ecofinisher · 2 years
My OC's (Sims 4) edited with Meitu AI
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Cody Bruel
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Nathalie Kurtzberg
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Rouven Couffaine
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Eireen Lavillant
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Neela Lavillant
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Helena Rodriguez
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Roscoe Rodriguez
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Ruby Langerak
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Zheng Norgay
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wiiowrazz · 3 years
wrote some platonic tomatofox because i was bored. enjoy
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daily-miracuclass · 5 years
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[#118] Enemies for @mlrarepairmonth
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queerinette · 5 years
Tomatofox + circus?
Monday morning, the rumors start. No one knows who the source is, all they know is that one minute, no one was saying their names in the same sentence, and the next, everyone seemed unable to separate them. They start off innocent enough, with someone remarking that they saw Lila talking to Nathaniel in the courtyard. Then it changes to Nathaniel openly showing Lila his sketchbook (which, he’s never done for anyone, people add as a quiet afterthought).
And then it grows, bigger and bigger until, by the end of the day, Nathaniel had supposedly been serenading Lila until she was blushing to the tip of the roots.
On Tuesday, people are remarking that Lila agreed to go on a date with him. “That fancy restaurant not to far from here,” they comment, making the listener raise their eyebrows in astonishment. “I reckon it’ll be a date for the stars.” 
All of Wednesday is spent debating what Lila will wear. “That green dress that goes well with her eyes,” they remark, “or maybe that skirt she likes so much.”
It’s discussed on Thursday exactly what both of them will order. “Choucroute garnie for her,” someone whispers, “and gratin dauphinois for him.”
A group of students spot Lila and Nathaniel at the circus Friday night, watching as they laugh at the performances and share their snacks.
a ship + a word
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
How about Marc reaction to Tomatofox , he probably want to kill Lila
Let’s just say Marc pulls an Angelica.
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solunia · 6 years
3 and 4 for the ask if you haven't yet already!
Who are your brotp?
Adrien and Nino.
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They are kind of best buds for life. 
Do you ship any rare pairs?
I guess TomatoFox but it’s kind of sinking lately XD 
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munofsilver · 6 years
Tomatofox break me.
It has been four years since he last asked for a second chance. Five years since they broke up, and here today Lila got a call from Sabrina.
“Hey, Lila I got a question for you. I know you’re a wedding planner and I was wondering if you would like to help plan Chloe and Nathaniel’s wedding?”
Lila’s grip on her phone tighten. If she doesn’t stop her phone soon might break. With a look of anger and sadness, she responds. “I would love to,” Lila lied.
In fact, she not sure if she ever wants to see Nathaniel again. There’s a reason she broke up with him and didn’t give him a second chance.
Back in university, they were happy, young, and in love. At least they thought they were. Late in their final year in university they both got a once in a lifetime chance. Unfortunately, it meant that they had to move.
Both got invited to join a paid internship. One was in London and the other in Italy. For Lila, it’s like returning home, which is true since she was born in Italy. Nathaniel didn’t want to miss his chance either.
One night they talked about their golden opportunity. Nathaniel has been thinking about it all day. Should he go with Lila or try to see if she will go with him.
He didn’t want either one to miss out on this internship that could help both their career once they graduate. Since they both are the same time to stay together one will have to miss out. In bed, before they go to sleep, they talked.
“I know this is a good thing for both of us, in many ways. The fact that we are the ones they choose also means something,” Lila started.
“Think about what this could do for our future,” she finished.
“The thing is we both can’t go and still live together,” Nathaniel whispers.
“Unless we can come up with something,” he finished.
They both sigh and Lila rest her head on his shoulder. Nathaniel puts his arm around her.
“How long is your internship?” Nathaniel asked.“Three months. The thing is I already agreed,” Lila drop a bomb. “You already agreed. Why?” Nathaniel is not happy. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would get offered an internship until we talked about it during lunch.”
After that, they got into a fight and broke up that night. During the day instead of going to school, Lila packed up her things and left. Nathaniel came home after classes to only his stuff in the apartment.
No note or anything. Nathaniel knew she was going to leave just not so soon. Her internship doesn’t even start until next month, just like his. Nathaniel did try to get back together with Lila for a year before he realized that it’s not going to happen and gave up.
Now he’s getting married and to Chloe. For some reason, Lila was feeling hurt. Maybe she wants him back, or she’s upset that she’s still single. It could be that Lila regrets letting him go. Sure she had some boyfriends over the years, but none of them was like Nathaniel.
“I wonder if he still has those drawings he did of me? He used to draw me all the time. Calling me his muse. Is Chloe his muse now?” Lila sighs.
Her anger fades away as she reminisced about her time with Nathaniel and sadness takes over. Tears fall down her face as she covers it with her hands. That night Lila couldn’t sleep. Sadly in the morning, she supposed to meet the happy couple and Sabrina. She wonders if Nathaniel knows that Lila will be help planning his wedding.
In the morning Lila was very tired since she only got like two hours of sleep, is drinking coffee mixed with some brandy. The only way she will be able to get through this without making an ass of herself. That is what she hopes for anyway.
Five till 9 they arrive. Chloe and Nathaniel are holding hands making Lila feel sick. Sabrina is full of smiles as she opens the door for them. Lila was surprised when Chloe thanked Sabrina for anything let alone opening the door for her.
Another big sip from her mug Lila prepares herself. As soon as they entered Nathaniel stares right at Lila, who is purposely looking away from him. Acting busy by writing something but really nothing down. Nathaniel just stares at her, while his grip on Chloe’s hand tightens a bit. Enough for her to notice.
“Is something wrong,” she whispers.
After a few small breaths, Nathaniel loosens his grip. “I’m fine. Just something from the past came up unexpectedly,” he whispers back.
Chloe understands how hard the past can be at times. All three seat down in the chairs in front of Lila’s desk.
“Would anyone like anything to drink?” Lila asked.
“No thank you,” all three said at once.
Chloe has changed since Lila last talk to her. “First of all I would like to say congratulations to the happy couple,” Lila always says that.
The smiles on their faces made Lila’s stomach flip. She fights back her unhappiness.
“Second I would like to ask you two a few questions about the wedding,” Lila starts typing on her keyboard.
After the questions, they started working on a game plan. Things like type of wedding, in or outside, any particular place to have the wedding, flowers, colors, invitations, stuff like that.
The whole time Nathaniel and Lila refuse to look at each other. Everything was fine until their eyes met when they were wrapping up. “Is there a restroom I can use?” Chloe asked.
Lila showed her where it is, and Chloe with Sabrina entered. The two are alone and Lila all out of her special coffee. “Looks like you’re doing well,” Nathaniel tries to make small talk.
Both found it very hard to do. Lila thinks she should at least try to make small talk. “Thanks. I could say the same to you.”
“I guess you could say that. I’m getting married when a nice job,” Nathaniel smiles. “Things are looking good…” “Why are you marrying her?” Lila didn’t notice she snap at him.
Nathaniel stands up, “I love her for starters. We are perfect for each other for another.”
“You said the same thing to me once,” Lila now stands up.
“I was wrong. We weren’t perfect for each other. Chloe talks to me before making any life-changing decision. While you on the other hand.” Nathaniel stops talking when he hears Chloe and Sabrina enter the room.
“I think we should meet at least once a week to plan the wedding,” Chloe suggested as she goes and hugs her fiance, causing Lila’s heart to break a little.
The happy couple leave with Sabrina and Lila locks the door. She closes early; she needs time to herself. “It appears Nathaniel still mad the internship I accepted. It was so long ago, so why does it still bother him?” Lila can’t believe that everything ended due to one fight.
“Maybe if I gave him a second chance it would be me not Chloe marrying him in six months,” she sighs.
“Why do I care? Maybe I still love him.” She hugs her pillow closely fighting back the tears. “I still think things would be different if I weren’t single,” she speaks in a hushed tone.
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loving-steffi · 6 years
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I have waited for this moment for a long time :')
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kireiscorner · 6 years
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Being there is the best thing you can do for the person who needs you.
Do not repost, plagiarize, edit, or copy. Also if my Italian is off please PM me so I can fix it. :)
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beebundt · 6 years
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tomatofox for the last anon, just for u boo boo
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ecofinisher · 3 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 4 - Chap. 10
Chapter 10
The kids were having art class with Mrs. Donner, their main class teacher. The teacher distributed each of the classmates a sheet for the kids to work on for the part of the lesson.
„Okay students, this is a simple task for you. You have there a field with twelve boxes. From A to D and 1 to 3. The sentences on top are telling you, what exactly you have to draw inside those boxes and in what color. You‘ll have around 10 minutes to finish this task, then I‘ll take it back. After we‘re all done, we move up to the next task, which I‘ll explain later on,“
The children took a look at their task, seeing small sentences above the box, then Mrs. Donner sat down and picked up her portable, then removed the keyboard to repurpose it into a tablet and shove a cable into it to use it later on. „While I‘m quickly inserting the image on the wall, who would like to try to read the first sentence?“ Questioned the teacher watching all the kids remain quiet, and glanced at each other to see, who would volunteer to. Cody raised up his hand, making Mrs. Donner smile and move her hand towards the boy.
„Number one. A3 has a…... red ball...balloon,“ Cody read making Mrs. Donner nod.
„So students, you‘ve heard it. Look for A3, what do you think, where exactly here on the sheet is A3?“ Questioned Mrs. Donner turning on the projector to show the empty chart with the letters on top of it and on the right, vertical side was a number on each row. Rouven raised up his arm, then was picked by the teacher.
„Down there next to the three is A3,“ Responded Rouven.
„Very well, Rouven,“ Complimented the teacher using her tablet pen to draw a balloon on it, afterward the students did the same while the teacher observed them. About a minute later, the students had glimpsed back at the teacher so they could all continue and Mrs. Donner looked around and watched Ruby Langerak raise up her arm.
„Ruby,“ Mentioned Mrs. Donner watching the raven-haired girl look down at the sheet to give it a try.
„Number two. The sun as….e….ee….yellow as a lemon. Y...ou will find it on 1D,“ Read Ruby and looked at her teacher‘s face, which smiled at the girl.
„Very well, Ruby. What do you think? Where do you find that?“ Questioned the teacher and Ruby pointed at the right corner, where the D was under the first box. „Excellent!“ Complimented the teacher making the girl smile and pick up a yellow pencil to draw the sun.
Elliot moved his arm up along with Nathalie, Eireen and Debby, thereafter the teacher analyzed the students and tipped at Eireen, which looked down at her sheet to read.
„Three. Birds of every race…...race?“ Questioned Eireen looking at the teacher, which smiled amused at seeing the Danish girl tilt her head confused.
„Race means a type of bird. For example all these gray birds here we see in Paris are one type of race. They‘re pigeons, then we have the yellow ones, which are known as canaries,“
„Okay,“ Responded Eireen. „Birds of every race. On 2C a tri-o of birds fly together. They are black birds,“
„Grandiose,“ Complimented the teacher, then Eireen pointed at the middle, then watched her teacher hold her pen above the 2B, then Eireen shook her head and moved her finger aside to see the teacher move forward to the 2C making the kid nod. „Perfect!“ Complimented the teacher.
„Alright, what about I now pick somebody on my own?“ Questioned Mrs. Donner watching Elliot, Nathalie and Duarte raise up their hands. „You‘re interested, Nathalie?“
„I want to try,“ Said Nathalie making the teacher nod.
„Go on,“
„A kid in a pink sk….irt is walking to get the balloon back…...She is at 3B,“ Read Nathalie, then looked at the image on the wall and pointed at the empty box beside the ball. „There next to the ball is the right place,“
„Good job, Nathalie,“ Commented the teacher adding into it a stick figure, then watched the class add the last two figurines on their sheets. „I have seen many of you have already practiced at home, before starting the school here,“ Mrs. Donner mentioned watching the students nod. „Who‘s up to read the next page? Asked the teacher seeing Duarte along with Deborah moving up their hands and the teacher looked at the boy, to pick him. „Duarte,“ „A brown picnic table is low…..located under the sun. You will find it on 3D.“ Read Duarte, then moved his finger up at the sun and moved it down at the last field making the teacher smile at the correct answer.
„Superb,“ Spoke Mrs. Donner, then looked at Deborah, which moved her hand up hastily making the teacher cackle. „Alright Deborah, it‘s up to you to read the last sentence.
„Number six. It is getting cloudy. Up on 1B, there‘s a gray cloud,“ Debby read making the teacher nod, then the girl pointed at the screen. „Up there over the man,“
„Excellent. You all did a good job together,when you‘ve finished drawing the characters, bring the sheet back to me and I‘ll handle you out the next sheet as promised. Oh and don‘t forget to write down your name,“
„I‘m done,“ Commented Rouven, then looked back at Eireen and Nathalie, which were still working on their sheet. „You‘re not done yet?“ Questioned Rouven watching Eireen put down her pencil.
„I just wrote down my name,“ Commented Eireen, then Rouven looked at Nathalie, which was still working on her sheet and Rouven got up to look at the girl.
„How are you doing…...wow, you‘re drawing very good!“ Complimented Rouven amazed by her decent art skills.
„Well thank you,“ Commented Nathalie as she had drawn a cloud, which had a more realistic look compared to Rouven‘s version. „I sometimes have drawn together with my father during vacation,“
„Did you draw with him a comic book?“ Questioned Luka‘s son making Nathalie shake her head.
„My dad showed me how to draw simple things I could learn fast. Three or more drawings I have sent to my mother, when she was back in Italy to work,“ Explained Nathalie.
„Your mother loved them, right?“ Questioned Eireen making Nathalie nod.
„Dad likes the previous homework from the other day. This one he will love a well. At the moment I don‘t know about my mother. She doesn‘t have any memory of us yet,“
„She may like it, but it‘s going to be different I feel,“ Mentioned Nathalie, then moved up at the corner to write down her name.
„Your mother will be okay. I asked my father about what your mother has and he told me it takes a while for her to recovery. We just have to be patient,“ Zheng mentioned looking back at the girl.
„Thank you, Zheng,“ Commented Nathalie getting up to bring the sheet back to the teacher encountering Elliot on the front along with Ruby.
„Uh how is your mommy doing?“ Questioned Elliot scratching the back of his neck. „Is she doing well?“
„She doesn‘t remember us, but she‘s healthy,“ Answered Nathalie, then Ruby placed her hand on Nathalie‘s shoulder.
„You have to think positive. It helps you better to get through this. You‘re not alone there at your house there. Your dad and maybe friends are there too for help, right?“
„My mother is her mother‘s best friend,“ Commented Elliot. „And Rouven‘s dad grew up together with Nathalie‘s dad,“
„Oh cool,“ Commented Ruby and took along with the kids the sheet they will have to work on later. „What do you think? Could we become friends?“ Questioned the Swedish girl making Nathalie think about it and nodded.
„Yes,“ Responded Nathalie making Ruby smile, which opened her arms and both shared a hug.
The rest of the class picked up their next task as they retrieved back their previous exercise and awaited Mrs. Donner’s preparations to continue.
“Okay children, this sheet here is about the European cup from last Summer in Croatia. The first page contains about five question you have to answer and on the backside you have to draw three different things related to this topic. The easiest one is to draw your native country’s flag on task A. Task B you’ll have to draw the symbol of your team and C the is to try to do the lines of your country,” Explained Mrs. Donner making Rouven chuckle.
“Hey Nathalie, will you do Italy?” Questioned the boy looking at the girl, which shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a boot actually,”
“It’s up to her,” Commented the teacher. “After all, many of you here are multicultural,”
Ruby moved her hand up, so she would get picked by the teacher.
“So since both my parents have two nationalities and I have four, I will have to pick only one?”
“Yes, which country of them do you feel more attached to?” Questioned the teacher making Ruby shrug her shoulders.
“I don’t know, to be honest. Maybe Sweden,” Responded Ruby, then Duarte moved his hand up in the air.
“Mrs. Donner, Mrs. Donner,”
“Yes, Duarte,” “I have no idea how to draw the Portugal flag properly. Is this bad?”
“No it’s not. Just do it the way you can or took a look on the real flag and follow it as good as you can. It doesn’t have to look perfect,” Commented the teacher.
“I don’t find Portugal so hard to draw,” Added Zheng. “Imagine you had to draw Croatia or something,” Added Zheng, then he had a question as well and moved his hand up. “Wait, what about me. I’m not from here,”
“I know, you can still draw your country if you want. Just the front page is solely about the countries from our last tournament,”
“Well, I think I’m going to pick France or Croatia,” Commented Zheng, then watched the kids look down at their sheets, then a few turned the sheet around to begin with the drawing, while the others started at the front.
Eireen looked at Nathalie, which was observing her sheet, and nudged her with the elbow.
“I’m curious about what you’re going to pick,” Mentioned Eireen.
“I can’t decide, if I should pick Italy or Germany. What do you think is the best choice?”
“I don’t know. Maybe Italy?” Suggested Eireen, then Rouven looked back at the girls again.
“What about Germany? That would be something different I think,”
“I think I know more about Italy. I’ve never been in Germany like the times I’ve been in Italy. My dad also doesn’t have a lot to say about Germany. He grew up most of his life here. I will probably pick Italy,”
“Great, will you pick Denmark or France?” Asked Rouven looking at his cousin.
“I think Denmark,” Commented Eireen. “Originally I am Danish. I just got into this city because of the social people,”
“What are those?” Questioned Nathalie confused.
“I don’t know if this is the right name, but they take us to a new home, where we live with other kids, that don’t have parents as well,” Explained Eireen making Nathalie nod, which picked up her pencil to read the first sentence.
“Favorite country,” Read Nathalie and wrote down on the paper the name of her mother’s country.
Adrien Agreste arrived sitting inside the car at the entrance of the parking spot of the Agreste manor, then rolled forward to the side of the stairs and turned the engine off. Adrien removed his seat belt, then jumped out of the car and sprinted the stairs up and entered into the hall of the manor, then whistled.
“Guess who’s back!” Announced Adrien looking around, then saw the door to the dinning room had a small open gap, afterward opened it to find at the other end of the table Elliot doing his homework while beside him sat Hope Agreste as well doing hers as well. “Hey Elliot,” Greeted Adrien earning the son’s attention, which smiled at his father’s presence.
“Hi Dad, I’m still doing my homework,” Commented the son, then Adrien walked across the dinning room to get to his son, then pecked him on the side of his forehead and looked at his sheet.
“What are you drawing?” Questioned Adrien, then Hope held up her smartphone to show it to her older brother. “You’ve received homework related to soccer? Nice,”
“I’m trying to draw the symbol of France as good as I can,” Commented Elliot looking down at the oddly looking stripes, that were supposed to form the rooster on the chevron. “I’m not as good at drawing as Nathalie, but this does look like a rooster, right?”
“It looks good. You know with more practice you can make improve and make it more closer to the original. Important is, that your teacher will know, what it is and I can recognize it,”
“I just have to finish painting the blue background, then I’m finished for today,” Mentioned Elliot making Adrien nod.
“That’s all for today?” Questioned Adrien making the boy nod. “Wow, this means we can both spend some time together as I promised, right?”
“Yes, papa,” Commented Elliot, then the brother looked down at the sister, which was doing the geography homework by herself.
“Hope, have you seen Kagami?” Questioned Adrien, then Hope pointed up at the top.
“She’s up there with a woman, because of the puppies,” Stated Hope, then Adrien nodded and left, to go upstairs so he would meet his wife along with the dogs. After his arrival in their bedroom, he encountered a foreign woman held in her arms one of the puppies while Kagami stood in front of her.
“Good afternoon,” Greeted Adrien looking at the two women, while making Kagami smile.
“One of the first puppies has already found her home,” Commented Kagami making Adrien smile, then the woman showed the blonde her puppy.
“I named her Jade,” Commented the woman, while Adrien smiled.
“How was the exam?” Questioned Kagami. “We’ve been talking a little bit about medicine. She’s one of the rescuers from the air rescue team at the airport,”
“Oh cool, I had no idea,” Said Adrien approaching the women. “This means this little girl here will be able to help out other people in danger,”
“Indeed,” Commented the woman.
“Are you going anywhere?” Questioned Kagami making Adrien nod.
“I thought about going to the park with Elliot,” Mentioned Adrien. “You’ve got something else in mind?”
“I thought about the park too, but we should take the puppies with us. The bodyguard already left them out on the backyard a few times. A bigger outlet for them would be good too,”
“Okay. They could need it,” Admitted Adrien. “But what about Elliot? I had promised him to spend the day with him,”
“Maybe your mother or father can come with us. So you and Elliot can focus on your time together and we are around with the puppies making sure they’re not misbehaving or anything,”
“Okay and if you need help, we’re around,” Stated Adrien, then turned around to leave the bedroom and encountered on the commode of their clothings their cat Shadow lying on top of it thereafter Adrien placed his hand over the pet’s head to caress him.
“What a life you’ve got there, little guy,” Commented Adrien watching the cat yawn and stretch his front paws showing off his claws, making Adrien grin. “Really cute, he he’s got his claws out,” Commented Adrien followed by a chuckle making Adrien wide his eyes in shock and he ran out, followed by transforming into Cat Noir leaving Kagami back which flinched her teeth together at the presence of the woman and noticed, that luckily the woman had been with her eyes glued on the little puppy she had on her arms. Kagami sighed about the sudden transformation, caused by the kwami.
Later at the Champs de Mars, Adrien, Kagami, Hope, Elliot, Emilie and the puppies walked all together along the path across the park. Each of the person guided a puppy on the leash watching the puppies walk a little hasty due to their curiosity of the new place. Elliot was the only one, who didn’t guide a dog, but observed his father and his younger sister trying to bend the puppy they led.
“They’re quite interested in the new place here,” Stated Adrien making Kagami chuckle at Adrien’s low knowledge about dog walking.
“You would need to call his attention. You need to tell him, it’s not good for him,” Spoke Kagami making Adrien nod, which stopped watching the puppy continue, then notice the leash wouldn’t let him continue. The puppy looked back at Adrien, which shook his head.
“No, you’re going to fast,” Mentioned Adrien watching the puppy stand while looking at him. “That’s better,” Spoke Adrien, then Kagami lend Adrien from a small bag, she had attached on her belt a small dog snack, which Adrien used it to gift it to the puppy. “Here, you deserve one,”
“Elliot, what has your father planned to play with you?” Questioned Emilie looking at her grandson, which shrugged his shoulders.
“He said, we would see it when we got here,” Responded Elliot, then the family moved further along the path, then the grandmother noticed the signs pointing at different ways and found one, which led to a playground,”
“Oh Elliot, what about you go with your father to a playground?” Questioned the blonde woman. “Or the field behind it?”
“Cool,” Said Elliot, then grabbed his father on the arm and pointed at the signs. “Dad, can we go to the playground?”
“Oh sure, Elliot,”Agreed the father, then watched Elliot ran off and Adrien ran behind his son on the other path, that led the duo to a park, where already were children playing and a few parents stood on the outside glimpsing through the large fence looking at them.
“Hey, what’s that spinning circle over there?” Asked Adrien pointing at a spinning climbing frame, where three kids already were on and had enough space for at least four more.
“Can I go there?” Asked Elliot making Adrien smile.
“Will you like to have your old man there?” Questioned the Frenchman making Elliot chuckle.
“You’re not that old, dad,” Said Elliot grabbing Adrien by his hand, then entered into the playground to approach the climbing frame, which had stopped as one of the kids noticed the two approach.
“You want to come?” Questioned the brunette boy on the device making Elliot nod.
“Can my dad come too?” Questioned Elliot making the kid nod, then Adrien helped Elliot climb on the net to hold himself.
“Can your father pull this for us all?” Asked the brunette kid, then Elliot looked at his father which nodded.
“Sure, how exactly do I have to do this? I never played this before,”
“You have to hold it and ran around making this spin around, then you jump on it and hold yourself fast on the cord,” Explained the kid. “It’s easy,”
“Good, I give it a try,” Said Adrien grabbing the edge of the thick rope, then began to push it, to make it spin around, afterward he ended up tripping leaving the kids spin only one circle around making two of the kids chuckle. Adrien got up on his feet, then wiped the dust off his legs looking at the amused kid’s faces after seeing the adult’s mishap. “Don’t worry. I’m trying again,” Said Adrien grabbing the net, where the kids stood, afterward he had a plan and placed his right foot on top of the rope. “I’m going to do it this way, kids,” Warned Adrien, then moved his foot against the ground to swing on it around. The kids began to laugh excited at the ride, giving Adrien the joy to carry on with his ride, afterward Adrien got on top of the device holding himself tight on it and grinned as he felt the air blew his hair aside due to the spinning.
“Woohoo!” Chanted the kids happily along with Elliot. He looked back at his father, which had joy from the ride, afterward both blondes exchanged looks and Adrien nodded and stepped with one foot down on the floor again to push forward to speed their ride up a little. The joy of the kids raised making Adrien happy, which continued to step on the ground and returned up.
“This is amazing!” Announced Adrien happy, then got down again to repeat the move again and jumped up at the rope to spin around.
Afterward, Adrien got down again making a bad step and trip to fall down on the ground lying on top of the fall protection, and began to laugh.
“Man, that was funny,” Commented Adrien, then watched Elliot on the carousel jump off it on top of his father, making him puff as the boy landed on his stomach. “Hey my stomach,” Complained Adrien making Elliot giggle.
“Let‘s do it again!“ Asked Elliot watching Adrien get up, then helped his son up, afterward two new kids showed up to climb up on the carousel and an older, blonde man grabbed on the side to help them spin.
„Oh Elliot look, we gotta go somewhere else,“ Commented Adrien showing his son the news kids, which got on top of it.
„Let‘s do something else,“ Mentioned Elliot, then Adrien placed his hand behind Elliot‘s back and walked along the park, then they passed by the basketball field, where they saw on one side a small teeny group of boys play with each other on two baskets placed on the half side of the field. On the other half, the three baskets were taken by a few kids, that were there with two other adults fathers and a woman playing basketball in a smaller group.
„I haven‘t brought the ball with us, you think they‘ll let us play with them?“ Questioned Adrien looking at Elliot, which looked at the persons on the field and recognized one of the kids, that had received from her father a high five.
„Dad, that girl over there is from my class. Her name is Deborah,“ Introduced Elliot making Adrien smile.
„Why don‘t you ask her?“ Questioned Adrien, then Elliot got into the field to look at the girl, which watched her own father dribble in front of her. Afterward, the girl noticed Elliot, then waved at him with a smile.
„Hello Elliot,“ Greeted the girl, then the light-blonde father looked back along with the girl at the boy.
„Hello Deborah, can we play together basketball?“ Questioned Elliot. „We forgot our ball at home,“
„Is that okay, dad?“ Questioned Deborah making her father nod, which held out his hand towards Adrien, which smiled to greet the adult.
„I‘m David,“ Announced Deborah‘s dad.
„I‘m Adrien, nice to meet you,“ Responded Elliot‘s father, then Deborah held up the ball up to show it the two adults.
„I and my dad play against you and Elliot, is that okay?“ Questioned Deborah making Elliot nod, then she handed the ball out to the classmate and the two dads walked to the near of the baskets watching the two kids in the middle get ready to start the match together.
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dianasdailydoodles · 7 years
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I’ve spent way too much on this, but I think it’s pretty cute :) Final version.
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dinlindraws · 7 years
Do you do requests? I love your art and I crave content for tomatofox.
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:) here you go friend
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
What's is Max reaction about Tomatofox(nathaniel x lila)
He’d probably be very confused. But mama Kaalki tells him to be supportive.
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lotus-duckies · 7 years
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My contribution to the fandom so all the shippers of Nathaniel are happy. 
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nobodys-pearls · 6 years
Visions and Virtues Ch 7
Haven’t updated in a while *sweats nervously*
Plot Summary: When Nathanael is attacked by an akuma and loses the peacock miraculous on his way to Master Fu, a new hero is born. But how can Lila win the trust of Ladybug, Chat Noir and Renard when she wasn't meant to have the miraculous in the first place? And how can she trust Renard when she has visions of him betraying them for Hawkmoth? Tensions rise as the heroes of Paris work together to do what they never imagined - save Hawkmoth. But what choice do they have when saving the villain means saving Paris?
Pairing: Tomatofox
Read on [AO3] :)
There was one place in particular that Lila had missed while she was away, and she’d been itching to go back ever since she returned.
“Come on, we’re almost there.” Lila urged, squeezing Nathanael’s hand as she led him down the sidewalk, passing the small pâtisseries and gift shops on their left.
“Are you sure my eyes should be closed?” Nathanael asked, taking cautious steps as his free hand covered his eyes.
“Don’t you trust me?” Lila asked, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
She watched the dopey grin spread across his face. “Always.”
Lila felt a warmth in her chest and then she stopped, careful not to get in the way of the other pedestrians. “Here we are. You can open your eyes.”
Nathanael opened his eyes and Lila watched as he looked at the Ponts de Artes bridge. There was a fond smile on his face. “This is where my parents went on their first date.” He said, adjusting the strap on his bag.
“I always knew it was a special place.” Lila said, smiling. Then she led him onto the bridge, stopping somewhere in the middle. She put her free hand on one of the streetlamps and breathed in the air. The sky was an endless blue.
“You should’ve seen it before they took down all the locks.” Nathanael said, looking towards the oppostive end of the bridge. “It was amazing.”
“Did you parents have their own lock?” Lila asked, turning to look at him. Their faces were only inches apart, the space between them their own world.
Nathanael laughed, some of his hair falling in his face. “They tried, but my dad dropped it as they were trying to put in on and it fell into the river.”
Lila giggled behind her hand. “I feel like that’s got to be bad luck.”
Nathanael shrugged. “That’s what my dad was worried about, but I’ve never seen two people so in love.”
Lila smiled to herself, looking out at the water, seeing where it caught the sunlight.
“They really like you.” Nathanael said. Lila scoffed. “I’m serious.” he insisted, nudging her shoulder with his own.
Lila remembered the first time she met his parents. She had to explain how it wasn’t really Nathanael that she threw off of the roof, it wasn’t really even her, for that matter. It was not the kind of first impression she was hoping to make, but they seemed like understanding people.
“If you say so.” Lila said. After a moment she looked at Nathanael, and saw that he was already looking at her. “I believe you.” she said with more certainty. “My parents loved you before they even met you, for the record.” She watched the red in Nathanael’s cheeks darken as he hid behind a lock of hair. Lila laughed and gently tucked his hair behind his ear. “You did save me, after all.”
“That was Renard, not me.” Nathanael protested. “I was at home.”
“No, you were with me.” Lila insisted, putting a hand on her chest. “You made me feel like I wasn’t alone.”
Nathanael looked at her fondly for a moment, and then he leaned in to kiss her. Lila’s heart fluttered like it always did right before they kissed, like the sky was filling up her chest.
“Ah! Two lovebirds I see!” A voice said. Lila and Nathanael pulled apart in surprise. They turned around and saw a man with a wide smile, standing behind an ice cream cart a few feet further down the bridge. “Such a beautiful couple, please let me offer you some free ice cream!”
Lila looked at Nathanael, and then she shrugged her shoulders. “What kind of person says no to free ice cream, right?”
“Hawkmoth probably does.” Nathanael said, and Lila laughed and nodded her head.
“Well we definitely aren’t villians,” she said. They walked up to the ice cream cart, and the man smiled even wider.
“I’m André and my ice cream causes people to fall in love,” he stated with a flourish of his hand. Nathanael looked at Lila and raised his brow, and she hid her smile behind her hand.
“For the lovely lady,” André began, and then he looked at her thougtfully for a moment. A moment later his eyes lit up and he pulled out a cone. “For you I have orange creamsicle and cherry.” He added two scoops and put a tiny spoon on top. Lila held up her ice cream in front of Nathanael and looked at them both.
“It captures your tomato head perfectly.” She teased. Nathanael rolled his eyes and grinned back.
“And for you young man,” André began. “I have my special blue mint chip ice cream and chocolate.”
Nathanael looked at it thoughtfully, glancing at Lila. “I wonder where the blue came from.”
Lila resisted the urge to touch the brooch that was fastened to the inside of her jacket pocket. “Maybe it’s the color of my aura,” she offered.
Nathanael shrugged, content with her response. “Thanks André. Are you sure you don’t want us to pay?”
André clasped his hands together and smiled. “Seeing true love is the only payment I need. Enjoy your date.”
Lila tried not to blush at the words ‘true love’ and looked over at Nathanael, whose cheeks were bright red. She felt a rush of affection - he always wore his feelings on his sleeve. He couldn’t help it. She grabbed his hand and smiled. “Have a nice day,” she told André as they walked further down the bridge to sit on one of the benches. She thought she heard André let out a contented sigh.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the water and looking out on the river, just enjoying each other’s company. It was comfortable and easy and all that Lila needed. Just to sit here with Nathanael made her feel so much less out of place than she did anywhere else. There were no reporters, no Parisian citizens who still saw her as Volpina, no classmates who didn’t quite trust her - it was just Nathanael, painting pictures in his head, his gaze a million miles away. He was one of the only people that Lila knew who saw what really mattered. People too often got caught up in the little, unimportant, superficial things. The lies, the fluff, the masks. He didn’t.
Lila finished her ice cream and opened her bag, rifling through it. Finally she pulled out her blue notebook, the one that Renard gave her before she left Paris. She looked at it for a moment, thinking about the fox-themed superhero. She didn’t understand Renard. First he saves her from that creepy man who was following her, then he tricks her into thinking that she threw her crush off of the Arc de Triomphe, then he comes by her house and gives her a farewell gift, and then she sees a vision of him helping Hawkmoth. All that she knew for sure was that she really didn’t trust him. But that wasn’t important right now.
“I’ve been writing again.” Lila finally said, looking up at Nathanael, who was looking at her notebook before he quickly glanced back up at her.
Nathanael smiled and finished his ice cream as well. “I’m happy for you Lila. What have you been writing about?”
Lila shifted closer to him on the bench. Then she opened the notebook and began to flip through the pages. “I’ve mostly been writing journal entries to myself, about Italy, about Paris, about the people I’ve met.” she glanced at Nathanael. “Mostly I’ve been writing about what I want to do, who I want to be. I guess I’ve been thinking about the future a lot.”
She felt Nathanael’s hand cover her own. “You sound happy.”
Lila thought for a moment. “I am happy. Things look, I don’t know, clearer to me now.”
They sat in silence for a moment. Then Nathanael leaned over to open his own bag. “Since we’re sharing, I’ve actually been drawing a lot more, almost as much as I used to.”
“Really?” Lila asked excitedly, looking at his old black notebook. It was odd, art was such a big part of Nathanael’s identity, and yet when Lila met him he wasn’t creating anything. He refused to, even though it was what he loved. Lila was sad that she never got to see that part of him, a part that was obviously very important. But now he was showing her.
“It’s just a sketch, but I hope to paint it one day.” Nathanael said, flipping open the notebook to a particular page. Lila’s eyes widened when she looked at it. The page was divided into two parts - one part was a blue sky with the sun and some clouds, but as her eyes moved across the page the clouds slowly turned into stars and the page became darker. At the other end was a sliver of the moon. It looked like the two sides of the sky were blending into one another, distinct yet the same.
“Wow.” she breathed. “Nathanael, this is really good.”
“I don’t really know what it means, it just kind of came to me, I guess.” Nathanael said, his hair falling into his eyes. Lila pushed a lock of it behind his ear.
“I think it can mean a lot of things.” Lila said, turning to the next page.
“Oh, um, I didn’t -” Nathanael said, reaching out his hands and then pulling them back. Lila looked at the page and her eyes widened.
“Is this...me?” she asked. It certainly looked like her, sitting at her desk with a faraway expression, obviously lost in thought. She looked - well, she looked beautiful.
Is this how Nathanael saw her?
“Sorry, I guess this is kind of weird, it’s just that I missed you and -”
Lila grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, feeling the warmth on his cheeks. He moved to cup her face. Lila pulled back a moment later, and saw the dazed and happy look on his face. She giggled behind her hand.
“It’s amazing,” she said. “You’re an amazing artist, Nathanael.”
Nathanael looked down bashfully. “And you’re a great writer Lila.” While she was away they decided that text messages didn’t feel quite right and decided to email each other. She would write him long letters about what she was doing that day and he would tell her what he’s been up to with their classmates. It was more intimate than a text, more personal. And Lila always felt more at ease explaining what was on her mind to a computer screen.
Lila twisted her long hair between her hands. “Maybe we can collaborate sometime?” she said with a smile, nudging his shoulder. “We could tell the story about Paris and all of the horribly dressed villians and goofy heroes.”
“You think the heroes are goofy?” Nathanael asked, sounding amused.“Just a little bit, but it’s endearing. It makes them seem more human.” Lila admitted. Working with Paris’ heroes to defeat the akuma helped her understand a little better that they were people just like her, trying to do the right thing. Or at least she hoped that they were all doing the right thing. She still couldn’t get that vision out of her head.
“Yeah, they’re just like us.” Nathanael said quietly, looking out at the water. He seemed to be frowning a little.
Lila put her head on his shoulder and sighed. “I have to be honest, I’m looking forward to the day when Hawkmoth isn’t around anymore. Then we can all breathe again.”
“I know what you mean.” Nathanael said. And Lila knew that he did.
Lila wanted to learn how to fly.
She wasn’t quite sure how she did it when she ran away from Renard, but she thought it would be helpful if she figured it out before there was another akuma.
She took a deep breath as she looked at the skyline. It was nighttime, and there was a nice breeze, one that smelled like summer. She walked carefully to the edge of the building she was standing on, and looked down at the alley.
It was only two stories, but she felt like she was way higher.
Lila felt something twist in her stomach as she quickly stepped away from the edge. “Why am I doing this?” she asked herself, looking up at the stars and clenching her fists nervously, trying to summon her courage. She tapped her fan against her thigh, trying to remember how she did this last time.
But she had no idea how she did it last time. She just knew that she needed to get away.
“Okay Lila, you’re going to run across this rooftop and jump. It’ll be fine.” she said to herself, nodding her head. “If you want to fly you need to jump.” She looked at the building not too far from her. “On three,” she said, bending her knees a little. “One -” she wondered if she was even supposed to bend her knees for something like this. “Two -” maybe the whole flying thing was a one time kind of deal. Maybe it was a fluke. She tried to remember if real peacocks could even fly. “Three!” She decided to leave her worries behind as she ran towards the edge of the building, never tearing her eyes away from what was ahead of her. She leapt off of the building and could feel herself getting lighter as she flew through the air. Her eyes widened as she took in the darkened city before her, and then she began to laugh.
“This is amazing!” she yelled, flying over the building she planned to land on and gliding through the air. The whole city was there in front of her. She took a risk, she put her faith in magic, in this city, and now she was actually flying. She never realized that there could be power in vulnerability. Then she noticed a familar roof in the distance. As she got closer, the wind whipping around her, she realized that it was Nathanael’s roof. She remembered the first time she sat up there with him. She remembered the view, his expression when she told him that she had to leave, the moment when he leaned in to kiss her for the first time -
She realized that she wasn’t gliding through the air anymore - she was falling. She watched with wide eyes as the ground was getting closer.
“No no no no no no.” Lila said to herself, shutting her eyes and trying to will her body to fly again. But it wasn’t working. Panic had a firm grip on her lungs as she waved her limbs wildly.
Then she hit the ground. The air was knocked out of her, but to her surprise she realized that she was okay.
“Okay, that happened.” Lila groaned, moving to sit up on her elbows. As she moved to get up she realized that the ground wasn’t flat. Actually, it wasn’t even the ground at all.
Lila put her hand on her forehead and sighed. Of course she would end up on Nathanael’s roof. She was just lucky that he wasn’t out here tonight. She didn’t know what she would do if Nathanael ever met Blu. She didn’t want to lie to him, but she also didn’t know if it would be better to tell him who she was. Either way it would be a mess.
Lila moved to stand up, making sure she hadn’t crushed her fan during the landing, even though she was pretty sure that it was indestructible. Then she looked down at the street.
Now how was she going to get down?
She tried to see if she could get that light, floaty feeling again, but nothing happened. She knew that Nathanael’s window was right under her, but she didn’t know if she should risk it. Having Nathanael see Blu during an akuma attack was something she could handle, but Nathanael waking up to see Blu sneaking across his room could not happen.
Then the roof decided for her. One of the shingles came loose and Lila slipped and fell.
“Oh, come on!” she yelled, falling through the air. Suddenly she felt branches poking into her costume.
She had fallen in the Kurtzberg’s bush. Lila laid there for a moment and looked at the stars, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. “Ow.” she said, looking at the sky in disbelief. This was not how she planned for her night to go. She thought being a superhero would make her cooler. Obviously she had a lot to learn. Then she had the feeling that something was watching her. She glanced over to the street and saw a shadowy figure. Someone. The figure moved forward into the light of the nearest streetlamp, a confused expression on his face.
“Um,” Nathanael said, clutching his sketchbook to his chest, “did you just fall off of my roof?”
Lila groaned and looked back up at the sky. This was really not how she planned for her night to go. She lifted herself out of the bush and came to stand in front of Nathanael, staying out of the light of the streetlamp.
“Wait, you’re that new, uh, hero, aren’t you?” Nathanael asked. Lila noticed him tense a little. She also noticed how he hesitated on the word ‘hero’.
Lila put her fan in front of her face, only showing her eyes. “Um, kind of,” she said, mentally smacking her forehead.
Nathanael nodded his head. “What were you doing in my bush?”
“I was, um, patrolling, you know, like the other heroes do. Have to keep the streets of Paris safe.” Lila said. She was wondering when she had become such a bad liar. Then she sighed and slumped her shoulders, snapping her fan shut and dropping her arm. “I was trying to fly.”
“Trying?” Nathanael asked. She was getting the feeling that he was a little amused by all of this. Lila crossed her arms.
“It’s not easy. Can you fly?”
“No.” Nathanael admitted, and he seemed a little annoyed by that fact. Lila thought that she heard a noise coming from his bag and he began to cough.
“Well, it’s hard and I’m going to go now, sorry about your bush, and your roof -” Lila began, turning to leave.
“Wait what did you do to my roof?” Nathanael asked, looking upwards. There was an adorable whine in his voice.
Lila felt the urge to lie again, but she realized that she couldn’t bring herself to do it. “It’s not bad.” she eventually said, moving to walk past him. “Have a good night! Stay safe -”
“Wait.” Nathanael said, gently grabbing Lila’s arm. Once they made contact Lila’s eyes blew wide. Images sped across her vision, fast and hard to dintinguish. She saw that room full of white butterflies again. She saw vines spreading across everything, blocking the sunlight. She saw Nathanael, calling out Lila’s name as he was being covered in branches and thorns.
“Are you okay?” Nathanael asked, taking his hand away from her arm as she took a few steps back. She looked up at his face. She could see the branches surrounding him. She could hear the panic in his voice.
“I-I have to go.” she said, still looking at him with wide eyes. She turned to leave, but then she moved back to grab his hand. “Stay away from the branches.”
“The what -?” Nathanael began to ask, but Lila was already running down the street and into the next alley. She jumped on top of a garbage can and flew into the air, landing lightly on the roof of a nearby building. She realized now how this power worked. She needed to be looking forward in time, not backward. She couldn’t fly if she was stuck thinking about the past. Thankfully she was able to fly home without any problems.
Because all that was on her mind was the future, about her vision, about Nathanael being in danger.  
She refused to let that happen.
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