the seatmate making him smile.
„I guess the many splitters I‘ve got from sanding were worth it“ Nathaniel mentioned making Lila giggle.
„Oh no, that must have been awful to deal with“
„It still was worth it, “ The redhead said. „I made you happy and that‘s what mattered to me“ Nathaniel admitted seeing Lila smile at him angelic and Nathaniel looked down a little shy, making Lila grin and place her hand on his shoulder.
„Wish I could have given you something too“
„It‘s not necessary“ He answered earning a small nod from Lila.
„Maybe I can come up with something for your birthday or any other day“
„If you want to“ Nathaniel added getting up from his chair followed by Lila. „Do you need help in carrying it?“
„No it‘s alright“ Lila answered. „Thank you for questioning it,
Nathaniel smiled at the brunette as the bell of the school rang, announcing the start of the midday and all students got up from their chair putting their stuff away in their bag.
„Are you….going to stay over midday here at the school?“ Nathaniel asked seeing Lila shake her head.
„My grandparents are here over Christmas until January the 10th. I‘m going to have lunch together with them“
„That‘s fantastic“ Nathaniel admitted earning a smile from the girl.
„We‘ll see each other in the afternoon, don‘t worry“ Lila answered placing her hand over his shoulder, leaning her face to Nathaniel‘s face giving him a gentle kiss on the cheeks, turning them pink. Soon before Lila left she ruffled Nathaniel‘s hair and picked up her messenger back and the gift, then accompanied Kagami, that had been standing in front of their desk waiting for the friend. Nathaniel observed Lila leaving at the exit of the classroom, then Rose and Juleka appeared beside him gazing at their childhood friend.
„Did you like Juleka‘s present?“ Rose asked seeing Nathaniel gaze lovely at the door, where Lila had left and Rose exchanged looks with Juleka, then she hugged the redhead from behind excited.
„Oh you‘re totally in love with her, my boy!“ Rose cried while Juleka covered her mouth to avoid laughing at the small girl. „Don‘t worry, we‘re going to help you out with her. I promise“ Rose announced looking at the boy, which felt a little embarrassed with the situation, thereafter he picked up his gift and his messenger bag and left the classroom walking along with the girls on the side of the handrail looking down at the court, where he saw Lila walking together with Kagami, leaving him back with a delightful feeling in his heart.
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Slow Crescendo (A Natasha request)
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Requested: @inshitsuna-kage
Word Count: 5K (Uhh...oops? :) haha)
Pairing: Natasha X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, torture, beatings, kidnapping, angst
Request: Heyy, first of all: I really like your Natasha Masterlist, I enjoy reading them so much and they‘re my favourites! Thank you so much for this amazing work you‘re doing!!! So may I request another Natasha x fem R? Natasha started a while ago taking ballet classes again to have a little time out of her every day life being an Avenger once or twice a week. R is a beginner and has her first lesson, in which she feels a bit anxious and is very shy. Of course she’s amazed by Natasha’s elegant and smooth moves. However, the other members of the group don’t care about the newbie and ignore her. But Natasha sees potential in R and wants to help her improving by giving her private lessons to which R agrees. Getting better and better at dancing, they‘re growing closer and developing feelings for each other, but neither of them wants to admit it yet. Until one day, when Natasha has built up the courage to confess her feelings for R, but R doesn‘t show up for her weekly private lesson and doesn‘t answer her phone. Even a few days after, there‘s still no sign of R and Natasha begins to worry and switches into Avenger mode, determined to find her... Now it‘s up to you to decide and to find out what happened to R and how the story will end. It can also include angst, hurt, torture, injuries,... I‘d prefer a sweet and fluff ending, but as I said: it‘s up to you! Sorry for this long request... If this is possible, thank youu!!!
a/n: I had so much fun writing this! I hope you like it!
Sometimes she wondered why she put herself through the torture. True, she was good. And true, it was a part of her. But it brought back awful memories.
Memories of guns, bullets, tears, sweat, whips, chains, emergency rooms, syringes, blood.
So much blood. Cracked feet, broken toes, chapped lips. Split skin.
Her mind was a dizzy mess as she went on pointe and pivoted with the music.
The small classroom was empty. A common factor. As soon as the other students saw her enter the building, they scattered.
Nervous… or scared, she wasn’t sure, to be in the same vicinity as the Famed Black Widow. Ballerina Killer. Ex-Assassin. Current Avenger.
Her recent good deeds did not wipe the memories of her past from the civilians of New York...Or the world for that matter. No matter where she went, they would judge her.
The song built up tempo and speed, urging Natasha to spin feverishly across the room, her feet aching from staying on pointe, but she dismissed the pain. Pain was a momentary weakness. Ignore it, and it would go away.
And then she did something she hadn’t since she had been a tiny little girl in the red room, fresh from the orphanage.
She stumbled.
The reason was nothing other than shock.
The door to her little classroom had opened. The sound loud in the small space, ringing out above Beethoven's orchestra playing from Natasha’s ipod.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I was told there was a class here at two.”
A soft voice. A voice that held none of the contempt, wariness, or hero admiration that Natasha commonly heard when people spoke to her.
Turning, trying to pretend she hadn’t just stumbled mid spin, Natasha faced the person who had interrupted her dancing.
“Unfortunately I think that class was canceled today. I was told I had the room for the rest of the day.”
The person at the door didn’t look the least bit perturbed. Staring at Natasha in a foreign way, making Natasha want to fidget under their gaze.
“Well. I saw a bit of you dancing before I caught you unaware. You’re pretty talented. Are you an instructor here?”
And there it was. The reason why Natasha was so confused by their strange behavior. She felt her eyes widen and her breath catch. They didn’t know who she was.
Natasha chuckled, a defensive action, not sure what to do, “No. I am not.”
The person moved in, the door closing behind them. Natasha tensed. No one willingly put themselves alone in a room with her. Not even her teammates.
Steve once said it was because of an energy that Natasha gave off. Deadly. Filled with intent. That made people nervous to be around her.
The woman who walked into this little classroom, though, didn’t seem to mind. They sat down against the wall, underneath the beams and began pulling out their ballet slippers from their bag.
Natasha hesitated. One foot tapping against the worn wood floor as she watched their lithe fingers lace up the faded pink velvet.
“Uh. Your class isn’t here today.” Natasha repeated.
The figure glanced up at the red headed strange woman. A shy smirk on their lips. One that caught Natasha off balance again.
They spoke clearly, “I know. But I figured, I’m here. Why not practice. I know I’m horrible. I could use the experience.”
Natasha fumbled, moving towards her ipod resting on the music station, soft russian lullabies whispering through the air, “Alright. I’ll get out of your hair then.”
The person stood, eyebrows lowered in confusion, “What? You’re leaving?”
Natasha had never had this much trouble forming words. Why was she fumbling in front of this person? She faced down deadly assassins and Hydra combat shooters on the daily. This was just an ordinary girl.
“I figured you wouldn't want me intruding.” She stated. The confusion she had been trying to hide, inching into her tone.
The woman laughed, and Natasha swore her heart stopped. The sound was so carefree. And innocent. Something she hadn’t heard in forever.
“You are obviously talented. And I don’t want to stop you just because I obviously forgot to check my email. Why don’t we practice together? You can help me. Teach me how not to be a klutz.” Spoken so lightly. So Softly.
Spoken by someone who didn’t know that the feet that were toned and could go on pointe and hold it for two hours were the same feet that could incapacitate a man and snap his neck in two seconds. Spoken by someone who didn’t know that the practice and obedience from ballet
came from years of being locked in the red room. Teachers barking, yelling, flinging whips and chains.
Spoken by someone innocent.
Natasha didn’t want to taint that. And yet, something was urging her to stay. An inkling in the back of her mind. A guilty pleasure. A shameful one.
Here was someone who didn’t cower when Natasha took a step forward. Whose eyes didn’t reflect fear and hope, an odd mixture.
Someone who saw Natasha as simply...another person.
“[Y/n].” The woman stuck her hand out, an easy grin gracing her face.
And Natasha found her hand reaching out and clasping the warm skin, found her face mirroring that silly little grin that made her heart beat just a tad bit fast, and made her mouth form the name she held hidden in her heart from her childhood,“Natalia.”
It had been six months since that first meeting. [Y/n] had ended up canceling her dance classes. Instead, she stuck with training with Natasha. Or Natalia as she knew her.
“[Y/n]!” Natasha’s carefree laugh, one that had become common during their weekly ballet trainings, rang across the room, “Remember to keep your eyes on a single point. It helps you stay in place.”
Natasha reached down and pulled you up off the floor.
You grinned sheepishly. You had been doing pirouettes and had a bad habit of getting dizzy and then falling over. Your klutzy nature standing out.
Grimacing, you rubbed your posterior. Dressed in comfy sweats and a tank top, didn’t provide you much protection against the worn wood floor of the dance studio.
“Why don’t you show me again?” You asked innocently. In reality, you just wanted an excuse to watch this amazing red headed woman dance across the floor.
Her movements were like water and fire. Hot and cold chasing each other as her arms swam through the ocean air and her feet danced like flames. Her face completely relaxed, as if she went to a different world when she was dancing. Lost in the freedom of movement.
You often thought that showing up for that class and finding Natalia instead had been faithful intervention. So that you could meet this beauty who had a grace unlike any other.
Of course, you kept your weekly dance studio meetings a secret. Your family and friends would want all the details, and for now, you wanted to keep Natalia a secret.
The way your heart beat a tad faster in her presence. The way her warm vanilla scent followed you home, her laughter ringing through your head, you knew you were in deep trouble.
And trouble often had a way of finding you.
“[Y/n]..are you paying attention?”
You sharpened your gaze onto the green emeralds staring at you in fake accusation.
You shrugged, “Oops.”
Natalia laughed, “You’re never going to learn how to do a simple Assemble.”
You eyed your shoes. The bandages wrapped around your poor toes and heels as you put your feet through their paces. Who ever knew Ballet was so hard?
“I think my feet are grateful I can’t do that yet.” You admitted.
Natalia gripped your hands, determination in her eyes, “Aww. Come on. It’s easy. Follow me.”
And you copied her movement. The subtle sound of violins filling the air. The music flowing through you.
One foot up on pointe, then the other. And then flat. One foot up, and using your body, launching into air. Bringing your legs together, twisting, and then landing in fifth position.
Natalia clapped her hands, “You did it! See!”
You collapsed onto the ground, giggling, “Agh! That was too much. I can see the end.”
A dark silhouette fell over your face, blocking out the harsh fluorescent lights hanging in the studio.
“Oh you dramatic baby. Up you go.” And Natalia pulled you back up.
The end of the practice snuck up on them. And soon, you and Natalie where sitting against the cool glass mirror, untying your shoes.
“Natalia.” You spoke her name. The woman hummed to show she heard you, though she didn’t lift her head from her hands and feet.
You leaned your head back, keeping your eyes on the red hair that was up in a bun, sweat causing small strands to stick to the back of her neck and against her cheeks.
“What do you do outside the studio?”
You didn’t miss the way she tensed as you spoke your question into existence. One that you had been working up to ask for months now.
Though you spent twice a week with Natalia in the studio. You barely knew anything about the woman. And your heart desperately wanted to know more. Selfishly wanted to know.
“Why are you asking now?” Voice just a tad too cool to be calm. A tad too controlled.
You frowned, blinking, looking down at your feet, “Well. We see each other a lot. But we don’t really know much about each other. We never even hang out outside the studio.”
Natalia sighed, brushing back her hair. Looking over at you, her heart panged tightly. She didn’t want to puncture the bubble that surrounded the both of you in the dance studio. The one that made you treat her like someone...normal. Because you didn’t know who she was.
“I know plenty about you.” Natalia said instead, flashing a grin, forcing playfulness into her voice. “I know that your favorite color is [F/c] and your favorite food is [F/food] and that one time your little cousin guilted you into a trip to Coney island and you threw up all over the carousel.”
You would have normally laughed at the memory. But now you just frowned deeper. Eyebrows pinched together as you stared over at Natalia. Her forced smile. Her eyes dim.
“Why are you so scared? Do you think I won’t like the true you?” You asked. Soft. Hesitant. Afraid of the answer.
Natalia stood abruptly. Rocking you back as the temperature seemed to drop drastically.
The red head spun to you, hands up in the air, like she didn’t know what to do with them, her face desperate, “Why now? Why are you pushing this now? Isn’t it enough to spend a couple hours with you?”
You stood up slowly, cautiously. “Is it that bad to want to know the woman I spend time with? To want to be friends outside of ballet?” You wanted to be more than friends, but you knew now was not the time to address that topic.
“I know the Natalia who smiles when I stumble. Who laughs without thought when we attempt new moves. Whose eyes crinkle in the corner with concentration when picking out a song. Who likes the color red and hates the color blue. Who thinks hotdogs are disgusting and that ice cream should be considered a breakfast food. But,” You drew a deep breath, holding the trembling gaze across from you, “ I don’t know You. I don’t know what you like to do. What you think about the world. What made you a good ballet dancer. Why your face hardens when the song changes to that one Russian one. I don’t know what you do for work. Or what you had for breakfast or dinner last night. I don’t even know your last name!” You shouted in frustration.
The green eyes hardened. And ripped away from your gaze.
And then Natalia left the studio without a word. Taking your breath from your lungs. The door slamming shut on your heart.
“You seem down Red. I thought today was your ballet day?” Clint hopped up onto the counter in the avenger’s common kitchen.
Natasha paused her search for milk in the fridge to throw a glare at the archer. He simply smiled at her.
Sighing, she averted her eyes, scanning the contents of the fridge, “I decided not to go today.”
Clint grunted. The sound irking Natasha. She gritted her teeth and slammed the fridge shut. Clint jumped and looked at her in surprise.
“I just….” She didn't know what she wanted. Things to go back to before [Y/n] had tried to discover who she was. Back to before she met [Y/n]. Back to before she joined the Avengers and things got so damn complicated. She didn’t know.
“Uhh...you okay there Nat?” Clint placed a hand on her shoulder. Eyes narrowed in concern.
Natasha drew in a calming breath, “Do you ever meet someone who drives you crazy and feels like home but makes you so damn scared at the same time?”
Clint’s eyes melted into understanding as a soft smile graced his face, “Yeah. I found that with Laura.”
Natasha spoke softly, like she was talking to herself, “They don’t know who I am. And I’m so damn scared.” Then, Natasha turned to him, a plea in her eyes, “How do you handle it? The double life? The secrecy? The fact that she might look at you differently if she found out about all the blood you spill and the people you hurt?”
Clint knew Natasha wasn’t talking about him and Laura.
“You just take it a day at a time. When I told Laura about my past, I knew there was a risk of her leaving me. Of her not wanting anything to do with me.”
Natasha laughed, the sound caustic and harsh, “Thanks.”
Clint continued on, “But I also knew that she needed to have that choice. Leaving her in the dark was bound to hurt her just as much as putting everything out into the open. I knew that for her to really love me, I had to give her the choice. To see all of me, all my scars, all my mistakes, and for her to decide if I was worth it.”
Natasha groaned, burying her head into her hands, “I might have screwed it up to much.”
Clint laughed, “Nothing is ever screwed up too much to fix. You just have to do it as soon as you can.”
“How are you so wise and yet so dumb?” Natasha asked with a wry grin.
Clint shrugged, “All part of my charm. Now, I suggest you go to that studio and explain yourself to this person who has stolen your heart.”
Natasha punched his shoulder, “How do you know it’s someone from the studio?”
“Why else would you avoid it today? And I’ve seen the way you light up before you go and the way you glow when you come back. Go get them. Let them see you. The real you. It’s been building up for months to this.”
Natasha muttered, a smile on her face as she walked out of the tower, “A slow crescendo.”
“[Y/n]! Sorry I’m late! I have something to tell...you” Natasha trailed off as she burst through the studio doors.
The class was empty.
“[Y/n]?” She knew she was an hour late. And [Y/n] might not have showed up after how they ended things last week.
Except that her dance bag was sitting there against the mirror. Her tennis shoes sitting next to it.
“[Y/n]?” Natasha walked back out to the reception area. Looking down into other classes. People stared back at her in fear and awe.
Natasha cringed, their gazes filling her with sorrow. They were not the carefree, loving eyes of [Y/n].
She walked up to the receptionist, the older lady giving off a dazzling smile of hero worship as Natasha stood in front of her.
“How can I help you Dearie?”
Natasha ignored the shine in the lady’s eyes, the lips turned up a tad too much in excitement. “Have you seen [Y/n]? Their stuff is in our room but I can’t find them.”
The lady nodded, the smile turning thoughtful, “You just missed them. Walked out of her about fifteen minutes ago with a couple of nice looking gentlemen. Said they were her brothers taking her out for lunch or something. It was odd though, she was still wearing her ballet slippers and one of her brothers had an arm wrapped around her waist.”
Natasha stilled halfway through the lady’s rambling. [Y/n] didn’t have brothers.
“These men,” Her voice harsh, frantic, cut through the lady’s rambling, causing her to startle and freeze, “What did they look like?” Natasha didn’t care that the people in the waiting area seemed to hold their breath at her raised voice or that the receptionist started to shake.
She stuttered as she spoke, no longer looking at Natasha in awe, “Uh...they...they were older...and they….they wore suits. One had black hair. No...Brown. And the other was blonde. I overheard them talking. They had accents….Not...not sure what kind.”
That was all Natasha needed.
“Fuck!” She screamed, pounding her fist against the desk.
A gasp behind her. She turned to see a mother covering her young daughter’s ears.
Natasha flushed in embarrassment, “Sorry.” She whispered. And then she was running. Running out of the dance studio. Running. And hoping. Hoping she could find [Y/n] before Hydra did anything to her.
“Mädchen. You will tell us what you know.” The chillingly soft accented voice seeped into your ear.
You had trouble focusing on it. Your arms straining as your hands were tied and hooked to something above your head. Your feet barely touching the ground. Scrambling for purchase on the cold cement. Your ballet slippers now covered in grime and blood.
Dimly, you thought, you’d have to buy new ones.
If you ever got out of here.
You had been attempting to do an Assemble alone, furtively checking the door to see if Natalia would show up after what had happened at the end of practice last week. The door had opened, and you had turned with a relieved smile, ready to apologize for prying, when you froze.
It wasn’t Natalia who walked into the room. But two men, outfitted in suits. A brooch settled against each tie.
Their eyes glinted dangerously in the light.
And your body went into flight mode. You ran, trying to get past them. But they caught you too easily.
One wrapped their arm around you, a hand covering your mouth as you tried to scream for help.
Their voice was rough, a laughing lilt, “We’re going to walk out of here. You’re going to tell anyone who asks that we are your brothers taking you for lunch. If you don’t…” You stiffened as you felt the unmistakable barrel of a gun press against your ribs, “We shoot. Verstehen?”
You didn’t understand the word. But you knew they wanted some sort of reaction. So you frantically nodded your head, scared, terrified.
What was happening? No one got kidnapped from a dance studio in broad daylight. Who were these men? What did they want with you?
You walked out of the studio. One of the men still keeping an arm around you, the gun pressed against you, hidden by their suit coat.
“Oh. [Y/n]. Where are you off too? You still have the room for a few more hours.” Miss Greshlen, the receptionist, peered at you and the men.
With a trembling breath, and the nudge of the gun against you, you flashed a wobbly smile at the elderly woman, “Uh, these are just...my brothers!” You cursed your voice, it was an octave too high, too light, “They uh, they’re taking me out to lunch.” You silently hoped that she would notice something was off.
But no, she simply smiled, nodded and waved, “Well have fun dearie!”
And then you were ushered out into the street and into a van.
“What do you want with me? Where are we going? If it’s money, you can have everything I own. Please.” Tears began to spill down your cheeks as your body finally processed what was happening.
“Shut up!” One of the men growled, and then you felt something slam against your head and all was dark.
You woke up, however long later, arms tied above your head, feet barely touching the ground, and blood dripping from a gash in your forehead.
That had been an hour ago. The men had returned and started questioning you about the Avengers.
You didn’t understand. Why would you know about the Avengers? You were just a normal civilian.
“I grow weary of your ineptitude. You will tell us what the Black Widow is planning!” A sharp punch to your gut.
You cried out, hoarse scream pushed out past chapped lips.
The faint pain was one among countless others. Bruises and cuts littered your body.
Your sweats now no longer grey, a faded pink as they stained with your blood. A puddle of red sticky liquid under your feet, the substance a disturbing feeling on your poorly clad feet. Your slippers ruined in red.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You cried, tears stinging the cuts on your face, You pleaded with the men, “Please! I’ve never met the Black Widow! Or any avenger! I’m just a normal woman! Please let me go.”
Somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind, you knew they wouldn’t let you go. You knew enough about kidnappings and crimes to know that since you had seen their faces, they would not let you free to tell your story to the cops. But you couldn’t dive into that depressive thought. You had to maintain the thought that you could possibly get out of this dingy warehouse and see the sun again.
“Lies! We have seen you, been monitoring you, little Mädchen. We know you have been plotting with the widow under the guise of dance classes.” A slice as a knife glided over your cheek.
Another broken scream fell from your lips. Eyes closed as tears fell without notice.
“That’s not...that’s not…” Your words halted as your mind snapped. Natalia. You couldn’t give her to them.
These deluded men with red brooches and hungry eyes.
You spat at the man, a flicker of glee as the spit landed on his cheek.
He raised a hand slowly, wiping it off. A nod to the man behind you, and you screamed in agony as something blunt and hard slammed against your spine.
Your arms strained, your shoulder joints screaming for release as your feet momentarily lost their purchase and all your weight was hanging from your arms.
“The red head. The one who joins you in the class. Natasha Romanoff. The Widow. What is she planning!?” The man roared, his face getting close to you. His breath cascading over you, making you miss the soft vanilla smell of Natalia.
Natalia. Nat. Natasha. The Black Widow? Your mind ran furiously as your thoughts scrambled.
Was Natalia the black widow? Was that why she never spoke of what she did? Why she was always so surprised to see you walk through the door every week for your lessons?
Why hadn't she told you who she was? Did she think you would fear her? Treat her differently? You didn’t care about any of that.
You cared only for the soft way Natalia danced. Her free laughter and loving smiles.
And now, you would die without seeing her dance one last time.
You gritted your teeth and raised your head to stare the man in the eyes. His black depths holding a terror that shook you to your core. But you didn’t lose your sudden nerve.
“Rot in hell.” You hissed through your teeth, yous glaring daggers.
You would never give up Natasha. Natalia. Whatever her name was. You had realized you loved her. And you would die protecting her.
“Kill her.” Two words. Spoken calmly. As he stood up from his crouch and walked a few paces away.
You kept your glare on him. Your body tense as you sensed movement from the man behind you.
“Goodbye...Natalie. I love you.” You whispered as your eyes slid shut, waiting for the world to go dark in death.
“I love you too, [Y/n]. Hang in there!”
A voice. Spoke loud, clearly. With love and fear and hope.
Your eyes flew open, wildly looking around for the source.
Fighting hand to hand with the man before you. A flash of red against black. A blaze of emerald green.
“Natalia!” The relief and love and prayer flying across the warehouse to her.
She spared a glance to you, and you smiled at the familiar smirk on her face.
And then she returned her attention to the man fighting her.
You couldn’t give up now. You couldn’t let Natalia do all the work.
Using your momentum, ignoring the way your body screamed at the movements, you spun around. Surprising the man behind you.
“Hello.” You said, syrupy sweet. And then you stood on pointe and leapt into an Assemble. As you went down, you stretched out a leg and kicked the man in the head.
He stumbled backwards, hand holding the gun dropping to his side as he clutched his head.
You laughed, the sound slightly delirious. From blood loss, no doubt. But you had more important things to focus on then the blood pooling on the ground below you.
All those ballet lessons paid off as you stretched one foot straight in front of you up towards your hands.
Using the chains binding your arms, you gripped them and pulled yourself up and over them.
Stabilizing in a split mid air above your tied hands, you surveyed the man below you.
Natasha was still handling the other one.
The one you had kicked had regained himself and brought the gun up, eyes wide as he realized you had managed to move from dangling like a damsel to using your core to hold you up above him.
A smile, “Goodbye.” And you let your strength go as you fell.
Your swing had a good amount of power behind it as you sped towards the man. His eyes comically wide as both of your feet, straightened to en pointe, knocked him in the chest hard enough to send him flying backwards.
The gun clattering to the ground by your feet.
“Little Bitch!” The voice too masculine, too furious, to be Natalia’s.
You turned and saw the man wiping blood from his mouth. Natasha knocked aside. His gaze on you.
Your heart started to pound. You had to get out.
Your feet, slick with your blood, your slippers tattered and covered in grime, struggled to grab onto the metallic gun on the ground.
“Come on, come on.” You muttered to yourself. Eyes darting between the approaching man and your feet.
Once your feet found purchase around the gun, you once again used your core and the chains and folded yourself in half, your feet touching your hands. Hands closing around the gun.
You quickly, using touch to feel the gun, turned it so that you fingers were on the the trigger and it was pointed down at the man.
He grinned, blood lining his teeth, his eyes demented. “Little Mädchen. You really think you can pull the trigger? You’re no killer.”
You smiled, “Maybe not. But she is.”
And the man turned, startled, as Natasha barreled into him, her hands around his neck.
A gut wrenching snap, and he was dead.
You rearranged the gun and pulled the trigger, head hunched, eyes closed.
Chains fell and you collapsed onto the ground, the bullet breaking the chains that were holding you up.
Warm arms wrapped around you and pulled you into a lap.
“[Y/n]....oh my god. I’m so sorry. So Sorry.” Tears. A voice too sad. You didn’t like it.
Smiling up at her, you spoke as calmly as you could as the adrenaline wore off and your wounds became apparent in their pain, “Hey, now I know who you are. Natasha.”
Natasha laughed wetly, sniffling as she stroke a hand softly down your cheek. You winced slightly as she traced the cuts.
“I shouldn’t have gotten mixed up with you. You wouldn’t be here if not for me.” She declared. Blaming herself.
Dimly, you were aware of sirens coming closer. Natasha probably told the cops when she had found you.
You frowned, grabbing ahold of her hands in yours, drawing her gaze to yours, “No. Don’t. I wouldn’t trade the time with you for anything. I got to know Natalia. Not Natasha. And I got to see a side of you most probably don’t. I love you.”
She smiled. Eyes the brightest you had ever seen, “I love you. I was so scared. Scared of what you would think of me if you ever found out who I was. When I realized you didn’t know me...I wanted to stay in that bubble.”
You laughed, coughing when your ribs protested against the action, “Trouble has a way of finding me. Can...Can we still practice together? And maybe...after class...go out for coffee?” You asked weakly. Hopefully. Carefully.
Natasha smiled, leaning over, she pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, “I’d like that.”
And then you laughed, “I guess I’m also a killer ballerina, huh?”
Natasha laughed with you, “You still have a long ways to go.”
You smiled up at her, at the woman who you had fallen for, the one who only you knew, “I’m looking forward to it.”
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t @mialeelavellan @rainydaysrnevergrey  @platonic-plots @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @ayyidkeither @mcuimxgine @mythixmagic @chas-z @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger
Natasha Taglist:
@ludwigvonbaethoven @hanjiscience-slut @kitten-q-p @morbid-gaymer @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare @sunnyandtwisty @zoeyknight @kurlyafro @thewomanofwonder @5aftermidnight @myfemininelesboworld @rizamendoza808
Avengers Taglist:
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