#i hope you're having a lovely timezone and i hope today has/will bring you great joy!
oathofkaslana · 5 months
i’d like to suggest a fic to you but im genuinely not sure if you read fanfic…its a collei & wanderer fic(NOT a ship<33) about them going adventuring together to kill the remaining dottores and seek revenge and stuff!!! it also just got completed so u dont need to worry about cliff hangers:3
its called “Is This What Therapy Is?” by AliasGoesHere on ao3 and i think you should read it
oooh!!!! i'm touched you thought of me :'') i'll keep that in mind ty anon!! :DD <3
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koishua · 2 years
ofc i get excited seeing you on my dash !! you’re one of my fav writers on tumblr ever and i simply get soo excited when i see you 🥰 NAUR i could never get suck and tired of seeing you :(( you’re one of my fav presences on this hellsite i’m so glad you’re here!
AND YES!! omg jihoon is so,, AKSDNHD in this cb i can’t !! breathe !! but he’s so cute and so annoying at times 🙄 but honestly that’s what makes him so funny and charming AHHH also can you tell i’ve been binging treasure videos all day today 💀 it’s not my fault okay!! they’re just so,, URGH irresistible
but i’ve watched eps 39 and 47 of treasure map and i feel like it’ll also become some of my fav eps of treasure map!! they made me so soft AHH and the little family that asahi and haruto had going on with eunseo :(( so adorable 🥺 and asahi saying that them seeing eunseo brings back old memories of their younger sisters made me tear up too ☹️ and yewon’s so eccentric and cute AHHH yeah i loved watching the two eps so much !! thanku for the rec (do you have any more 👀)
hope you have a great day/night ahead!
- 🎧 anon
p.s. i saw what the hate anon said, but i didn’t want to bring too much negativity back since i saw that happened a few hours ago alr,, but i just wanted to tell you that your work, and your blog is NOT overhyped and will never be. you deserve every bit of attention and every note you get and that’s literally the end of the discussion. your opinion is not needed here, hate anon. you can just leave the blog if you dislike it so much, but do NOT discredit someone’s hard work.
dawwww ;-; you're simply too sweet i adore you 🤧🤧 very honored to be one of your favourite writers too omg ;-;
PARK JIHOON!! THAT MENACE!! he is SO annoying but like, the kind where you wanna tear your hair but also can't hold back a smile bc he is that cheeky 🙁🙁 you're so right that's what give him that charm ugh and he has such a boyish smile despite his buff af body lmao bye AND YESS!! YOU WATCHED THE KIDDO EPISODES!! i watch them every three days or so to replenish my energy and make myself feel better when im down ;-;
harusahi the two pretty best friend parents ;-; DO YOU KNOW HOW DEVASTATED I WAS WHEN I FIRST SAW HIM ASK IF EUNSEO COULDN'T EAT SOMETHING TO HER MOM?? bye he is so considerate im gonna cry right here right now and sahi carrying her and making her fly up on the trampolines like *sobs* ;-;-;-; i feel so sad for them too bc like ;-; homesickness and all ;-; and and and ;-;
AND YOSHI AND BEOMHA MY TWO QUIET SWEETHEARTS THE DUO THAT MADE ME BURY MY FACE IN MY KNEES AND WAIL 😭😭 the fact that yoshi wanted to become a kindergarten teacher just makes so much sense to me ;-;-;
and yes lmao the neverending jeongwoo x yewon heartbreak saga xbbcbc she is so random i love that kid so much 😭😭 but i'd also probably cry if i had to look after her ngl my feelings are too fragile to be played with by her </3 and ofc i have some new recs!! don't mind me giving you my personal fav episodes 🏃🏃
ep 53 is all about ball sports!! they play soccer, basketball and bowling and omfl that ep bias wrecked every teume ever bc mashi KILLS it 😩😩 it's also super entertaining hehe and ep 51 is where they go to a military training bxbcbx it's HILARIOUS 😭😭 ep 32 is where they're divided into two teams and they have to live through hyunsuk and junkyu's polar opposite lifestyles!!
this got longer than i expected oml sorry anyways!! thank you so much for your considerate words :(( truly, im not at all offended or affected by the anon at all!! ik i worked hard for it haha i just like to kid around saying that i feel hurt 😔 but your words still hold true!! with the rise of the messages again, it's nice to remind everyone that hate anons do not determine your (or your craft's) worth!!
it must be late there i think?? or maybe im mixing up timezones again but yes anyways thank you!! have a great day/night wherever you are as well and stay safe <3
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heyyyharry · 6 years
Open Book
(from the Flatmate!Harry Series)
…in which Y/N meets a stranger in the library, and Harry’s got new problems to face.
Warning: mostly fluff and a bit of naughty texting, also this is the longest chapter so far I think so probably there’s a bunch of mistakes in here because I was too frustrated to edit. 😂
(I wanted to update my other series In Another Life before this but I accidentally deleted half of the third chapter of that series so yeah I’m just gonna update this first. This chapter is really long, I hope it’s not too confusing because it’s hard to write when the main characters are in two different locations and timezones. This motivates me to bring Harry home sooner (or maybe bring Y/N to Harry?). Anyway, enjoy and drag me if you must, my inbox is open!)
Y/N is one of the few people left in the library tonight. There’s an exam coming up so she plans to stay here until closing hour. Despite trying to focus on her text book, Y/N can’t help but notice the guy sitting two tables away has been staring at her ever since she sat down. He looks away whenever their eyes meet, it’s very obvious, but Y/N doesn’t care. She just wants to finish this chapter then comes home to call Harry.
It’s 8PM now, the library is closed so Y/N has to leave. She makes her way to the bus stop on her own, subconsciously thinking about Harry like she always does, until her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone else’s footsteps.
She’s not alone.
There’s this middle-aged man walking behind her. She speeds up, he speeds up, she slows down, he slows down. Y/N’s first thought is maybe she should call Harry, but then she remembers he’s living on the other side of the world now, he cannot be here to save her.
Y/N spins around immediately. Her eyes flicker with a light of hope when she sees the boy in the library walking towards her. The middle-aged man notices as well, then ends up quickly walking away. He cannot do anything to her now that a tall and strong young man suddenly appears.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know who you are and how you know my name but thank you for saving my life,” she says quickly in one breath, which makes the guy laugh in response.
“You left your notebook behind, your name was on it,” he tells her with a gentle smile and returns the notebook to its rightful owner. “That man was such a creep. Why are you walking home alone at night?”
“It’s okay, I do it all the time,” she assures him, but he shakes his head to disagree.
“You shouldn’t. To be honest I used the notebook as an excuse to talk to you but I’m glad I’d showed up before anything bad happened.“
Y/N is rooted to her spot for a brief moment, eyes wide, mouth agape, astounded. She’s not sure what to say after hearing that, being flirted with by a stranger is never her speciality.
“I—um…I’ve got a boyfriend,” she blurts out. The look on his face after that makes her cheeks turn red. “God, I’m sorry, I can’t believe I just assumed you were flirting I—”
“I was.”
“I was,” he repeats with a slight chuckle at her cute reaction. “But don’t worry, I respect that. I can’t say I’m not disappointed but it’s fine if you’re taken.”
“Thanks.” Thanks? Y/N’s inner self rolls her eyes, wondering why the hell would she even say something so dumb. “I should get going now.”
“Where do you live? I’ll drive you home.”
Y/N gives the boy a funny look as she reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t offer a stranger a ride! I could be a psychopath!”
“Well.” He shrugs. “What are the chances that we’re both psychopaths?”
“You expect me to get in the same car with you after that?” She squints her eyes at him, smiling a little bit.
As if just waiting for that, the guy takes out his ID from his wallet then hands it to her, trying not to laugh when he sees how surprised she is.
“You can take a photo of my ID and send it to any of your friends, maybe your boyfriend, so if something happens to you I’ll take full responsibility.”
“Wow, okay, I believe you, Ethan.” She reads the information on the card before putting it into the pocket of her jacket. “But…I’m keeping this until I get home safe.”
“Alright miss.” Ethan’s radiant smile is soon to reappear. “Shall we go?”
Harry’s whole face lights up when his girlfriend appears on the laptop screen. 
“Hi baby!” he says while rubbing the sleep from his eyes and asks her where she’s been.
“I told you I was studying at the library.” Y/N knows it’s wrong to tell your boyfriend only half of the story when she’s promised to never hide anything from him. But things are different now that he’s not here anymore, she can’t just tell him she was in danger when the guy who had been checking her out in the library came to save her and drove her home! He would freak out then spend the whole day worrying for sure!
“I forgot. Ugh, I’m so forgetful these days.” Harry furrows his eyebrows in frustration and it's upsetting for her to see how stressed he is.
“I know you’ve been working hard but don’t push your limits, H.”
Harry gives her an assuring smile. “I’m fine, baby. No need to worry about me.”
Harry actually loves his job and the fact that he’s learnt a lot in the past week working in the new environment. Everything is just great, well — almost everything.
“Let’s not talk about my job for now. Let’s talk about you.”
“About me?”
“Layla told me you wouldn’t come to her birthday party this weekend. She was so disappointed.” Harry scrunches up his face. “That’s Layla we’re talking about! I’ve been gone for only a week but I feel like I’ve missed a whole lot.”
Y/N giggles. “We’ve spent a lot of time together. She even called me her ‘friend’ by accident the other day! Isn’t it crazy?!”
“So why aren’t you going to her birthday party?”
“You know I get anxious around strangers.”
“But Layla’s gonna be there with you and Niall as well. Maybe you’ll have fun.”
“I just think that—“ Before Y/N can finish her sentence, the laptop shuts down immediately, along with all the electricity devices in Harry’s flat. This is the third time this week his power is cut off, and Harry can’t take it anymore. He decides to come banging on the door of the flat in front of his.
It takes a little while until his neighbor Hana shows up at the door, wearing only her dark blue bathrobe and nothing else underneath, probably just got out of bed. Her black hair is tied up in a bun and she’s got no make-up on but her skin is glowing. She looks radiant for someone who just woke up, in the meantime he probably looks like a walking dead.
Hana’s face lights up and Harry’s expression hardens when he snaps back to reality. Then he decides to just go straight to the point. “Why is there a power-cut in my flat?”
“Why are you asking me?" 
“Because your family owns this building or is it another one of your lies?”
“Here we go again...” Hana rolls her eyes, leaning her shoulder against the doorframe as she studies the stern look on his face. “I guess you’re still mad at me.”
“I only get mad at those I care about.”
“Ouch.” She furrows her eyebrows, resting one hand on her hip and watches his face contort. “Not telling the whole truth isn’t the same as lying, Harry.”
“Oh really?” Harry exhales a heavy laugh, which is not at all for humor. “Then why did you tell me you were still in university?”
“I told you I moved back here for university, I never said I was still in university. You just assumed that because I looked younger!”
Harry purses his lips, maybe this one is really his fault, not hers. Still who would’ve thought someone with a face like that could be five years older than him? ‘Asian beauty secrets keep me young,’ he remembers her saying that.
“Okay so you might not have lied about your age!” Harry shrugs, but this isn’t over yet. “However, you did kiss me without my consent, even when you knew you're not only the executive assistant for the firm I’m working for but also my assigned instructor!”
Hana facepalms herself. He had been ignoring her since he found out who she was. She tried to talk to him yet he refused unless it was work-related. So when Harry showed up at her door today, Hana thought it could be a good sign for their relationship, but apparently she was wrong.
“Alright, for the hundredth time,” Hana heaves a sigh as she clasps both hands together in front of her chest. “I apologize. When we kissed I didn’t realize you were that intern from London. Never would’ve done it had I known.”
Hana takes Harry’s silence as a sign to continue.
“And I’m sorry you’re stuck with me. The boss asked me to find you a place to stay, and my family just happened to have an empty flat available.”
“You expect me to say thank you or something?”
“No, I just want us to put this behind and be good neighbors.” She curves her lips into a smile and offers her hand as a friendly gesture. 
Though Harry’s still a bit irritated, he’s now less angry than before. So he decides to give her a chance and shakes her hand to get this over with.
"Now could you just have someone turn the power back on for me?” Harry pleads, but Hana gives him a shrug.
“Sorry it’s been like that for months now. You’re just gonna have to wait an hour or so.”
“You’re being grumpy, Harry. You could use that city tour I offered.” She puts a hand on his shoulder but he shrugs it right off. 
“No thank you,” he repeats the exact same thing he told her the last time. “I would like to keep our relationship strictly business.”
“Is your girlfriend back home jealous or something?” 
“Don’t bring my girlfriend into this.”
“So you do have a girlfriend.” Hana slightly chuckles, but Harry keeps a straight face still. “Don’t worry, I’m not flirting with you. Well—“ she suddenly pauses and tilts her head slightly to one side “—from now on.”
Harry wants to ask her what that’s supposed to mean, but before he’s got a chance, Hana shuts the door right in front of his face. 
“Y/N!” Layla shouts from the library entrance the moment she spots her friend. She ignores the grumpy librarian telling her to shush and just hurries toward the desk where Y/N’s sitting next to her new friend Ethan.
“Emergency!” She slams her hand down on the table in front of the startled pair, immediately gaining attention from everyone nearby and a warning dead glare from the librarian. Layla mumbles an apology then lowers her voice. “Niall’s coming to my fucking birthday party! So you’re going as well, no matter you like it or not!”
“Layla, I told you, pool parties just aren’t my thing.” Well, any kind of parties...
“I bet you said the same thing about Harry but now you’re fucking him.”
Y/N’s cheeks turn red as she looks down and Ethan just awkwardly rubs the back of his head. That’s when Layla finally notice his presence. 
“Who’s your new friend?”
“This is Ethan, the one I told you about. Ethan, this is Layla.”
“Oh the guy who saved you the other night!” Layla exclaims but Y/N gives her a look as a warning not to go too far with her jokes.
“Sweet Ethan, would you like to come to my party?” Layla bends over the table and rests her elbows on it, her chin on her knuckles, blinking her eyes teasingly at the confused guy. “Maybe Y/N would come if you do.”
Y/N opens her mouth to speak but Layla shuts her up right away. “You told me you didn’t want to be lonely there, so I got you someone, now you have to go.”
“You’re being manipulative, Layla.”
“Thanks.” Layla smirks before turning her attention back to the new boy. “I’ll leave you to think about it, but I’m counting on ya to convince her.”
“Layla—” Y/N sighs but her girl friend ignores that and just walks away from the desk without looking back. After Layla’s out of the library, Y/N turns back to Ethan and gives him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry about that, she can be a bit...overwhelming sometimes.”
“It’s okay.” Ethan chuckles. “If you want to go, I can go with you.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“I—” Y/N leaves her mouth open for two seconds as she tries to think of a better reason to avoid another social event. “I don’t think I’ll fit in. I...I tend to get anxious when I’m surrounded by many people I don’t know.”
“What about Layla?” Ethan raises an eyebrow at the girl whose eyes are on the text book in front of her. “Because she was practically begging for you to show up.”
“Layla—Well...I don’t know...I think she’s only hanging out with me because I help her with something, maybe she doesn’t actually like me.”
“So you’re afraid she’s only using you?”
“No...Uhm...Maybe? I honestly don’t know who to trust anymore, you won’t get it.”
Ethan lets out a slight laugh, then closes the novel in his hand and taps on the cover to get her attention.
“This is you,” he says, making her smile in confusion.
“A book?”
“A closed book!” Ethan raises a finger as he corrects her and Y/N immediately asks what he actually means by saying so. 
“You want people to know your story but you refuse to let them read you, because what if they don’t like you, right? What if they wrinkle the pages and tear the covers? So you stay on the shelf instead, watching other books get borrowed and become best sellers while wishing you were them.”
Y/N just stares at him with widened eyes. She’s not saying anything, not because she thinks he’s talking nonsense, but because the comparison is so spot on that it shocks her more than just a bit.
Ethan presses his lips to form a gentle smile as he continues, “Y/N, you want to make new friends, hang out with people like Layla, at the same time you hold yourself back because you think you’re too boring for anyone to like, which is wrong by the way. You’ve got to believe in yourself, love. How do you know you’re gonna fail if you don’t try?”
For that one second, Y/N swears she sees Harry in Ethan.
“Y/N,” he calls her name and she blinks a couple of times to snap back to reality.
“Yes Ha—uh Ethan?”
“I’ll go with you if you change your mind.” Ethan smiles at her, and she smiles back, before turning her eyes to the book under his palm. 
It’s 10PM and Harry’s still at the office, trying to finish proofreading these contracts and planning the executive’s meeting schedules for tomorrow. He’s not sure if it’s anything he said to Hana the last time he was at her door but she’s been a bit harsh on him ever since. She gave him extra tasks and didn’t try to talk to him like she normally would. It’s hard to admit but Harry kind of misses her constantly annoying him.
Ding. The notification on Harry’s phone gets his attention immediately. His girlfriend just sent him a new photo so he doesn’t hesitate to open the text. Harry almost chokes on air when he sees the photo of Y/N wearing a tight spaghetti-strap dress, which is so unlike her, and he doesn’t mean that in a bad way because she’s looking smoking hot. The message that goes with the photo is: Gonna be wearing this to Layla’s birthday :) x
Harry drops everything he’s doing to pick up the phone with both hands and types down a reply immediately: 
Is that a new dress???
No it’s Layla’s, she wanted me to wear it to her party. What do you think?
You look so sexy baby but I demand a photo with the dress off!
I’m on the bus!
I don’t mind getting you off in public ;) 
I hate you!
But I love you and I miss you and I’m horny and I need to touch you aaaaaah! I would fuck you while you’re in that dress, then again when you’re out of it.
A smirk displays on Harry’s face as he rubs his bottom lip with his forefinger, thinking about how red her face must be as she’s typing down a reply then deleting it because she’s embarrassed. She always gets so flushed and shy when he says stuff like that and that’s what turns him on. 
It takes a moment, but finally, her text arrives: 
I wish you were here.
Just by reading that one simple sentence, Harry almost wants to book a plane ticket and fly home with her instantly. He knew what he signed up for when he accepted the internship offer, he just didn’t think a long distance relationship would be this hard. 
Harry came to this foreign country on his own, not knowing anyone nor the language, then got an annoying neighbor who’s also his superior and probably hates him now. His first week in Japan has been wild. Nevertheless, none of those problems come close to the fact that she’s not here. The person he used to be would always manage to have fun no matter where he was or who he was with. The person he is now just can’t stop thinking about this one girl who’s got his whole heart in the palm of her hand. 
I’m getting off the bus now, text you later?
Have a great day baby :) I love you
I love you more :)
Harry reads her last text then tosses his head back and blows air through his mouth in frustration. Fuck. Now he hates everything, well, everything except for her. 
It’s getting late so Harry packs up to leave, the thought of Y/N has never left his mind. He turns the lights off then walks out of the office, assuming he’s the only one here, but apparently not. The lights in the meeting room are still on. 
He stops at the door to find Hana sitting alone by the desk, crying. She looks at him with her eyes all smudged then hastily wipes her tears away.
“What happened? Are you alright?” Harry asks in concern as he enters the room then stands in front of Hana on the other side of the desk.
“I’m fine. Don’t mind me,” replies the older girl while she’s staring at her lap. It seems like she expects him to walk away right after she told him so, which is why Hana is surprised to see him still standing there. 
“You know...” he begins. The corners of his mouth turn up when she finally holds his eye-contact. “I think it’s not too late for that city tour.”
Y/N arrives at Layla’s birthday party, with Ethan as her companion. At first she was having doubts about the dress. She thought it was too much and would get people to pay attention to her, which was the opposite of what she wanted. Even so she couldn’t wear something else because she had given Layla her word. 
“Don’t worry, you look great,” Ethan whispers into her ear when they spot Layla and her group drinking by the pool. The birthday girl is more than excited to see Y/N.
“You're here!” To Y/N’s surprise, Layla runs towards her and violently attacks her with a tight hug. 
“Layla, you’re drunk already!”
“A bit, yeah. I need alcohol to do this.” She nods quickly then turns to Ethan. “I can’t thank you enough for dragging her ass to my party!”
“You’re welcome,” he replies with a small smile then tells the girls he’ll go get drinks for Y/N and himself.
“Bye sweetie!” Layla drunkenly waves at Ethan as he walks away, then quickly turns back to Y/N, holding both of her arms, looking utterly frantic.
“I saw Niall but I can’t do it!”
“Yes, you can!” Y/N holds Layla’s face between her palms then looks straight into her green eyes. “You’re going to get your shit together, go find him, then tell him how you feel, just like we’ve discussed!”
“Okay, what if he says no?”
“How do you know you’re gonna fail if you don’t try?” Y/N repeats the same words Ethan said the other day. Layla quickly nods her head then pulls Y/N into another hug, this one lasts longer than the previous one.
“Thank you,” she mumbles before pulling away, holding Y/N’s shoulders firmly. “I’ll be right back, hopefully with good news!”
“Yes! You go girl!” Y/N flashes her a smile then watches the birthday girl flee away.
Everything has been going well for Y/N. She’s been laughing and dancing and chatting with Ethan and the others, and for the first time since Harry left she’s actually having a good time. She’s proud of herself, and she’s happy, but it’s been an hour already and Layla hasn’t come back with her good news. Y/N tries to not think too much about it, until she runs into Niall...and his date.
“Hey, Niall!” Y/N smiles at him but her eyebrows are furrowed as she’s confused by the other girl’s presence.
“Oh hey Y/N!” Niall replies cheerfully then grabs the brunette behind him by the hand, slightly pulling her to the front. “This is Harry’s girlfriend Y/N. Y/N, this is my girlfriend—”
Niall tells Y/N the girl’s name but Y/N can’t make out anything else after that word. Her eyes almost pop out of her head when she repeats it one more time in tone of a question. 
“Yeah, we just made it official yesterday.”
“Oh God...”
“What is it?”
“No nothing.” YN shakes her head in response to a puzzled Niall then asks him, “does Layla know?”
“Yeah, we ran into Layla, Liam, and Louis a moment ago.”
Y/N groans into the palms of her hands then turns to Ethan, telling him to give her a minute before excusing herself to leave quickly. As she pushes her way through the crowd, Y/N hears Niall calling after her asking what’s going on but she ignores him completely and steals two bottles of wine on her way.
If I was a birthday girl with a broken heart, where would I go? Y/N asks herself, though she’s already got the answer. That’s how she ends up here, in the toilets and finds Layla sobbing in one of the stalls.
“Layla?” Y/N slightly knocks on the door and receives a soft hum as a reply. “Hey, it’s Y/N, let me—”
The door swings open and Layla walks out before Y/N can even finish that sentence. 
“Are you okay?” Y/N’s question comes out almost as a whisper. This is the first time she’s ever seen Layla cry.
“I haven’t told him. He brought her here, they’re dating,” the poor girl breaks the news to Y/N, whose face scrunches up immediately. She can relate to how Layla’s feeling right now in a way, because before her Harry’s been with plenty of other girls. However she guesses this is different, Harry was just fooling around with those girls whereas Niall’s actually in a relationship now.
Y/N sighs then raises the two wine bottles in the air, making Layla turn away from the mirror to look at her with a broken smile. “I don’t normally drink but if you want to get wasted, let’s do it.”
“Harry’s taught you well,” Layla jokes as she accepts one bottle from the girl without hesitation. She’s never said no to alcohol, and right now, she thinks she needs it more than ever.
The night ends with Layla dragging Y/N’s body from the lift, all the way to the flat she shares with Harry then to her bed. 
“Be carefully!” Layla shouts, but it’s already too late.
Y/N knocks over the lamp on her nightstand as both of them fall down onto her bed. Layla groans in pain while Y/N is just laughing hysterically for no reason. Layla leaves Y/N lying on her back and sits up on the edge, staring down at her tipsy friend.
“Next time don’t drink more than you can, you idiot,” Layla speaks under her breath but she can’t hide the smile on her face. 
The silence in the room is torn down by Y/N’s ringtone. While Y/N’s groaning and giggling like a madwoman, Layla reaches for the phone and finds the screen light up with Harry’s name on it.
“Your boyfriend’s calling.”
“My boyfriend?!” 
Y/N immediately gets up on her knees on the bed and yanks the phone away from Layla’s hand to answer it herself. Just before she can say hello, Harry’s already the first to speak.
“Y/N, are you home yet? I tried to call you but you had your phone turned off!”
“Baby! Baby! I just drank a lot of wine! A whole lot! Now I’m feeling great!!!” she happily tells him, sitting down with her legs crossed and her free hand holding one foot. 
“Jesus you sound hella drunk. Are you home yet?”
“Yessssssss! Ethan drove me home!”
“Who’s Ethan?”
Layla almost chokes on air and she immediately grabs the phone away from Y/N before the drunk girl says something stupid that’d make Harry explode.
“It’s fine, I came home with her,” she assures Harry, receiving a pout from Y/N whose conversation with her boyfriend was rudely interrupted.
“Layla? You two are at our flat right?”
“Yes, we’re safe, calm your tits Styles.” Layla giggles, yet Harry doesn’t sound like he’s more at ease.
“Who the fuck is Ethan?”
“Oh he’s just Y/N’s new friend.”
“Why hasn’t anyone told me about this new friend?”
“Give me back my Harry!” Y/N attempts to take the phone, so Layla pushes her back down on the bed and stands up to continue the conversation.
“Don’t worry, he’s just a friend. He actually saved your girl a few nights ago.”
“Again, what the fuck?!”
“She was walking home alone and some guy followed her but Ethan showed up just in time. He took her home.” Layla grins. The truth is she finds jealous Harry quite entertaining. If Y/N wasn’t drunk she would’ve stopped her from doing this. However, since Y/N is drunk, Layla cannot pass this opportunity.
“Okay, so my girlfriend was in danger and nobody wanted to tell me?”
“If we’d told you, you would’ve bought a fucking plane ticket and showed up here the next morning. Relax, he’s a nice guy.” Layla almost mentions him flirting with Y/N but then she thinks again and decides not to. Harry would probably fly all the way back just to murder that poor guy.
“I trust Y/N but I don’t trust him. Do you know how easy it is for people to like Y/N once they’ve got to know her?”
“I’m starting to,” says Layla as she gives Y/N a smile and receives one back in return though Y/N has no idea what’s going on.
“Did you get my happy birthday text though?”
“Yes, it’s nice. Thank you.”
There’s a long pause on Harry’s side before he asks Layla another question, “Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“Like, why I’m being nice to Y/N?”
“No. I mean...sure, I want to know the reason for that, but I feel like what you actually want to tell me has nothing to do with Y/N.”
“Nope. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Layla sticks out her bottom lip and shrugs as she denies to tell the truth. However, for a second there, she did consider.
“I hope you’re okay.”
Layla stays quiet. She doesn’t want to ask what he means by saying that, at the same time, Harry doesn’t push her to give him a confirmation.
“Could you put me back on the phone with Y/N?” he asks, and Layla does as she’s told, telling Y/N she’ll be right back then leaves the room.
“Baby, ya there?”
“I’m here!” 
Harry sighs happily when he hears his girlfriend’s voice again. 
“Harry come home, I miss you.”
“If I could right now, you know I would. How are you love?”
“Uhm...a bit dizzy...I threw up on the way back. Ethan and Layla helped me from falling down the stairs!”
Ugh fucking Ethan, Harry thinks to himself, but he keeps his calm while speaking to her.
“Baby, does Ethan know about me?”
“Yes, he was flirting with me and—” 
“He was what now?”
“Don’t you worry, I told him I’d got a boyfriend!” Y/N giggles and Harry feels a bit relieved.
“I didn’t tell him you weren’t in London though, he figured it out by himself! He said if I had a boyfriend and still had to walk home alone, my boyfriend were either and asshole or not living near me, and he didn’t think I would’ve dated an asshole so he assumed it was the later!”
Harry sighs, clearly not okay with the thought of another guy looking after his girlfriend because he could not. Moreover, he’s angry, not at Y/N, not at Ethan (well maybe yes at Ethan, for flirting with his girl), but (mostly) at himself for not being there for her. 
“Y/N, are you still there?”
“I’m hereeee!”
“Baby, next time you can’t walk home alone at night, okay? It’s not safe. If you have to, just call Niall or any of my friends to come with you.” Definitely not Ethan for sure. “Just don’t put yourself in danger, I’ll be very worried.”
“Yes sir!”
“Good girl, now I’m going to hang up so you can sleep, yeah?”
“Okaaaaaay...do you love me though?”
“I do,” he answers without pause. “More than anything.”
“I love you this much!” She swings her arms open wide to illustrate the amount of love she has for him. He can imagine her doing so from the other side of the world, and it makes him truly happy.
“I can’t see you but I guess it means you love me a lot?”
“I do love you a lot.” Y/N lays her head down on the pillow, shutting her eyes but the beam stays on her face when her thumb starts rubbing his promise ring. Even though she’s not in her clear mind, she’s still sane when it comes to him.
“Let’s get married someday,” she suggests out of the blue. It doesn’t matter to him if she really means it or it’s just the alcohol talking, just hearing her say that sends him over the fucking moon.
“Of course love, whenever you’d like,” he speaks in a heavy whispery tone which calms her and sends her closer to sleep. “Good night, angel.”
“Good night, baby,” she mumbles before ending the call. 
When Layla returns with a glass of water and some clothes for Y/N to change, she finds her friend already asleep in bed, the phone’s still in her hand.
Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Harry opens his text messages and sends a quick one to his best friend Niall after ending the call with Y/N.
Layla’s safe. She’s with Y/N.
It doesn’t take longer than one second for Niall to reply: Thanks mate x.
Harry sighs after reading that, then tosses his phone aside on the sofa. 
His girl is safe and sound now, but he's burning with anxiety, and it’d be a lie to say this has nothing to do with this new friend of hers named Ethan. Harry's aware that he’s jealous too often but he always has a good reason for it. His guts feelings are never wrong because he knows Y/N’s effects on people. It’s hard to not fall for someone like her if one gets to know her enough. Now it troubles him more knowing they stay friends after Ethan tried flirting with Y/N.
From Harry’s experience, if he approached a hot girl and she told him she was taken he would stay as far away as possible. You can’t just stop being physically attracted to someone just right after you find out they’re not single. One way or another, sooner or later, Ethan is going to make a move. What Harry’s afraid of isn’t Y/N cheating on him, but her leaving him to be with someone she believes can treat her better. These thoughts (or the lack of sleep) make his head hurt.
Harry turns his head to his bedroom door and sees Hana standing there in his t-shirt which is too big for her delicate frame so it looks like a dress.
“Sleep well?” he asks, yet she ignores his concern.
“Did we—”
“No!” Harry shakes his head quickly. “You showed me around the city then we went to this pub and you got super drunk so I took you back. We couldn’t find your key that’s why I let you stay here.”
“Did you change my clothes?”
“No. I gave you my shirt and then left so you could do it yourself, don’t worry.”
“Okay…” Hana sighs while putting one hand on the top of her head. “And did I overshare anything when I was drunk?”
“Nope, or you did spill all of your secrets but since you were shouting at me in Japanese, I didn’t understand.”
What he said makes Hana giggle and he ends up laughing as well.
“But do you want to talk about why you were crying?”
“No,” Hana answers quickly then turns away to leave. Harry doesn’t try to stop her and beg for the truth because he respects her not wanting to share it with him. However, something makes the girl come back to the door.
“Oh Harry?”
“Thank you for not leaving me alone last night.”
“Oh…” His mouth forms a circle and he’s frozen for a second or two when she sends him a soft smile. “Okay…No problem.”
Y/N wakes up the next morning with a terrible headache. Her memory after finishing half a bottle last night is now very blurry. However, she still remembers getting into Ethan’s car with Layla then Layla helping her into bed and part of her phone call with Harry. If her brain isn’t wrong she might have told him about Ethan, she thinks. It’s just she cannot remember his reaction.
It takes Y/N a couple seconds later to realize she’s not alone in bed. Layla’s still asleep next to her. Just like Y/N, the poor girl is still in her party dress from last night, apparently too exhausted to even get changed before dozing off.
Y/N grabs her phone to check the time and happens to see a new message from Harry.
Good morning love! Call me when you wake up! Drink lots of water and don’t skip breakfast! I love you :)
She smiles and hurriedly types down a reply.
Got it :) Love you, hope you’ve had a great day! Can’t wait to tell you about my crazy night with Layla!
She means to put her phone away after pressing ‘send’, but then comes another text, it’s just not from Harry. This time it’s Ethan’s.
Good morning! Does it feel nice to finally get off the shelf? ;)
The message makes Y/N snort. She turns to look at Layla, who’s mumbling in her sleep something that makes no sense at all. Well, Y/N thinks while grinning to herself. Maybe someone does like her story after all.
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