#i hope your opinions are positive about mustard. i love mustard. i carry sachets of mustard with me everywhere i go.
sciderman ยท 29 days
growing up I always got made fun of for what I ate in school. it did kind of fuck with me a little now that I think back on it. one of the first times I remember cussing at someone as a child was over her being mean to me because I liked the food I liked. I ended up going to the principal for telling some girl to fuck off at like age 6-7 about mustard.
do what u do and tell ppl to fuck off! it worked for me! trust ur gut!
hey man it doesn't bug me really when people think i'm weird for liking the things i do. i always kind of wanted to be different. heck, i changed my legal name at age 13 because it was too common and i hated it because i'm UNIQUE baby. so i changed my name to sci at age 13, and cut all my hair. i wasn't scared of being weird, not ever. i'm cool. i'm quirky. i'm different.
me i thought i was cooler than the other kids because i had a CULTURED palette and my favourite food as a kid was this really spicy spinach dish from our favourite indian restaurant. that was the highlight of my week. i looked forward to it every weekend it was my FAVOURITE thing to eat ever. pizza?? candy?? cakes?? chicken nuggets?? you keep that, i loved my spinach. i loved spicy food since i was a baby and i loved my greens so so much. i loved anything green. i'm still inclined to love anything green.
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